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1. What would you consider your best subject in school and why I would consider my best subject to be chemistry. Not only because I do well in the course but also because chemistry is a subject that directs me towards research and helps in satisfying my voracious curiosity. . 2. Rank the three top activities, in or out of school, in order of how much they mean to you. Why are they meaningful? Scientific research Speech and Debate (VOICES) Playing Guitar 3. Whom at CHS would you consider a mentor/role model? What did you learn from him/her that is important? All it takes is a mentor to help a student realise his hidden potential, to say the right things at the right time. For me it has been Dr. Best 4. What are the first words or phrases that come to mind to describe yourself? The first words that I think fully depict me are: Responsible, Caring, Determined, Pragmatic 5. What would your friends say about you? Too often we underestimate the power of a caring touch, a kind word, an ear, and a compliment all of which have the power to turn around a life Leo Buscaglia I hope that my friends see that I have all of these qualities 6. If a college admission counsellor would look at your Facebook page, what impression of you would he/she get? Life is a tapestry of people. My facebook page displays my tapestry- the people who have touched my life and the people whose lives I have touched. I want my facebook page to display a positive and friendly person with diverse experiences. A person who knows how to have fun. An approachable and caring person. 7. Explain any unique experiences you may have had and what you have learned from them. The most unique experience that I have had has been the experience of moving from one continent to another. The change in culture that ensued from the change in geography was one of the defining moments of my life. Through it I . 8. Identify a character from a book or a movie that you identify with and explain why. I identify with Jem Finch from To Kill a Mockingbird 9. Select a quotation that reflects who you are as a person. Explain why you

chose it, using examples. 10. What challenges have you overcome at school or out of school?

11. Tell a story about yourself that you would be the most proud to share. I was selected as a mentor for the Big Brothers and Big Sisters elementary school mentoring program. That experience is one that I am most proud to share My mentoring gave me access to way of looking at the world. Knowing that I was going to be responsible for somebodys success propelled me to set a good example in front of my mentees. By mentoring people of different backgrounds and personalities developed my leadership skills. Now that my experience is over I hope that I made a difference in somebodys life. . 12. Explain any other significant commitments that take up your time, for example family obligations, hobbies, etc. 13. How have you changed in the past three years? What do you think contributed to those changes? I have come to see each day as an a chance to do something new; I credit this change to my parents: as soon as I started high school my parents told me to be proactive, to control my situations rather than be controlled by them. I have also changed by understanding that cultural and interpersonal skills rather than intelligence make communication with people successful. Finally I have changed by choosing to think that one should work hard and dream big. I have learned that I want to be at the forefront of challenges and have changed so that I can be. 14. What accomplishment up to this point makes you the most proud? 15. How do you plan to spend the summer after your junior year?

16. If your parents attended college, where did they go? Mom: Gargi College, Delhi University, New Delhi, India Dad: Kohlapur Institute of Technology, Shivaji University, Maharashtra, India 17. What area of study are you thinking of pursuing in college and why? I am thinking of pursuing a major in neuroscience with an emphasis on cognition. I want to know everything about the brain; how it works, how it grows, and how it can be repaired. I would also like to research how the human brain perceives and interacts with the environment. Everything in human history has been the result of data analysing processes within the brain. I want to understand these processes and humanity itself. 18. Is there anything else you would like to share?

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