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IMPORTANT OF COMMUNICATION Communication is really the one, most important aspect of any relation.

The main purpose of any communication is to be understood and effective. To achieve these objectives we must ensure that all communications must be accurate, brief and clear. Communication allows a process to take place. The sender sends a message through a medium. The receiver receives it, processes it and then gives a feedback which complete the communication progress. Without this process be no information despatched and hence no work done. 1. Clarity of ideas When one communicates with another in a business scenario, it is important to understand that the message has to be conveyed in such a way that there is a complete clarity in what is being said. The message should be so clear that all doubts and vague and unclear thoughts will be dispelled. The communication process also allows for the person who has received the message to give a feedback and therefore the communication format achieves a 360 degree solution. 2. Conciseness Conciseness means putting your message across in few words as possible. Conciseness is a necessity for effective communication. Concise communication both time saving as well as cost saving. It underlines and highlight the main message as it avoids using excessive and needless words. Concise message is more appealing and comprehensible to the audience and concise message is non-repetitive in nature. 3. Courtesy Courtesy means considering the readers interests and feelings. The sender at the message should be sincerely polite, judicious, reflective and enthusiastic. Courteous message is positive and focused at the audience and it is not at all biased. 4. Completeness Completeness means presenting all the facts and leaving no questions unanswered. The communication must be complete. It must includes dates, times, names and numbers. Must make sure double check all details carefully and also proof read as well as spell check. 5. Correctness Correctness means structuring your language properly. Correctness in communication implies that there are no grammatical errors in communications. The message is exact, correct and well-timed. If the communication is correct, its boosts up the confidence level. Correct message has greater impact on the audience or readers.

6. Cross-cultural communication The important of business cannot be ignored in todays global business environment. Technological advances have made the world a smaller place and turned cross-cultural communication into an important dimension of any business. So its best to learn something about the different ethnic groups that you may want to communication with. This is because nuances can make a big difference to the way that people perceive your message. We should look to avoid stereotyping and be open to new ideas on how best to communicate with various group of people.

Effective Listening
Every business consists of a variety of communication activities such as listening, speaking, questioning, gathering and participating in small work groups. The listening skill is one of the most important aspects of communication process. It helps to understand and read the other person's message.

1. Hearing This is a physiological process. It is a passive activity requiring no conscious effort. It refers to the response cause by sound waves, stimulating the sensory receptors of the ear. It is physical response, hearing is perception of sound waves. You must hear to listen, but you need not listen to hear. Perception necessary for listening depends on attention. 2. Filtering Brain screens stimuli and permits only a select few to come into focus. This selective perception is known as attention. An important requirement for effective listening. 3. Interpreting The message is interpreted by assigning meaning to the stimuli. To understand symbols, we have seen and heard, we must analyse the meaning of the stimuli we have perceived for successful interpersonal communication, the listener must understood the intended meaning and the context assumed by the sender. 4. Responding Responding requires that the receiver complete process through verbal and/or nonverbal feedback. The speaker has no other way to determine if a message has been received. This stage becomes the only overt means by which the sender may determine the degree of success in transmitting the message. 5. Remembering It is important listening process because it means that an individual has not only received and interpreted a message but has also added it to the minds storage bank. But just as our attention is selective, so too is our memory. What is remembered may be quite different from what was originally seen or heard.

Don't Interrupt

Do not interrupt to interject your own story, opinion, or thought when talking to someone. Not only does this lead to the potential of the conversation becoming offtrack, it also shows that you only care about what you have to say. Save questions or statements for after the other person has finished.

Truly Listen

Stop planning your next move. To truly listen to someone, you have to hear everything they say. When you start thinking about how you will respond to something a person says, you are not hearing the rest of what he has to say.

Body Language

Body language is one of the most important ways that we communicate with someone. You want to appear confident, but not cocky. Eye contact is important, but do not stare down the person. Do not slouch, but do not stand rigid, either. A natural and relaxed posture works best. Try not to cross your arms because it conveys anger or resentment.

Ask Questions

Many people hesitate to ask questions because they are afraid of looking less intelligent, but asking for clarification is one of the most important things we can do as communicators. Asking someone to restate something they have said can help avoid misunderstandings or misinformation. Always ask for clarification if you are unclear about something.

Restate What You've Heard

Restate what you have heard. This step ties in well with asking questions. If you have asked a question but still are not 100 percent sure what the person is saying, tell him what you hear. The Institute of Management Excellence tells us that statement such as "To my understanding..." and "What I'm hearing..." are great beginners. The person to whom you are speaking either will agree or to correct anything you may have misunderstood.

Don't Get Angry

Humans have emotions and sometimes those emotions run high, but do your best to control anger. If someone says something that angers you, breathe deeply and count to 10 before you respond. Doing so will help you to respond calmly, which will encourage the other person to respond calmly.

Choose Your Words

Use "I feel" statements, especially if the conversation is heated or has the potential to become so. Saying "I feel" and explaining what you are feeling conveys emotion. Saying "You always" and other "You" statements can make the other person feel as if you are being accusatory and tends to put the other person on the defensive.

Avoid Distractions

Have your conversations in a quiet room without TV, radio, or other noisy distractions. If you have a cell phone, turn off the ringer. Give your conversation partner your undivided attention.

Honesty is Key

A true conversation cannot be had if someone is dishonest. Explain how you really feel. If something is not OK with you, don't pretend that it is. Holding in feelings only affects you emotionally and may lead you to eventually resent someone or something.

Remove Barriers

Move away from your desk and sit beside one another. Turn towards your conversation partner. Hiding behind a desk or a table or distancing yourself by sitting across the room subconsciously tells the other person that you are defensive, have something to hide, or do not care what he has to say.


To :

All staff

From: Jannet Date: 12 October 2013

EMPLOYEE COMMUTE OPTIONS SURVEY We are conducting a commuting survey this week among all employees. The purpose of the survey is to discover what methods we currently use to commute and what alternative methods are of most interest.

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