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School of Arts, Social Sciences & Management

Independent Research Project (T3186)

Semester 2 2011/2013 Teaching delivery: 12 x 1hour lectures, 12 x 1 hour seminars,

Module Co-ordinator Kate Nelson


Teaching Team: Kate Nelson, Ksenija Horvat, Mark Gillham If you have any questions about the module you should contact the module co-ordinator to make an appointment.

Welcome, Introduction & Overview Welcome to the Independent Research Module handbook. This handbook offers you a guide that complements the information available to you in the module descriptor. It also gives you an outline of the classes you will be taking, details of your assessments and information about key texts you will need to read. This module offers an opportunity to find out how to define an accurate and appropriate research question. You will learn about the approaches and methods for different types of research projects available within Drama & Creative Industries. This module offers you the chance to begin thinking about your honours project module. It should help you understand the thought processes and organisational approaches available to help you navigate your way through Level 4. Learning Outcomes By the end of this module you should be able to: Develop and critically evaluate a research question for an extended independent project in the field of Drama & Creative Industries Articulate a proposal for subsequent research and development. Prepare an annotated bibliography and/or resource analysis in relation to a specific research proposal. Make an informed and appropriate choice among possible research methods Make a presentation with confidence based upon rigorous and systematic exploratory investigation Learning & Teaching Modes of Assessment You will be assessed at the end of the semester: Individual assessments will be on: Tuesday 8th, Wednesday 9th, Thursday 10th May 2012 Information about times for individual assessments will be available within the module WebCT folder on Monday March 5th. You should refer to the Undergraduate Student Handbook for information on the University Grading Scheme, the criteria for award of grades and procedures for special arrangements

Study And Transferable Skills Over the module, you will develop a wide range of transferable skills which will enhance your learning as your progress through your programme: Communication & negociation skills- through seminars and group tasks Time management and planning skills through working on tasks for class and towards your assessment Problem solving again through the tasks set in class Presentation skills through preparation for and execution of final assessment.

Extenuating circumstances, extensions, issues with group work and late submissions If you think that you are not going to manage to hand in your work or cope with the task set you should first refer to university regulations about extensions, extenuating circumstances and late submissions. If you think you fall into one of the categories you should contact your Personal Academic Tutor straight away.

Planning of Presentations and Feedback You should ensure you prepare for assessment in good time. Ensure that you allow yourselves sufficient time to practise your individual presentation in good time before the assessment, leaving time for changes to be made etc. Feedback will be provided on individual presentations and this will be made available by the School Office who will inform you when these are available for collection. When your feedback is returned, if you feel you would benefit from clarification on the feedback, you can arrange a brief tutorial with the module co-ordinator.

Assessment information Assessment Task:

Prepare and deliver a 20 minute presentation about the research question, topic area, methodology & methods that you have chosen and devloped during this module. Your presentation needs to demonstrate: You are able to clearly describe and discuss your research proposal and its development You can both develop and critically evaluate a research question and all the elements of an extended research project including your research area, process & design. Your understanding of the rationale for your annotated bibliography & your ability to indicate how your bibliography will develop. You have made an informed and appropriate choice of reseach methodolgy and methods You possess an overview of how you would design your research including a time frame for the research An overview of how you would analyse your data An awareness of any ethical issues An ability to answer questions from colleagues and members of staff relating to the rationale, content and structure of the presentation.

The assessment must be presented using powerpoint Assessment Mode, criteria & award 1. An individual mark will be awarded for your presentation and will form 100% of the overall grade for the module.

2. You will be assessed on:

Your critical evaluation of your question and process Your bibliography, referencing and annotation choices Your ability to articulate your proposal in relation to its subsequent development as a piece of research Whether you demonstrate a clear command of the appropriate norms and forms applied in academic presentations The organisation and structure of your presentation Your management of the research material and the choices you have made with regard to research methods and overall research design including your time frame Your time management whilst presenting

3. The presentation will be marked awarding a percentage grade within the standard university grade bandings. Feedback. A form will be completed by the assessors offering written formative and summative feedback. An example of the form will be available on the hub

Course Outline For lectures you will all be together. For workshops & seminars you will be in 2 groups A&B. You will be able to sign up for seminars in the first lecture

The lecture each week will form the stimulus for work carried out during seminars the following week in the initial stages of the module. You will be using your own choice of research topic as a case study. This will enable you to develop your presentation for your assessment through the work you trial in seminars each week, which will be evaluated by tutor & peer group. Week Commencing 25/3 seminar groups will change, depending on research methodology chosen.

Indicative Reading:
Date W/C 21/1 28/1 Tutor K Nelson K Nelson Lecture Topic Course Outline Finding a research topic Framing a research questions and developing a hypothesis Introduction to research methodologies. Developing an annotated bibliography Social Research 1 methods for finding out about audiences. Social Research 2 analysis of quantitative and qualitative audience data Text-based forms of Research Research Design & Resource Analysis Practice Based Research Practical Development projects Ethical Issues Seminar No Seminar Finding a research topic


K Nelson

Formulating hypotheses & research questions


M. Gillham

Building a bibliography and developing an approach to research Designing an audience study.


M. Gillham

25/2 4/3 11/3 18/3 25/3

K. Horvat K. Horvat K. Nelson K. Horvat K. Horvat


K. Nelson

Approaches to Critical Reflection Disseminating information


M. Gillham

Data analysis and presentation. Exploring text based research Designing a research path Exploring practice based research Seminar groups will be based on choice of research topic Seminar groups will be based on choice of research topic Seminar groups will be based on choice of research topic

Bailey, C. J., 1983 Guide to reference and bibliography for theatre research (2nd edition), Ohio, Ohio State University Libraries Bell, J., 1993 Doing Your Research Project A guide for first-time researchers in Education and Social Science 2nd ed., Open University Press Denscombe, M., 2003 The Good Research Guide for small-scale social research projects 2nd ed., Open University Press. Freeman, J., 2010 Blood Sweat & Theory, Libri Publishing, UK Yin, R.K., 1994 Case-Study Research: Design and Methods 2nd ed., Sage Websites The Society for Theatre Research The International Federation for Theatre Research (IFRT/FIRT) The Standing Committee of University Drama Departments (SCUDD) The Theatre and Performance Research Association (TaPRA)

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