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Apparent Power in Multiphase Systems with Unequal Neutral

Hector Arango
J. Policarpo G. Abreu
Itajuba,MG Brazil
Abstract: This paper addresses and old question of scientific as well as practical significance: "How to define apparent power for distated systems while retaining the basic Properties and meaning of the orthodox definition?".

Department ofElectrical Engineering Federal School of Engineering a t ItajuM EFEI

And the power lost in the supplying line on the left side of given a: figure 1
A p +



Keywords: power &tixitiom,


apparent power, u n e c e d

where the m a t r i x - has the form

= A=U+p -



Apparent power "Sais here focused for any m u l t i p h a s e

system with arbitrary voltage and current

"maxi" active power which could be transferred under the same voltage and feeder losses". Suitably t o this approach expressions are devised both in the time and the frequency domains. Also, a linear transformation of the phase current for which "S"is pmerly given as the product of the R.M.S values of the image vectors is also presented. Thus it regains the basic feature found in the orthodox

- as being the

U is the unit matrix and L stands for the vector of ones and p is tbe resistancerelation between neutral and phases, supposedly indqmdent of frequency.

t AQ t-dwvb-


Fig. 1. Systan arranganad


Fig. 1, let be

Regarchng to the m-phase system with neutral depicted in the vector (column-matrix ) of phase-to the one for phase neutral instantaneous voltages, and c u r " . The instantaneous power flowing into t h e load will be given as:
p = E'.!


The average power supplied t o the toad during some interval of time T will be denoted as:

re E'

stands for the transpose ( row-matrix d.

P = AKU(p)
And the average losses are:


Paper accepted for presentation at the 8" International Conference on Harmonics and Qualio of Power ICHQP '98,jointly organized by IEEEPES and NTUA, Athens, Greece, October 1416,1998
0-7803-5105-3/98/$10.00 0 1998 IEEE


Now, within the general context described in the previous section i.e.for any number of phases, any non-sinusoidal, and any "heed non-periodid phenomena - the


challenge arises of how to pmperly &fine the apparent power "S"which is bemgconveyed to the load. hspint~on is taken from the conclusive studies in 121 which state, among the basic properties of apparent power that it is "the maximum avexage power that can be transferred through the f&g line with the same average losses AP, under the same iastantaneousvalues 2 (t) duringT" This property canbe t u r n e d out to be the very definition of "S". I n fad, there exists an univocal value " g such pmperty, as can be p " by solving the optimization problem hphed. In faact the associated Lagrangian function will be:


-=v-2rA ai_ -


AI =O (J


This V&ES be associated [35] with the " B u c ~ ~ o ~ ~ z Gdhue-Emanuel Equivalent V a l u e s " ( BGE values) V , ' ,If, for which the apparent power is given as:

the definition adopted, it comes: 1 AP=--AVR(x' 4R ' r A-' E)


It is to be noticed thatyfor this utmost general conditions, V G E "values are not the RMS values of the instantaneous phase voltages and currents. In bet, the so called "FBD theory" I6-81, another

i, =r 5 .




(Am(y'A-' x ) ) ?

And the maximum power "S"comes finally to have the

following form:

Here it will be proposed a somewhat d i f f ' n t approach, seeking T " e d Phase Vectors"of dimension in whose RMS values d d coincide with the BGE's equwalent values. The following Section deals with such approach.
A. How to express the apparent power as a product o f


complex-vector-m values.

This is an expression of the apparent power which is valid over the most gamd conditions CotlCejvaMe for electrical

energytransference. It i s worth to remark, "en passant", that it c h a m " the behavior of the most efficient load regarded to the praportionbetweenpower t r a n s f e r r e d to it and power lost in

thefeeder. Asomewhat~Eactab~ut~~comestobeits

While not bemg a matter of too g r e a t practical valueyit i s however of speculative interest to attain an expression of the appamt power able to retain the origmal form of the sinusoidalcase,that is to sayya form in which " S can be given as the product of RMS voltage and current. Such a goal can be reached by means of a linear transfonaationof phase vectors, whose form is:

non-parallelsm with the i n a m "voltagevedor 2 , unless p = O or y o = O .



Observe that this tt;"ation i s to say:

is p o w q " h g , that
Zi=6 Zf =8

Io such conditions,

whete, obviously:

RMs (E, )= YR (E: E . ) ) and

These results canbe compared with the apptoach outlined in j9-111.




Consider a threeyphase system with sinusoidal voltages and aments whose phasor veztors are as follows and are also represented i n Fig.2.

2 +4j

P = R e ( y ;4 = 5

y: E: =-l9


j * I * = 32,

s = v, . I , = 45
Showing that the proposed transformation efktively allows exjmshg the apparent power i n terms of RM.S. values.
It is also of interest t o calculak the "maximum4ciencyN starting from (IO), it can be shown that:

Fig 2. ?breeph.scvoltagle and cumnt.



I + j


1 +3j

Fig. 3 illustmtes it.



transformation of the space of phaecoodiuates into a fictitious space where apparent power can be indeed expmsed in the stme fonnat as i n the orthodox notion. The results ofthe paper raise a host of questions and new developments to be searched in the future, such as: the handling of series and shunt feeder losses; the duality

involved either in the formulation of the optimal problem or in the electrical s y s t e m ;m a t t e r s related with power factor definition and "swements, revenue issues, et cetera.




L p == K-P I=!?[ 5-6j 57 - 7 + 6 j




~ c

1 6 1

The d t stresses the fact that the &-images of the voltage and maximum-efliciency currents are patallel, as opposed to their anti-images i nt h e original complex hyperspace. ~bviously,the active pawer flowing for is the


[lo] D I N 40 110 Teil 2 Mcbr;Leitakst"krasc * (drift) hiatdl 1995;


[l 11 J.G.MAYORDOM0, J. USAOLA, "Apparmt Pow= and Powa Factor Dcbitia~ f a Polyphe Nm-hear toads whm Supply Condu&ors Raid Diffgart Re&", ETEP, v 3,n 6,Nov/Dec 1993.




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