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History Questions Pages 126-131 1.

) PAGE 126 I think that Source 11 is showing the Soviet-French pact as a trap for the Germans as they begin to rearm themselves. France and Russia are essentially forming a layer between themselves to make it harder for the Germans to expand in military and economy. As it says at the top, Ring around the Nazi which to me means that this poster basically is saying that the Soviet-French pact is a ring of defense for the immediate East of Germany and immediate West of Germany. The poster shows a German troop in the middle which is being held between two whaling figures which are Russia and France. Germany was surrounded and needed protection for itself from both sides. 1. PAGE 128 In source 14 the man sitting against the rock represents Austria whereas the man walking up the hill with Austrian Integrity slung over his shoulder is representing Germany. The man against the rock (Austria) is telling the man walking up the hill (Germany) that he hadnt heard a shot. Now this means that since the man is accepting of Germanys entrance, Adolf Hitler can carry on into Austria and take the countrys integrity (as described). If you look back at the facts of the Anschluss you can see that 99.75% of Austrians agreed to Germany entrance into Austria. The man representing Austria is saying that if anyone were to blame Germany for entering Austria he was ok with it. He is basically saying that the Austrian people were ok with Germanys entrance. 2. PAGE 128 I think that Source 14 is published in Britain whereas Source 15 is published in Germany. Source 14 shows Hitler and Germany as robbers of Austrian integrity or sovereignty during the expansion of Nazism into Austria. It shows Austrians as a population of retreat or without identity. Source 15 shows Germany making a glorious decision to enter into Austria and claim it as politically united with Germany. The man is saying I have been waiting for this since 1918 and now it has come in one blow ; which I beleive means that he represents the Austrians happy about Germanys entrance. This example of propaganda would have been very beneficial for the Nazi party showing to be a great reawakening of Germany and Austria after the oppressive terms agreed on at the Treaty of Versailles. From a Nazi German or Austrian point of view this would have reinforced their thoughts about Germanys re-armament and their greatness in entering Austria. Thus, making it almost impossible for any Austrian or

German not to like the Nazi Party. 2.) PAGE 129 I think that at this time, neither country necessarily wanted war. Germany was trying to get back what it lost in the Treaty of Versailles and the wish to expand itself economically and politically to make it more important on the world map. To make Germany one of the greatest nations of Europe, if not the best. Germany, however must have known that expanding into other territories would raise dispute. Germany, in my opinion was ready for war but only wanted to be put as high on the global scale as Britain and France as it was before the First World War. Remembering the First World War,many Germans felt as though they were being blamed for losing the war. For this fault (which they thought was the reason) caused them to lose great amounts of their own country, including a incredible oppression over economical development and military. Britain definitely did not want war at this point, considering it was barely coming out of the Great Depression of the 1930s and had lost many men in the last war. For Britain, war was the opposite of what they wanted. PAGE 131 5.) In this British cartoon, they are trying to convince Britons that Britain and France are far stronger and larger than Germany alone. Being propaganda, Britain are trying to portray a frightened Germany. 6.) I dont agree with the cartoonist at all looking at the figures of the development of Army Divisions in August 1939, in which Germany peaked over Britain and France put together. Britain and France as a united force were still small than Germanys Army. Germany was far more capable of waging war which is the exact opposite of the message of the cartoonist.

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