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Childbirth and Perinatology Care Unit A perinatal unit means a maternity and newborn service of the hospital for the provision of care during pregnancy, labor, delivery, postpartum and neonatal periods with appropriate staff, space, equipment and supplies.

A perinatal unit shall provide:

(1) Care for the patient during pregnancy, labor, delivery and the postpartum period. (2) Care for the normal infant and the infant with abnormalities which usually do not impair function or threaten life. (3) Care for mothers and infants needing emergency or immediate life support measures to sustain life up to 12 hours or to prevent major disability. (4) Formal arrangements for consultation and/or transfer of an infant to an intensive care newborn nursery, or a mother to a hospital with the necessary services, for problems beyond the capability of the perinatal unit. (Title 22 California Code of Regulations Division 5)

Based on Permenkes number 129 year 2008 about minimum standar of services hospital, childbirth and perinatology unit provide services based on indicators such as: 1. Kejadian kematian ibu karena persalinan 2. Pemberi pelayanan persalinan normal 3. Pemberi pelayanan persalinan dengan penyulit 4. Pemberi pelayanan persalinan dengan tindakan operasi 5. Kemampuan menangani BBLR 1500 gr 2500 gr 6. Pertolongan persalinan melalui seksio cesaria 7. Keluarga Berencana: - Presentase KB(vasektomi & tubektomi) yang dilakukan oleh tenaga Kompeten dr.Sp.Og, dr.Sp.B, dr.Sp.U, dr.umum terlatih. - Presentse peserta KB mantap yang mendapat konseling KB mantap bidan terlatih 8. Kepuasan Pelanggan

6. Intensif Care Service An intensive care service is a nursing unit in which there are specially trained nursing and supportive personnel and diagnostic, monitoring and therapeutic equipment

necessary to provide specialized medical and nursing care to critically ill patients. (Title 22 California Code of Regulations Division 5)

Intensive care may be broadly defined as a service for patients who have potentially recoverable conditions, who can benefit from more detailed observation and invasive treatment than can be provided safely in an ordinary ward or high dependency area. It is usually reserved for patients with threatened or established organ failure, often arising as a result or complication of an acute illness or trauma, or as a predictable phase in a planned treatment programme. (Standards for Intensive Care Units)

The intensive care unit (ICU) is a distinct organizational and geographic entity for clinical activity and care, operating in cooperation with other departments integrated in a hospital. The ICU is preferably an independent unit or department that functions as a closed unit under the full medical responsibility of the ICU staff in close concert with the referring medical specialists. It has a dened geographical location concentrating the human and technical resources, such as manpower, professional skills and competencies, technical equipment, and the necessary space. The characteristics of medical, nursing, and allied health personnel stafng; technical equipment; architecture; and functioning should be clearly dened. Interdisciplinary written arrangements about workow, competencies, medical standards, regulations of cooperation, and mechanisms for decision making are helpful to embed competencies and to standardize clinical workow. (Recommendations on basic requirements for intensive care units: structural and organizational aspects)

Based on Permenkes number 129 year 2008 about minimum standard of hospital service, Intensive care give services based on some indicators, they are:

Rata rata pasien yang kembali ke perawatan intensif dengan kasus yang sama < 72 jam


Pemberi pelayanan Unit Intensif

7. Radiology Service Radiological service means the use of X-ray, other external ionizing radiation, and/or thermography, and/or ultra sound in the detection, diagnosis and treatment of human illnesses and injuries with appropriate staff, space, equipment and supplies. Ultra sound although properly the province of physical medicine, may be considered part of the

radiological service.

Based on Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan Republik Indonesia Number 780/Menkes/Pernii1i2008 about Penyelenggaraan Pelayanan Radiologi, radiology service define as pelayanan medik yang menggunakan semua modalitas energi radiasi untuk diagnosis dan terapi, termasuk teknik pencitraan dan penggunaan emisi radiasi dengan sinarX, radioaktif, ultrasonografi dan radiasi radio frekwensi elektromagnetik.

Based on Permenkes number 129 year 2008 about minimum standard of hospital service, Radiology services give service based on some indicator, they are 1. Waktu tunggu hasil pelayanan thorax foto. 2. pelaksana ekspertisi 3. Kejadian kegagalan pelayanan Rontgen 4. Kepuasan pelanggan

8. Laboratorium Patologi Klinik Menurut Permenkes nomor 129 tahun 2008 tentang standar pelayanan minimal RS, Radiology service give services based on some indicator, they are:
1. Waktu tunggu hasil pelayanan laboratorium. 2. Pelaksana ekspertisi 3. Tidak adanya kesalahan pemberian hasil pemeriksa laboratorium. 4. Kepuasan pelanggan

Pathology is the branch of medicine that deals with the essential nature of disease especially with the structural and functional changes in tissues and organs of the body that cause or are a response to disease (Dorlands 2008). It is an important component of the clinical services delivered in Australias public hospitals and one of the essential inputs into health care if the objectives just listed are to be achieved and the National Healthcare Agreement functions and obligations are to be fulfilled. Pathology investigations are an integral part of the clinical decision-making process. They support high-quality patient care by providing for other clinicians information and expert medical opinion to facilitate decision making about accurate and timely diagnosis and management of patients. Overseas studies show that 70 to 80 per cent of all health care decisions related to diagnosis and treatment involve a pathology

investigation and that pathology provides source information for 90 per cent of diagnostic health care records (Forsman 1996; UK Department of Health 2006). Comparable data for Australia are not readily available. In addition to this role in the care of individual patients, pathology is part of the clinical governance of public hospitals and the health system, playing an important role in monitoring and management of the blood supply, adverse drug reactions, antimicrobial resistance, control of infectious agents, and environmental and occupational health and safety. Providers of pathology services in public hospitals also take a leading role in the education and training of pathologists, medical scientists and other clinicians; in public health protection and bio-preparedness through the identification and surveillance of infectious disease outbreaks, chemical and biologicalthreats and natural disasters; and in research. To meet the needs of todays health system and its hospitals, pathology is a clinical knowledge service (UK Department of Health 2006)

9. Medical Rehabilitation Center Rehabilitation center means a functional unit for the provision of those rehabilitation services that restore an ill or injured person to the highest level of self-sufficiency or gainful employment of which he is capable in the shortest possible time, compatible with his physical, intellectual and emotional or psychological capabilities and in accord with planned goals and objectives. (Title 22 California Code of Regulations Division 5)

Based on Permenkes number 129 year 2008 about minimum standar pelayanan minimal RS, Pelayanan Rehabilitasi Medik memberikan pelayanan based onkan indicator berupa:
1. Kejadian Drop Out pasien terhadap pelayanan Rehabilitasi Medik yang di rencanakan 2. Tidak adanya kejadian kesalahan tindakan rehabilitasi medic 3. Kepuasan Pelanggan

Sumber: Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan Republik Indonesia Nomor 780/Menkes/Pernii1i2008 tentang Penyelenggaraan Pelayanan Radiologi

Title 22 California Code of Regulations Division 5 access on 23 September 2013

Standards for Intensive Care Units access on 23 September 2013

Kepmenkes No 129 Tahun 2008 tentang Standar Pelayanan Minimal Rumah Sakit 8.pdf access on 23 September 2013

Recommendations on basic requirements for intensive care units: structural and organizational aspects access on 23 September 2013

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