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Como en espaol, la voz pasiva se forma con el verbo 'to be' (ser) y el participio pasado.

They made this car in 1963. (active) This car was made in 1963. (passive) El sujeto de un verbo en pasiva corresponde al objeto de un verbo en activa. Spani is spoken in PASI sh Argentina VA (sujet o) Argentinians speak Spani sh ACTIVA

(obje to) Estudia la siguiente lista de las formas del verbo en pasiva. (pp = participio pasado)
Verb Tense PRESENT SIMPLE FUTURE (WILL) FUTURE (GOING TO) PAST SIMPLE PAST CONTINUOUS PRESENT PERFECT PAST PERFECT FUTURE PERFECT Structure am/are/is + pp will be + pp was/were + pp was/were being + pp have/has been + pp had been + pp will have been + pp Spanish is spoken here. Your questions are being answered. Itll be painted by next week. We were invited to the party, but we didnt go. The hotel room was being cleaned when we got back from shopping. The President of America has been shot. When he got home he found that all of his money had been stolen. Our baby will have been born before Christmas. Example

PRESENT CONTINUOUS am/are/is being + pp

am/are/is going to be + pp Terry is going to be made redundant next year.

En las formas del future progressive (will be being + pp) y perfect progressive (has been being + pp) no es muy comn su uso. Para decir quin haca la accin o qu la causaba, usa 'by'. This house was built by my mother. / Esta casa fue construida por mi madre. Washington was bombed by Pakistan. / Washington fue bombardeado por Pakistn. La voz pasiva se suele utilizar cuando se desconoce o no interesa mencionar quin o qu hace la accin. Es ms normal encontrar en espaol formas con se, por ejemplo: se habla, se alquila o verbos en plural como venden, compran. German is spoken here / Aqu se habla alemn When was this house built? / Cuando se construy ( fue construida) sta casa? A lot of songs have been written about love / Se han escrito muchas canciones sobre el amor 1. The beds in our room havent been made yet. 2. Do you think well be invited to the party? 3. La Mansin del Ingls is so successful it will probably be translated into twenty different languages. 4. When our flat was broken into last month, my laptop computer was stolen. 5. I went to work early to go to the meeting yesterday and I realised that the date had been changed to the 13th February. 6. A new sports centre is being built in front of our house and its completely spoiling our view of the sea. 7. When I saw my grandmother yesterday she told me she had been attacked in the street on her way to bingo. 8. Cathy cant use her office until next week as its being redecorated. 9. Elton John was born in Pinner, Middlesex, England. 10. I thought the interview went well, but I still wasnt offered the job.

Las Formas Verbales en Activa y Pasiva Active and Passive Verb Forms

Activo con el verbo to live (vivir) present present present present past past past past simple I live, you live, we live, he/she/it lives, we live, they live progressive (or continuous) I am living, you are living etc. perfect simple I have lived, you have lived, he/she/it has lived etc. perfect progressive I have been living, you have been living etc.

simple I lived, you lived, he/she/it lived etc. progressive I was living, you were living etc. perfect simple I had lived, you had lived etc. perfect progressive I had been working, you had been working etc. simple I will work, you will work, you will work, he/she/it will work, we will work, they will work. progressive I will be working, you will be working etc. perfect simple I will have worked, you will have worked etc. perfect progressive I will have been working, you will have been working etc.

future future future future

Infinitives (to) work, (to) be working, (to) have worked, (to) have been working -ing forms working, having worked past participle - worked Pasivo con el verbo to make (hacer) present simple it is made, they are made etc. present progressive it is being made, they are being made etc. present perfect it has been made, they have been made etc. past simple it was made, they were made etc. past progressive it was being made, they were being made etc. past perfect it had been made, they had been made etc. future simple - it will be made, they will be made etc. future perfect it will have been made, they will have been made etc. going to future it is going to be made, they are going to be made etc.

Is It Better To Have Loved And Lost? I loved her with an uncontrollable passion. We normally spend our lives simply existing. But occasionally something happens which wakes us up and makes us feel alive. Her name was Ann-Marie, a tall, dark-haired, brown-eyed beauty from France. I respectfully admired her from a distance while she was going out with my best friend, but when they broke up I opened my arms to her and gave her my shoulder to cry on. We became a couple and rented a flat together near the sea. I remember the look on her face when we made/were making love. Her spirituality took her to a far away place. A place where only pleasure existed. She seemed to leave her body and fly away to play with the angels. I had never known such pure intensity before. I have never been loved with such passion by anyone since. Plans were made, money was saved and possessions were sold. We bought plane tickets for Paris. The night before we were due to leave she told me about Sean, my close friend. Ive been sleeping with him for three weeks, she told me. But hes going to live in America, and if I go with him, Ill regret it. My future is with you.

That night I couldnt sleep. I watched the hours pass on the clock next to the bed. In the morning the phone rang while we were having breakfast. It was Sean. I want to say goodbye before you leave, he said. .and I want to apologize. Our plane leaves at 9.30 Sean, I have to go, I replied coldly. I cant forgive you Sean, you know why, dont you? If I were you, Id learn how to be a good friend. Youre a selfish, self-centred bastard, Sean! I hung up the phone. Ann-Marie and I packed our lives in two large boxes and shipped them to Marseilles. We arrived at the airport just as our flight was being called. Last call for Air France flight AF404 to Paris, now boarding at gate number 15. People often look for love and are unhappy when it doesnt come. They think it will make/makes/is going to make them complete. It does, for a while, but it doesnt last/wont last. Nothing lasts. We started arguing. There was no trust in our relationship. The laughter and affection that we used to have was replaced/had been replaced by jealousy and suspicion. Money became a problem. She was bored and unemployed, I was drinking too much. We fought, shouted, accused and searched for the love we had lost a long time ago in a different country. Eventually we said goodbye. She needed medical help to get her life together. I needed to be alone, to think, to lose myself in work and save money for a fresh start. It was a long time ago. I hope that Ann-Marie and Sean are both happy. I am more careful now when I wish for things, just in case I get what I wish for. Los verbos modales (modal auxiliary verbs) son:
can, could may, might will, would shall, should must ought to poder, saber poder querer deber deber deber

A veces, 'need' (tener que) y 'dare' (atreverse), tambin tienen las mismas caractersticas gramaticales de los verbos modales. No aaden la 's' en la tercera persona del singular del presente. - She must know his telephone number. Ella debe saber su nmero de telfono. X She musts know.... X Forman la interrogacin, la negacin, las respuestas cortas y las llamadas 'preguntas coletilla' (tag questions), sin utilizar el auxiliary 'do'. - Can you speak Spanish? - Puedes hablar espaol? X Do you can.. X Forman la negacin aadiendo not. - I cannot go on Friday. No puedo ir el viernes. Admiten contracciones. cannot = cant could not = couldnt might not = mightnt will not = wont would not = wouldnt

shall not = shant (ingls britnico) should not = shouldnt must not = mustnt ought not to = oughtnt to Los verbos modales no tienen el infinitivo, por lo que no pueden estar precedidos de to. X to can X X to might X

Van seguidos de infinitivo sin 'to', con exepcin de 'ought' - I must buy some milk Debo comprar leche. X I must to buy. X - We can leave at seven. Podemos marcharnos a las siete. X We can to leave. X Los verbos modales no tienen el participio pasado ni el participio presente. Slo tienen una o dos formas y carecen de la mayora de los tiempos. X musting X X musted X


TO BE SEEN = SER VISTO PRESENTE I am seen, soy visto you are seen, eres visto he is seen, es visto we are seen, somos vistos you are seen, sois vistos they are seen, son vistos PRETERITO PERFECTO I have been seen, he sido visto you have been seen, has sido visto he has been seen, ha sido visto we have been seen, hemos sido vistos you have been seen, habis sido vistos they have been seen, han sido vistos PASADO I was seen, fui visto you were seen, fuiste visto he was seen, fue visto we were seen, fuimos vistos you were seen, fuisteis vistos they were seen, fueron vistos FUTURO I shall be seen, ser visto you will be seen, sers visto he will be seen, ser visto we shall be seen, seremos vistos you will be seen, seris vistos they will be seen, sern vistos

PRETERITO PLUSCUAMPERFECTO: I had been seen, haba sido visto CONDICIONAL: I should be seen, sera visto FUTURO PERFECTO: I shall have been seen, habr sido visto CONDICIONAL PERFECTO: I should have been seen, habra sido visto

VOZ ACTIVA Y PASIVA: REGLAS PRACTICAS EN 4 PASOS. 1. La voz pasiva se forma con el verbo to be conjugado ms el participio del
verbo principal. En ingls es mucho ms frecuente que en espaol y, normalmente, aparece cuando no es importante quien realiza una accin sino el hecho en s. Por eso, no siempre que veamos una pasiva, tenemos que traducirlo literalmente, puesto que en espaol suena ms forzado. Slo es posible el uso de la voz pasiva con verbos transitivos (verbos que llevan complemento directo). VOZ ACTIVA Tom writes a letter Tom is writing a letter Tom was writing a letter Tom wrote a letter Tom has written a letter Tom had written a letter Tom will write a letter Tom is going to write a letter Tom can write a letter Tom could write a letter Tom must write a letter Tom may write a letter Tom might write a letter VOZ PASIVA A letter is written by Tom A letter is being written by Tom A letter was being written by Tom A letter was written by Tom A letter has been written by Tom A letter had been written by Tom A letter will be written by Tom A letter is going to be written by Tom A letter can be written by Tom A letter could be written by Tom A letter must be written by Tom A letter may be written... A letter might be written...

2. El sujeto agente se expresa con by. Sin embargo, en la mayora de las ocasiones
se prescinde del sujeto ya que no nos interesa saber quin exactamente ejecuta la accin. Si una oracin activa tiene complemento directo e indirecto, cualquiera de los dos complementos puede ser sujeto paciente de la pasiva: ACTIVE: Someone gives me a dog PASSIVE 1: A dog is given to me PASSIVE 2: I am given a dog (forma pasiva idiomtica) La forma pasiva de doing, seeing, etc es being done, being seen, etc. ACTIVE: I don't like people telling me what to do PASSIVE: I don't like being told what to do En ocasiones en las que ocurre algo a veces imprevisto, no planeado o fortuito para la formacin de la voz pasiva se prefiere usar get y no be:

get hurt, get annoyed, get divorced, get married, get invited, get bored, get lost

3. Las construcciones impersonales (se dice, se comenta, etc.) son muy tpicas de la
pasiva y difciles de traducir para los hispanoparlantes. Este tipo de construccin pasiva -utilizada cada vez con mayor frecuencia en los medios- se forma con la estructura sujeto + to be + participle: It is reported (Se informa); It is said (Se dice); It is known (Se sabe); It is supposed (Se supone); It is considered (Se considera); It is expected (Se espera). Veamos algunos ejemplos: ACTIVE: Everybody thinks Cathy works very hard. PASSIVE 1: Cathy is thought to work very hard. (Se piensa que Cathy...) PASSIVE 2: It is thought that Cathy works very hard. (Se piensa que Cathy...) ACTIVE: They believe Tom is wearing a white pullover. PASSIVE 1: Tom is believed to be wearing a white pullover. (Se cree que...) PASSIVE 2: It is believed that Tom is wearing a white pullover. (Se cree que...)


a) Se usa en afirmativo para acciones que estaban planeadas, que se supone que van a realizar, u obligaciones que uno debera cumplir. You were supposed to be here at 9:00 am!! b) Otras veces, el uso de supposed indica que estos planes o obligaciones finalmente no se cumplieron: The train was supposed to arrive at 5 o'clock. (but it arrived at 8 o'clock) You were supposed to go to the supermarket. (but you didn't go) c) Por el contrario, en negativo, supposed significa la no conveniencia o prohibicin de hacer algo: You are not supposed to smoke here. (you are not allowed to smoke here) You are not supposed to copy our web files. (you must not copy our web files)

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