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3. 423221.

Pressure flow rate diagram From a constant wellhead pressure, the flowing gradient curve for an assumed rate above the point of injection is calculated or traced for a total gas-liquid ratio which is close to the available or the minimum gradient until it reaches the injection point line constructed considering from gas injection pressure available . from the this point to the bottom (total depth) the flowing gradient curve below the injection is traced or calculated considering the solution gas only (formation gas liquid ratio), and the flowing bottom-hole pressure is determined. This procedure is repeated for different flow rates. With the values of flowing bottom hole pressure and considering to inflow performance of the well in a pressure-flow rate diagram, the maximum possible flow rate is determined. The maximum injection depth is also determined graphically from the depth flow rate diagram. For the two possibilities that exist (unlimited gas available and limited gas available) the solution procedure is the same except that if limited gas is available, the gas-liquid ratio above the point of gas injection must be determined for each flow rate depending on the total injection gas volume available. Step wise procedure: 1. 2. Using a sheet of rectangular coordinate paper, prepare a graph of well depth vs. pressure. Plot depth on the abscissa (vertical) with zero depth at the top and maximum depth at the bottom. 3. Plot pressure on the abscissa (horizontal) with pressure increasing from zero at the origin to a maximum. The graph should have the same scale as the flowing gradient curves if they are to be used. 4. Plot as surface operating pressure (Pso) at the surface. 5. Extend the surface operating pressure down the hole, taking into account the increase in gas column pressure from the gas specific gravity and appropriate correlation. For low gas injection rates use the static gas column. For high injection rates and annular flow, consider the frictional loss of the gas. 6. Subtract 100 psi from the gas surface operating pressure (P so) and plot this value at the surface. From this point, extend a line parallel to the gas surface operating pressure line to the total depth. 7. The line obtained in step 6 represents the position of the various injection points depending upon the production rates. 8. Plot the surface wellhead pressure at zero depth. 9. Assume various flow rates. 10. If flowing gradient curves are to be used, select the proper vertical flowing gradient curve for each flow rate assumed. The following may also be performed by computer calculation. 11. Overlay and align the depth-pressure graph on the chosen flowing gradient curve and slide down-ward along the baseline (depth in feet) until the flowing surface wellhead intercepts the highest gas-liquid ratio (the minimum fluid gradient possible) for unlimited gas available. Trace the flowing gradient above the point injection downwards until intersecting the injection pressure line obtained in steep 7. The my also be performed by computer calculation using an appropriate multiphase flow correlation. For limited gas, the total gas-liquid ratio must be obtained as follows:

Where: GLRi Qg = injection gas-liquid ratio in Scf/B = injection gas volume available in Scf/B

QL Then:

= flow rate assumed in bpd

TGLR = GLRi + Rs Where: TGLR = total gas-liquid ratio in Scf/B Rs = formation gas liquid inScf/B

The procedure is the same as for unlimited gas except that the curve for the respective total gas-liquid ratio available is used instead of the minimum gradient curve. 12. From the point of gas injection obtained in steep 11 slide the pressure graph up or down until the desired solution gas oil ratio is reached (formation gas-liquid ratio) and from this point trace the flowing gradient traverse below the point of gas injection until it reaches the depth of the well ( center of perforation). The steep may be computer calculated. 13. Note the flowing pressure at total depth. 14. A pressure-flow rate diagram is prepared which includes the inflow performance curve and the gas lift flow rate vs. flowing pressure data (multiphase flow curves). 15. The flow rate possible (also the maximum rate possible from the well since we have no restrictions) and the corresponding of the two curve obtained in steep 14. 3.423222 Equilibrium Curve procedure For the equilibrium curves procedure, the maximum flow rate possible from a well by continuous gas lift is predicted by interpolation, using the depth-pressure diagram, where the interrelation between the four variables (production rate, total gas-liquid ratio, injection depth, and pressure inside the tubing at injection depth) are represented by an equilibrium curve. The equilibrium curve is defined as locus of intersection of points of the flowing pressure gradient curves for various production from the reservoir depth upwards with the total gas-liquid ratio flowing pressure gradient for corresponding production rates as extended downwards from the wellhead pressure at zero depth. From the flowing bottom-hole pressure, as determined fro inflow ability for different flow rates, the flowing gradients (for formation gas-liquid ratio only) curves are traced upwards. The gas lift gradient are traced downward, beginning from the given constant wellhead pressure, selecting a total gas-liquid ratio which is close to the available are required amount. Intersection of the curve of equal rates of the two sets gives the equilibrium points. The curve trough these points gives the equilibrium curve. The maximum obtainable injection point is the interception of the equilibrium curve with the gas injection (gas injection line) gradient. Find the flowing bottom-hole pressure by interpolation and predict the maximum possible flow rate from the inflow ability of the well. The significance of the equilibrium curve is that it gives the equilibrium condition at any depth after the well has started to produce. These condition determine whether or not a deeper injection point can be reached. It also shows the production rate possible with higher or lower injection pressures, different amount of gas lift gas, and future conditions or well characteristics, e.g. lower P r , PI formation GLR. As in the other method, two possibilities can exist: unlimited gas available, and limited gas available

Steep wise procedure Although the procedure is given fir using gradient curves the use of computer calculation would follow in the same manner. 1. Using a sheet of rectangular coordinate paper prepare graph for well depth vs. pressure. The graph should have the same scales as the flowing gradient curves to be used. 2. Plot depth on the ordinate (vertical ) with zero depth at top. 3. Plot pressure on the abscissa (horizontal) with pressure increasing from zero at the origin. 4. Assume various production rates. 5. For each flow rate, determine the required flowing bottom-hole pressure from the inflow ability of the well. That is: Pwf = (PR qL / PI) (foe constant PI) For solution gas drive wells, an inflow curve will be needed. 6. Independent of the gas injection pressure available (P so) determine the of gas injection for each flow rate as follows: a. Mark the flowing bottom-hole pressure obtained in steep 5 on the depth pressure diagram at the total depth and mark the wellhead pressure at the surface. b. Overlay and align the depth pressure graph on the flowing gradient curve chosen (flow rate); slide up or down along the baseline (depth in feet) until it reaches the formation gasliquid ratio. From this point , trace the corresponding gradient upward (flowing gradient below gas injection point). c. Overlay and align the dept-pressure graph on the flowing gradient curve chosen (flow rate), slide down along the baseline (depth in feet) until the flowing surface wellhead pressure intercepts the gas-liquid ratio that gives the minimum value of the flowing gradient (unlimited volume of gas available)or the total gas-liquid ratio (limited volume of gas available). Trace downward until intersecting the flowing gradient curve obtained in step 6b. the intersection of the curves of equal production rates give the equilibrium points. Repeat for each assumed rate. 7. Draw the curve trough these intersecting points. This is known as the equilibrium curve. 8. Mark the surface operating pressure at the surface. Extend the surface operating pressure downwards, taking into account the gas column pressure determined from the gas specific gravity and appropriate correlation. 9. Subtract 100 psi from the gas surface operating (P so ) and plot this value at the surface. Draw a line parallel to the gas surface operating pressure until it intercepts the equilibrium curve. This line is the point of gas injection line. 10. Determine the actual point of gas injection by noting the intersection of the point of gas injection line in the equilibrium curve. 11. Determine the flowing bottom-hole pressure by interpolation, after extending a curve from the point of gas injection to the bottom of the well. 12. Determine flow rate possible (also the maximum rate from the well since there are no restriction) from the inflow performance of the well. For a constant PI, this rate is determined: QL = (PR Pwf )(PI) Where: Pwf is determined from steep 11 3.423223 Example Problems To determine the maximum production rate form a well by continuous gas lift with a constant wellhead pressure, a correlation in the form of flowing pressure gradient curve is used. The Hagedorn and Brown vertical multiphase flow correlation and the Duns and Ross vertical multiphase flow correlation where used for comparison porpoises.

The physical properties used in this study were assumed to be the same as used in the correlation to predict the flowing pressure gradient curves. The problem is worked using the two solution procedures described previously, I,e. pressure flow rate diagram and equilibrium curve method. The two possibilities of unlimited gas available and limited gas available are include. The following well information was used in the example problems worked by Marin. Depth of well = 8000 ft Tubing size = 2.441 in. I.D. (2 7/8O.D.) Production gas oil ratio = 200 Scf/B PI = 3 bpd / psi (assume linear) Pso = 900 psi PR = 2400 psi Pwh = 120 psi (constant) g = 0.65 Production =100 % oil Required maximum flow rate possible by gas lift Maximum assuming production unlimited gas available (pressure flow rate diagram procedure) 1. 2. Using a sheet of rectangular coordinate graph paper label depth vs. pressure coordinates (Fig. 3.49) From data given, plot on Fig. 3.49 the following: Operating pressure (Pso ): 900 psi at zero depth Wellhead pressure (Pwh ): 120 psi at zero depth

Fig. 3.49 pressure depth diagram for the maximum rate (Hagedorn correlation) 3. The operating pressure of 900 psi is extended to the total depth, considering the weight of the gas column as follow: From fig. 3A. 1 (appendix) for 900 psi and specific gravity of 0.65 the gas gradient is 21.3 psi / 1000 ft. the weight of the column at total depth is determined as follows:

Weight of gas column

Operating pressure at 8000 psi 4. 5. 6.

= depth x gas gradient = 8000 ft x21.3 psi /1000 ft = 170 psi = 1.070 psi

Production rate assumed : 1000, 1500, and 2000 B/D. Following gradient curves are used in this solution and are the select for each flow rate and tubing size from Appendix 3B. With the following gradient curves, the injection depth point and the corresponding flowing bottom-hole pressure for each flow rate are obtained. The minimum gradient curve was used in each flow rate as the total gas-liquid ratio (for unlimited gas). The result of tabulated in table 3.43 and show values for both the Hagedorn and Ros correlation for comparison. TABLE 3.43 FLOWING BOTTOM-HOLE PRESSURE Assumed TGLR Pwf (Hagedorn) rate 1000 1500 1400 1500 1500 1900 2000 1200 2260

Depth 6680 5350 4300

Pwf (Ros) 1005 1600 2100

Depth 7800 6050 4500

7. 8.

A pressure flow rate diagram is prepared as noted in 3.410. The inflow performance curves is contracted assuming two rates zero and 300 B/D and the established static bottom-hole pressure Pr of 2400 as follows: With the flowing equation, Pwf = (PR q / PI) (for constant PI case)

For zero B/D, the flowing pressure is equal to the static bottom-hole pressure of 2400 psi; for 3000 B/D: Pwf = (PR q / PI) = (2400 3000 / 3) = 1400 psi.

Fig. 4.310 predicting maximum flow rate-constant wellhead pressure, unlimited gas available (Hagedorn and Ros solution). The two point are plotted in Fig. 3.410 and a straight line is drawn between them. This s the inflow curve. 9. The flowing pressure data in table 3.43 steep 6, are plotted on fig 3.410. 10. From the intersection of the two curves obtained in 8 and 9, (Fig. 4.410) the maximum possible flow rate is determined ,and the injection depth for this flow rate is found from plot of the depthflow rate diagram. The results are shown in table 3.44. TABLE 3.44 MAXIMUM FLOW RATE-UNLIMITED GAS AVAILABLE Correlations Possible flow rate Pwf Hagedorn Ansd Brown 1500 1900 Ros 1710 1830 Solution by the equilibrium procedure 1. 2. 3. Using a sheet of rectangular coordinate graph paper label dept vs. pressure coordinates (Fig. 3.411). Production rate assumed: 1000, 1500, and 2000 B/D. Flowing gradient curves selected for each flow are Figs. 3B.15, 3B 16a and 17a (Appendix 3B). Pwf = (PR q / PI) The results are tabulated in table3.45. For each production rate, determined the flowing pressure from the inflow ability of the well. (Assumed PI).

Depth 5350 5325


Fig.3.411. predicting maximum flow rate-equilibrium curves procedure, unlimited gas available-constant wellhead pressure (Hagedorn Correlation). ASSUMED RATE PWF 1000 2060 1500 1900 2000 1730 The point of gas injection for each flow rate is determined as described previously. These point represent the equilibrium points. The results are tabulated in table 4.46.


Assumed rate Injection point (Hagedorn) Injection point (Ros) 1000 3600 2260 1500 5300 4500 2000 7525 6825 6. The connection of the equilibrium points determines the equilibrium curve shown in figure 3.411. 7. Plot the surface gas operating pressure at the surface and determine the gas gradient. Draw the operation gas line downwards as described previously. 8. Subtract 100 psi from the actual Pso of 900 psi, and draw a parallel line to the operating gas line. Where this line (gas injection line) intersects the equilibrium curve is the point of gas injection for this Pso. 9. Extend a curve from the point of gas injection to the bottom of the well and, by interpolation, the flowing bottom-hole pressure is determined. 10. The flow rate is determined for the flowing bottom-hole pressure found in step 9, with the following equation: QL= (PR Pwf) Pi ( for constant PI)

The results are tabulated in table 3.47. Correlation Flow rate Hagedorn Ansd Brown 1500 Ros 1710 Limited available gas pressure flow rate diagram procedure Pwf 1900 1830 Depth 5300 5350

The same problem is worked, except we now assume that limited volumes of gas are available. The limited gas volumes are assumed to be 600.000, 400.000, and 200.000 Scf/D. the problem is worked for 600.000 Scf/D available. 1. 2. 3. 4. The solution in the same for steps 1 trough 3 as for the solution when unlimited gas available . see figure 3.412 for 600.000 Scf/D available. Same a step 4 in solution for unlimited gas available . assumed rates include 1.000, 1.500 and 2.000. Same a step 5 solution for unlimited gas available. Gradient curve selected for each flow rate are from figs. 3B.2, 3B.3, and 3B.4 (Appendix 3B). For each flow rate assumed , determine the total gas-liquid, ratio available above the point of gas injection. This include gas in solution (Rs) plus the gas liquid ratio available from injection gas. For 1000 B/D Injection Rs = 200 scf/B (Data Yang di Berikan)

Fig 3.412 pressure depth diagram for maximum production rate limited gas available constant wellhead pressure, Total G/L = 600Scf/B + 200 Scf/B = 800 Scf/B Tabulate each total G/L (TGLR) for each flow rate.

Table 3.48 TOTAL GLR LIMITED GAS AVAILABLE Assumed rate 1000 1500 2000 GLR inj (600.000) 600 400 300 TGLR for 600.000 inj 800 600 500 TGLR for 400.00 inj 600 467 400 TGLR for 200.000 inj 400 333 300


Determine the injection point depth and the corresponding flowing bottom hole pressure for each production rate using the total gas-liquid ratio in step 4 table 3.48 for each flow rate. The results are tabulate in table 3.49. TABLE 3.49 FLOWING BOTTOM HOLE PRESSURE FOR LIMITED GAS AVAILABLE (. MMcf/d)

Assumed rate 1000 1500 2000 6. 7. 8.

Injection Depth Injection Depth (Hagedorn) (Ros) 1540 1220 6350 7225 2000 1800 5050 5450 2340 2160 4125 4350 A pressure flow rate diagram is prepared as in figure 3.413 The inflow performance curve is constructed as described previously. The results are plotted in a straight line. (constant PI) The following bottom hole pressure data in table 3.49 step 5 plotted in figure 3.413

Pwf (Hagedorn)

Pwf (Ros)

Fig 3.413 predicting maximum flow rate constant wellhead pressure , limited gas available (hagedorn correlation) 9. From the intersection of the two curves obtained in steps 7 and 8 (Fig. 3.413) the flow rate is determined. The results are tabulated in table 3.410

TABLE 3.410 FLOW RATE- LIMITED GAS AVAILABLE Correlation Qg Pwf 1930 1975 2010 1875 1920 1980 Oil Flow Rate (qo) Hagedorn And Brown 600.000 1420 Hagedorn And Brown 400.000 1320 Hagedorn And Brown 200.000 1190 Ros 600.000 1580 Ros 400.000 1440 Ros 200.000 1260 LIMITED GAS AVAILABLE SOLUTION BY EQUILIBRIUM CURVE PROCEDURE The limited gas volume in this problem is assumed to be 600.000 Scf/d. 1. 2. 3. 4. Prepare pressure depth plot as in previous examples Production rates assumed: 1000 and 1500 B/D. Flowing gradient curves selected for each flow rate are found in appendix 3B For each production rate, determine the following bottom-hole pressure from the inflow ability of the well (for constant PI) 5. 6. For each flow rate and for Rs below the point of injection, determine the total G/L available for the pressure traverse above the point of gas injection Determine the point of gas injection for each flow rate in the manner described previously. The resultare tabulated in the table 3..411. TABLE 3.411 POINT OF INJECTION FOR LIMITED GAS LIMITED Assumed Flow Rate (B/D) Injection Point (Hagedorn) Injection Point (Ros) 1000 3580 2260 1500 5660 4550 7. Draw the equilibrium curve ( see fig. 3.414).

This solution is completed in the same manner as the previously described equilibrium curve procedure in extending the gas injection line downwards until intersecting the equilibrium curve, extending on to the flowing pressure at total depth and determining the rate. The results are tabulated in table 3.412.

Fig. 3.414 predicting maximum flow rate, limited gas available constant wellhead pressure , Equilibrium curve procedure (Hagedorn correlation) TABLE 3.412 Maximum flow rate for limited gas available (equilibrium curve solution) Correlation Possible Flow Rate Pwf Injection Depth Hagedorn And Brown 1395 1935 5230 Ros 1560 1880 5220 CLASS PROBLEMS (constant wellhead pressure) to determine flow rate possible by continuous flow gas lift. 1. Gven: 2 tubing x 7 Casing PI = 4 (assume constant) g = 0.7 Pwh = 120 psi (constant) PR = 2500 psi Pso = 950 Rs = 200 scf/b 100% oil

Find : a. The flow rate possible by continuous flow gas lift for tubing flow. 1. Unlimited gas available 2. Gas available = 500.000 scf/d 3. Gas available = 200.000 scf/d Given PR = 3000 psi


Pi =5 Rs = 300 scf/d 4 tubing qo = ALL oil Pwh = 120 (constant) g = 0.8 9000 ft. Pso = 1100 psi Find: a. Rate by natural flow b. Rate by gas lift Given: pso = 900 psi 2 tubing PI =3 g = 0.65 Pwh = 120 psi (constant) PR = 2400 psi Depth = 8000 ft G/O = 200 scf/d ALL oil Find flow rate possible by gas lift a. Pressure flow rate diagram b. Equilibrium curve procedure Given: Pwh = 120 psi (constant) 2 tubing G/O = 300 scf/B g = 0.7 Pso = 1000 psi Depth = 6000 ft 50% oil PI = 2.5 PR = 1600 psi Findflow rate by: a. Natural flow b. Gas lift Given: Pso = 1000 psi PR = 3000 psi PI =6 G/O = 300 scf/b o = 0.8 0 Temp Top = 120 F 0 Temp Bottom = 180 F Depth = 9500 ft (All oil)





Pwh = 160 psi (constant) Find flow rate: a. Natural flow b. Gas lift 1. Unlimited gas 2. Gas volume = 2000000 scf/d 3. Gas volume = 500000 scf/d Given: Depth = 7250 ft 4 tubing 100% oil Rs = 400 scf/B Pwh = 200 psi/d (constant) Pso = 1000 psi g = 0.7

Year 1 2 3 4

PR 3100 2400 1400 1000

PI 30 15 8 4



Find flow rate at each year by: a. Natural flow b. Gas lift c. Commulative productionat end of year 4 Given: 2 tubing 8500 ft PR = 3200 psi PI =6 Pwh =120 (constant) 100% oil g = 0.7 Pso = 1000 psi Rs = 300 scf/b Find flow rate by: a. Natural flow b. Gas lift Given: A 10000ft ft well is to be placed on continuous flow gas lift with 2 in. nominal tubing PR = 2400 psig PI =2 Pwh = 130 psig (constant for all rates) Pso = 1000 psig (operating pressure) 90% salt water GOR = 1000/1 Gas volume available = unlimited Rs = 400 scf/b

g = 0.8 Find : The maximum production rate possible from this wells


Given: An 11500 ft well is to be placed on gas lift in 2 in. tubing Gas operating pressure = 850 psig PI =8 PR = 2500 psig Surface pressure constant at 110 psig 95% salt water GOR = 1500 scf/b Gas volume available = 1500000 scf/d g = 0.7 Rs = 600 scf/b Find: The maximum production possible from this well. 3.42323. Solution for a variable wellhead pressure, by Hugo Marin To predict the flow rate possible from a gas lift well when a change in wellhead pressure occurs, it is necessary to utilize both vertical and horizontal multiphase flow correlation. This solution assumes no wellhead restriction . the same variables that affect a well with a constant well pressure are considered to use the horizontal correlation: separator pressure and the length and diameter of the flow line. Therefore, as the rate is varied, the wellhead will change because of the movement off the fluid from the wellhead to the separator. The gas-liquid ratio will remain constant up to the point of injection. But above this point, the gas-liquid ratio increases due to the gas injected. To obtain the maximum production rate, there exists an optimum total gas-liquid ratio to maximize production. The injection of more or less gas is required to give this optimum value results in a decreased production rate. This gas-liquid ratio may be less than the gas-liquid ratio required to obtain the minimum flowing pressure traverse in the tubing string. This is because the pressure required at the wellhead to move the gas and liquid through the surface flow line to the separator increases at the gas volume increases. That is extra gas in the surface floe line causes additional frictional pressure loss and offers no benefit in lightening the mixture density, because no fluids are lifted vertical tubing string, the additional as also causes added frictional loss. However, it also lightens the mixture density , causing an overall pressure decrease (up to the minimum gradient). In the prediction of the maximum flow rate possible by continuous flow gas lift with a variable wellhead pressure, to solution procedures are offered: 1. Wellhead pressure flow rate diagram procedure 2. Following bottom hole pressure flow rate diagram procedure

In the wellhead pressure-flow rate diagram procedure, both the vertical and horizontal correlations determine wellhead pressure. From the plot of this values vs. flow rate production rate is obtained. In the flowing bottom hole, pressure flow rate diagram procedure, the horizontal multiphase correlation determines the wellhead pressure after with the vertical multiphase correlation determines the following bottom hole pressure, considering the wellhead pressure obtained from the horizontal correlation. From a plot a flowing bottom hole pressure vs. flow rate, the flow rate is determined.

3.423231. wellhead pressure flow rate diagram procedure The maximum flow rate possible from a well by continuous flow gas lift is predicted by using a depthpressure diagram to find permissible wellhead pressure and a length-pressure diagram to determine required wellhead pressure for various assumed rates, considering the variable total gas-liquid ratio for the different flow rates assumed . for each assumed flow rate, the following bottom hole pressure is determined from the ability of the well: Pwf = (PR qL/PI). (for constant PI) The allowable variable wellhead pressure are determined with the bottom hole pressure and fore each flow rate in the depth-pressure diagram. From the flowing bottom hole pressure at total depth, the flowing gradient curve below the injection point is calculated or traced upward for each flow rate , considering the formation gas-liquid ratio only until it reaches the injection point. From this point, the gradient curve above the injection point is calculated or traced for the different total gas-liquid ratios assumed until it reaches zero depth. At this point, the allowable wellhead pressure is determined. The required wellhead pressure is determined in the length-pressure diagram. From the separator pressure at zero depth, the flowing horizontal gradient curve is traced and the wellhead pressure is determined at the total flow line length for the different total gas-liquid ratios assumed and for the different flow rates. The wellhead pressure (vertical and horizontal) are plotted in a wellhead pressure flow diagram. From this plot ,the flow rate is obtained with an optimum gas-liquid ratio for maximum production. The final production rate is a function of the flowing wellhead pressure is unknown until the final rate established. Procedure 1. 2. 3. Using a sheet of the rectangular coordinate paper , prepare a graph of depth vs. pressure. Plot depth on the ordinate (vertical) with zero depth at top and maximum depth at bottom. Plot pressure on the abscissa (horizontal) with pressure increasing from zero at the origin to a maximum. The graph should have the same scale as the vertical flowing gradient curves if they are to be used. For a computer approach to the problem, the computer plotter may be used. Plot the gas surface operating pressure (Pso) at the surface. Extend this gas surface operating pressure down the well, taking into account the static gas column weight determined from the gas specific gravity and appropriate correlation (Appendix 3A. 1). Subtract 100 psi from the gas surface operating pressure and plot this value at the surface. Draw a line parallel to the gas surface operating pressure line extended to the total depth (gas injection line). Assume various flow rates. Select the proper vertical and horizontal flowing gradient curves for each flow rate assumed or prepare for computer calculations. For each flow rate, assume various gas-liquid ratios (total gas-liquid ratio) use one value of gasliquid ratios near the minimum gradient for each flow-rate.

4. 5.


7. 8. 9.

10. For each flow rate, determine the required flowing bottom hole pressure from the inflow ability of the well: Pwf = (PR qL/PI). (for constant PI) Determine the permissible wellhead pressure for each flow rate and for the selected gas-liquid ratio for each rate using the vertical flowing gradient curves or from computer calculations: a. For an assumed flow rate, mark the flowing bottom hole pressure obtained in step 10 at the total depth of the depth pressure diagram. b. Overlay and align the depth pressure graph on the flowing gradient curve chosen. c. Slide the graph upward along the baseline (depth in feet) until the flowing bottom hole pressure intercepts the formation gas-liquid ratio. From this point, and in an upward manner , trace the flowing gradient traverse below the point of gas injection until intersecting the gas injection line obtained in step 6. This intersection is the point of gas injection (depth of injection). d. From the point of gas injection obtained in the previous step, slide the graph up or down until it intercepts the total gas-liquid ratio selected. From this point, trace the flowing gas lift gradient curve until it intercepts zero depth. This intersection gives the permissible wellhead pressure. Repeat this procedure for the same flow rate but with the other assumed gas-liquid ratios. Repeat the entire procedure used step 10 for the other assumed flow rate in gas-liquid ratios. Determine the necessary wellhead pressure to move the same assumed flow rate through the surface flowline to the separator for the same assumed gas- liquid ratios using computer calculation or the horizontal flowing gradiet curves as follows: a. Prepare a length pressure diagram, flowing steps 1,2, and 3 in this procedure (P sep) at the surface. b. Overlay and align the length-pressure graph on the flowing gradient curve chosen ; slide until the separator pressure intercepts the length of the flowline. The intersection gives the necessary wellhead pressure. c. Repeat this procedure for the same flow rate and the assumed gas-liquid ratios and for the other assumed flow rates and gas-liquid ratios. Tabulated the result of the wellhead pressure obtained from the vertical and horizontal multiphase flow correlation. Prepare a wellhead pressure-flow rate diagram and plot the result tabulated in step 14. The intersection of a horizontal curve with a vertical curve of the same gas-liquid ratio represents the rate possible for the gas-liquid ratio. Draw a curve trough the locus of gas-liquid ratio points. Obtain the maximum possible flow rate from the intersection farthest to the right on the production rate scale, and determine this corresponding gas-liquid ratio and the required wellhead pressure.


12. 13.

14. 15.


3.423232. flowing bottom-hole pressure flow-diagram procedure The maximum flow rate possible from a well by continuous flow gas lift is predicted using the depthpressure diagram and a length-pressure diagram to determine the flowing bottom-hole pressure from vertical flow correlation with the wellhead pressure first obtained from the horizontal flow correlation for the same assumed rate and gas-liquid ratio. From the separator pressure at zero depth, the flowing horizontal gradient curves is traced and the wellhead pressure is determined form the different total gas-liquid ratios assumed and for the different flow rates. With wellhead pressures determined from the horizontal flow correlation and for each flow rate and pressure are determine from the vertical flow correlation. With this values and considering the

inflow performance relationship of the in a pressure-flow rate diagram, the maximum flow rate is determined. The flow rate and corresponding gas-liquid ratio can be easily determined from a flow rategas-liquid ratio or flow rate-gas volume plot. Stepwise procedure: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Assume various flow rate. Assume various total gas-liquid ratios for each flow rate. Select the proper horizontal and vertical flowing gradient curve from each flow rate assumed or prepare for computer calculation.( see appendix 3B). Determine the wellhead pressure necessary to move the assumed flow rate through the surface flow line to the separator, using the horizontal flow line correlation. From the wellhead pressure of step 4, determine the flowing bottom hole pressure for each flow rate and for each gas-liquid ratio. Tabulated the results. Prepare a flowing bottom hole pressure-flow rate diagram which includes the inflow performance curve for a constant PI assuming two rates and finding the corresponding flowing pressure by the flowing equation: Pwf = (PR qL/PI). (for constant PI) 7. The plot results tabulated in step 5 on the diagram of step 6. The intersection of the multiphase flow performance curves for each gas-liquid ratio with the inflow performance curve gives possible flow rates for each separate gas-liquid ratio. Obtain the maximum possible flow rate from the intersection furthest to the right on the production rate scale, and obtain the corresponding total gas-liquid ratio and the required flowing bottom hole pressure from the diagram. Prepare a flow rate vs. gas-liquid ratio plot to select the maximum rate and the corresponding gas-liquid ratio.



3.423233. Example Problems For the following example problems, the Eaton horizontal multiphase flow correlation, the Hagedorn and Brown, and the Ros vertical flow correlation where used. Work the problem using the two solution procedure described previously. The following information is given: Example problem #10 Depth of well Flow line length Tubing size Flow line size PR Pso P separator = = = = = = = 7000 ft 3000 ft 3 in. 3 in. 2600 psi 900 psi 80 psi

PI GOR G/L Production Specific gravity gas TGLR Pwh

= = = = = = =

5 bpd/psi (assumed linear) 400 scf/b 200 scf/b 50% oil,- 50% water 0.70 variable variable

Required : Maximum Flow Rate Possible.

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