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Karaoke 5

Instruction Manual
Contents: Page
About the program: 2
A first sight to the program: 3
The explorer window: 4
Playlists set: 4
Text Window 6
The M!"# 6
Primary $ields %The &ATA'A(") *
The +pper 'utton 'ar ,,
The (-."#(/ (01"&+2" ,2
The M"-+ bar ,3
The M!-. window 23
The (yn4rhoni5ation 2,
The "xplorer window 24
$A6s 27
Version 35.8
,8 What is 9arao:e7;
9arao:e7 is a M&< 9A#< Mp3< 9$-< WMA< Mp3=0&.< WMA=0&.< 0&=. player< and it was
de>eloped to be an easy and useful player< yet ha>ing the 4apability to perform professional
sessions not allowed by other players8
This is a 4omplete program< both for new and professional users8
n this >ersion the user 4an modify< in real time< the transpose and time of Mp3 files< and 4an also
use some funny features %4alled ?@inglesA) to perform really interesting 9arao:e sessions8 There is<
also< an useful ?4ueingA fun4tion< that gi>es you the 4hoi4e to repeat a pie4e of the song< in order to
learn the part< or to play with friends8
n the ?P#BA >ersion %a>ailable by performing the free RECHARGE or buying the UNLOCK
CODE) you 4an also ?syn4hroni5eA your fa>ourite songs< in M& and Mp3 format8
2. Installation and update
$irst installation is easy and intuiti>e< and is not a problem e>en for the new users8 Cust download
the latest >ersion %find it at: www8:arao:e784omDitDwel4ome8htm) and 4li4: on the setup i4on8
f you/>e got a pre>ious >ersion of 9arao:e7 %su4h as >ersion 3,< or earlier)< you must ?4on>ertA
your songs database before pro4eeding with the installation8 Cust download the ?4on>ersionA file
and 4on>ert the ?musi4a8strA file of the earlier >ersion then 4opy it in the new installation folder8
The installing instru4tions are easy and must not present any parti4ular diffi4ult< but in 4ase< feel
free to as: any help in the dedi4ated se4tion of www8:arao:e784omDforumen8
The free RECHARGE is a 4ode freely a4hie>able at www8:arao:e784omDforumen %sign up before
trying to enter the forum)< that gi>es you the 4apability to use your 4opy of the program as a
professional :arao:e program8 The #"01A#."< howe>er< is not a limit to use the program for a
domesti4 use< su4h as a :arao:e player or for some hours of fun with friends8
WA#--.: the free #"01"A#." is >alid only for the 0+##"-T E"#(B- of the program8
Thus< if you ha>e a pre>ious >ersion the 4ode you will pi4: up will not wor:8
Abo>e you 4an see some elements of the main window that will appear as you laun4he the
Menu< Playlist< Primary fields %&atabase)< Mixer< Mixing 4ontrol< "xplorer and Text window< are
displayed all together< but you 4an de4ide to resi5e some of them %Text window) or minimi5e
%"xplorer< Mixing and mixer windows) to ha>e more to see while your performan4es go on8
n the "!P2B#"# window< using right 4li4:< you will be able to perform the most usual
operations< su4h as 0opy< Paste< &elete< #ename< Property< -ew $older and so on< li:e an usual
Mi4rosoft folder window8
f you 4hoose ?$-&A< a dialog window will pop up8 Cust type a word %or part of it) you want to
sear4h in the 4oosen folder and in its subFfolders and the program will find your files 4ontaining
that word8
n this >ersion the explorer window has been deta4hed from the playlist< and you 4an use it e>en if
you are wor:ing by P#MA#G $"2&(8
Cust browse your files and double left 4li4: on it to play8
"LA&LI!T! !ET!
As you 4an see in the pi4ture abo>e< the playlists sets are TWB< independent8 They 4an/t play at the
same time< but are deeply 4onne4ted8 n fa4t if you will play a song by one of the two different
playlists< the M!-. fun4tion will wor: the same as you are playing files from a single playlist8
The (1$T '+TTB-( 4an ma:e you shift the songs in the same playlist8 (ele4t a playlist< 4li4:
on4e on a 4hoosen song< then 4li4: on one of the buttons to ma:e the song go +P or &B-W in the
playlist8 +seful if you want to play some song before or later8
We will analy5e now the playlist '+TTB-(8
$rom 2"$T to #.1T
Add from database8 This will add the sele4ted database %primary fields) song dire4tly to a4ti>e
playlist8 %n the A0TE" playlist the little sHuare abo>e ("T will turn #"&8
A&&8 This will open a dialog box in whi4h you 4an sear4h a file to add8
&"2"T" #BW8 Will delete the a4ti>e row in the a4ti>e playlist %re4ogni5able from a little bla4:
arrow at the left of the row)8
(AE" P2AG2(T8 f you want to sa>e a parti4ular set< @ust 4li4: here8
P2AG8 Plays the sele4ted song8
-"W ("T8 This will open a dialog box8 Cust type in the name of the new set and (AE"8
#"-AM" B# &"2"T" ("T8 Gou 4an 4hange name to your set or delete it definiti>ely8
The A+TBP2AG or M!-. ?flagsA ma:e possible to perform more songs< ea4h one ?mixedA
with the other by the fun4tion ?4rossfadeA of the M!-. W-&BW %see the dedi4ated 4hapter)8
To 4hange the TB-" EA2+" @ust sele4t the song in playlist< 4li4: B-0" on the TB-" box until
it turns blue< then type in the >alue %positi>e or negati>e) then push "-T"#8
A double 4li4: on a song will start the song %or will pop up the M!-. window< if this is a4ti>e)
Bn the TBP 2"$T you will see the 01B#&( playing< they may not be perfe4t %or maybe they
areI)< but is a >alid help for guitar players8 0hords are 4al4ulated on M& $2"( only8 f present
in other files %su4h as Mp3) they will be shown8
Modifying the T#A-(PB(" of a M& file e>en the 01B#&( will >ary< but in 4ase of 01B#&(
manually inserted< they will be shown at the original >alue8
n the 4enter< abo>e< a '2+" 'A# is present< it represents a useful help for all singers< to ga>e
them the ?startA of ea4h new part of the song8 Maybe a word< maybe a row< when a lttle time to
wait is due< the '2+" 'A# will light up< and will de4rease a few se4onds before the #.1T
(TA#T of the text8
At the right top is present a ni4e feature8 t gi>es you the 4apability to enlarge and redu4e the
01B#& window %and the blue bar too) @ust 4li4:ing on the little arrows8
-ote that in the pi4ture abo>e< a different ba4:ground pi4ture ha>e been 4hoosen8
As you see in the pi4ture abo>e< many fun4tions ha>e been asso4iated to M!"# window8 This is
be4ause usually the M!"# window is always present on the s4reen8
At the left of the window you see the M& 01A--"2 se4tion8 There are ,6 4hannels< with the
>oi4e of the asso4iated instrument< and a little EB2+M" bar at the right of ea4h 4hannel8 There is
also a little bla4: arrow that permits to 4hange the instrument asso4iated to ea4h 4hannel8
.oing right we will find some buttons %abo>e showed in G"22BW) that are used to:
$A&" the 4urrent playing song8
+sing the M"((A." (G(T"M %will see more about it later)8
+sing the APP2A+("FBFM"T"#8
+sing the C-.2" ("0TB-8 The small >olume bar at the right of the C-.2" button is used to
ad@ust the @ingle >olume8
'elow these buttons there is the TM"'A# of the song8 The 4ursor will mo>e from left to right
during the play8 f you want to shift your position through the song< @ust 4li4: and drop the 4ursor
along the bar8 -ote that in some M& songs maybe be useful to press the $4 :ey %reset M&) f
something goes wrong8
The two windows with #"& and 'LACK buttons< are useful in 4ase you want to play se>eral
times a parti4ular part of the playing song8
The use is simple and intuiti>e8
0li4: on4e on the #"& button at the point you want to restart the playing8 0li4: it again if you
want to set the 4ursor %and the song position) to the sele4ted point8 The '2A09 button of ea4h of
the two se4tions will delete the sele4ted position< and the song will go on usually8
Maybe the explanation is a little diffi4ult< but feel free to try< and you will a4hie>e in a few se4onds
the use of this interesting and useful feature8 Bf 4ourse< if you want to ha>e fun with friends @o:in/
with them< you 4an use this fun4tion as a ?@umpingA old 2P re4ord888 JF)
(ele4ting the C-.2"( se4tion you will add more and more fun to your playsI
There is a preset C-.2"( list< but you 4an easy add others %images< or sounds< or both) to
multiply your fun8
A typi4al use is the APP2A+("8 n this 4ase a pi4ture %in .$ format) will appear at the 4enter of
the T"!T W-&BW %in ba4:ground respe4t the text< of 4ourse) and a small Mp3 will play<
simulating the applause of lot of $A-( of the singer %e>en if the house walls are ris:ing to fallI)8
The C-.2" >olume is independent< and its sele4tion will not affli4t the song >olume8
f you sele4t the APP2A+("FBFM"T"# se4tion< a index will pop up in the T"!T window8 This
represents the EA2+" of the sound 4aught by a mi4rophone inserted in the M0 @a4: of your P08
The small sele4tor at the right of the button represents the (TA#T-. EA2+"8 n default position
is set to ?3A but in position ,< 2 or 3 the final result will be in4reased by ,3K< 23K or 33K8
"xample< if the meter measures 63 and the button is set to ?2A the final >alue will be
To reset the APP2A+("FBFM"T"# 4li4: on #"("T< to go ba4: at the usual T"!T window 4li4:
on (TBP8
The two .#""- arrows are used to T#A-(PB(" the sele4ted song8 'etween them a little
window will show the >alue of the transpose8 f the number is -".ATE" this will means that the
song has been shifted down by semitones indi4ate in the window8 A positi>e >alue indi4ates an +P
shifting< always by semitones8
-ote that if you 4hoose a tone by the &ATA'A(" or by the P2AG2(T< the song will start with
the sele4ted >alue showed in the window8 "a4h modifi4ation to the start >alue will represent a
4hange in tone8
The little 4enter window with a >alue expressed in K is the TM" of the song< basi4ly the song
speed8 Gou 4an 4hange the >alue by 4li4:ing on the arrows< dragging the bar below< or 4hoosing a
>alue by the P2AG2(T box %note that you must s4roll the window on the right)8 f you want to
4hoose a different >alue %tipi4ally ,33K) by the &ATA'A(" you must sele4t the song then press
the $6 :ey< as shown later)8
The bar indi4ated with 9A#AB9" T"!T ant the >alues A and #< is useful in 4ase you want to
a44elerate or retard the T"!T in the playing song8
The EB2+M" bar on the extreme right is the >olume of the song %asso4iated with the >olume
>alue of your audio dri>er in the P0)8 When a new song starts the >olume will be reset at the
maximum >alue8
'elow the T"!T 'A# there are two number series< the left one represents the (B-. TM" and
the 4urrent position8 The right ones represents the (B-.( present in your &ATA'A(" %indi4ated
as 9arao:e and total songs< of 4ourse maybe the numbers are not the same8 t depends how many
:arao:e songs you ha>e in the total database)8
I( )ou *ant to pe+(o+, a (ast t+anspose o+ a (ast ti,e shi(t use +espe-ti.el) CTRL/ LET
to TRAN!"O!E.
The pi4ture abo>e shows the &ATA'A("8 This is a powerful feature %maybe the uniHue in a
9arao:e program) that gi>es you the ?power of the 4li4:A8 n fa4t< if you ha>e sorted your songs
with the 4orre4t name and author< you may need @ust few digits to find in a se4ond all the songs
you li:e8
To perform this< @ust position the 4ursor on the A+T1B# or (B-. field< than type @ust a few
letters of the song title or the author< to find the file you/re loo:ing for8
The file type will be shown in the PAT1 field to gi>e you a sight< in a glan4e< of the Huality of the
file %maybe M& or Mp3 or 0&.)8
The &ATA'A(" is easy to modify< by the user< to a4hie>e the maximum effi4ien4y in sorting<
listing< 4hoosing all songs8
The 0B-( showing the $2" TGP" are the following:
$rom left to right:
Mp3 with asso4iated text
M& with asso4iated text
M& without text
Mp3 without text
0&. or 0&A
n P2AG2(T se4tion the showed i4ons will be only the last three8
To 4reate your own &atabase you 4an pro4eed in different ways8
The first time you install the program you will be as:ed to perform a sear4h in your 4omputer for
all songs you want to add8 n this 4ase be sure to 4opy all the songs you want to be inserted< in a
?mother folderA %4all it 9arao:e< or with a name easy to remember) then let the program perfom
the sear4h in this folder8 All the file will be readed then added to your database by the 2A(T
$B2&"# in whi4h are 4ontained8
"8(8 f you/>e got some author/s songs in a folder 4alled ?CMMGA the program will 4reate a
&ATA'A(" in whi4h the A+T1B# files will be added as CMMG8 (o be sure your files are
4orre4tly listed before pro4eed8
(ee the pi4ture below:
I( )ou 2(la34 the deletion o( old DATA'A!E )ou5ll loose all p+e-edent in(o+,ations. !o
6e(o+e p+o-eedin3 ,a7e su+e to ,a7e a -op) 0i( )ou li7e1 o( the #U!ICA.!TR (ile that is in
the installation (olde+ 0tipi-all) C89"+o3+a,s9Ka+ao7e:; o+ di((e+ent i( )ou5.e -hoosen
anothe+ one1.
This will be the most rapid mode but< of 4ourse< the less pre4ise8
A different way to perform this is using the "!P2B#"# window %see pi4ture in the dedi4ated
4hapter< at beginning of this manual)8 n this 4ase 4hoose the folder in whi4h your songs are then
sele4t the button A22 B- and then A&& TB &ATA'A("8
n a few moments the songs will be added to your &ATA'A("< and you 4an easily re4ogni5e them
by 4li4:ing the ?-A button at the 2"$T TBP< right below the menu bar in the program main
window %it represents the -"W (B-.( you/>e added)8
Please< note that in this 4ase the program will A&& a new folder in your ?rootA folder you/>e
sele4ted for all songs8
Another way to 4reate your own database is888 MA-+A22G8
(ele4t P#MA#G $"2&(< then 4hoose re4ord menu and the option A&&8 A dialog box will pop
up and you will be able to 4hoose your song to add8
As you 4an see in the abo>e pi4ture there are some fields to be filled< manually< to insert a new
re4ord8 'ut with a little pra4ti4e you/ll find this way the most pre4ise and useful8 Bf 4ourse this will
ta:e more time< but the results are assuredI
"8(8 Type in the first field the A+T1B#/( name< then hit the TA' :ey to go down in the (B-.
filed8 Type in the (B-. TT2" then 4li4: on4e on the '#BW(" button in the PAT1 field8 The
'#BW(" button is the one with some dots inside< at the right of the field8 This gi>es you the
4apability to sear4h the file in your folders then add it8
After this 4hoose a ?2"E"2A %basi4ly a higher number 4ould represent a higher Huality) and a
(TG2"8 Gou 4an use this field also to insert some notes< su4h as ?MA#B/( songA or others< to find
it rapidly in a next sear4h8 Br type in some -+M'"#( to asso4iate the >alue to a parti4ular
situation or singer8 Maybe , will indi4ate &A-0-. 1T(< or Mary/s fa>ourite< or what you want8
(ele4t the 9 or T %text only) type by the s4roll box indi4ated as TGP"8 9 stands for 9A#AB9"
files %with syn4hroni5ed text) and T stands for T"!T only %not syn4hroni5ed)8
(ele4t the TB-" you li:e8 n this 4ase the song will start A2WAG( with the TB-" you/>e
The same way 4hoose the TM" and the EB2+M" of the song8 This will be readed as &"$A+2T
>alue for this song only8
Gou 4an 4hoose also a ba4:ground image for ea4h song< if you li:e8
f you 4hange the >alue of >olume in ea4h M& 4hannel this will be a modifi4ation for the 4hoosen
song only8
After all operations @ust 4li4: on B9 and the new #"0B#& will be added to your database8
The number in the mixer box will in4rease< and if it/s a 9A#AB9" song e>en the 9A#AB9"
number will do8
n the pi4ture abo>e are listed the buttons that you/ll find in the upper bar of the program8 These
buttons are always >isible %unless you/>e 4o>ered them with the "!P2B#"# or the M!-.
window< or the Mixer and T"!T windows also)8
The explanation is the following:
, (hows all 9A#AB9" $2"(
2 (hows A22 $2"( %both 9arao:e and not)
3 (hows -"W A&&"& (B-.( %-ew added to &ATA'A(")
4 (hows only M&D9A# files %N)
7 (hows only Mp3 files %N)
6 "xtra4ts text from file %see further informations below)
M Bpens a song from your 1ard &is:
O (hows T"!T informations %if you/>e got some)
* -ot 4urrently used8
,3 Plays the Primary fields sele4ted song
,, (tops the playing song
,2 Pauses the playing song
%N) These buttons wor:s until pressed again8 That means that until the M&D9A# button is a4ti>e
your database will show only M&D9A# files8 To toggle to Mp3 files >isuali5ation @ust press the
Mp3 'utton< or press the M&D9A# button again to show both file type8
This is the dialog box that will show if you will de4ide to export text8 n this 4ase you will be as:ed
to 4hoose if export 01B#&( too %in M& files and Mp3 files that has got them)8 Then 4hoose a
path to sa>e the files then o:)8
1ow to organi5e >arious artists during a performan4e; The singers/ s4hedule is the answer to your
n fa4t< this may seem as a simple P2AG2(T< but is not8 n this s4hedule you 4an add files from
your &ATA'A(" to organi5e them for the singers that will sing8
t 4onsist in a grid with the singing order< the singers/ name< the 4hoosen song< the tone< a -BT"
4olumn in whi4h you 4an write something you li:e< and finally a 4olumn to insert a message that
will be >isible by the ?Message systemA8
Gou 4an 4hange the initial part of the message by the +T2TGD("T+P 9A#AB9" W-&BW
and the &"$A+2T M"((A." box8 f you ?flagA the singer/s name the message 4ontaining the
initial part and the (inger/s name will be showed up8
Gou 4an 4hange the singer/s order dire4tly by the (B#T %ordine) 4olumn8
To stop the message >isuali5ation @ust sele4t M"((A.-" (G(T"M and then (TBP from the
M!"# window8
To see the fun4tion of the other buttons see the P2AG2(T se4tion abo>e8
The menu bar has some fun4tions that 4an be used to enter deeply into the program philosophy8 n
fa4t some of the professiona features 4an be rea4hed only by the menu bar8
2et/s see what it 4ontains8
(tandard8 ndi4ates that you/re using the program in the light >ersion %Player Bnly)
Professional8 ndi4ates that you/re using the professional >ersion %but without #"01A#." or
+-2B09 0B&" the professional fun4tions will be disabled)8
nfo8 .i>es you some info about the programmer and the mail address to 4onta4t in 4ase fo
#e4harge or Program #egistration8 .i>es you the mode to register or to perform a $#""
#"01A#." to a4hie>e more fun4tions %P#B Mode) of the program< su4h as sa>e syn4hroni5ed
files< get another text window to export in an extended monitor< and so on8 0hoosing this option
will open up a dialog box to 4hoose what to do8 Cust follow the instru4tions to get the #"01A#."
or buy the +-2B09 0B&"8
"xit8 "xits the program8
The instru4tions of this menu are easy and intuiti>e< but a few explanation is due8
When you are wor:ing on P#MA#G $"2&( %&atabase) there are two ways to start a new song8
&ouble left 4li4: or press the $,2 :ey8 Most users de4lares that this is the easier way to start a file<
howe>er you 4an 4hoose for one of these ways< of 4ourse8
A2T=. will mute the ?melodyA tra4: on M& files only8 Tipi4ally this tra4: is the P4 but some
files maybe different8 s a good idea to 4he4: them and sign with a little ?noteA in &ATA'A(" %e8s8
A number between bra4:ets that indi4ates the number of melody tra4:)8
A2T=. will mute A2WAG( tra4: P48
Playing a file from playlist , or 2 will be done in a se4ond by pressing the :eys showed in the
pi4ture abo>e8
To modify a present &ATA'A(" re4ord @ust 4li4: on4e on it then press $6 :ey8 The same dialog
box for A&& will show the fields to be modified8 0li4: on B9 when done or 0A-0"2 to abort8
-othing else to be said but for $-& option:
f you want to perform a sear4h on your database @ust press $* then sele4t a word to sear4h for8 The
program will sear4h this word in all your database< showing the songs that 4ontain it8 The sear4h
will be performed in A+T1B#< (B-.< (TG2" and PAT1 fields< so if in one of these fields there/s
the word you/re loo:ing for it will be found8 %Pi4ture below)
&"2"T" (B-. will delete definiti>ely the re4ord from the &ATA'A(" %but the file will be :ept
in the same position)
t allows you to ha>e a list of your &ATA'A(" and P2AG2(T( songs< sorted by Author or by
0hoosing the (B-.( &ATA'A(" or the P2AG2(T P#-T option the program will perform a
sear4h and a pre>iew of the wor: that will be done8 n this way all professional users 4an get a list
of all the songs present in their database< to ma:e the singers to get their 4hoi4e easily8
0li4:ing on the "&TB# options< the user 4an get different :ind of lists< with a little pra4ti4e will
be easy to get full a4:nowledge of all the ways to obtain a good result8
'elow there/s a >iew of the &atabase "ditor8
(etup M& Ports
Port instrument defines what de>i4e you want to use as output of your sounds8 $or default is 97
nstrument >irtual sound of :arao:e78
Butput de>i4e defines what de>i4e you want to use as output of your sounds8 The default >alue is
set on W-&BW( M& MAPP"#8
(ysex &elay is the >alue %in millise4onds) that you want to assign to the "x4lusi>e (ystem8 +sually
set to Q"#B %&efault)8
(tart from first note is an instru4tion that is gi>en to the program to ma:e it play the M& $2"(
from first note8
0ross$ade length is a >alue %in millise4onds) that defines the duration of the entire 4rossfade
pro4ess %button 2 in the M!-. window)8
#eset M& options is for reset the M& sets8
A&& -(T#+M"-T( is for professional users only and it ma:es possible to add new sounds
%from M& instruments ban:s)8
After done @ust 4li4: (AE"< or 0A-0"2 to abort8
("T+P 9A#AB9" W-&BW:
n the first row you 4an 4hoose the $B-T to be used in text window8 The $B-T 0B2B# is the
4olor of the text yet to be sing< and the 'A09.#B+-& 4olor is the 4olor of sang text8 The border
4olor is used to ma:e the text more >isible in some ba4:ground images8
mage sele4t permits to 4hange the ba4:ground image %you 4an use one of the formats listed in the
dialog box that will show up)< e>en the 8gif file 4an be used< gi>ing you the @oy of a moblie
Messenger font sele4t is the sele4tion of the M"(("-."# (G(T"M font8 The Messenger (ystem
is a little window that will pop up as you li:e< inserting a message this will s4roll indi4ating what
you li:e8 Adds more fun to your performan4es8
As for the main text window< e>en for the message one you 4an 4hoose a ba4:ground and a
different font 4olor8 'ut in this 4ase you 4an 4hoose only a 4olor for the s4rolling text< with no
2ast #ow Window Message is a feature that ma:es possible to show a message at the end of ea4h
song< but it will wor: only in the P#B$"((B-A2 mode %in the se4ond text window)8 $or the
main text window the end message will be the default one8
The -E"#(" (G-0#B-QATB- is a feature that permits you to 4hoose in whi4h way you want
to perform your (yn4hro8 f you $2A. this 4he4: box you must follow the '2A09 word as the
one you are syn4hroni5ing at that moment8 f you lea>e this box empty you must follow the usual
rule that means the '2A09 word is G"T TB '" (G-01#B-Q"&8
9arao:e rows and rows position ma:es you possible to 4hange the number of the text row you will
>isuali5e on the T"!T window and their position8
(etup &ri>e:
This important option gi>es the user the 4han4e to 4hoose RW1"#"R and R1BWR the RMain
9arao:e &ire4toryR will be 4reated8 0hoose a dri>e %8e8 0:S or &:S to sele4t) and then the main
%root) dire4tory in whi4h all :arao:e sub dire4tories and files will lay8 Please note that the RpathR
will sear4h %and surely find) only files that lies in the Main &ire4tory you/ll 4hoose with this option8
$ind and add 9arao:e $iles:
Bpening this menu< a new window will pop up8 The user 4an now sear4h all the files in the P0 and
simply add them to database with a 4li4:8 Please note that< in order to ha>e a good sear4h 4riterion
in your database is suggested to apply some modifi4ations to the autoFadded files by the $6 button8
f you flag the old database deletion box before pro4eeding a new database will be build up8 'ut
you/ll lose all pre4edent informations8
#eset -ew Added (ong 0ounter:
This option gi>es you the possibility to reset the 4ounter of the new added songs ea4h time you
li:e8n this way you 4an retrie>e e>ery time the newest entries in your database @ust 4li4:ing on the
R-R orange button seen before8
AddDModify Cingles:
Wanna more fun;I;
'y this window you 4an modify or add R@inglesR to your :arao:eI n the Rdes4ri5ioneR %des4ription)
@ust type in the name you want to assign to your @ingle< in Rper4orso @ingle audioR %Audio Cingle
Path) insert the dri>e and dire4tory where your @ingle %in Mp3 format) is< and in Rper4orso @ingle
>ideoR %Eideo Cingle Path) @ust type the dri>e and dire4tory where your 8gif images %that you want
to asso4iate to the sound) are8
#eset M&:
#esets all M& 4hannels %same fun4tion of the PA-0 button in the mixer or $4 :ey)8
#eset Eolume:
#esets all >olume >alues in all M& 4hannels8
(ame fun4tion of the R#eset M&R option8
0reates a file that 4ontains all the informations about your database %+seful in 4ase you use to ma:e
many 4hanges in your database)8 Cust 4reate a file to ba4:up and re4all it to restore8
mport song list from "x4el:
0reates a new database @ust importing a list of songs %basi4ally from a list 4reated by a file manager)
and its use is dedi4ated only to the professional users8
-eed explanations; :F)
n this >ersion you 4an 4hange the aspe4t of your 9arao:e &es:top8 Try one of these s:ins to sele4t
the one you li:e8
(how 9arao:e &efault window:
When you a44identally 4lose the main text window< @ust sele4t this option to ha>e it again on your
BpenD0lose 9arao:e TE window8
When you use the program in it/s professional >ersion< a new :arao:e TE windows %to be used on a
se4ond s4reen or in a des:top extension) 4ould be what ma:es the differen4eI (ele4ting this option
you/ll ha>e a new window to be shown on a se4ondary s4reen< and the window is ad@ustable
a44ording your preferen4es8 To a44ess this option you need the Rre4hargeR to be a4ti>e8
(how Mixer &efault Window:
As the title says this option permits you to open and 4lose at any time the mixer window
BpenD0lose Mixer Window:
And you 4an minimi5e it by 4hoosing this option8
(how M!-. &efault window:
(ame for the M!-. window< that permits you to M! the songs when they stop and start8
BpenD0lose M!-. window:
'y 4hoosing this you/ll ha>e the 4apability to open and 4lose the M!-. +T2TG window< a
feature that 4an be useful in 4ase you use the program in a professional way8 (ee next pages for
further informations about this feature8
(how "!P2B#"# default window:
n this >ersion the "!P2B#"# window is not 4ombined with playlists< but is always present on
your 9arao:e7 &es:top until you de4ide to minimi5e or to 4lose it8
BpenD0lose "!P2B#"# default window:
(ame for the pre4edent paragraph8 'ut this will only minimi5e the window8
0reateDModify 9arao:e:
This feature ma:es possible to 4hange the text syn4hroni5ation in a file< or to in>ert 4hannels< or
e>en sa>e a file with a different translation or time shift8
'y 4li4:ing this a -T"#A0TE" &A2B. 'B! will pop up8 And some informations may be
due< for all users8 'ut will see it further8
"xpress M& arranger:
(ee the dedi4ated 4hapter ahead8
Bpen a new mixing utility window when you 4lose it8
The mixing utility 4an help the user in the transition from a song to another one8 This results 4an be
obtained in six different modes %only the first two a>ailable in non professional use)8 'y using the
$,2 :ey a window li:e the one shown abo>e will open up8 Then pressing number :eys from , to 6
the 4orrespondent effe4t will ta:e part8
,8 (topD(tart : (tops the pre>ious song to ma:e the new one to start immediately8
28 0ross $ade: The two songs will be present for a while %the default time is set up to 7
se4onds)8 n this time the first song >olume will de4ay and the se4ond will grow up8
38 Manual 4ross fade : +sing this option a little 4ursor in the 4orrespondent se4tion of the
window will appear< the user 4an s4roll this 4ursor manually %with mouse) in order to
perform the manual 4ross fade at the desired time8 n this >ersion the user 4an use also the
leftDright dire4tional arrows to perform the manual 4ross fade< and hitting the "-T"# :ey
the 4ross fade will be entirely performed8
48 $ade outD(tart : sing this option the song will fade out and then will stop8 The next one will
start only when the user will push again the R4R :ey< or 4li4: on it8
78 $ade ButD$ade n : The first song will de4ay and then the next >ill play starting in a fade in8
68 $ade nD$ade But : s the opposite of the pre>ious option< prior to stop the first song the next
one will start8
This is one of the most important pe4uliarity of this program< in fa4t by this option< you 4an 4reate
and modify your personal :arao:e file8 This operation is 4alled< for the wor:ers< R(yn4hroni5ationR8
">ery file %M& or Mp3) whi4h you want to enri4h with a text to made it be4ome a real :arao:e
file 4an be treated8
0li4:in on this option a new dialoge window will open up8
n the gray window you will insert the text %manually or by 4li4:ing on the T"!T MPB#T button)
prior to perform any syn4hroni5ation< in fa4t< you need something to syn4hroni5e with musi4 firstI
Bn the right there are some buttons that we/ll analy5e one by one:
$rom the left to the right:
autoFhyphenation but non automati4 syn4hro
autoFhyphenation with automati4 syn4hro %typi4ally based on 0hannel 4 rhythm< M& only< not
suitable for Mp3 files)
Bpen M& file
Bpen Text file %to import text from a 8txt file)
(yn4hro details8 When you syn4hroni5e a song< not always thing goes in the right way8 $or little
mista:es try this option %a new window will open) to >ary little portions of the song or some
parti4ular details8
As you 4an see you 4an modify @ust a line or two< or a part of the word in the same line8 Please note
that in Mp3 files the time s4rolling is measured in millise4onds8 %6333 stands for 6 se4< 73333 for
73< O7333 for , min and 27 se4< and so on)8
0hord insertion8 (ame for the 4hords %if you need to >isuali5e them during the song playing)8 Cust
add the 4hord and syn4hroni5e them with the text following the same time numeration8
mage insertion8 This option allows you to insert one or more images in your Mp3 file to obtain a
Rdynami4al s4rolling of the images yu/>e 4hoosen8 To do this @ust 4li4: on the button and a new
dialog box will pop up8
Cust 4li4: on the 4entral 4olumn to 4hoose your image in the 1& %is not essential that the image is in
your Rroot folderR where you store the musi4 files) and sear4h for it by the RbrowseR button lo4ated
by the R...R on the right8 After this 4li4: on the right 4olumn to set the time in whi4h your image is
supposed to appear8
Please note that< for files sa>ed in R9arao:e7 Mp3R format< the time insertion will be shown in
millise4onds< e>en for the fra4tions %,3473 L ,3 se4onds and 473 millise4onds) but for the
R2yri4s3R files format the time will be displayed in step by ,333 millise4onds ea4h8
(a>e file as8 Will sa>e the file as:ing you to rename it8 Gou 4an 4hoose to sa>e your Mp3 file in two
different formats8 The 4ommonly used for 9arao:e7 is ob>iously the R9arao:e7 Mp3R< but if you
4hoose to sa>e in R2yri4s3R format your file will be readable e>en in other :ind of de>i4es %li:e
Mid@ay 9eytron< et48)8 The file format doesn/t affe4ts the original format of Mp3 file< but the
syn4roni5ation8 (o< if you li:e to lisen to the Mp3 file in any e>er Mp3 player that it/s supposed to
wor: regularly8
Play8 Plays the song
Pause8 Temporarily stops the song< but if used during syn4hro operation the syn4hro will be lost8
(top8 (tops the palaying song8 This 4ontrol too will stop the syn4hro if you use it during a syn4hro
#e4ord8 After text insertion and autoFhyphenation< start the manual syn4hroni5ation by pressing the
R"nterR :ey in time with the song rhythm8 Please note that the sillable you/re syn4hroni5ing on is
not the bla4: one< the bla4: indi4ator stands to gi>e the user a glan4e of the position< and indi4ates
the sillable TB '" (G-01#B-Q"&8 f you ma:e some little mista:es @ust go on< you will 4he4:
them out later< with the Rsyn4hro detailsR option8
%indo*s E=plo+e+
t />ery important and intuiti>e8
To add a Primary $ields< playlist or (inger (4hedule simply sele4t the bases with 4ontrol = mouse
or pressing ?All onA8
0li4: on the following button you want< or &#A. with the mouse files within spe4ifi4 4omponents8
Will open this manual on your des:top8
Can I use the program even without recharge?
(urely 4anI Bf 4ourse it will a4t li:e a mere player and not for the professional use8 n this 4ase no
syn4hroni5ation and double s4reen features will be a>ailable8
When I select a song in my database appears the message "File doesn't
t depends be4ause probably the Rsetup dri>eR option hasn/t been performed 4orre4tly8 0he4: it out
and try again8 f problem is still present maybe you/>e deleted that file8
Can I use a previous version of arao!e"?
&espite you 4an find o44asionally some pre>ious >ersion still present on the web< the Rre4hargesR
will wor: only for the 4urrent >ersion8
#ow can I perform a "$%C#&$'%"?
After getting the 4ode on www8:arao:e784omDforumen %to get it 4li4: on the Rri4ari4aF4li44a HuiR
image) open your program and sele4t file menu then R#e4harge or Program registrationR8 This will
open a dialog box where you 4an type the date %ma:e sure that the system date and the re4harge
date are 4oin4ident) and the 4ode asso4iated8 This will gi>e you an RautonomyR of ,33 openings<
and the re4harge indi4ator will go down by one unit e>ery time you/ll open the program8
#ow much the program costs?
The program< in the aim of the programmer< is free8 The only differen4e between the professional
and the playerFonly >ersion 4onsist in a re4harge that 4an be obtained for free at
www8:arao:e784omDforumen 8 'y the way you 4an de4ide to buy a permanent unlo4:ing 4ode
4onta4ting the author following the instru4tion in the $ile Menu8
I can't synchroni(e any song)))
0he4: your re4harge le>el8
#ow can I use the double screen feature?
To use this feature you must ha>e the re4harge >alid< then @ust sele4t RBpen 0lose TE 9arao:e
WindowR from the +tility menu8
$or any problem or doubt don/t forget to 4onta4t us at www8:arao:e784omDforumen 8
n this site you/ll find a se4tion dedi4ated to the program and it/s problems and troubles8 And a
4ouple of people that will be glad to help you for anything they 4an8
'y following this lin:: www8:arao:e784omDforumenDdefault8asp;0ATT&L32 you 4an easily a44ess
to a dedi4ated forum area in whi4h you 4an as: for some Huestions for troubleshooting8
Please note that the Author %also the Moderator for the "nglish Area) is -BT "-.2(188 so
forgi>e some little mista:es and misunderstandings8

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