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Computation-Efficient Multicast Key Distribution 1.Introduction 1.

1 Abstract:
Using Multicast key distribution computation complexity is significantly reduced. It drastically reduces the computation load of each group member compared to existing schemes employing traditional encryption algorithms. Such a scheme is desirable for many wireless applications where portable devices or sensors need to reduce their computation as much as possible due to battery power limitations. Easily combined with any key-tree-based schemes, this scheme provides much lower computation complexity while maintaining low and balanced communication complexity and storage complexity for secure dynamic multicast key distribution. 1.2 ABBREVIATIONS MD5 Message-Digest algorithm 5 DSK Different Session Key

1.3 References

2. Overview of Existing System:

In existing system unicast method has been used. In this method message can be transferred to only one user at a time. There is no security measure while transferring messages hence data loss may occur because of hackers. Communication complexity occurs due to Single session key method.

3. Objective of Proposed System:

In Proposed system Multicast Re-keying method has been used. Using this method message can be transferred to multiple users at a time. Secret key is generated to avoid data loss while transferring messages by using Cryptography method. Communication complexity is circumventing by providing multiple session key.

4.2 Software Specification:

Software Interfaces: Operating System Programming Package Tools SDK : Win2000/Win xp : JAVA / J2EE : Eclipse. : JDK1.5.0

4.3 Hardware Specification:

Hardware Interfaces: Processor Type Speed Ram Hard disk : Pentium -IV : 2.4 GHZ : 128 MB RAM : 20 GB HD

Project Modules
User interface design Transferring message using multicast Key establishment using MD5 cryptography algorithm Session key generation for multicast receivers Audio chatting

User interface design:

In this Module, Design the interface for the user to interact with the application. Each and every software application needs fine steps to interact with end users of the application. In this application the interactions with end users are made under AWT concepts. User should enter the particular Internet protocol address of server to transfer message. The user should enter his/her user name to adhere the chat room.

Transferring message using multicast:

In this method, you can transmit data or messages to all destination host machines, which has been interested an appropriate multicast group. The sender generates only one data stream But it delivered to all destination hosts. It supports one-to-many data delivering networks. Multicast delivers a data or information simultaneously to all interested destination hosts machines. The multicast methodologies are used in case of teleconferencing and videoconferencing. The teleconferencing and videoconferencing machines transmit data simultaneously to all interested parties present in the same group. Multicast provides the best features to unicast and broadcast because, here neither carries the burden of data to delivering all hosts nor misses-utilize the entire network. Users are joined in the multicast groups to follows an appropriate standard like: IP Multicast and Mbone.

Key establishment using MD5 cryptography algorithm:

Shared secret key is used between encryption and decryption of message being transferred from source to number of receivers. Cryptographic Implementation: To prevent the attacker (Middle-man-attack, etc.) from reading the data, we go for the encryption and decryption of the data. Here we use the MD5 symmetric key algorithm for secure message transfer. Since there is a separate common key for each pair of user, the data is secured from others.

Session key generation for multicast receivers:

Every chat room should have an independent session to transfer data between multiple users. Hence each session thus needs a new key that is only known to the current session members, i.e., session keys need to be dynamically distributed to authorized session members. When any one of the old member logout from the chat room, session key has been canceled for every one and a new session key is generated for the remaining members.

Audio Chatting:
User can interact by audio chatting. By giving the IP of the user whom want to interact can have a voice chat. VOIP (Voice over internet protocol) is used to chat. Audio chat is processed in WAN in former but its implemented in LAN also using UDP (User Datagram Protocol). Transferring audio is in the form of encryption and decryption form so its used to avoid third man interaction.

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