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PRZEWORSKI, Adam. A falcia neoliberal. Lua Nova [online]. 1993, n.28-29, pp. 209-226. ISSN 0102-6445.

*Przeworski, A. The Neoliberal Fallacy" Journal of Democracy, julho de 1992, pp. 45-50. [ Links ] 2 Essa posio desconcertante, dada a fragilidade do conhecimento no qual se baseia tanto esse conselho quanto o dinheiro que segue as palavras. A leitura dos sucessivos Development Reports do Banco Mundial revela slida pesquisa que fala em favor da mobilizao das poupanas pblicas, apia a importncia da igualdade de renda e dos dispendios em educao e sade para o crescimento econmico, e salienta as advertncias acerca dos perigos da desregulao financeira e da liberalizao do comrcio fora de hora. No entanto as recomendaes de polticas so unnimes na insistncia nas virtudes dos mercados. O mesmo aplica-se ao Fundo Monetrio Internacional. Algumas das anlises mais cticas das polticas do FMI provm dos seus prprios pesquisadores, cujo trabalho tem pouco ou nenhum impacto discernvel nas polticas do Fundo. Vejam-se em especial os estudos coligidos em Blejer, M. e Chu, K. (eds.), Fiscal Policy, Stabilization, and Growth in Developing Countries, Washington, D.C., International Monetary Fund, 1989. [ Links ] 3 Stiglitz, J. A. "Whither Socialism? Perspectives from the Economics of Information" (Wicksell Lectures, Estocolmo, 1990) e "The Invisible Hand and Modern Welfare Economics" (National Bureau of Economic Research, [ Links ] Working Paper n 3 641, 1991). [ Links ] 4 Lucas, Jr., R. E. "On the Mechanics of Economic Development," Journal of Monetary Economia 22 (1988): 3-42. [ Links ] 5 Sitglitz, J. "Whither Socialism?" 12. [ Links ] 6 Arrow, K., e Debreu, G. "Existence of an Equilibrium for a Competitive Economy," Econometrica 22(1954): 256-90. [ Links ] 7 Arrow, K. "The Role of Securities in the Optimal Allocation of Risk-Bearing", Review of Economic Studies 31 (1964): 91-96. [ Links ] 8 Greenwald, B., e Stiglitz, J.E. "Externalities in Economics with Imperfect Information and Incomplete Markets", Quartefy Journal of Economics 90 (1986): 229-64. [ Links ]

9 A presente discusso segue quase literalmente Bresser Pereira, L.C., Maravall, J.M.; e Przeworski, A. Economic Reform in New Democracies, Cambridge University Press, NY, 1992, [ Links ] 10 Stanley Fischer et al., orgs. Lessons of Economic Stabilization and Its Aftermath (Cambridge: MIT Press, 1991), 404-5. [ Links ] 1/3


12 Ver a discusso entre Bradford DeLong e William Baumol sobre "Productivity Growth, Convergence and Welfare" in American Economic Review78 (1988): 1 138-59. [ Links ] 13 Ver Lucas, op.cit: Becker, G. et al, "Human Capital, Fertility, and Economic Growth", Journal of Political Economy 98 (1990): 12-38; [ Links ] e Romer, P.M. "Endogenous Technical Change"', Journal of Political Economy 98 (1990): S71-S103. [ Links ] 14 Murrell, P. "Can Neoclassical Economics Underpin the Reform of Centrally Planned Economies?", Journal of Economic Perspectives 5 (1991): 59-76. [ Links ] 15 Grossman, G. "Promoting New Industrial Activities: A Survey of Recent Arguments and Evidence", OECD Economic Studies 14 (Primavera 1990): 87-125. [ Links ] 16 Barro, R. "Government Spending in a Simple Model of Endogenous Growth", Journal of Political Economy 98 (1990): S103-25; [ Links ] Finlay, R. "The New Political Economy: Its Explanatory Power for the LDCs", Economics and Politics 2 (1990): 193-221. [ Links ] 17 Ver Stigler, G. The Citizen and the State: Essays on Regulation (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1975); [ Links ] e Tollison, R.D. "Rent Seeking: A Survey", Kyklos 35 (1982): 575-602/. [ Links ] 18 Esta formulao seminal do problema de Hurwicz, L. The Design of Resource Allocation Mechanisms", American Economic Review 63 (1973): 1-30. [ Links ] 20 Przeworski, A. "Party Systems and Economic Development", tese de doutorado, Northwestern University, 1966; [ Links ] Adelman I., e Morris, C. Society, Politics, and Economic Development (Baltimore: Johns Hopkings University Press, 1967); [ Links ] Dick, W.G. "Authoritarian versus Non authoritarian Approaches to Economic Development," Journal of Political Economy 82 (1974): 817-27; [ Links ] Huntington, S.P., e Domnguez, J.I. "Political Development," in Greenstein, F.J., e Polsby, N.W. (eds.), Handbook of Political Science, vol. 3 (Reading,: Addison-Wesley, 1975); [ Links ] Marsh, R.M. "Does Democracy Hinder Economic Development in the Latecomer Developing Nations?" Comparative Social Research 2 (1979): 215-48; [ Links ] Weede, E. "The Impact of Democracy on Economic Growth: Some Evidence from Cross-National Analysis," Kyklos 36 (1983): 21-39; [ Links ] Kormendi, R.C., e Meguire, P.G. "Macroeconomic Determinants of Growth," Journal of Monetary Economics 16 (1985): 141-63; [ Links ] Kohli, A. "Democracy and Development,"Lewis, J.P., e Kallab, v. (eds.) Development Strategies Reconsidered(New Brunswick: Transaction Books, 1986); [ Links ] Landau, D. "Government and Economic Growth in the Less-Developed Countries: An Empirical Study for 1960-1980", Economic Regime Type for Public Policy Outputs", Comparative Political Studies 20 (1987): 98-124; [ Links ] Marsh, "Sociological Explanations of Economic Growth," Studies in Comparative International Research 13 (1988): 123-41; [ Links ] (...) (...) Scully, G.W. The Institutional Framework and Economic Development," Journal of Political Economy 96 (1988): 652-62; [ Links ] 2/3


Barro, RJ. "A Cross-Country Study of Growth, Saving, and Government" (NBER Working Paper 2855, 1989); [ Links ] Grier, K.B., e Tullock, G. "An Empirical Analysis of Cross-National Economic Growth, 1951-80," Journal of 'Monetary Economia 24 (1989): 259-76; [ Links ] Remmer, K. "Democracy and Economic Crisis: The Latin American Experience", World Politics 42 (1989-90): 315-35; [ Links ] Pougerami, The Political Economy of Development: An Empirical Investigation of the Wealth Theory of Dtmocncy," of T heoretical Politics 3 (1991): 189-211. [ Links ] 21 O'Flaherty, B. "Why Are There Democracies? A Principal Agent Answer," Economia and Politics 2 (1990): 133-55. [ Links ] 22 Meltzer, A.H. e Richard, S.F. "A Rational Theory of the Size of Government," Journal of Political Economy89 (1981): 914-27. [ Links ] 23 Mackintosh e Ricardo so citados in Stefan Collini et aL, That Noble Science of Politics (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1983), [ Links ] 24 Macaulay,T.B. Complete Writings (20 vols., Boston e Nova York: Houghton-Mifflin, 1900), 17: 263-76. [ Links ] 25 Manc, K. The Class Struggle in France, 1848 to 1850 (Moscou: Progress Publishers, 1952), 62. [ Links ] 26 Barry, B. The Continuing Relevance of Socialism," in idem, Democracy, Power, and Justice: Essays in Political Theory (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1989), 529; [ Links ] Elson, D. "Socialization of the Market," New Left Review 172 (1988), 3-44. [ Links ] 27 Nos sete pases comparados na pesquisa mais cuidados sobre esse tpico at agora, a porcentagem de pessoas que so pobres aps impostos e transferncias de 4,8 (195 000) na Noruega; 5,0 (410 000) na Sucia; 6,0 (3,22 milhes) na Alemanha Ocidental; 8,8 (1,61 milho) na Gr Bretanha; 12,1 (2,88 milhes) no Canad; 14,5 (446 000) em Israel e 16,9 (36,88 milhes) nos Estados Unidos. Esses nmeros so de Timothy Smeeding et aL Poverty, Inequality, and Income Distribution in Comparative Perspective, Washington, D.C., The Urban Institute, 1990. [ Links ]


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