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Lesson Plan School: coala Gimnazial Nr.

13 Teacher: Mazuch Blanka Class: 3rd C Date: 19th September Duration: 50 minutes Year of study: 1st Number of classes/Week: 2 Skills: speaking, writing, listening Lesson: lesson of revision Objectives: O1 To revise the toys; O2 To practice the pronunciation of the words related to toys; O3 To associate the images of the toys with the appropriate words; O4 To revise the school objects; O5 To practice the pronunciation of the words related to school objects; O6 To associate the images of the school objects with the appropriate words. Vocabulary: words related to toys and school objects Techniques: conversation, elicitation, explanation Classroom management: frontal, individual Materials: whiteboard, marker, CD player, textbook

Lesson stage Warm up

Ob. Activities - T greets students. - T asks questions: Who is absent today? How are you today? Are you ready for the lesson? - Students answer. -Teacher checks up students homework by asking a few students to read it and by looking into the notebooks. -The teacher writes on the whiteboard the title of the lesson telling the students what the lesson will be about. -The teacher asks students some questions: Can you tell me some toys you play with? The teacher chooses some students to answer the question. -The teacher tells students that she will introduce them three friends that will help them learn English and that their names are Alex, Sally and Polly. The teacher asks students what is Alex, Polly and Sally. Students are expected to answer that Alex is a boy, Sally is a girl and Polly is a parrot. -The teacher plays the recording with the toys from page 2. Students are asked Students are asked to listen carefully and then to repeat each word (kite, doll, ball, car and teddy bear). -After pronouncing them, teacher asks some students from the class: What is it? Students answer: It is a .(kite/ball/doll etc.). -Teacher asks students to draw these toys in their notebooks and then to write them. -The teacher plays the recording with the school objects from page 3. Students are asked to listen carefully and then repeat each word (book, ruler, rubber, pencil). -After pronouncing them, teacher asks some students from the class: What is it? Students answer: It is a .( book/ruler/rubber etc.).

Techniques Conversation

Means of instruction

Types of interaction Frontal

Time 3

Checking up homework Introducing the new lesson 01 New lesson

3 Explanation, conversation Whiteboard Frontal 4

Elicitation, conversation

CD player, Textbook, notebooks


01, 02

4 6 8 4 4 8

03 04 05

06 Evaluation and home assignment

- Teacher asks students to draw these toys in their notebooks and then to write them. - The students are evaluated orally throughout the whole lesson Explanation and the students who are active are given points. The assignment is to draw the school objects they have and to write them.


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