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concerned [kn srnd] 1.

anxious or worried: worried or apprehensive, particularly about something such as a situation that is developing or that has newly arisen [4:9] Those who are concerned about their own children, in case they leave them behind, shall observe GOD and be equitable. Dan hendaklah takut kepada Allah orang-orang yang seandainya meninggalkan di belakang mereka anak-anak yang lemah, yang mereka khawatir terhadap (kesejahteraan) mereka. Oleh sebab itu hendaklah mereka bertakwa kepada Allah dan hendaklah mereka mengucapkan perkataan yang benar.

[4:25] Those among you who cannot afford to marry free believing women, may marry believing slave women. GOD knows best about your belief, and you are equal to one another, as far as belief is concerned. You shall obtain permission from their guardians before you marry them, and pay them their due dowry equitably. They shall maintain moral behavior, by not committing adultery, or having secret lovers. Once they are freed through marriage, if they commit adultery, their punishment shall be half of that for the free women.* Marrying a slave shall be a last resort for those unable to wait. To be patient is better for you. GOD is Forgiver, Most Merciful.

FEAR Fear, emotion caused by threat of some form of harm, sometimes manifested in bravado or symptoms of anxiety, and prompting a decision to fight the threat or escape from it. 1 a : an unpleasant emotional state characterized by anticipation of pain or great distress and accompanied by heightened autonomic activity especially involving the nervous system : agitated (digoncangkan) foreboding (ramalan, persangkaan, firasat) often of some real or specific peril (resiko bahaya) compare ANXIETY 2 a : the state or habit of feeling agitation or dismay : a condition between anxiety and terror either natural and well-grounded or unreasoned and blind *anesthetics have removed the fear of physical pain H.W.VanLoon* *the only thing we have to fear is fear itself F.D.Roosevelt* *living in fear* b : anxious concern : SOLICITUDE *a fear that the boy will not make out well in his examination
1. feeling of anxiety: an unpleasant feeling of apprehension or distress caused by the presence or anticipation of danger showed no signs of fear 2. frightening thought: an idea, thought, or other entity that causes feelings of fear

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[4:77] Have you noted those who were told, "You do not have to fight; all you need to do is observe the Contact Prayers (Salat) and give the obligatory charity (Zakat)," then, when fighting was decreed for them, they feared the people as much as they feared GOD, or even more? They said, "Our Lord, why did You force this fighting on us? If only You respite us for awhile!" Say, "The materials of this world are nil, while the Hereafter is far better for the righteous, and you never suffer the slightest injustice." Tidakkah kamu perhatikan orang-orang yang dikatakan kepada mereka: "Tahanlah tanganmu (dari berperang),

dirikanlah sembahyang dan tunaikanlah zakat!" Setelah diwajibkan kepada mereka berperang, tibatiba sebahagian dari mereka (golongan munafik) takut kepada manusia (musuh), seperti takutnya kepada Allah, bahkan lebih sangat dari itu takutnya. Mereka berkata: "Ya Tuhan kami, mengapa Engkau wajibkan berperang kepada kami? Mengapa tidak Engkau tangguhkan (kewajiban berperang) kepada kami beberapa waktu lagi?" Katakanlah: "Kesenangan di dunia ini hanya sebentar dan akhirat itu lebih baik untuk orang-orang yang bertakwa dan kamu tidak akan dianiaya sedikitpun. [5:52] You will see those who harbor doubt in their hearts hasten to join them, saying, "We fear lest we may be defeated." May GOD bring victory, or a command from Him, that causes them to regret their secret thoughts. Maka kamu akan melihat orang-orang yang ada penyakit dalam hatinya (orangorang munafik) bersegera mendekati mereka (Yahudi dan Nasrani), seraya berkata: "Kami takut akan mendapat bencana". Mudah-mudahan Allah akan mendatangkan kemenangan (kepada Rasul-Nya), atau sesuatu keputusan dari sisi-Nya. Maka karena itu, mereka menjadi menyesal terhadap apa yang mereka rahasiakan dalam diri mereka.

[9:18] The only people to frequent GOD's masjids are those who believe in GOD and the Last Day, and observe the Contact Prayers (Salat), and give the obligatory charity (Zakat), and do not fear except GOD. These will surely be among the guided ones. Hanyalah yang memakmurkan mesjid-mesjid Allah ialah orang-orang yang beriman kepada Allah dan hari kemudian, serta tetap mendirikan shalat, menunaikan zakat dan tidak takut (kepada siapapun) selain kepada Allah, maka merekalah orangorang yang diharapkan termasuk golongan orang-orang yang mendapat petunjuk. Abortion is Murder [17:31] You shall not kill your children due to fear of poverty. We provide for them, as well as for you. Killing them is a gross offense. [17:100] Proclaim, "If you possessed my Lord's treasures of mercy, you would have withheld them, fearing that you might exhaust them. The human being is stingy." [20:77] We inspired Moses: "Lead My servants out, and strike for them a dry road across the sea. You shall not fear that you may get caught, nor shall you worry."

Dan sesungguhnya telah Kami wahyukan kepada Musa: "Pergilah kamu dengan hamba-hamba-Ku (Bani Israil) di malam hari, maka buatlah untuk mereka jalan yang kering di laut itu, kamu tak usah khawatir akan tersusul dan tidak usah takut (akan tenggelam)".

Reverence (takzim) [5:44] We have sent down the Torah,* containing guidance and light. Ruling in accordance with it were the Jewish prophets, as well as the rabbis and the priests, as dictated to them in GOD's scripture, and as witnessed by them. Therefore, do not reverence human beings; you shall reverence Me instead. And do not trade away My revelations for a cheap price. Those who do not rule in accordance with GOD's revelations are the disbelievers.
Yusuf Ali It was We who revealed the law (to Moses); therein was guidance and light. By its standard have been judged the Jews by the Prophet who bowed (as in Islam) to Allah's will by the Rabbis and the doctors of Law: for to them was entrusted the protection of Allah's Book and they were witnesses thereto: therefore fear not men but fear Me and sell not My Signs for a miserable price. If any do fail to judge by (the light of) what Allah hath revealed they are (no better than) unbelievers. Lo! We did reveal the Torah, wherein is guidance and a light, by which the Prophets who surrendered (unto Allah) judged the Jews, and the rabbis and the priests (judged) by such of Allah's Scripture as they were bidden to observe, and thereunto were they witnesses. So fear not mankind, but fear Me. And barter not My revelations for a little gain. Whoso judgeth not by that which Allah hath revealed: such are disbelievers


[13:21] They join what GOD has commanded to be joined, reverence their Lord, and fear the dreadful reckoning. dan orang-orang yang menghubungkan apa-apa yang Allah perintahkan supaya dihubungkan, dan mereka takut kepada Tuhannya dan takut kepada hisab yang buruk.
Yusuf Ali Pickthall Those who join together those things which Allah hath commanded to be joined hold their Lord in awe and fear the terrible reckoning; Such as unite that which Allah hath commanded should be joined, and fear their Lord, and dread a woeful reckoning.

[20:3] Only to remind the reverent.

Yusuf Ali Pickthall But only as an admonition to those who fear (Allah) But as a reminder unto him who feareth,

[20:44] "Speak to him nicely; he may take heed, or become reverent." [21:49] The ones who reverence their Lord, even when alone in their privacy, and they worry about the Hour.

(Yaitu) orang-orang yang takut akan (azab) Tuhan mereka, sedang mereka tidak melihat-Nya, dan mereka merasa takut akan (tibanya) hari kiamat. [23:57] Surely, those who are reverently conscious of their Lord, Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang berhati-hati karena takut akan (azab) Tuhan mereka, [24:52] Those who obey GOD and His messenger, and reverence GOD and observe Him, these are the triumphant ones. Dan barangsiapa yang taat kepada Allah dan rasul-Nya dan takut kepada Allah dan bertakwa kepada-Nya, maka mereka adalah orang-orang yang mendapat kemenangan. [31:33] O people, you shall reverence your Lord, and fear a day when a father cannot help his own child, nor can a child help his father. Certainly, GOD's promise is truth. Therefore, do not be distracted by this life; do not be distracted from GOD by mere illusions. Hai manusia, bertakwalah kepada Tuhanmu dan takutilah suatu hari yang (pada hari itu) seorang bapak tidak dapat menolong anaknya dan seorang anak tidak dapat (pula) menolong bapaknya sedikitpun. Sesungguhnya janji Allah adalah benar, maka janganlah sekali-kali kehidupan dunia memperdayakan kamu, dan jangan (pula) penipu (syaitan) memperdayakan kamu dalam (mentaati) Allah. [33:39] Those who deliver GOD's messages, and who reverence Him alone, shall never fear anyone but GOD. GOD is the most efficient reckoner. (yaitu) orang-orang yang menyampaikan risalah-risalah Allah, mereka takut kepada-Nya dan mereka tiada merasa takut kepada seorang (pun) selain kepada Allah. Dan cukuplah Allah sebagai Pembuat Perhitungan. [35:18] No soul can carry the sins of another soul. If a soul that is loaded with sins implores another to bear part of its load, no other soul can carry any part of it, even if they were related. The only people to heed your warnings are those who reverence their Lord, even when alone in their privacy, and observe the Contact Prayers (Salat). Whoever purifies his soul, does so for his own good. To GOD is the final destiny. Dan orang yang berdosa tidak akan memikul dosa orang lain. Dan jika seseorang yang berat dosanya memanggil (orang lain) untuk memikul dosanya itu tiadalah akan dipikulkan untuknya sedikitpun meskipun (yang dipanggilnya itu) kaum kerabatnya. Sesungguhnya yang dapat kamu beri peringatan hanya orang-orang yang takut kepada azab Tuhannya (sekalipun) mereka tidak melihatNya dan mereka mendirikan sembahyang. Dan barangsiapa yang mensucikan dirinya, sesungguhnya ia mensucikan diri untuk kebaikan dirinya sendiri. Dan kepada Allah-lah kembali (mu). [35:28] Also, the people, the animals, and the livestock come in various colors. This is why the people who truly reverence GOD are those who are knowledgeable. GOD is Almighty, Forgiving. Dan demikian (pula) di antara manusia, binatang-binatang melata dan binatang-binatang ternak ada yang bermacam-macam warnanya (dan jenisnya). Sesungguhnya yang takut kepada Allah di antara hamba-hamba-Nya, hanyalah ulama. Sesungguhnya Allah Maha perkasa lagi Maha Pengampun. [36:11] You will be heeded only by those who uphold this message, and reverence the Most Gracious - even when alone in their privacy. Give them good news of forgiveness and a generous recompense. Sesungguhnya kamu hanya memberi peringatan kepada orang-orang yang mau mengikuti peringatan dan yang takut kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Pemurah walaupun dia tidak melihatNya. Maka berilah mereka kabar gembira dengan ampunan dan pahala yang mulia. [50:33] They reverenced the Most Gracious, in their privacy, and came wholeheartedly.

(Yaitu) orang yang takut kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Pemurah sedang Dia tidak kelihatan (olehnya) dan dia datang dengan hati yang bertaubat, Greatness of the Quran [59:21] If we revealed this Quran to a mountain, you would see it trembling, crumbling, out of reverence for GOD. We cite these examples for the people, that they may reflect. Kalau sekiranya Kami menurunkan Al Qur'an ini kepada sebuah gunung, pasti kamu akan melihatnya tunduk terpecah belah disebabkan takut kepada Allah. Dan perumpamaanperumpamaan itu Kami buat untuk manusia supaya mereka berfikir. The Best Hadith [39:23] GOD has revealed herein the best Hadith; a book that is consistent, and points out both ways (to Heaven and Hell). The skins of those who reverence their Lord cringe therefrom, then their skins and their hearts soften up for GOD's message. Such is GOD's guidance; He bestows it upon whoever wills (to be guided). As for those sent astray by GOD, nothing can guide them. Allah telah menurunkan perkataan yang paling baik (yaitu) Al Qur'an yang serupa (mutu ayatayatnya) lagi berulang-ulang, gemetar karenanya kulit orang-orang yang takut kepada Tuhannya, kemudian menjadi tenang kulit dan hati mereka di waktu mengingat Allah. Itulah petunjuk Allah, dengan kitab itu Dia menunjuki siapa yang dikehendaki-Nya. Dan barangsiapa yang disesatkan Allah, maka tidak ada seorangpun pemberi petunjuk baginya. [67:12] As for those who reverence their Lord, when alone in their privacy, they have attained forgiveness and a great recompense. Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang takut kepada Tuhannya Yang tidak nampak oleh mereka, mereka akan memperoleh ampunan dan pahala yang besar. [79:19] "Let me guide you to your Lord, that you may turn reverent." [79:26] This is a lesson for the reverent. [80:9] And is really reverent. [87:10] The reverent will take heed. Balasan mereka di sisi Tuhan mereka ialah surga `Adn yang mengalir di bawahnya sungai-sungai; mereka kekal di dalamnya selama-lamanya. Allah ridha terhadap mereka dan merekapun ridha kepadaNya. Yang demikian itu adalah (balasan) bagi orang yang takut kepada Tuhannya. AFRAID Main Entry:afraid Pronunciation:**fr*d, in S often -re(*)d Function:adjective Etymology:Middle English affraied, afraied, from past participle of affraien to frighten * more at AFFRAY 1 : FRIGHTENED : filled with fear, alarm, or apprehension *running because they were afraid* *afraid of the dark* *afraid he wouldn't live* *the author was afraid that he would lose his prestige* *to say bluntly what everyone else is afraid to say T.S.Eliot* usually used predicatively 2 : filled with concern, regret, or sorrow over a situation that is or seems to be inescapable *they said they were afraid they couldn't accept the invitation* *we have witnessed, I am afraid, only the

first phase of a basic conflict J.B.Conant* often used to express a polite depreciation of one's own opinion or importance *he told her he was afraid she was quite wrong* 3 : filled with annoyed expectation of an unwanted contingency *he seemed afraid, if he were kind, he might be ridiculed E.A.Peeples* 4 : DISINCLINED, RELUCTANT, AVERSE *he's afraid of even a little work* *afraid to let his emotions seize upon his speech V.L.Parrington* *not afraid of being declamatory in his fervor Leslie Rees* synonyms ANXIOUS, FEARFUL, AFRAID, FRIGHTENED, SCARED, TERRIFIED, and AGHAST all imply effects of apprehension, fear, or terror upon the one so described and form a roughly ascending order of intensity in the symptoms of such effects. ANXIOUS usually suggests a mild fear amounting often to little more than a fretful though usually persistent worry or mild apprehensiveness about possible misfortune *your letter is a great relief to my mind for I still was anxious O.W.Holmes *1935* *anxious for her own safety against dangers threatening from the Mediterranean A.S.Esmer* *Cicero, anxious for his own safety, knowing now that he had made enemies of half the Senate, watching how the balance of factions would go J.A.Froude* FEARFUL, though often the same as ANXIOUS, usually suggests a somewhat stronger and more generalized apprehensiveness stemming often rather from a natural timidity than particular objective causes and implying reactions of fear but fear usually strongly mingled with shyness, uncertainty, and a more general tendency to foreboding and worry *I was fearful lest we should strike the timbered edge of the plain Francis Birtles* *they have been fearful of the unorthodox S.E.Harris* *the average individual is somewhat fearful of high speeds H.G.Armstrong* *it is timorous and fearful of challenge H.L.Mencken* *now that he had these and a dozen other distinctions, he was fearful and insecure Walter O'Meara* AFRAID, FRIGHTENED, and SCARED are often interchangeable in meaning in common use; AFRAID, however, is the most general of the three and usually implies a deep-seated though not necessarily outwardly apparent reaction of fear manifest in a strong sense of personal insecurity or danger or in a strong and usually uncontrollable desire to avoid or evade the cause of the reaction *afraid, in her extreme perturbation, of the loneliness of the deserted rooms, and of half-imagined faces peeping from behind every open door in them Charles Dickens* *I was too afraid of her to shudder, too afraid of her to put my fingers to my ears Joseph Conrad* *ten thousand regular soldiers of his wonderful army that everybody in the world was afraid of Dorothy C. Fisher* FRIGHTENED implies a fear that usually gives rise to an inner disorder and temporary loss of self-command bordering on and often involving paralysis of muscle and will *the men were frightened by the sudden and unexpected attack on the fort but they defended it valiantly* *frightened at the prospect of failure* *a child frightened by stories of the boogeyman* *frightened so that he broke out in a cold sweat and could hardly stand* SCARED is the same as FRIGHTENED in intensity but suggests a more all-inclusive usually childlike reaction as that of running away, trembling, or acting in ways that for adults would be foolish and irrational *run like scared rabbits all the way down the hill to the Charles Street elevated station Joseph Dever* *many of the houses here were still occupied by scared inhabitants, too frightened even for flight H.G.Wells* TERRIFIED and AGHAST, in this sense, suggest total paralysis of action and will. TERRIFIED implies the total reign of terror over the person resulting in stupefaction or in a total incapacity to act or think in any rational way *a child terrified into screaming by the idea of going to the dentist* *terrified by the very sound of a plane after several months of steady bombings* *the mind, indeed, in its first blank outlook on life is terrified by the demoniac force of nature and the swarming misery of man G.D.Brown* AGHAST, a somewhat older use in this sense, puts strong emphasis on an immobility resulting from a terror or more usually a horror or horrified disbelief especially over the fate of someone or something other than oneself *were aghast that in their own midst there were men capable of such barbarism Ruth Gruber* *many who are aghast at the type of world which we are now entering, in

which a war could cause obliteration Vannevar Bush* *I stood aghast, unable to move, while the gravediggers uncovered a skeleton, cleaned the bones, laid them alongside the grave J.A.Lomax* *an intelligent woman, remembering her own childhood, must stand aghast at the utter disregard of the children's ordinary human rights G.B.Shaw* [9:13] Would you not fight people who violated their treaties, tried to banish the messenger, and they are the ones who started the war in the first place? Are you afraid of them? GOD is the One you are supposed to fear, if you are believers. Hanyalah yang memakmurkan mesjid-mesjid Allah ialah orang-orang yang beriman kepada Allah dan hari kemudian, serta tetap mendirikan shalat, menunaikan zakat dan tidak takut (kepada siapapun) selain kepada Allah, maka merekalah orang-orang yang diharapkan termasuk golongan orang-orang yang mendapat petunjuk. [20:94] He said, "O son of my mother; do not pull me by my beard and my head. I was afraid that you might say, `You have divided the Children of Israel, and disobeyed my orders.' "

[9:24] Proclaim: "If your parents, your children, your siblings, your spouses, your family, the money you have earned, a business you worry about, and the homes you cherish are more beloved to you than GOD and His messenger,** and the striving in His cause, then just wait until GOD brings His judgment." GOD does not guide the wicked people. Katakanlah: "Jika bapa-bapa, anak-anak, saudara-saudara, isteri-isteri, kaum keluargamu, harta kekayaan yang kamu usahakan, perniagaan yang kamu khawatiri kerugiannya, dan rumah-rumah tempat tinggal yang kamu sukai, adalah lebih kamu cintai daripada Allah dan Rasul-Nya dan (dari) berjihad di jalan-Nya, maka tunggulah sampai Allah mendatangkan keputusan-Nya." Dan Allah tidak memberi petunjuk kepada orang-orang fasik.

The Myth of Intercession [21:28] He knows their future and their past. They do not intercede, except for those already accepted by Him, and they are worried about their own necks.*

Allah mengetahui segala sesuatu yang di hadapan mereka (malaikat) dan yang di belakang mereka, dan mereka tiada memberi syafaat melainkan kepada orang yang diridhai Allah, dan mereka itu selalu berhati-hati karena takut kepada-Nya. LAIN [79:45] Your mission is to warn those who expect it. Kamu hanyalah pemberi peringatan bagi siapa yang takut kepadanya (hari berbangkit).

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