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BFM Course Syllabus: Semester I (June October) Principles of Investments

Introduction to investments Return on investments Investment valuation - its importance Introduction to investment analysis

Micro Economics
The contents & nature of economic theory Production, cost & revenue Market analysis Investment criteria

Basic Statistics
Descriptive statistics for univariate date Forecasting techiniques Index numbers Probability, probabilty distribution & its applications

Basic Computer Skills

Unit 1 Basics of Computers Introduction to Operating System Evolution of Computers Unit 2 Input & Output Devices (Functions, Identifications & Connections) Computer Memory Internet Basics Unit 3 Spreadsheets (demonstrations & corresponding practicals) Unit 4 Probability, probabilty distribution & its applications

Financial Accounting
Nature, Purpose of Accounting Introduction to financial statements Corporate accounting Indian accounting standards

Business Environment
Indian Business Environment : Concept, Components & Importance Economic Trends (overview) : Income, Savings & Investment, Industry, Trade & Balance of Payments, Money, Finance, Prices Role of Government : Monetary & Fiscal Policy : Industrial Policy : Industrial Licensing, Privatization : Devaluation : Export-Import Policy : Regulation of Foreign Investment Collaborations in the light of recent changes. International Environment : International Trading Environment (overview) : Trend in world trade & their problems of developing countries : Foreign trade & economic growth : International economic institutions. GATT, WTO, UNCTD, World Bank, IMF: GSP: GSTP: Counter trade

Semester II (November April)

Environment of Financial Systems
Financial System Commercial Banks Insurance Organisations Financial Markets

Money & related issues role of function of banking banking sector reform Financial & capital markets Foreign capital - post globalisation scenario

Statistical Applications
Testing of hypothesis Linear programming problem Application of statistics in finance i Application of statistics in finance ii

Communication Skills
Concept of communication Reading Writing Speaking / Listening Barriers to Communication Group Communication

Management Accounting
Introducing to Financial Statements Analysis

Working Capital Management Long Term Funds Management Operating & Financial Leverage

Principles of Business Management

UNIT I Management - Definitions - Objectives - Importance & Nature - Management - Arts, Science or Profession. Levels of Management & Managerial Skills. UNIT II Functions of Management UNIT III Development of Management thought - Scientific management - Frederick W.Taylor Modern Operational Management thought - Henry Fayol Behavioral approach - Elton Mayo System Approach - Chester Barnard Contingency Approach UNIT IV Organization Structures Roles & Functions of Manager Roles of Values & Ethics in Management

Semester III (June October ) Debts Markets

Introduction to the debt markets Instruments & players in debt markets Bonds Valuation of bonds

Corporate Finance
Corporate finance - an overview Planning the corporate financial activities Sources and methods of raising corporate finance

Equity Markets-I
Introduction Market for equity primary markets Market for equity secondary markets Importance of equity markets in a developing country like india

Banking in Financial Systems

Principles and practices of banking Accounting and finance for bankers Banking products and services General bank management

Computer Applications in Investments

Guidelines C programming languages & OOPs concept. Arrays Functions Introduction to Pointers & Structures & Unions & Files Electronic Commerce Web Designing

Business Ethics
Business Ethics and Values Work Culture Un ethical Behavior in Business and its reasons fair and unfair Business Practices Corporate Governance in Globalised Economy Code of conduct in Business Houses Business Ethics an important tool in building Business reputation Corruption , Frauds and Scams in Financial Institutions Preventive Measures Curative Measures

Organisation Behaviour
Fundamentals of Organisational Behavior Motivation and Leadership Individual Behavior and Group Behavior Formula and Informal Groups. Organizational structure and Design. Organizational culture Organizational Development and changes

Semester IV (November - April) Commodities Markets

Introduction to commodities market Strengthening commodity markets in india Commodity exchanges Commodity market in india

Corporate Finance-II
Role of financial institutions Controlling Mechanism of RBI in raising corporate finance Understanding and Interpretation of Financial statements Controlling the corporate financial activities

Equity Markets-II
Developments in the indian equity market Security analysis and valuatin of securities Statistical analysis of share price movement Dealings in stock exchanges

Financial Services
Introduction to financial system Financial service segment Financial market - i Financial market - ii

Taxation for Investments

Definitions : Basis of Charge (Sec 3 to 9) Exclusions from Total Income Sec. 10 Income from House Property Income from Capital gains Income from Other Sources Deduction under Chapter VI A Securities Transaction Tax

Security Analysis
Introduction to security analysis Portfolio management Fundamental analysis Technical analysis

Business Law
The Companies Act, 1956 Section I to section 390. Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956. Foreign Exchange Management Act, (FEMA) 1999. Depositories Act. And Information Technology Act, 2000.

Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) Guidelines 2000. (Limited up to Disclosure and Investor Protection) Indian Contract Act, 1872. Sale of Goods Act, 1930. Negotiable Instrument Act

Semester V (June October) Global Capital Markets

Impact of globalisation on the capital markets Global (international bond market) Global equity markets Obstacles to international investments

Regulation of Securities Markets

Overview of indian securities market Need for regulating securities markets in india Legislations governing the securities markets Regulatory bodies

Insurance-(Fund) Management
Introduction Identification of risk to be insured Organising an insurance business Operational aspects of insurance business \

Derivative Markets
Nature of financial derivatives including futures & options Principles of trading & hedging with index futures Principles of trading & hedging with options Risk management systems & procedures

Foreign Exchange Markets

Introduction to international financial system & foreign exhange market Exchange rate systems Foreign exchange management Foreign exchange market in india

Portfolio Management
Introduction Portfolio theory and application Performance evaluation of a portfolio Portfolio management services in india


Semester VI (November April) Risk Management

UNIT I Introduction Financial Risks Different types of financial risks Market risk, Liquidity risk, Credit risk, Operational risk, Systemic risk, Exchange rate risk UNIT II Diversification and Investment Risk Management Alternate Investment Strategies Sensitivity Analysis Exposure and Hedging UNIT III Hedging Cross Hedging, Hedge Ratio Statistical Analysis Options and future in different markets including foreign exchange market UNIT- IV Popular models for managing liquidity risk and credit risk, swaps Structural models , Integration of market risk and credit risk

Corporate Governance
The philosophy of corporate governance Genesis of corporate governance in india Evolution of corporate governance Governance in family owned business

Computer Application in Financial Services

Introduction Computer security Data bases Visual basic

Marketing of Financial Services

Introduction Production management and customer relationship management Analysing business markets The global scenario

Mutual Fund Management

The concept and role of mutual funds Investment in mutual funds Valuation of mutual fund products Measuring and evaluating mutual fund performance

Customer Relationship Management in Financial Services

Introduction of various financial services Origin and rationale of crm CRM a vehicle for value creation Achieving customer satisfaction through service quality


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