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Asociacion de Artesnas de Arbolsol y Huaca de Barro del distrito de Mrrope Nominee is best described as:

Community-based organization

1: Initiative description and innovations Provide a description of the initiative (i.e. its purpose, activities, and achievements). Identify the main social and environmental issues addressed by the initiative and describe what innovative approaches are being taken to address them. Describe how these innovations may be applicable to other communities efforts to r educe poverty and conserve biodiversity. Nominators Entry: The association seeks to recover the native natural-color cotton in danger of extinction and conserve the fabric of a waist loom, both inherited from their ancestors the Mochicas. The group wants to create activities that translate into development alternatives for their families. Working with UNDP, they developed a native-cotton conservation effort, approved in 2003, which is currently undergoing its second development stage after being regarded as a successful project in its first phase. With FOMRENA, they are able to improve in certain parcels the native cotton irrigation system, as well as water supply for human consumption (water is a limited resource in the area). They have developed management techniques and agro-ecological pest control in cotton and other crops; they also prepare organic fertilizers for use in their plots and for sale, enabling them to preserve the environment and generate income for their families. They have developed manuals skills and handicrafts using area resources like mate, to also sell them at fairs and in a local workshop; they continue to build up their institution and have created a dance they perform in regional events. 2: Poverty Reduction How has the initiative improved the socio-economic conditions and well-being of the community? Describe how these livelihood improvements are linked to the initiatives efforts to conserve biodiversity. If possible, please quantify these improvements. Nominators Entry: The women have created crafts which they sell in fairs, along with organic fertilizer. They have also developed a credit system for the materials used to make crafts, which is returned when their products are sold. With improved water wells, previously open-pits that collapsed from time to time, families have incorporated into their practice food crops such as vegetables that enrich their diet, while also planting in small grassland areas that allow them to raise small animals. Similarly, the quality of the water they consume is much better because it is no longer contaminated with plant residues. 3: Biodiversity Impacts How has the initiative contributed to the conservation or sustainable use of biodiversity or to the fair and equitable sharing of the benefits from biodiversity and/or genetic resources? Describe how these conservation efforts are linked to improved socio-economic conditions. If possible, please quantify these contributions. Nominators Entry: The women have recovered five of the natural colors of native cotton: white, brown, red, [illegible] and are spreading this genetic material into other hamlets of the area. Each artisan grows between 100m2 and

500m2 hectare of cotton, with a yield of 12 quintals per hectare. The fiber is spun and woven into waist looms making beautiful garments and handicrafts that are sold in local or regional fairs attended by the artisans. Crafts are also sold at their local workshop in the hamlet and to institutions interested in such crafts, which generate income for their families. In lesser quantities, they also sell fiber yarn to other artisans who weave garments with native cotton but do not have the raw material. Seeds are used to feed sheep and goats and selected seeds are sold as genetic material to duplicate the harvest in other plots. By using ecological techniques for pest control, they are conserving the entomological wildlife that abounds in their land. 4: Partnership For each partner organization, describe the nature of the partnership, its origins, and how the partnership has contributed to the success of the initiative. Nominators Entry: During the 1970s, our country banned planting native cotton. Crops were burned as it was believed they hosted pests that attacked the commercial cotton. At present, regional authorities are working to repeal this law which still banns planting native cotton. Our job is being duplicated at the district level in Mrrope and in other villages that have joined our experience (2 hamlets). 5: Sustainability Describe the operational sustainability of the initiative. When did this initiative begin? What are the key social, institutional, financial, and ecological elements that make this initiative sustainable? Describe any plans for expansion of the initiative. Nominators Entry: The Artisans Association of Arbolsol and Huaca de Barro of the Mrrope District is a women's organization that started in 2003, led by Ms Encarnacion Bances, first president. Its a group of artisans that plants native cotton, weaves it and crates waist loom-style garments. Within the limited area they had to sow crops, they harvested native cotton, starting the planting season during a drought, and so using disposable containers filled with water to bring, drop by drop, water to their plants. These women take time of their heavy loads of running a household, farming and raising animals, to meet in weekly workshops and learn how to make handicrafts. Their hands, adapted to the machete for cutting, firewood for cooking, the sickle that cut grass to feed livestock, and harvesting, are trained to spin cotton and create handicrafts under the light of a candle or a lamp. This has enabled them to find a place in their district and set an example for the population as a group that started out of its own initiative. 6: Gender and Social Inclusion Describe how the initiative has facilitated gender equity and the inclusion of marginalized groups in its approach to biodiversity conservation and poverty reduction. Nominators Entry: This initiative started in 2003. The association has fulfilled their work as a grassroots organization within the district of Mrrope. The artisans have succeeded in establishing alliances with other NGOs like GIES so they can sell their products in market-like centers. The organization is part of another more extensive group APEPROECO, which includes organizations that work to achieve community welfare, identify markets and sell products produced by each organization. 7: Leadership and Community Empowerment Describe how the initiative has built the leadership capacity of the community. For example, has the initiative been able to successfully impact policy at the local, national, regional, or international level?

Has the initiative resulted in the creation, recognition, or sustainable management of a communityconserved or similar protected area? Nominators Entry: Initially, the work was conceptualized to involve women only. Then the vision became more inclusive since the agricultural work involves the entire family: parents and children, which were incorporated into the work as workshops on harvesting were conducted, given that many of the techniques taught could also be applied to harvest the families crops. The preparation of compost increased the participation of the head of household since they saw great savings advantages to preparing worm compost to use in their crops, replacing the urea, and realized they could also sell the quintal by 20 new Soles. 8: To Be Considered for the Conservation of Agricultural Biodiversity Category: Describe how the initiative has contributed to the conservation of culturally important crop varieties or livestock breeds; the conservation of species that support agriculture (such as pollinators); and/or the conservation of wild plant or animal species and their habitats in agricultural landscapes. Nominators Entry: The association planned its work to conserve biological diversity, by recovering a crop that was extinguished, the native cotton, and recover five of the nearly 14 colors of native cotton that our ancestor cultivated. Additionally, by not using insecticides, we conserve the entomology of crops such as pollinators and biological controllers. 9: To Be Considered for the Adaptation to Climate Change Category Nominators Entry: The district Mrorpe, located on the north coast of the country, has been affected by long periods of drought; agricultural soils in the area are increasingly becoming saline, and, year after year, this has caused a decline in the areas where food crops can be cultivated, a worrisome situation since agriculture is one of the main sources of livelihood for the population. The artisans have introduced native cotton as an alternative crop, tolerant of water-shortage and salinity, and, on the other hand, the agro-ecologic management of the crop determines that the cost may be greater that commercial cotton trade. Taking this into account, the region is re-evaluating native cotton and giving greater importance to its cultivation, taking the initiative of the artisans group as an example to start similar projects. Other Information (optional) Is there anything else of importance you wish to convey about the initiative? Nominators Entry: This initiative is an example being duplicated elsewhere in the region. This group works only with support from UNDPs Small Grants Program, it has successfully established contacts and support from the district council, state organizations and few organizations such as SENASA that oversees the cotton fields to assess possible pest attacks which may affect other trade crops, and sometimes offers trainings. The association has its own dance which demonstrates, step by step, the process of transforming cotton fiber into a piece of craft. This upcoming month, the group will perform for the president, who will be visiting the village.

Nominator Self

Contact Info Name of group or organization being nominated : Asociacion de Artesnas de Arbolsol y Huaca de Barro del distrito de Mrrope Telephone : 074979580176 Language: Spanish Street Address : Jiron Danubio, 129 P.J. San Nicols Chiclayo- Lambayeque Street Address:Caero El Arbolsol S/N Mrrope - Lambayeque City : Lambayeque Province or State : Chiclayo Postal Code : 001 Country : Peru - 170 Contact 1 Name : Ing. Magdalna Puican Chinguel Contact 1 Email Address: Contact 1 Telephone : 074979580176 Contact 2 Name : HUmberto Llauce Morales Contact 2 Email Address: Contact 2 Telephone : 074979678068 Contact 3 Name : Damis Zegarra GOnza Contact 3 Email Address: Contact 3 Telephone : 073969086814 Nominee Partners Partner 1 Organization : Asociacion de Artesanas de Arbolsol y HUca de Barro del Distrito de Morrope Telephone : 074979580176 First Name : Maria Encarnacion Last Name : Bances Bamces Position or Title : Asesora Partner 2 Organization : Asociacion de Arytesanas de Arbolsol y Huaca de Barro del distrito de morrope First Name : Josefa Last Name : Acosta Merino Position or Title : socia Partner 3 Organization : Asociacion de <Artesanas de Arbolsol y huaca de Barro First Name : Maxima

Last Name : Llontop Bances Position or Title : tesorera Partner 4 Organization : Asociacion de Artesanas de Arbolsol y Huaca de Barro del Distrito de Morroepe First Name : Yolanda Last Name : Contreras Avalos Position or Title : sociao Partner 5 Organization : Asociacion de Artesanas de Arbolsol y Hucac de Barro First Name : Mara Last Name : Zea Cajusol Position or Title : vixcepresidenta Partner 6 Organization : Asoxciacion de artesanas de Arbolsol y Huaca de Barro del distrito de mrrope First Name : Rosalia Last Name : Farroan tejada Position or Title : socia Email Address :

Partner 7 Organization : Asopcaicion de Artesanas de Arbolsol y Huaca de Barro First Name : Barbarita Last Name : Santanaria Santamaria Position or Title : Presidenta Partner 8 Organization : Asociacion de Artesanas de Arbolsol y Huaca de Barro del <Distrito de Mrrope First Name : Cristina Last Name : Suclupe valdsera Position or Title : soxcia Partner 9

Organization : Asociacion de Artesnaas de Arbolsol y Huaca de Barro del distrito de morrope First Name : Petronila Last Name : Valdera Suclupe Position or Title : socia Partner 10 Organization : Asociacion de Artesanas de Arbolsol y Huaca de Barro del distrito de Mrrope First Name : Balvina Last Name : Sandovsal Bances Nominee Reference 1 Organization : Programa de Pequeas Donaciones del PNUD Telephone : 012133200 Street Address : Av. Benavides 786 Street Address: Miraflores City : Lima Province or State : Lima Postal Code : 001 Country : Peru First Name : Emilia Last Name : Bustamante Guerra Position or Title : Coordinadora Nacional Email Address :, Emilia.Bus

Nominee Reference 2 Organization : sociacin de Vivientes del Casero Chutuque Telephone : 073969086814 Language: Spanish Street Address : Manzana G Lote 14 Street Address: Urb. Enace II ETapa City : Piura Province or State : Piura Postal Code : 001 Country : Peru First Name : Damis Floricelda

Last Name : Zegarra Gonza Position or Title : Asesora Email Address :

Nominators Entry Nominee is best decribed as:

Community-based organization

1: Initiative description and innovations Provide a description of the initiative (i.e. its purpose, activities, and achievements). Identify the main social and environmental issues addressed by the initiative and describe what innovative approaches are being taken to address them. Describe how these innovations may be applicable to other communities efforts to reduce poverty and conserve biodiversity. Nominators Entry: La asociacin se organiza para recuperar el algodn nativo de colores naturales que se estaba extinguiendo,as como conservar el tejido en de telar de cintura,ambos heredados de sus antepasados los mochicas. Las asociadas buscan desarrollar experiencias que se traduzcan en una alternativa de desarrollo para sus familias. Gestionaron ante el PNUD un proyecto de conservacin del algodn nativo, aprobado en el 2003, actualmente desarrollan una II Etapa luego de haber sido considerado como un Proyecto Exitoso en su I Fase. Con el FOMRENA mejoran en ciertas parcelas de algodn nativo el sistena de riego, as como el abastecimiento de agua para el consumo humano ( el agua es un recurso limitante en la zona) Han desarrollado tcnicas de manejo agroecolgico y control de plagas en el algodn y otros cultivos, as mismo preparan abonos orgnicos que los usan en sus parcelas y lo comenrcializan, conservando el medio ambiente y generando ingresos econmicos a las familias. Han desarrolado sus aptitudes manuales y elaboran artesanas utilizando los recursos de la zona como el mate y las venden en ferias y en un taller implementado en su zona; estan fortaleciendo su institucin y han creado una danza que las representa en eventos a nivel regional

2: Poverty Reduction How has the initiative improved the socio-economic conditions and well-being of the community? Describe how these livelihood improvements are linked to the initiatives efforts to conserve biodiversity. If possible, please quantify these improvements. Nominators Entry: Las mujeres han creado artesanias que las venden en ferias, adems de abonos orgnicos. Han creado un sistema de credito de materiales para la confeccion de artesanias que los ofrecen entre sus asociadas que es devuelto cuando venden sus productos. Con el mejoramiento de los pozos de agua, anteriormente eran pozos a tajo abierto que se derrumbaban cada cierto tiempo- las familias han incorporado en sus sitema productivo cultivos alimentiicos como hortalizas que enriquecen la dieta alimenticia, por otro lado se

siembra pequeas areas de pastos que permiten la crianza de animales menores As mismo la calidad del agua que consumen es mucho mejor pues sta ya no se contamina con rsiduos vegetales.

3: Biodiversity Impacts How has the initiative contributed to the conservation or sustainable use of biodiversity or to the fair and equitable sharing of the benefits from biodiversity and/or genetic resources? Describe how these conservation efforts are linked to improved socio-economic conditions. If possible, please quantify these contributions. Nominators Entry: Las mujeres han recuperado cinco coloresnaturales de algodn nativo: blanco, pardo, colorado, fifo uyco y estan dispersando este material gentico hacia otros caseros del lugar. Cada artesana cultiva entre 100m2 y 500m2 de hectarea de algodn y con un rendimiento de 12 quintales por hectrea. La fibra es hilada y tejida en telar de cintura conviertiendola en hermosas prendas o artesanas que las venden en ferias locales o regionales a las cuales asisten las atesanas, se vende adems en el taller que tienen en un casero y a instituciones que solicitan los productos de eta manera se generan ingresos econmicos para las familias. En menor cantidad venden la fibra hilada a otras artesanas que tejen prendas con algodn nativo , pero que no cuenta con la materia prima La semilla la usan para alimentar al ganado ovino, caprino y la semilla seleccionada la venden como material gentico para ser mnultiplicado en otra parcelas. Al usar tcnicas ecolgicas para el control de plagas estan conservando la fauna entomolgica que abunda en las parcelas.

4: Partnership For each partner organization, describe the nature of the partnership, its origins, and how the partnership has contributed to the success of the initiative. Nominators Entry: Por los aos de 1970 aproximadamente, en nuestro pas se prohibi la siembra del cultivo de algodn nativo , llegandose a quemar las plantas de ste cultivo, con la versin que este cultivo era hospedero de plagas que atacaban ala algodn comercial. En la actualidad las autoridades regionales estan gestionando la derogacin de esta ley que no permite la siembra de este algodn. Nuestro trabajo se esta replicando a nivel del distrito de Mrrope en otros caseros que se han adherido a nuestra experiencia. ( 2 caseros)

5: Sustainability Describe the operational sustainability of the initiative. When did this initiative begin? What are the key social, institutional, financial, and ecological elements that make this initiative sustainable? Describe any plans for expansion of the initiative. Nominators Entry: Asociacion de Artesanas de Arbolsol y Huaca de Barro del Distrito de mrrope. Es una organizacin de mujeres que se inici en el ao l 2003, encaminadas por la Sra Encarnacin Bances , primera presidenta. Es un grupo de atesanas que siembran el agodon nativo, lo hilan y confeccionan prendas en telar de cintura. En la poca rea que tenan para sembrar sus cultivos dieron un lugar al algodn nativo, iniciando la siembra en poca de sequa stiendolas con envases descartables que los llenaban de agua y hacan llegar este recurso gota por gota a sus plantas. Estas mujeres dan un espacio dentro de su recargada tarea de conducir el hogar, la chacra y criar los animales para reunirse semanalmente en un taller y aprender a confeccionar artesanas. Sus manos adaptadas al machete que corta la lea para cocinar,a la hoz que corta la hieba para el ganado o a la cosecha son adiestradas a hilar su algodn y elaborar artesanas bajo la luz

de una vela o un lamparn, esto ha hecho posible que hayan logrado un lugar en su distrito y ser consideradas como un grupo de iniciativa propia ejemplo de la poblacin.

6: Gender and Social Inclusion Describe how the initiative has facilitated gender equity and the inclusion of marginalized groups in its approach to biodiversity conservation and poverty reduction. Nominators Entry: Esta iniciativa empieza desde el ao 2003, La asociacin viene cumpliendo su labor como organizacin de base en el interior del distrito de Mrrope. Las artesanas han logrado establecer alianzas con otras organizaciones no gubernamentales como GIES para vender sus productos en centros de venta, As mismo la organizacin es parte de otra mucho mas amplia APEPROECO que incluye a organizaciones que trabajan para logar el bienestar en comun, identificar un mercado y vender los productos que elabora cada organizacion.

7: Leadership and Community Empowerment Describe how the initiative has built the leadership capacity of the community. For example, has the initiative been able to successfully impact policy at the local, national, regional, or international level? Has the initiative resulted in the creation, recognition, or sustainable management of a communityconserved or similar protected area? Nominators Entry: Inicialmente el trabajo se conceptualiz como algo que involucraba netamente a las mujeres, posteriormente la visin era mucho mas amplia ya que en las labores agrcolas participa la familia completa: padres e hijos, los que se fueron incorporando al trabajo al iniciarse las capacitaciopnes en manejo de cultivo, pues estas tcicas tabien se aplicaban a los dems cultivos que la familia siembra. Con la preparacin del humus la participacin del jefe de familia fue mucho mas amplia pues vi la gran ventaja en trminos de ahorro que le ofreca el preparar el humus de lombriz y utilizarlo en sus cultivos sustituyendo a la rea, adems que podan vender el quintal a 20 nuevos soles.

8: To Be Considered for the Conservation of Agricultural Biodiversity Category: Describe how the initiative has contributed to the conservation of culturally important crop varieties or livestock breeds; the conservation of species that support agriculture (such as pollinators); and/or the conservation of wild plant or animal species and their habitats in agricultural landscapes. Nominators Entry: 8. Para ser considerado para la categora de conservacin de la biodiversidad agrcola (350 palabras o menos): La experiencia desarrollada tiene que ver con la conservacin de la biodiversidad biolgica al recuperar un cultivo que estuvo extinguindose como es el algodn nativo, y la recuperacin de cinco colores de los casi 14 colores que nuestros antepasado cultivaron. Por otro lado al no utilizar insecticidas conservamos la fauna entomolgica de los cultivos como son polinizadores y controladores biolgicos.

9: To Be Considered for the Adaptation to Climate Change Category Nominators Entry: El distrito de mrorpe, se encuentra ubicado en la costa norte del pas, afectado por largos periodos de

sequa; los suelos agrcolas de la zona estn siendo vencidos cada vez mas por la salinizacin; esto determina que las res de cultivos alimenticios ao a ao se estn reduciendo, situacin que se torna preocupante ya que la agricultura es una de las actividades principales de la poblacin del lugar. Las artesanas presentan al algodn nativo como una alternativa de cultivo que es tolerante a la falta de agua y a la salinidad, y por otro lado el manejo agroecologico del cultivo determina que el costo sea mayor q el algodn comercial. Observando esta realidad, en la regin se esta revalorando al algodn naivo dandole mayor importancia a su cultivo, iniciando proyectos que estan tomando como ejemplo la iniciativa de las artesanas

Other Information (optional) Is there anything else of importance you wish to convey about the initiative? Nominators Entry: Esta iniciativa esta siendo tomada como ejemplo a ser replicado en otros lugares de la regin Este grupo trabaja solo con apoyo del Programa de Pequeas Donaciones del PNUD, ha logrado establecer contactos y apoyos de la Municipalidad del distrito y de pocas organizaciones estatales como es SENASA quien supervisa los campos de algodn para evaluar poisibles ataques de plagas que puedan repercutir en otros cultivos comerciales y en ciertas oportunidades brinda capacitaciones Tienen su propia danzas que muestra paso a paso el proceso de tranformacin de a fibra de algodn hasta obtener una prenda y que en este mes presentaran ante el presidente de la republica qe visitar el casero.

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