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From my latest publication: Bullion Grey's Imagination Notebook, a self published

guide that trumps almost all other guides to creativity. Just with 4 simple ideas:
one shown here....

What if imagination was a faculty of perception?

Creative power, the ability to bring into existence, things that enhance life
quality, life experience - that is the result of correct use of imagination.

Once we decided we no longer wanted to hunt for food - we raised it on our own.
When we decided we no longer want to walk, and desired to move faster and carry
more, we did. When we as humans decided we no longer wanted to travel on the face
of the earth but wished to fly like birds, we did. When humans decided after many
eons of looking at the mysterious planet above the earth we know of as the moon,
to travel to it, set foot on it, and return with reports from it - we did.

It is a fact that every single attempt that humanity has sought to accomplish
whether on land, in the sea, in space, or the mysteries of the human body, we have
accomplished it or in the process of accomplishing it.

Nothing stands against the power of the human imagination. There is no barrier
that can resist the intricate intensity of creative thinking, the enormous
practical application of inspired thought. Societies, movements, pioneers on both
land and sea or in science or art, all have benefited from the power of the use of
their imagination. It is creative thinking that springs forth from that mysterious
ability we all carry with us, that portal into unlimited possibility that we call

No single source has contributed more to humanity, than humanity’s ability to

imagine. Everything we see, everything we touch, and anything we are involved in
or do, all spring forth from the abundant well of imagination.

Some have gone as far as to say that imagination is the portal to all that there
is and the limitlessness beyond. It is now known that imagination is a faculty of
perception. That imagination is the doorway to the spiritual world, the cosmic
world, and many dimensions beyond that. It is also believed to that the doorway of
the imagination is a two-way passage…. meaning not only can we pass through the
doorway of imagination to Limitlessness, but also things from Limitlessness pass
through to the doorway of imagination to us.

People, places, events, and circumstances may not be driven only by chance, but by
our own imagination; or perhaps imagination of others around us, even perhaps our
entire community state, nation, or planet. The total power of imagination when lit
up with thought, plugged into our intention, is yet unknown and not fully
understood. Imagination is so astounding that we cannot even imagine the

As Earl Nightingale once observed “imagination is everything.”

Imagination is spoken of in every culture in the world. It is mentioned in all

mystical writings, is taught in art and also in the sciences, as well as practical
applications in construction, marketing, business, architecture, and more. There
is not one single part of human experience that doesn’t have a connection to human
imagination. From cognitive sciences to spiritual expectations, from higher
awareness teaching to pet training, repeatedly we would find references to that
mysterious power we all call imagination.

In the teachings of Albert Einstein he encourages the use of imagination from the
beginning to the end when working on problems in physics. Einstein himself spoke
of his own imagination work that included seeing himself riding on a photon of
energy to the farthest reaches of the universe. There is a common quote from
Einstein which states: “Imagination is more powerful than knowledge, because
knowledge is limited, and imagination has no limit.”

In biofeedback training for example, it is not unusual for a person to be asked to

imagine their skin temperature to be very hot. As a result measurements show their
skin temperature rise 6° to 8° above normal.

Imagination is used as a common aid to assist in cancer remission, to assist in

solving crimes, to provide remote viewing ability, as a resource in self hypnosis,
and to enable an individual to construct a powerful and dynamic life.

The use of imagination is all powerful, creativity is the answer.

Creativity is the highest use of the human intellect. In fact there is no

intellectual process of the brain that is more sophisticated than that of creative
thinking. Creativity is also the ultimate mission of the Spirit, that’s with a
capital S. Creativity is the source of all that we know, see, hear, and feel.

“We are in the age of the idea.”

Kevin Roberts

I’m asking you to open your perception and ability to comprehend 360° around you.
With this complete open approach you will come to the conclusion that imagination
is the answer to all that you need, all that you want, in all that you choose to
do, and all that you desire to experience and become.

Image + actualization = imagination

The Creative’s Notebook

If you’re serious about creating it is recommended that you get a notebook as soon
as possible if you don’t already have one.

Some people think of a notebook as a diary or journal, and at times it is. The
notebook is also a place to write down any thoughts, facts, ideas, plans, times,
dates, strategies, tactics, names, numbers, addresses, formulas, lists, and
anything else that strikes you as something you’d like to refer to or maybe use in
your creation. It is vitally important that you keep your notebook with you at all
times. Don’t make the critical mistake and forget it when you go to the market, or
library, or a friends house. Remember the palest ink lasts longer than the
strongest memory. When you get your notebook right to name in the front and number
it. Include your phone number and/or mailing address. Include the note that if
found you offer a reward if returned. It is good to have a notebook that is no
larger than 5.5” x 8.5”. This makes it large enough to write in it with ease yet
compact enough to carry anywhere. I use a general sketch notebook that has no
lines. I’m currently on my 32nd notebook. Some of these notebook pages are found
in this resource as a reference for the reader.

When you go to the bank, have your notebook or when you stand in line at the
grocery store have your notebook with you. Make it a habit that where ever you go
whenever you leave your home you bring your pen and notebook with you. Make your
notebook your constant companion from now on and ensure that every idea you get to
keep every piece of information you will note, and no idea will slip through your
Remember this: ideas have a cumulative effect, ideas nurture other ideas, feed off
each other, and bounce off each other. Creating as a result better ideas for your
design of the future you are creating. Your notebook is invaluable for you if you
wish to capture your imagination. Through the collection of ideas you will find
more effective ways to empower yourself with your creative abilities. It is a fact
that only the serious about creating will use a note book. Putting your ideas on
paper and ink will instigate action by you.

Ideas become focused when written and focused ideas become tangible when acted
upon. You will find that the notes in your notebook impel you to action. All of
your imaginings and creative thoughts must be written down in detail as much as
possible. By doing this you not only capture your imagination and the treasure it
is presenting to you, but you will start to make decisions to take action and
follow through with your actions. But the first action always is writing it down a

Getting your ideas into action is the intention

It is not an option, it is an imperative. Once you get in the habit of writing
down your thoughts ideas possibilities and probabilities, you will start finding
yourself taking small steps of bringing into reality which you wish to create.
Ideally your notes will be specific, detailed, carved with clarity, including
measurable dimensions such as weights, sizes, lengths, widths along with timelines
and dates.

As you act on your ideas designs and experiments you will become positioned to
create even more ideas. Then you’ll notice that ideas draw together pieces like a
puzzle that seems to knock on your creative door repeatedly. Your vision we all
begin to take place.

Many people don’t consider themselves creative or imaginative. But the fact is we
are all tremendously creative and imaginative beings - we are co-creators of our

The more you capture ideas in your notebook the more you become in touch with your
creative spirit. Sometimes it may be expressed through drawing or sketching, other
times it will be expressed in words or poetry or diagrams, even symbolic designs.
Your notebook as a place to jot down notes ideas but also even more importantly to
collect inspiring evocative images, samples of content, pieces of fabric, colors,
song lyrics, sheet music, drawings and thought maps. Anything two-dimensional can
go in your notebook and is useful.

Ideas have a way of becoming alive as they reside

in the material reality of your notebook. Get started today.

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