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Misfit relaxation of La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 thin films by a nanodot segregation

P. Abellán,1 C. Moreno,1 F. Sandiumenge,1,a兲 X. Obradors,1 and M.-J. Casanove2
Institut de Ciència de Materials de Barcelona, CSIC, Campus de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona,
Bellaterra, Catalonia 08193, Spain
Centre d’Elaboration des Materiaux et d’Etudes Structurales, CNRS, BP 4347, 29 rue J. Marvig,
F-31055 Toulouse Cedex 4, France
共Received 5 November 2010; accepted 6 January 2011; published online 25 January 2011兲
Partially segregated La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 共LSMO兲 nanocomposite films are shown to exhibit a thickness
dependent self-assembled structure. The morphological evolution of the nanocomposite and the
misfit strain of the LSMO phase are linked through the topological distribution of La–Sr oxide
nanodots within the film. Misfit relaxation occurs above a critical thickness, hc, coinciding with
the nucleation of La–Sr oxide nanodots at the film-substrate interface. Below hc, the same dots
outcrop the film surface, forming islands. As a consequence of this misfit relaxation mechanism, an
enhancement in the magnetoresistance with increasing thickness is measured. © 2011 American
Institute of Physics. 关doi:10.1063/1.3549182兴

The ability to assemble multiphase materials at the nano- erty measurement system.14 Figure 1 shows that the thinnest
scale constitutes a cornerstone to the realization of novel film 共a兲 has LSO islands, while the thickest one exhibits a
functionalities. Among different approaches, the simulta- flat surface and LSO nanodots embedded at the LSMO-STO
neous growth of two epitaxial phases leading to a three di- interface 共b兲. During the segregation of LSO, the stoichiom-
mensional assembling of one crystal embedded in another etry of the LSMO film is balanced by the simultaneous for-
is nowadays receiving much attention in a variety of mation of bulk RP inclusions5 关see inset in Fig. 1共a兲兴. In
functional/multifunctional oxide systems.1–4 These studies contrast to LSO, the topological distribution of RP inclusions
reveal that structural compatibility1,2 and interface energy4 is not film thickness dependent. On the other hand, reciprocal
constitute the major parameters governing the topological space mapping analysis 关see Fig. 2共a兲兴 shows that the sepa-
pattern of the resulting nanostructures. ration between the 共103兲-LSMO and 共103兲-STO peaks
As an alternative approach, it has been recently shown evolves with thickness according to a progressive misfit re-
that thin La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 共LSMO兲 films subjected to specific laxation. The thickness dependence of the film in-plane and
nonequilibrium conditions undergo a self-assembled segre- out-of-plane lattice parameters indicates that almost com-
gation mechanism of La–Sr oxide 共LSO兲 islands of unknown plete relaxation is achieved at 60 nm 共d兲. Therefore, the re-
crystal structure and Sr3Mn4O7 Ruddelsden–Popper 共RP兲 laxation of partially segregated films occurs at a smaller
type inclusions in a way that the simultaneous formation of thickness 共⬃60 nm兲 than nonsegregated ones 共⬎100 nm,
both phases maintains the LSMO stoichiometry and rhombo- see Refs. 9–12兲, coinciding with a topological redistribution
hedral structure unaltered.5 In this work, we present an in- of the LSO phase from the film surface to the film-substrate
vestigation of the interplay between the misfit relaxation of interface.
LSMO films and the topological distribution of spontane- This result suggests that interfacial LSO decisively con-
ously segregated LSO nanodots. According to the dislocation tributes to the misfit relaxation of the LSMO composite film.
model,6 LSMO films grown on SrTiO3 共STO兲 would relax at The matching distances along the pseudocubic unit cell in-
a critical thickness hc ⬃ 10– 12 nm,7,8 in strong disagreement plane and out-of-plane parameters of LSMO, determined for
with experimental values lying above 100 nm.9–13 In contrast the LSO islands, are d储 ⬃ d┴ ⬃ 0.405 nm⬎ aSTO 共Ref. 5兲
to this behavior, here we show that partially segregated nano- 关aSTO = 0.3905 nm 共Ref. 15兲兴. As a consequence, the LSMO
composite films relax at a much lower thickness, ⬃60 nm, film is tensile strained around the nanodots to a larger extent
than nonsegregated ones. This behavior is associated with a
different localization of the LSO phase from outcropping is-
lands to film-substrate interfacial nanodots.
Segregated La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 thin films with thicknesses of
24, 35, and 60 nm were prepared by metal-organic decom-
position as described elsewhere.5 Their structure was ana-
lyzed by x-ray diffraction and transmission electron micros-
copy 共TEM兲 using a JEM-2011 and a spherical aberration
corrected Tecnai F20 electron microscopes at 200 kV. Trans-
port properties were measured in lithographed films by the FIG. 1. Comparison of cross sectional TEM views along the 关100兴 direction
four point technique using a Quantum Design physical prop- of the LSMO and the STO for the 24 nm 共a兲 and 60 nm 共b兲 films. The
thinnest film contains LSO islands 共a兲, in contrast to the thickest one where
the LSO phase forms nanodots at the STO-LSMO interface 共b兲. The inset in
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Electronic mail: 共a兲 shows an example of a RP inclusion. Such inclusions remain in the bulk in thicker films.

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FIG. 2. 共Color online兲 Thickness dependence of the in-plane and out-of-

plane LSMO lattice parameters. The reciprocal space maps around the 共103兲
reflections of LSMO and STO for the 24 nm 共a兲, 35 共nm兲, and 60 nm 共c兲
thick LSMO films indicate misfit relaxation with increasing film thickness.
The thickness dependence of the lattice parameters shows an almost com-
plete relaxation for a thickness of 60 nm 共d兲. rlu means “reciprocal lattice
units” and 1 rlu= 2 / ␭ with ␭ = 0.541 84 nm.

than at the LSMO/STO interface 关aLSMO = 0.3876 nm 共Ref.

16兲兴. Therefore, the 0.7% tensile misfit at the film-substrate
interface can be partially relieved by the interfacial nucle-
ation of LSO nanodots whenever the sum of their strain and
interfacial energies is smaller than the concomitant reduction
in misfit elastic strain energy. Figure 3 shows examples of
interfacial nanodots 关共a兲 and 共b兲兴 along with a schematic
drawing of the misfit accommodation mechanism 共c兲. The
nanodots are faceted along the 兵100其LSMO and 兵110其LSMO per-
ovskite planes, suggesting local minima in the interface en- FIG. 3. 共Color online兲 High resolution TEM images of LSO interfacial
ergy for these orientations.17,18 Strikingly, in 共b兲 the LSO nanodots in the 60 nm film. One lying on top of the substrate 共a兲 and one
nanodot is partially embedded in the STO substrate. The partially embedded in the substrate 共b兲. The nanodots exhibit a high degree
mechanism leading to this configuration is not clearly under- of interfacial coherency with their embedding LSMO and STO perovskite
structures. In both cases, misfit dislocations are formed, contributing to the
stood. The lateral displacement induced in the neighboring relaxation of the LSMO film. 共c兲 Schematic drawing illustrating the misfit
LSMO lattice by a LSO nanodot is B = ␧LSMO/LSO · D 关D is the accommodation mechanism by interfacial nanodots.
diameter of the nanodot projected onto the interface and
␧LSMO/LSO = 共dLSO − aLSMO兲 / aLSMO兴. Thus, a nanodot with size
Deq = 兩b兩 / ␧LSMO/LSO induces a compensating strain around it components b1 + b2 = aLSMO关100兴 关Fig. 3共a兲兴 and b
equivalent to a misfit dislocation with Burgers vector b. = aLSMO关100兴 关Fig. 3共b兲兴, with the extra plane residing in the
Quantitative analysis of the images using the geometrical LSMO film. Such dislocations compensate 共totally or par-
phase analysis method19 indicated that the matching dis- tially兲 the displacement B induced by the nanodots, thus re-
tances of interfacial LSO are smaller than those of LSO laxing the misfit strain through the entire volume of the com-
islands, yielding displacements of B ⬃ 0.48 nm and posite film. Note that beyond a size corresponding to B
⬃0.23 nm for 共a兲 and 共b兲, respectively. ⬎ 兩b兩, the cost in elastic and interface energies for interfacial
It should be pointed out that the misfit compensating nucleation would be no longer compensated by a reduction
effect of interfacial nanodots is only efficient within a slab of of the film elastic strain energy, thus explaining the observed
LSMO adjacent to the interface. Analysis of the high reso- large discrepancy between the island and nanodot sizes.
lution TEM images shown in Figs. 3共a兲 and 3共b兲 indicates, Contrary to the typical behavior of manganite thin
however, that once nucleated, such nanodots constitute pref- films,20,21 no thickness or strain dependence of the Curie
erential nucleation sites for dislocations with Burgers vectors temperature, TC ⬃ 360 K, was observed in this study. Never-
b1 = aLSMO / 2关01̄1̄兴 and b2 = aLSMO / 2关01̄1兴, yielding misfit theless, the residual resistivity at 5 K 共inset in Fig. 4兲 is
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041903-3 Abellán et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 98, 041903 共2011兲

We acknowledge the financial support from MEC

01022; FPU兲, Generalitat de Catalunya 共Pla de Recerca,
Grant No. 2009-SGR-770, and XaRMAE兲. The Cs-corrected
Tecnai-F20 FEI electron microscope was used in the frame-
work of the European project ESTEEM 共Contract No.
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