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Curriculum vitae

Personal information
First name / Surname

Eugen ROCA
University Politehnica of Bucharest, Transport Faculty Transport, Traffic and Logistics Department 313 Splaiul Independenei, 060042 Bucharest, Romania +40 733 988 548 Romanian 09 February1969

Telephones E-mail Nationality Date of birth

Work experience
Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities 2001 at present Senior lecturer Teaching courses and practical classes in Computer simulation in transportation, Marketing in transportation, Transport safety and security Member of Transportation Faculty Council Research project manager University Politehnica of Bucharest, Transport Faculty Transport, Traffic and Logistics Department Educational 1993 2001 Teaching assistant Teaching practical classes in Computer simulation in transportation, Handling and storage equipments, Member in research project teams University Politehnica of Bucharest, Transport Faculty Transport, Traffic and Logistics Department Educational

Name and address of employer Type of business or sector Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities

Name and address of employer Type of business or sector

Education and training

Dates Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects/occupational skills covered Name and type of organization providing education and training Dates Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects/occupational skills covered
Pagina 1 - Curriculum vitae Roca Eugen

2005 Ph.D. Ph.D. studies in Transport Engineering University Politehnica of Bucharest

2001-2005 Dipl. Economist, B.Sc. Public Finances, Business evaluation, Accounting, Financial markets, Marketing, Insurances

Name and type of organization providing education and training Dates Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects/occupational skills covered Name and type of organization providing education and training

Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Finance, Insurance, Banking and Stock Exchange 1988-1993 Dipl. Engineer, B.Sc. Transport systems, Informatics in transportation, Multimodal transport, Logistics, Rail and road traffic, Transport terminals University Politehnica of Bucharest, Transportation Faculty

Personal skills and competences

Mother tongue Other language(s) Self-assessment
European level Romanian

Listening C1 C1 A2 Proficient user Proficient user Basic user C1 C1 A2 Reading Proficient user Proficient user Basic user C1 C1 A2

Spoken interaction Proficient user Proficient user Basic user Spoken production C1 C1 A2 Proficient user Proficient user Basic user C1

Proficient user

English French German

B1 Independent user A2 Basic user

Computer skills and competences

Transport and traffic management software (VISUM/VISIM) Digital simulation software (Arena, GPSS) Database Management Systems (Access, FoxPro) Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Power Point) Member of World Conference on Transport Research Society Member of Romanian General Association of Engineers

Additional information

Representative papers
PH.D. Thesys Analytical and computer simulation models for complex queueing systems applied in traffic systems Scientific papers Roca, E., Rusca, A., Ilie, A., Rusca, F., Non-motorized transportation an educational challenge for urban communities, Theoretical and empirical researches in urban management (TERUM), 8(17)/2010, 5-13, ISSN 2065-3913 Raicu, ., Roca, E., Rusc, F., Vulnerability of Trans-Carpathian Road Network, University of Piteti Scientific Bulletin, Automotive series, no. 19/2009, vol. B Raicu, ., Popa, M., Roca, E., Dragu, V., Reverse logistics and space allocation for recovery management in new urban settlements, n Theoretical and empirical researches in urban management (TERUM), 3(12)/2009, 37-48, ISSN 2065-3913 Popa, M., Raicu, ., Roca, E., Environmental Criteria and Decision-making Model Related to Urban Street Network Investments, Proceeding of the International Conference "Environmental Engineering", Vilnius,, Lithuania, 2008 Popa, M., Raicu, ., Roca, E., Costescu, D., Optimal planning for developing, modernizing and maintaining the street infrastructure of dense and large urban areas, in Urban Transport XIII: Urban Transport and the Environment in the 21st Century (editor C.A. Brebbia), WIT Press, 2007 Raicu, ., Raicu, R., Roca, E., A solution for the optimisation of freight transport in urban areas, in Urban Transport XII: Urban Transport and the Environment in the 21st Century (editors C.A. Brebbia and V. Dolezel), WIT Press, 2006 Research grant Civic education for selective waste collection in universities, Funded through the National Research, Development and Innovation Plan, 20082010
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