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Scott & Julile rerguson Jan Williams
20 James Street Countryside Christian Church
Buckie Banffshire AB5 IRL , A IVO 2735 HE 36th Terr.
Scotland M. Rjjrm.1 Topeka. Ks. 66617
VOIXJME 1 June, 1986 NUMBER 1
Greetings from Scotland1
Yes, we finally made it! After leaving frcm Tulsa the morning of i^ril
26th, having a long layover in New York, a long, dull flight across the
Atlantic, and another layover in London, we arrived in Aberdeen, Scot
land, the aftemocr. of J^^ril 27th. Sam Alathia Eurton vvsrs thsre to
meet us and take us to Buckie. We had just enough time to tidy up before
the evening service. After the short service, we went straight to bed
and slept for about 12 hours.
The house we are staying in belongs to Dale &LeeAnn Winters, a couple
v4io is working tenporarily here in Buckie. Ihey are back in the States
on furlough for avdiile and have graciously permitted us to use their
house until they return.
The people here in Buckie are very friendly and helpful. We've already
been invited to dinner several times. However, in all of Great Britain,
I believe that the dialect spoken in this inmediate area is the hardest
to understand. We're beginning to get used to it though.
I think we'll wait another week or tvro before we shop for a car, as
we're allowing ourselves time to get used to the idea of driving on the
left side of the street, and the right side of the car. Not only that,
but the roads are narrower, too!
We haven't made a trip to the southern part of the country yet, and
probably won't until we purchase a car. However, we did take advantage
of the Big May Day holiday and took a trip north into the Highlands. The
Colorado-like streams and the lochs (lakes) dotted with tiny islands
were incredibly beautiful. Although the drizzle came and went at inter
vals throughout the afternoon, some dazzling effects were produced v^en
the sun vrould break through a mass of cloiads and shine \pon a golden,
snow-capped moimtain in the distance. And they tell me it's even pret
tier when the heather is in bloom.
A Bible st\js3Y is held on Tuesday nights at the Burton's house for non-
Christians. I believe that there are several people in the study vAio
are close to making decisions for the Lord.
A man named Robert Caudle (from Indiana, a graduate of CBS) is staying
with the Burton's and is preparing to move to Inverness to do evangelis
tic vrork there. Also, around the first of June there is a group of half
a dozen students fron Ozark Christian College coming to work with Sam
for nine weeks.
COUNTRYSIDE CHRISTIAn CHURCH 2735 N.E. 36th Terr. Topeka, Ks. 66617
We are pleased to report the recent addition of several new financial
partners! Of our original goal of $1,500 monthly, we are currently at
$1,150. We are always happy to add additional churches and individuals
to the team!
We wish to thank all of you again vAio were so kind to us during our
traveling to various churches. Your prayers, sincere words of encourage
ment, and expressions of love have helped, and will continue to help,
ease our transition into this new culture. We'd certainly love to hear
from anyone v^o'd like to write. We pronise to answer your letters. You
can reach us at the address at the top of the newsletter, or through our
Forwar(^g Agent. If you write to us directly, please send your letter
Air Mail; otherwise it takes about six weeks to get here!
Prayer Requests;
1. Pray for non-Christians in Buckie, especially for Vic &I^a, Jeanie
&Willie, and Margaret.
2. For Alathia Burton's health,
3. For our continued guidance and direction.
4. For a Bible study v^ch we will be starting in our hcire on Wednesday
5. For the interns, that their travel may be safe.
In Christ's Name,
Scott & Julie
Fran the Forwarding Agent:
Postage for letters to Scotland is 44^ per h oz. Most letters can go for
44<;:; larger cards and letters require 88<:. Letters take about 5-6 days.
Air Mail.
2735 N.E, 36th Terr.
Topeka, Ks. 66617
Address Correction Requested
Permit #1
Scott &Julile Ferguson * Jan Williams
20 James Street Countryside Christian Church
Buckie Banffshire AB5 IRL C A IVX 2735 I^E 36th Terr.
Scotland K R^rm.1 li-T Topeka, Ks. 66617
VOUUME 1 July, 1986 NUMBER 2
Dear Friends,
A great deal has h^pened since last time we wrote. After sort of
"easing in" the first month, things have shifted into high gearl
The church in Buckie has entered into its building program recently.
The small facility has been hindering growth of the church, so it is
being expanded.
The sunmer team fron Ozark Christian College is here new and they
are really into the swing of things. Last week, we all conducted a door-
to-door religious survey of Buckie. The main purpose of the survey was
to seek out those in the catrnunity vrould be interested in hcme Bible
studies. The results were well worth the ridicule, hostility, ferocious
dogs and slaimied doors that we faced. About thirty solid contacts were
established. I'll let you krof^ in future newsletters of the decisions
made by those people.
The Qiurch of Scotland held its General Assembly several weeks ago
on national television. Itost of the discussion was centered around moral
and political issues, upon which th^ took, generally speaking, a very
liberal stand (e.g. abortion). The most enlightening speech was made by
a church historian, vdio stated that if the present decline in membership
continues, in forty-five years there will be no more Church of Scotland.
Why does this not surprise me? Because the clergy and most of the laity
no longer believe that the entire Bible is the Wbrd of God! This can be
backed up by direct statements from the Church of Scotland ministers, as
well as by our survey in Buckie. And the churches \jp north have always
been nore conservative than the ones in the south of Scotland. The
denise of the state church in forty-five years? I believe that's a very
liberal estimate1 (pun intended)
Vfe've finally found a car. It's a 1981 Ford Cortina. It's a popular
model here, but there is no parallel to it in the U. S. The mileage is
below average and it runs well.
I've been sharing the preaching responsibilities quite a bit lately.
I've just got to renorber to speak slowly and clearly, without using any
American slang terms 1 In a few weeks, I' 11 be leading a na^ Bible study
in Buckie, made up mainly of the people we met vihlle surveying. The cur
rent Bible study in our home is going well.
Many prayers have been answered lately and Jeanie Adam (on last
iTonth's prayer list) has decided to becane a Christian. By the time you
read this newsletter she will have been baptized into Christ. Hallelujahl
COUNTRYSIDE CHRISTIAN CHURCH 2735 IN.E. 36th Terr. Topeka, Ks. 66617
We thank those vdio've written, and ask those vdio haven't, to do so.
(We miss all of you badly!) And lastly, we thank everyone involved in the
V.B.S. in CXf^asso, Oklahoma. You are very special to us, and we thank God
for each and every one of you.
Prayer Requests;
1. Pray for Jeanie Mam in her nev walk with the lord.
2. For Vic & Myra, Margaret, and especially Willie, who all need to itake
decisions for Christ.
3. For Alathia Burton's health. In mid-July, she'll be going to London
to see a specialist.
4. In general, that the Holy Spirit will oonvict the country of Scotland
of sin.
In His Service,
Scott & Julie
From the Forwarding Agent;
P.S. A few days after mailing the newsletter to me, Scott and Julie
called, so excited about new developtents in Forres. Last week, they did
similar svirvey work there as they had done in Buckie. One lady had been
praying that soneone would COTie to talk with her, vjho really believed the
Bible. They found a good number interested in home Bible studies. They
also had a public showing of the film, "The God Makers". As a result of
the survey and the interest shown in the film, they planned to hold an
afternoon meeting last Sunday in a rented hall in Forres, with Sam preach
ing. They also reported the news that they've found a place to live until
^ey relocate in the southern part of the country. They have a trailer
in a court located half-way between Buckie and Forres (about 16 miles
from Buckie). They will move in around July 5, when the Winters' return
from furlough. They were pleased to be able to use the Winters' hate
until now. Their new address is 85 Ashgrove, Elgin, SODTLAND.
If any of you wDuld like to receive a copy of the 1st and 2nd quarter's
financial report, please let me know. I'll be happy to send you one.
2735 N.E. 36th Terr.
Topeka, Ks. 66617
Address Correction Requested
Permit #1
Editorial Office
Box 2427
Knoxville, TN 37901
Scott & JuHle Ferguson Jan Williams
20 James Street Countryside Christian Church
Buckie Banffshlrc AB5 IRL A]Vf\ 2735 ME 36th Terr.
Scotland M. T Topeka, Ks. 66617
VOLUME 1 August, 1986 NUMBER 3
Dear Friends,
Hello againl "This past nonth has been the busiest yet. We only
spent a total of a few days in our new hone this nonth. For the last
two v/eeks we've been working in cairps. The first canp was for the area
kids, and was held on the grounds of a castle. I have been helping with
the teaching, recreation, and preaching during both weeks. Several kids
vAio attended the first week of canp had never been in church before. It
was exciting to see all the learning taking place. In fact one girl,
after being told about Jesus' return, exclaimed, "He's coming back?! I
didn't know that. Boy I hope it's this year," Oddly enough the canpers*
favorite game at recreation time was a rather novel new discovery
American football! The other canp I mentioned is a family canp in Eng
land. We've had a chance to meet several of our co-laborers in Britain.
Even though the weeks have been extremely tiring, we've both enjoyed
ourselves and have learned as well as taught.
Imtediately following the second week of camp, we'll be holding a
week of Holiday Bible Club (Vacation Bible School) at the Buckie Church
of Christ, Holiday Bible Club is a perennial favorite of the Buckie kids
and is a good way to meet their parents.
We've mentioned Robert Caudle before, vdio cane over about the same
time as we did, and the work he's planning to start in Inverness. At
the beginning of this month, we spent a week along with the Ozark Chris
tian college interns and surveyed a big chunk of the city. Several
people were found sincerely want to study the Bible. By the time
you get this newsletter, they will have had their first meeting. Praise
the Lord!
So far we've had a nonth of Sunday meetings in Forres. Numbers
have been at about 40 every week, and each week there are some new faces
in the crowd. Until we outgrow it, we are meeting in the old courthouse
which we are able to rent for 3 pounds (approximately $4.50) each Sun
day. Not only that, but the cannanity center across the street is at
our disposal during the worship hour free of charge in vrfiich we ^Id our
children's program. The m^ibers are excited about this because it frees
up ainost all of the offerings for outreach, including support for a
foreign missionary! God is doing a mighty work here.
COUNTRYSIDE CHRISTIAN CHURCH 2735 N.E. 36th Terr. Topeka, Ks. 66617
Prayer Requests;
1. Pray that our Holiday Bible Club will be a great success. Dates are
August 4th through 8th.
2. Pray for the vrork in Inverness that is just beginning, and especially
for Robert Caudle, as he is our only vrorker there.
3. Continue praying for Alathia Burton's health. Her trip to the doctor
in London was soiEitot helpful, but she's still not in very good
4. Pray for the new Forres Christian Fellowship, especially for Mike
Innes and Jiirrny Fraser vto are strong leaders in the congregation.
5. Continue praying for those v^on we've mentioned in past novsletters
need to make decisions for the Lord.
"Thank you for all your sipport and prayers. We miss you.
In Him,
Scott & Julie
From the Forwarding Agent:
We now have their oonplete new address (\^ch includes the city
code): 85 Ashgrove
Elgin IVSO lUT
Scotland, U. K.
They don't have a phone yet; they haven't been hone long enough to have
one installed1 Please be in prayer for Scott's Grandrrother Ferg\ason,
vAio recently suffered a heart attack and stroke in Muskogee, Oklahcam.
2735 N.E. 36th Terr.
Topeka, Ks. 66617
Address Correction Requested
Editorial Office
Box 2427
Knoxville, TN 37901
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Married Single Divorced Widowed
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Who solemnized your wedding?
List children by full name giving the place, birthday, month and yearinthe order ofyourchildren'sbirth days. (If your
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Place of birth Month, Day Year
Please list places of previous Christian service and v^hat service you did as a brief career summary. Give
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Place Position Service Dates
EDUCATION (high schooi and later):
^ ... I. X Degrees granted and date
Name of school Location Number of years ^^ist honorary degrees)
0\A}CtS^O Scjeol /ji^OiSio ^0k ^ ^^
Q2iirk BHI^ Cdlf^ ^Mo
^2. S^cLti&^ cf ^(LllciJ!
What influenced you to become amissionary? /pu
7^ Sp/nf,
^ /a 4ia4- cr^lir.
What is your purpose in missions? Or what do you hope to accomplish on the mission
Your own explanation in some detail might be influential in leading others into full-time service. (Use extra sheets if
you need more space):
cUurcIs j
Describe briefly in outline form the nature of your daily duties on the field:*^
J S^tu.e>Y^f J fAd^f(s A HOA-
Which of the following terms most nearly describes your missionary status?
Evangelist Bible College Teacher Bible Reader Public School Teacher Pilot
Homemaker Doctor Nurse Social Worker Music Teacher Radio
ministry Radio follow-up Christian Service Camp Linguistics Maintenance of
mission equipment Maintenance Benevolent Office Work Production of Bible
Correspondence Courses Production of Christian literature in the National Language Village
Evangelism Name other:
Languages you know (fluent/non-fluent)
Father's name and his home address:
A (First - h^dle . - Lesl name)
Living Deceased Number &Street Sj^^
City . State ' Zip Phone (716)772-llTC
Mig nrniipatinn Sck^O ls he aChHstian? Yes No
Br\oa(ykKr\ .
What positions of leadership has he held in the local church? .
Sld.e.f , Svs\.(P^ S^Lcal teAclor
What Christian service does he now/ do? ^ ei^av<.
Mother's full maiden name gupk
(First Middle Last name)
Living ^ Deceased Number &Street
nity /^Ll^SCf) state 7ip
Is she a Christian? Yes No Her occupation if employed outside the
home J
What leadership positions or Christian service has she rendered to the local church? L^tl^
Do you have relatives in mission vk^ork? Yes No
If so, please list their names, location, kinship and details on a separate sheet v^rith a brief explanation of their
missionary activity.
Mame Al-^ry 6Uil/faM/
^ (First ^ Middle ' Last name. (First Middle Last name. Happlicable, Hat both Mr. and Mrs. full names.)
Number and Street //f . City
State zip ^^^17 Phone
Where attend church? G^yJ-rplA CLn^fjd^
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Your complete address while in USA: C Q^OVC )
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Your USA phone number: area 1^5 phone number
Name and address of Livinglink church or churches:
C0UJ/itr-i'jSid^6hti'shayi dhixrch Number &street ^'735 NB. Terr^^cc^
(Full narfn/ol church)
City State ^ Zip ^ / ~7
Number & Street
(Full name of church)
City: State Zip
Names and addresses of other sponsoring churches whose elders recommend you:
fini dMnSham C^kur-ch Number &street I O^OO Sir N.
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City: 0\aJC*-S SO State Zip ~7^0SS
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Please send letters of recommendation from the elders in
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churches to support your missionary work. Certainly the
words of these elders will help to convince others
regarding the worthiness of your mission work. Please
help MSA to spread your news through HORIZONS by
sending these elders' letters from your sponsoring
churches as soon as possible. MSA will be happy to help
you contact these elders if you will send the full
addresses of the churches.
Recommendations by Christian Leaders: {List names here and enclose a copy of each letter.)
Name: J Nu"b^i^& Street
Please tketch a map directing visitor* to your locallon on the mission field
City _
Number & Street
Place of Birth f^jty "'TppC
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Date of birth Ft-b-
(Add date of arrival
and naturalization date
(Mor}th) (Day) (year)
if applicable.)
(Month) (Day)
Where baptized? C-kriSh^CK (Ihu^M 0 Date ;97V
C- OJrl c lf,h. /}I.D
City State
On an extra sheet please describe any details regarding your conversion which you might care to mention.,
Married X Single Divorced Widowed
Please give the complete name of your husband or the maiden name of your wife F/srau.^/7p
Date of marriage
(Month) (Day) (Yoar)
&Ic^- pkrv' CMjxrck
led? irrptkCL K^ Where married?
Who solemnized your wedding? M
Listchildren byfull name givingthe place, birthday, month and year inthe order of your children's birthdays. (Ifyour
children have been adopted please indicate.) Incase you are single, please list your brothers and sisters by name in
this space.
( 1/1 CTVU ^
Place of birth Month, Day Year
Please list places of previous Christian service and what service you did as a brief career summary. Give
approximate dates:
Service Dates Place Position
EDUCATION (high school and later):
Name of school Location
cWwftM \hm Sltof -Jo^jikcv^Ki
/%aric Bihb JcrfiiH ,/nD
What influenced you to become a missionary?
IA /Vjng-Hdr) nbnyfr.h oyi( uldjij-
Number of years
3 lATS,
//Im ku^bund^
Degrees granted and date
(List honorary degrees)
hi/j ti se-h /i'O I Mf?l cMi. j I
h'Pi'CCLhf cf BibifO/il Litdrahu-t
sHiM, S-hth's-^ica.
What is your purpose In missions? Or what do you hope to accomplish on the mission
Your own explanation in some detail might be Influential In leading others into full-time service. (Use extra sheets if
you need more space):
5eina houJ apaJMt^ fV Sods. LOarzt a
j^rmjina ^rj-nd- p^opi/^
^ ~ I ^
Bibli fo -trUd^ X uscu-lcL llke^ %
. I n I - . ^ - 71 - 1 . , I . <. A In i n^N I . I ^ A 1 o.--r 1/1W < . W
hi sei^ dht-i<'-hOJi^ o-nd non-ilhn^Ha-idS iv UMd-infitna Hiiy
Describe briefly in outline form the nature of your dally duties on the field:
Woriii'n^ u;/ yoiii-h/'hea(i^'M :
rl^rica.! railing
Which of the following terms most nearly describes your missionary status?
Evangelist Bible College Teacher Bible Reader Public School Teacher
Homemaker X Doctor Nurse Social Worker Music Teacher
ministry Radio follow-up Christian Service Camp Linguistics Maintenance of
mission equipment Maintenance Benevolent Office Work Production of Bible
Production of Christian literature in the National Language Village Correspondence Courses
Evangelism Name other:
Languages you know (fluent/non-fluent) 11 ^h
Father's name and his home address; \\
Number &Street A/- [dAhir^
City _
7ip UisU {1 Phone ^^15)
His occupation f^yp^AA.h'\rt ' Is he a Christian? Yes No
What positions of leadership has he held In the local church? -el^g^
What Christian service does he novt/ do? ^(?
Mother's full maiden name
Nvojr\A \cju ^-hr//u^
City _
Is she a Christian? Yes
(First Middle Last name)
Number &Street C.SCLW^-^ /X^O1/^ ^
State Zip Phone
No Her occupation If employed outside the
What leadership positions or Christian service has she rendered to the local church? 11
Do you have relatives in mission vt/ork? Yes . No v/
If so, please list their names, location, kinship and details on a separate sheet vt^ith a brief explanation of their
missionary activity.
ffiref - Middle - Last name. Happlicabla, list both Mr. and Mrs. Ml names.)
Number and Street ^ ^ tlM.I
NT: ^
Mzurij Wflli^tmS
City Thy^-^k 0^
Phone (^9 l3 ) XBjj) "OLpI I
Where attend church? TSU-K frij &C^.lT'llWaM ^^A^UTzJa
(Full name ofohurch) ^
Number &Street 2.^5^ 0jty CX^ state
What duties are performed by the forwarding agent? booli c-\^icll.(
Should money be sent to the forwarding agent only?
Does the forwarding agent receive asalary? tLQ In what form should funds be sent? pf^^reiTClhi^ chJCK
Please give the full name of the mission: M| I :d
Does the mission have official tax exempt status? Q_(2_
Please give details of HOW checks should be written to this mission: Civlri'&h^ CUuJ^thci-*^ci
(4^.^1/1 Cl Cio're/ !> Po'^ -fp
If funds are to be sent directly to the missit>nary on tte mission field, please explain the details of HOWto do it, so we
can give your explanation to HORIZONS readers and others who may inquire.
Mission Services Association is depending upon you to keep her informed regarding your missionary activity.
Thanks so very much; you are the BEST source for your information we know, so you are a vital partner.
If you have additional information that you think will be helpful to the staff of MSA in preparing news stories about
your ministry, please feel free to send it. MSA is depending upon you. Thanks.
Horizons #
(Oct. 21, 1986 by \rm)
Title Ferguson In Scotland / copy Page
Job Page _
Scott and Julie Ferguson aiJrived^
in Scotland April 27, 1986. They iwere
welcomed by Sam and Alathia Burton who
helped them with a general orientation
to Scotland and the people. Their strafcegy
called for a few months of work in Buckle,
Scotland with the Sam Burtons, then
eventually relocate in the Glasgow/Edinburgh
metropolitan area where 75% of the counbry's
over five million people live. Their
duties include: preaching, teaching classes,
leading Bible studies, working with sumjner
camps and with vacation Bible schools
(called Holiday Bible Club, there]|. Scott
summerizes it well:" My purpose in miss
is to plant and build up New Testament
churches, as many as possible in
Scott Alan Ferguson was born
February 1, 1963 at Muskogee, Okla. to
Brice Glenn Sr. and Mrs. Barbara ^ean
Burk Ferguson. Brice is an elder land
teacher, Barbara is a school teadher
and choir leader. Scott completed high
school in three years at Owasso, Qkla.
He had four years in Ozark Bible Oolle^
(now, O^iark Christian Gollegft), Jrtplin
(Page - 2 - Ferguson In Scotland - Oct. 21, 1986 by WSM)
Horizons # Title Copy Page
Mo. where he was graduated with t%e B.A. degree
I c
in biblical literature in May, 1945- ^
started preaching in February, 1986 in
Missouri, Just before his junior iyear,
Scott did a summer internship witii the
"Go Ye" Chapel Mission in New York City
area. (Phis couple is recommended ihighlpr
by the elders in their home churches:
First Christian Church, Owasso, Okla-
where Scott was ordained in A^ril,
and Countryside Christian Church,
Kans. who provide their forwarding agenjb
and services.
Mrs. Julie lynne Williams Fergus
was born February 8, 1964 in TopQka, K^s.
to Myron Dean and Mrs. Mary Janice Stripple
Williams. Myron is sin elder and works
IBM. Jan is a clerk, teacher andicoxms
serving as their forwarding agents Jul
was graduated from high school in-three
years at topeka, Kans. in 1982. She ha
three years in Ozark Bible College, Joplin,
Mo. where she was graduated with a certlificate
of biblical literature in May, 1985- Jtulie
married Scott on June 1, 1985 in Countrlyside
Christian Church, Topeka, Kans. with La
Maddux officiating. Their mutual inter
in missions led them to choose Sr-otlanti
Job Page
(Page - 3 - Ferguson In Scotland - Oct. 21, 1986 by WEM)
Horizons # Title Copy Page
as a place to serve togetber, Ju|ie writes:
1 c
"Seeing bow apathy for God's Wordlis glowing
Job Page
and that people no longer believe
Bible to be true - I would like tp see
Christians rjramrff and non-Christians ali
come to understand the Truth." One fir
time camper this summer after bein^
told about Jesus' Return exclaimed:" He
coming back?! I didn't know thatJ Boy
I hope it's this year,"
Sunday services were started in
July, 1986 at Torres meeting in tlie old
co\irthouse(rental about $4.50 each Sund
and attendance averages about 40 each w
the eatire (Her underscore)
They need $1500.00 per month for living
operating expenses. They went on faith
with about $1,150.00 pledged and l^rustiig
that the full amount would come. Funds
for this new church work should be sent to:
Mission to Scotland, Jan Williams
Christian Church, 2735 N.E. 36th ierr.,
Topeka, KS 66617, phone(913)2B6-o471.
Their field address is: Sccitt an
Julie Ferguson, 85 Ashgrove, Elgin,
Morayshire, IV30 lUT, Scotland, K.
phone O343-495O8. :
The End ^ 1
Scott & Julile Ferguson Jan Williams
20 James Street Countryside Christian Church
Buckie Banffshire AB5 IRL A 1\ Y\ 2755 ME 36th Terr.
Scotland M. Ti-T Topeka, Ks. 66617
VOLUME 1 Septentier, 1986 NUMBER 4
Dear Frierds,
Things are certainly quieter now that the interns have gone hcsre.
The Holiday Bible Club (V.B.S.) was a tremendous success. New records
v^re set for both the attendance and the offering, and many proud par
ents showed up for the closing service. It should take us a couple of
weeks to make calls on everybody who came vto is unchurched? we've also
got a substantial backlog of calls to make of people we contacted over
the previous couple of months. Even without all the other everyday
duties, these calls should keep us busy for avdiile.
Scotland certainly has no shortage of unchurched people. While
listening to my favorite B.B.C. radio station the other day at morning
news time, I heard an interesting but alarming bit of information con
cerning the state of the church. The B.B.C., v^ch is so proud of its
reputation for being accurate and unbiased, said the following: "In
Britain, on any given Sunday, only 3% of the people will be in church.
In fact, only 15% will ever go, for any occasion. Of the 3%, under one-
half consider themselves 'converted'." Those are the facts, straight
from the horse's mouth.
In the next few days, I'll be taking an overnight trip to the Glas
gow area to "spy out the land." The overv^elming majority of the
Scottish people live in the Greater Glasgow area. Thus, I believe that
if any great revival is to begin in Scotland, it must begin there. We
have made sore very ambitious plans for a large-scale church-planting
strategy. Scotland must be reclaimed for Jesus Christ. It can and will
be accomplished. You'll be hearing a good deal more about this later,
but for now, if you want more details, you'll have to write us directly.
Two wciren v^o love the lord, Anna & Rosemary, have been baptized in
the last month. They are both Church of Scotland ladies and both chose
to remain in the church. They became convinced of their need to obey
the Lord in baptism as a iresult of sinply studying the Bible, and as a
result of Jeanie Mam's influence and friendship. They realized we were
not out to steal good n:o)ers from other congregations, but the Church
of Christ sirrply afforded them an opportunity unavailable in their own
church. We praise the Lord for these two ladies and the witness they
will have.
COUNTRYSIDE CHRISTIAn CHURCH 2735 FM.E. 36th Terr. Topeka, Ks. 66617
Vte enjoyed the visit frcm Julie's brother and sister-in-law, Jeff &
Ingrid Williams, all the way from St. Louis. In September we'll be
visited by Julie' s parents, Myron & Jan (our forwarding agent). We look
forward to that.
Now for a bit of trivia. Did you know that the average British
person drinks 3,7 cups of (hot) tea, daily? Most of the one's we've
spoken to find the idea of "iced tea" repulsive1
Prayer Requests;
1. For the work in Inverness, viiich is having trouble getting off the
ground, especially because of lack of a suitable meeting place.
2. For those we've mentioned before v^o are close to becoming
Christians, especially f^ra and Willie.
3. For God's guidance and wisdcm in our plans concerning Glasgow.
4. For Anna and Rosemary, two precious ladies vdio've recently been
In Christ,
Soott & Julie
Fran the Forwarding Agent;
Needless to say, we're very much looking forward to our visit with
Scott & Julie1 The only thing that vrould make it better vrould be to
take Scott's parents cilong, too. It will be great to see them in their
new surroundings, and meet all the people we've been hearing about in
their newsletters and personal letters. We also hope to be "put to work"
seme vMle we're there. Incoming checks from supporters will be depos
ited Wiile we're gone, but I will wait until I return to send receipt
2735 N.E. 36th Terr.
Topeka, Ks. 66617
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Scott &Julie Ferguson A Jan Williams
85 Ashgrove Countryside Christian Church
Elgin IV30 lUT A]VT\ 2735 riE 36th Terr.
Scotland. U.K. R Topeka. Ks. 66617
VOHJME 1 October, 1986 NUMBER 5
Dear Friends,
Greetings from Scotland. You may have noticed that this newsletter
is a little late in coming. That's because we've been running around
non-stop for most of the month. This was due partly to the visit paid
to us by Julie's parents, I^ron and Jan Williams. We certainly enjoyed
their visit. We took advantage of sane of the unusually decent weather
and showed them around much of Scotland. When it was time for them to
go, we drove them down to London. It was the first time we'd seen any
thing in London besides the inside of the airport. We crammed a great
deal of sightseeing into the day and a half we were there, taking in
many of the usual tourist sights. Anyone vdio is passing through Scot
land, or just wants to come visit, is more than welcome to stay with us
All those v^o normally assist in the Sunday services took vacations
last month, so Myron and nyself led all six services for the two weeks
he was here.
Julie has been teaching a young kids' class herself during the
Forres worship hour. I don't envy her one bit, because the kids are
terribly oiergetic and like nothing better than to run around laughing
and yelling! Also, Julie and Alathia Burton are planning a big Vfcanen's
Clinic in F^ruary for the women in Buckie and Forres.
Speaking of kids, Jeanie Adam has, by herself, started a teen
fellowship in Buckie. After only a fev weeks, it's averaging 12-14 kids.
That's fantasticI Most of those young people are not associated with any
church. This sort of outreadi by such a young Christian can serve as an
exaitple to us all.
We enjoyed our trip to Glasgow. The big city is quite a change
frcffn these small towns in the North. Glasgow, I think, could best be
oonpared to St. Louis, Missouri, for several reasons. First of all, it
is a major industrial city built on the banks of a river. Also, Glasgcw
is a huge, sprawling metropolis which is undergoing much renovation and
is being heavily promoted. Much of the city is also dirty and rundcwn.
The shifting of society away fron an industrial base, tovard a high
technology base, has taken a great toll on Glasgow, as the unenroloyment
figures unmistakably indicate.
COUINTRYSIDE CHRISTIAN CHURCH 2735 Pf.E. 36th Terr. Topeka, Ks. 66617
Since Julie and I first decided to come to Scotland, it's always
been our intention to move to Glasgow. Right now we're trying to decide
when to move; either right away, or to continue waiting. Please pray
for us in maJcing this big decision.
Prayer requests;
1. Pray for the Buckie Teen Fellcwship, that it may have fruitful out
2. Pray that the Forres group will gain seme more cormitted members, as
several of those vto meet there are on the fringe.
3. Willie is now stiacfying the Bible on his cwn. Pray that the Spirit
will convict him of his need to follow Christ.
4. Pray for Julie and me, concerning our aforementioned decision.
In Christ,
Scott & Julie
Fran tlie Forwarding Agent:
It was a joy for us to experience firsthand the land and people of Scot
land! (And especially to get to spend time with Julie & Scott!) The
people with wliom Julie St Scott work are even rrore beautiful than the
country. It was a privilege to study, worship and fellowship with tliose
v^on we've heard about in the newslettersnow we can visualize faces
and personalities when we pray for them! Fran v^at we observed and ex
perienced in the short time we were there, the Scottish people are very
warm and friendly. (Even if it does sound like they're speaking in a
foreign language at times in the North!)
2735 N.E. 36th Terr.
Topeka, Ks. 66617
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Box 2427
Khoxville, TN 37901
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Scott & Julie Ferguson Jan Williams
85 Ashgrove Countryside Christian Church
2735 ME 36th Terr.
Scotland, U.K. "w w m.x Topeka, Ks. 66617
ynrnMR i November, 1986 NUI4BER 6
Dear Friends in Christ,
Sumnnertime is ikw officially over. The days are getting shorter
and colder. The brilliant colors of the trees and grass are beginning
to turn brcwn. But the excitement and activity here is refreshing.
Julie and a few other W3nsn from the church have begun a wanen's
Bible study on Monday nights at the Burton's hane. Ihis stu<^ is
designed to meet the special needs of vonen, and if the first meeting is
any indication, it will be a great success.
Sam Burton is in America this month trying to raise funds for the
Buckie church building. He's also trying to recruit people for some
special programs ccsning up in the next few years, vdiich you'll be hear^
ing more about in a later bulletin.
I've been doing a couple of radio programs lately on the conrnunity
radio station in Buckie. The programs go into the nursing hcme, the
hospital, and the high school. This is only a tenporary duty, but hope
fully scrne good will core out of it. I play all sorts of Christian
music and read Scripture. Although the listening audience is quite
small, I know for sure that some vto listen are not Christians.
The church at Forres has planned some social activities for the
purpose of outreach. Ihe first such activity was the shewing of a
current itovie with free refreshments. Several non-Christians shewed i:^),
and seemed to enjoy it. There was no sermon or plug for the church
given, just good fun. Most people in the ccrmiuni-tY still feel very
threatened by the new church group and a little suspicious.
Julie and I have been here six months now. We feel pretty comfort
able with the culture here and have grwn to love the Scottish people.
We'd liJce to thank everyone viio has been so faithful in their prayers
and financial support. We welccme your involvement. This ministry is a
partnership, and the role of our supporters is as iirportant as our role
as missionaries. We recognize that and praise God for the many dear
people vdio have joined with us to spread the Word in Scotland.
COUNTRYSIDE CHRISTIAN CHURCH 2735 N.E. 36th Terr. Topeka, Ks. 66617
Prayer Requests;
1. Pray for Deanna, vAio began her walk with Christ just last week in
2. For the gathering of the necessary funds to finish the Buckie church
3. Several voren at Forres have husbands vdio are not at all synpathetic
towards the faith of their wives.
4. Continued guidance for us concerning our relocation.
Yours in His Service,
Scott & Julie
From the Forwarding Agent;
If any of you ever need Scott and Julie's display materials for a
missions fair, or missions eirphasis, please let me know, and I will be
glad to send them to you via UPS. (They sent back a small bagpipe with
us v^en we returned frcm Scotland. Some of you may enjoy trying your
hand at playing the pipes1)
2735 N.E. 36th Terr.
Topeka, Ks. 66617
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Knoxville, TN 37901
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Scott & Julie Ferguson Jan Williams
85 Ashgrove ^ ^ ^ w Countryside Christian Churcii
Elgin IV30 lUT Sf^OTI^AIVTl 2735 ME 36th Terr.
Scotland, U.l^. K Topeka, Ks. 66617
Nbvetiber 19, 1986
Dear Friends,
Enclosed is a brochure telling briefly of our main program for the next
few years. Although liie program does-not offieially begins\antil-the-
late spring of 1988, Julie and I, along vdth Sam and Alathia Burton,
will be moving to the Glasgcw area in a matter of months to lay the
groundwork for the project. We have now begun to actively recruit
personnel for the various phases of the project, including:
1. Our main program, for we are atterpting to enlist a
minimum of 25 couples an^/or singles to cannit thanselves
for at least two years, beginning in i^ril or May of 1988.
A certain movement vdthin the Churches of Christ has been
extremely successful in planting large, growing churches
in such inner^city areas as Boston, Chicago, New York, etc.,
and are currently planning to send teams to Paris, Sydney,
and other metropolitan centers. Glasgow is the natural
choice of a target city if the gospel is going to spread
into Scotland.
2. Also, in the sumners of the years 1988, 1989 and 1990, we
will be hosting exciting internships in Glasgcw. TJhese
programs will be a great opportunity for college students,
and others wish to have an active role in evangelism and
church-planting in a cross-cultural setting. Speakers and
workshop leaders for these sunnier internships are being con
tacted new and details will be forthcoming.
I believe that in order for God's Kingdom to grow. His people most be
willing to dream big and act in faith. Ohat's vtot we're trying to do.
Perh^)s we have sparked some interest, or at least raised some questions
with you. We'd be pleased to personally answer all inquiries. Be pray
ing for us as we serve God in Scotland.
In Christ,
Scott Ferguson
We're looking for men and women who will serve in
the following areas:
*lnstitutional Ministry
(Hospitals, Nursing Homes, Jails, etc.)
*Campus Ministry
*lnner-City Ministry
*Youth Ministry
*HomeStudy Ministry
*Christian Education Ministry
*General Evangelistic Ministry
1. Commitment to Christ and His Church
2. Deep desire to be involved in evangelism and
church planting
3. There are no Bible College or Seminary
For further information, write:
Sam Burton
British Isles Evangelism
19 Garden Lane
Buckle AB51BL
Scotland, U.K.
Scott Ferguson
c/o Countryside Christian Church
2735 N.E. 36th Terrace
Topeka, KS66617
Nestled at the mouth of the River Clyde in
Scotland's heartland, Glasgow, the nation's largest
city, is home to 1,850,000 souls.
The city of Glasgovi/ began life as a makeshift hamlet of
huts huddled by a 6th century church. By the 19th
century, Glasgow was the greatest shipbuilding center
in the world. It was this industry which caused the
city's rapid growth and made It one of Europe's leading
wiiji iiEic wWiH
Glasgow is home of two of Scotland's most famous
and ancient educational centers, Strathclyde University
and the University of Glasgow, as well as twenty-one
other institutions of higher learning.
Society's shift from an industrial to a high
technology base has left Glasgow with a staggering
18% unemployment, while in the east end of the city
this swells to 65%.
Housing conditions in Glasgow are among the
worst in ail of Europe. Years of neglect and vandalism
have left thousands of houses uninhabitable.
These and other problems have contributed to
another major problem, alcoholism.
Glasgow is desperate for some Good News!
\ 1
The Need
This country that was once so instrumental in world
missions is now in desperate need of missionaries.
Church of Scotland officials have declared that, at the
present rate of decline, the state church will not exist
in 45 years!
Also, because Glasgow has the lowest percentage
of Protestants of any Scottish city, along with a large
Irish community, it has developed many of the same
sectarian problems as Northern Ireland itself.
Glasgow has also become a prime target for Islam
evangelism. The newest Muslim mosque in the city
center outshines any of the state church's buildings,
and is indicative of the city's changing religious
All of these factors make Glasgow an ideal location
for planting a thriving New Testament Church.
Currently the Glasgow area has no New Testament
What is GlasgowOutreach ?
A. Glasgow Outreach is an innovative church-
planting strategy based on methods proven to be
extremely effective in urban areas.
B. The ministry concept is very simple. It is a team
effort in which every member specializes In an area
which he or she is particularly suited.
C. Our goal is to plant a church that will be self-
supporting in two years and capable of reaching out to
other parts of Scotland and the world.
I;: :
Scott 6f Julie Ferguson Jan Williams
85 Ashgrovc Countryside Christian Church
2735 lit 56th Terr.
Scotland, U.l^. m. mi. Topeka, Ks. 66617
VOLUME 1 Deconber, 1986 NUMBER 7
Dear Friends,
By the time you read this newsletter. Thanksgiving will be over
and fu3iier pr^arations for bigger and better holidays to come will be
underway. This will be a very different Thanksgiving for Julie and I.
we'll be sharing our small slice of itoerican culture with our Scottish
friends (at their request). Needless to say, they don't celebrate
Thanksgiving over here. They do celebrate Christmas, however, in almost
exactly the same way (on a much smaller scale) as i^^mericans. Christmas
is followed on the 26th by Boxing Day. I'm not certain about the history
or significance of Boxing Day, but perhaps I can let you know next month.
We have much to be thankful for at this time. First of all, the
weather up to now has been fairly nice and not very cold. Also, Sam
Burton and Leslie Jappy are back fron their American fund raising tour,
and ALL of the money needed to ccjtplete the Buckie church building has
been pledged or givenI
By new you've no doubt received our "Project Glasgow" brochure, and
we hope you are as excited about it as we are. We've alrea^ had a few
couples corrmit themselves to the twD-year program, with several others
seriously considering it. Let me again urge you to please address any
questions or cormients to me personally.
We hope you have a blessed holiday season and will partake in the
True Spirit of Christmas. But there is another spirit at work at
Christmas time. It's a deceitful spirit. This is the one often confused
v;ith the spirit of goodwill. It causes people to do ridiculous things
that they regret for months to core.
This "spirit of Christmas" says you are mean and miserly when you
resist the pressure to spend, spend, spend money you haven't got. This
is the spirit that causes you to be enslaved by your creditors for the
vdiole of next year. "You won't enjoy Christmas," it vespers, "unless
you've given the children everything their friends are getting.
It's a spirit to resist.
If your joy is dependent on the tr^pings of Christmas, it isn't
rooted in God. If you find yourself discontented because Christmas
isn't Christmas without a turkey and all the trinmings, or unless you
"do what we always do", then perhaps your commitment is to tradition
COUNTRYSIDE CHRlSTlAn CHURCH 2735 N.E. 36th Terr. Topeka, Ks. 66617
rather than to your life in Christ. Please don't pretend there is ai^-
thing more ^iritual about that day than any other. Christinas for many
people is an annual ordeala time vdien lonliness is particularly acute,
or v^en orpty traditions are slavishly maintained.
However, many Christians react against the materialismand paganism
of Christmas and, in so doing, present a stingy, tight-fisted, ld.ll-joy
attitudethe opposite of the life Jesus came to offer.
Don't let your sentimentality toward the baby Jesus in a manger
replace your DAILY service and sacrifice for our Risen Lord. Rather,
let your love and joy be such that those vdicen our lives touch will be
pointed toward Him alone can bring "peace on earth, and good will
toward men,"
Fxayer Requests;
1. Pray that the Holy Spirit will convict Willie of his need for
2. That our properly dealing will be successful;
3. lhat God will raise more laborers for the Glasgow Outreach Project.
In Christ,
Scott & Julie
From the Forwarding Agent:
Rental housing has now become available in Budd-e, so Scott and Julie
will be moving there until they relocate in Glasgow. Ihis will give
them the opportunity to sell their caravan (trailer) in Elgin prior to
making the move to Glasgow. For the present, you may use Sam Burton's
address (19 Garden Lane, Buckie AB5 IRL, Scotland, U.K.) to corres
pond with them. Next newsletter, we'll know their new address in Buckie.
2735 N.E. 36th Terr.
Topeka, Ks. 66617
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Box 2427
Khoxville, TN 37901

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