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Aerobic respiration: Oxygen + glucose ---> carbon dioxide + water Respiration is a series of chemical reactions, performed in the mitochondria

of living eukaryotic cells, which provides energy for the rest of the cell. Each cell requires a certain structure for respiration because ATP cannot pass across the phospholipid bilayer membrane Respiration provides energy for cells. Anaerobic respiration doesn't require oxygen but produces less energy and lactic acid. ATP is the chemical released. The rate of respiration shows how active an organism is. Oxygen is carried to cells by haemoglobin and diffuses into cells where it is used. All living cells respire. The respiration reaction oxidises sugars and releases carbon dioxide and water. Glucose enters cells by diffusion, and also facilitated diffusion. If there is a shortage of oxygen, lactates are produced. The mitochondria, which produce energy for the cell, are made of a double membrane and have folded cristae, increasing the surface area for diffusion. Coenzymes are also used in the reaction, which are complex molecules that acceptor donate other molecules. The complete combustion of glucose releases around 3000kJ/mol of energy. This happens very quickly, releasing heat and light. But inside the body, enzymes are used to catalyse reactions and reduce temperatures. The energy produced in the body from these reactions makes 38 molecules of ATP. The rst stage of respiration starts with glucose entering the cells via transport proteins in the phospholipid bilayer. Insulin is involved in the process. The glucose is broken down into four stages: Glycolysis Link reaction Krebs cycle Electron transport chain Conditions of mitochondria different in each cell Different types of bre - high and low energy use Glycolysis produces chemical starting the Krebs cycle Mitochondria have their own DNA Glycolysis occurs in the cytoplasm of the cell and doesn't require oxygen, forming 2 molecules of pyruvate. Hydrogen atoms in glucose are transferred to NAD, reducing it to NADH. 2 molecules of ATP are also formed. The link reaction then happens, occurring in the mitochondrial matrix. Oxygen is required and co2 is produced. Pyruvate is converted to acetyl CoA (coenzyme A). NAD is again reduced to NADH. Next is the Krebs cycle. This occurs in the matrix, creating a molecule of ATP. More NAD is reduced and FAD is reduced to FADH. Finally the electron transport chain takes place. This occurs in the inner mitochondrial membrane. All NADH and FADH2 is oxidised. Oxygen is needed, and the reaction produces water and 34 molecules of ATP.

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