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The Holy Grail of Physics July 13, 2010 Host: Guest: Kim Greenhouse (KG) Dan Winter (DW)

(KG): Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to It's Rainmaking Time!. This is Kim Greenhouse. It is my pleasure to invite Dan Winter as our guest today, to discuss the Holy Grail of Physics. Dan Winter is an electrical engineer and a wonderful teacher, that has a way of explaining very exciting new knowledge in the area of building fractal electric fields, which support the building of self-organizing living spaces, that have a life-giving charge. He introduces us to understanding what fractals are, how they work, what magnetic maps tell us about war and peace. He talks about living architecture. Hes very interesting to listen to. Its so exciting. Please welcome Dan Winter to It's Rainmaking Time!. Good day. (DW): Hi, Kim. I appreciate your dedication. (KG): I am so impressed with your work. Theres so much to say. But lets get to the heart of what common people, like myself, can understand. What is a fractal? And why is everything youre doing based on fractals? (DW): It is true. Well fractality is best imagined with a rose. A rose, an onion, a fern or a pinecone are pretty good examples of fractals, because the inside is like the outside. And mathematics is right to be excited about it, because its infinite compression. You know, what you can compress infinitely, you can also unpack infinitely, which is very spiritual. The problem the reason sort of Einstein screwed up, and physicists, too, is they dont understand what a fractal electric field is. And actually, the most important fractal is a fractal electric field. And sadly, physics hasnt even thought about that question yet, which is really stupid. And the best way to start thinking about that question is to study the literature. When you take seeds and you put them in Stonehenge, or a stone circle, you see a dramatic increase in germination and growth. And thats an example of a fractal electric field. And so making that electric field, that causes growth, thats what Im doing. (KG): Couldnt we also say, based on that translation, that a fractal field is a natural organizing biologic field?
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(DW): Yes. In the sense that every living thing has an electric field. Its called the plasma, or its aura, like yours measurable to GDV, for example. And that the only thing that holds that together is its fractality. (KG): Youre really an expert in plasma science, or what we would say is implosion compression. Is that correct to say? (DW): Actually, I need to be correct here. I am not a physicist, and Im not an expert in plasma science. I am an electrical engineer. And I might be a good one, of that. But it is true that many physicists have started studying God and angels, because they got interested in plasma. For example, the plasma universe all those Web sites about the shapes of angels. So once you begin starting to think about living things as an electric cloud of charge, called plasma you know, thats why youre alive then you need to begin to thinking about what holds that together. But of course, in order to know what holds has to hold your aura together, youd also need to know why an object falls to the ground. And the reason Einstein didnt figure that out is because he didnt know what a fractal was. (KG): Talk about Einstein. (DW): Well I presented at the First International Physics of well, Unified Physics Symposium, in Budapest weve had two and I presented and Nassim was there, and Elizabeth Rauscher that golden ratio fractality is the cause of gravity. And since then, abundant more proof has come out to show that Im correct. (KG): I want you to go back, for just a moment, and talk about the golden mean. Because we dont even know what you just said. (DW): Well the golden mean ratio is the ratio that allows a series of number, for example, to add and multiply .6180339 the ratio of the edges or the circumference of the Great Pyramid or the Parthenon. And the ratio associated with every living protein, actually and called phyllotaxis. And so that number .6180339 is a ratio which allows an infinite series of numbers to both add and multiply. What physics did not understand, sadly and why Einstein was frustrated is that that is the solution to infinite wave compression and therefore, the cause of gravity. (KG): Does this have anything to do with the Holy Grail of Physics? (DW): Everything absolutely everything. The Holy Grail means nothing except fractality. Thats precisely what it means. So the only scientific meaning for that word is precisely the way waves make a fractal. If you understand that

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meaning, you can understand every spiritual myth about the Grail, and I can tell you dozens, and thats what weve been teaching for 10 years here, in South France. (KG): Youre in a beautiful location of the world south of France. (DW): Well yes, thank you. (KG): Im sure many people want to flock over to the south of France, right now. (DW): Well not only was Rennes-le-Chateau a pentagram, and San Remy, where Nostradamus saw the future. But the reason its a pentagram is actually scientifically interesting. I tried to explain to Henry Lincoln that who did a lot of our gatherings but it basically the pentagram is an electric field geometry that creates the golden ratio, and therefore, centripedal force. And that creates an electric field which is the plasma geometry of every living protein for a reason. Its the electric field as the joke goes its the electric field that prevents aging. (KG): Is this called electric geometry? (DW): In other words, geometry is only meaningful if it predicts what an electric field will do. Its the only reason to study geometry. (KG): Talk a little bit more about implosion physics. (DW): Well that pentagram were talking about is called implosive, because as the waves approach center in the stellated pentacle golden ratio stellated dodecahedron, in 3D which is the geometry of hydrogen, incidentally that geometry causes the waves, as they add and multiply recursively, to have that wave interference become constructive. I mean the thing that Einstein and physics missed which is childishly stupid is that the golden ratio is the solution to constructive wave interference. Once you understand that, you can see why every living protein uses it, and why its the cause of gravity. Because as the waves cross and multiply they add and multiply recursively and that .618, 1.0, 1.618, 2.618 cascade ratio allows each wave, as it crosses the next one, to both add and multiply its wavelength and its wave velocity, and makes that interference constructive. And as the wave velocities add and multiply, that turns compression into acceleration. And that is the reason gravity exists. And thats the reason for my new equation, which defines hydrogen Planck length times golden ratio precisely equals the radii of hydrogen. I discovered that. And thats proof that golden ratio is the reason hydrogen makes gravity, and in fact, the reason everything has gravity. And so once you understand that creates

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a centripedal force, then you understand the nature of consciousness, gravity, perception, bliss, life. (KG): And what does that translate to us as? What does that mean to us? (DW): Yes, lets wonderful question. How do we translate that into practical terms? That means that you need to make you should run and not walk, and make a magnetic map of your bed and your house and your village. And if it does not look like a rose, its going to be fatal. Thats what it means. Whereas if, like the City of Prague, your magnetic map does look like a rose, it means you may survive, and you may actually become immortal. Thats what it means. (KG): Thats profound. Thats really profound. Thats beyond feng shui, isnt it? (DW): Well its the only [CROSSTALK] (KG): In effect. (DW): for feng shui, actually. (KG): Pardon me? (DW): Feng shui is only an introduction to the concept of how to the geometry to build a living plasma field. And Ive been teaching that for 30 years. (KG): Did you build your own center? Or are you going to build your own center, or compound, so to speak? (DW): Ive been involved in creating lots of communities [INAUDIBLE 0:08:32.1]. Its been colorful, but I dont think we should go there. (KG): Thats OK. [LAUGHTER] Youre a very controversial man. I wonder if its because youre treading on so many different things that are out there, and bringing them together as a synthesizer, right? (DW): Double Scorpios dont apologize for stings they enjoy it. [LAUGHTER] No, its just that if you take that golden spiral and you wrap it around a donut and I was the first to do the equation to do that then you map the origin of all electric fields. And its the shadows of that spiral which are called Hebrew letters. And of course, the rabbis got a little insulted. But we dont need to do that story now. (KG): No worries.

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(DW): But what is interesting is the physics of the origin of symbol is simply how charge is embedded. Thats useful information. (KG): Explain that to us. (DW): Well in other words, the angle at which DNA can swallow an electric field, called the Hebrew alphabet its the symmetry of donuts in a tetrahedron is the only way charge is going to be absorbed into biology, and the only origin of all memory. So the index to the symmetry of all memory is the angle at which DNA absorbs donuts. And thats the shadows of a donut and a tetrahedron, which is Hebrew. And I wrote the equations to prove that. And of course, that got controversial. Thats predictable. The animations are at And then, we derive from that Sanskrit and the Arabic. (KG): I notice that you had written quite a bit about the concern you had for genetically-modified foods impacting our DNA, and how critical that is. And Id like you to talk about that. (DW): Sure. Id be happy to. Yes. Well briefly, now that we understand that fractality is the only source of organization, because its the only source of all centripedal forces gravity, consciousness, life, perception, that kind of thing then you can understand that in genetic terms, that fractality is the same thing as genetic diversity. So example if a doctor is measuring whether you have an immune system, he measures the fractality of your heart harmonics. If theyre inclusive, harmonically, then you have an immune system. Whereas if theres only one or two harmonics in your heart, then he says well youd better write your will. So the same is true of DNA, in general. In fact, you can predict the viability of every living thing an atom, a baby or a Galaxy by simply checking for that fractality, and its called harmonic inclusiveness, in medical study of heart rate variability. So if you apply that to DNA, you arrive at what we call the Monsanto Mistake that genetic diversity defines the viability of all DNA. Another way of looking at that is the I think it was the Seneca Indian the Twyla Nitsch planted an heirloom seed garden at my farm in western New York. And you would eat those veggies it was like seven different colors of potatoes and tomatoes theyre all indigenous [INAUDIBLE 0:11:38.0] extreme genetic diversity. And all my friends said we dont need our LSD anymore. You eat those veggies. So the reason that DNA made such great lucid dreams was because it was extremely smart. And the reason it was extremely smart was because of extreme genetic diversity. Like the Hopi Blue Corn that only germinated if you sang the right song to it. And then you grind it up and you call the wind. I was there. You could call the wind with that cornmeal, from Grandfather Dan. And we understand precisely the physics. Its a good introduction to rainmaking, by the way.

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(KG): Talk about that. (DW): Well the angle of the conic capacitor Trevor Constable used in the film, Weather Engineering On the High Seas, is a 60-degree cone. Its measurably the most effective one for causing a cloud to form so sort of the physics of Christos why waves crystallize, how they learn to share. Essentially what teaches water vapor to become a water droplet, the Christ principle, is precisely the symmetry which makes that electric field centripedal. So you know, every happy child, standing barefoot in good mud, can put a hole in a cloud with their thoughts. And if you understand the physics, the reason is because the plasma field, you call your consciousness, that Bill Tiller measures focused attention compresses electric field, and Uri Geller measured focused attention reduces radioactivity, measurably So the plasma field you call your attention is a centripedal electric field. Once you understand that, then you see why a child is putting a hole in a cloud. So the physics of rainmaking is basically a columnate electric field to make them centripedal. And thats really whats behind orgone. Orgone is a misnomer for a phase conjugate dielectric, which is a bioactive electric field. Its literally a life giving electric field (KG): Wow. I did interview Trevor a few years ago, and hes extraordinary. (DW): They really believe in Wilhelm Reich, and Wilhelm Reich was an absolute hero. But sadly, like James DeMeo, whos a wonderful guy wonderful science I love him, I really do. But theyre stubborn. They think the orgone has to mean something, that physics cant talk about. And that is stupid. Actually orgone is a misnomer for a phase conjugate dielectric field, and physics knows what that is at least one in a million physicists do and that electric field can cause a seed to grow. And I know how to make it. You can see the pictures P-y-r-a-p-h-i, and youll see the five-sided gold pyramid, called the phase conjugate dielectric fractal field 50% increase in fermentation rate in that electric field. It doesnt require any input power. Its a capacitor that makes life. (KG): Wouldnt it be incredible to have this all over the world? At like all the farms, agriculture for everything. (DW): You know in the book, Seeds of Knowledge, after they measured a replicable scientific experiment, after they measured you take your seeds to Stonehenge, or a stone circle, and you get this huge increase in growth. They said oh, everybodys now got to go find a sacred space to take their seeds there. And that is stupid. No, everybody needs to know how to build that electric field. And thats why Im here. Thats why Im talking to you today.

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(KG): I want to go back to how we build that electric field. But can we talk about harmonic inclusiveness? And I also want to talk about heart coherence, because I think its central to everything youre talking about, as well. [0:15:11.5] (DW): Well Im credited in the literature for inventing the word heart coherence. And I taught the HeartMath Institute, but they screwed it up. But basically, heart coherence, I measured with a cepstrum a second order power spectra. And so I invented the term heart coherence, I invented how to measure it. And that is my Heart Tuner, which is now stolen by, and I will sue them. And the HeartMath Institute also stole my ideas of how to spectrum analyze EKG, but thats OK. Thats childish. Its all childishness. The point is that the perfection of coherence is fractal. And once you understand what that is, then you can actually apply that to every living thing. (KG): Can we just backtrack one second? Because you really are in this upper echelon of understanding with this, and I want to bring you down, just a little bit, so we create a frame of reference. Go back and translate coherence for us, and then go back and talk about heart coherence. (DW): Coherence is the difference between a flashlight and a laser. Its called internal phase coherence. So when you say, I love you, to someone, if youre telling the truth, your heart coherence goes up dramatically. Your heart becomes a laser. Im the guy who invented how to measure that. Its called the Heart Tuner, and I invented that. And I tried to teach old Rollin McCraty and the people at HeartMath. Thats a long story. But anyway, that increase in phase coherence internal phase coherence is whats called heart coherence, which is basically the difference between a flashlight and a laser. Thats why a laser goes so far, and why your heart goes so far, when you feel love, actually. Which is why you can use it to measure kinesiology. Its literally a lie detector. So what youve been calling pure intention is actually a shareable wave, called coherence. (KG): Wow. Did you make an instrument, to measure heart coherence? (DW): Heart Tuner, yes. Heart Tuner. (KG): Can we buy it? (DW): Yes, absolutely. Its (KG): It sounds like it would be interesting. Will we know how to use it? Is there instructions, or its just an obvious?

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(DW): Its used to teach tantra, its used to teach empathy. We can measure the process of empathy, because we can measure when two hearts phase lock. And thats how charge transfers between bodies. It kind of defines tantra. So that ability to synchronize and become phase coherent, is in a way, it defines peacemaking, and its the beginning of understanding the process of how charge is transferred between bodies. So for example, the leading bank in Australia ANB Bank is using that system to teach their bank managers to feel for their clients. (KG): What is the theory of everything, and why is it relevant and part of your work? Or is it? (DW): Oh, of course its relevant. The Unified Field is another name for charge. The vacuum is a compressible medium called ether. And when its when theres centripedal versus centrifugal which is to say converging versus diverging, compression versus refraction, thats called charge in the vacuum. And when that charge rotates, you measure that inertia its called mass. And you measure the period of that rotation; its called time. Thats the Unified Field. Thats what it is. Thats what youre made of a wave of that. And the problem I solved was that then if you understand fractality as the cause of gravity, you understand how charge makes gravity. The simplest way to explain that is that not only did I prove that the inside to the outside of hydrogen is golden ratio, but if you look at it carefully, you see that the nucleus of the atom is always fractal to the electrons. Thats the key that Einstein missed. So the reason that atoms have gravity is because their inside is geometrically identical to their outside. And that self-similarity is idealized by golden ratio, and thats the reason gravity exists. And thats called the Unified Field. It was the dream of Einstein and Christ. (KG): Within the Unified Field, why do you think it is that fractals attract or repel each other? (DW): The only source of any attractive force centripedal force is fractality, because its the only angle at which waves can approach each other, such that when they add and multiply recursively, their wavelength and wave velocities that that wave interference is constructive. Because golden ratio solves constructive wave interference, the adding and multiplying of the phase velocities produces acceleration from compression. And that produces a force which pushes charge through the speed of light, at the center of every atom, which is the reason gravity exists. And that centripedal force charge attraction is gravity. Its also the reason consciousness exists. Thats the reason why, if you measure brainwaves, you can measure enlightenment or bliss or ecstasy, by checking for golden ratio in brainwaves. Because when you get fractal, you

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basically begin to attract charge. And thats called enlightenment. Its very simple. (KG): Isnt there something about fractals that has to do with happiness, thats specifically something youve written about? (DW): Everything. It has everything to do with happiness. Because its the only way any wave system ever self organized, and became able to attract its own charge. Now a simpler way to say that is until you have your own source of bliss, you are, by definition, a parasite. (KG): Thats strong. But thats interesting. Talk more about that. Thats profound. (DW): Once you learn how to attract charge, called bliss, then you have your own source of charge. And thats the first time, electrically, when you are not a parasite. (KG): And define a parasite for us. (DW): Something that doesnt have its own source of charge a mushroom, for example. (KG): Thats just so profound, that Im just [LAUGHTER]. (DW): And once you know how to measure bliss and teach it by measurement, then you can understand the reason for government. The very name politics means body polis which means charge projected. So the definition of politics is, in that sense, the ability to teach bliss. You know, I got a standing ovation recently, in Italy of all places when I said look, the definition of culture is not your coffee and your cigarettes and your wine. No. The definition of culture is whether you know how to teach your children to have a bliss experience. Standing ovation. They got it, immediately. (KG): You work with children a lot, dont you? Thats the basis of a lot of what youre doing, right? Is your work with children? (DW): Yeah. (KG): Talk about it. (DW): We taught 5,000 kids, in 40 degrees Centigrade in Australia, at a DUFFA Rave Concert, about the definition of bliss, and they got it. You dont need

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drugs. You need the hygiene to have a bliss experience. At that point, you have access to all biological information. Its the final form of education. (KG): It sounds like its the ground by which education occurs. (DW): Absolutely. So that was the subject of the fourth book. Its in five languages now. Its called The Implosion Secret Science of Ecstasy and Mortality, and you can download it at its a PDF. And basically, we start by explaining to teenagers that they were correct to be willing to risk their lives in order to have a bliss experience. Because its going to determine the survival of your immune system, and also whether you take memory through death. (KG): You said a lot of things in a couple of sentences. Talk about that. (DW): Well its just that once you learn to attract charge, in a way called human bliss, then your plasma begins to grow. And thats what determines your ability to lucid dream and therefore, take memory through death the only definition of immortality. Basically, phase coherence in the plasma, you take with you when you die. Its why, when you die, you see a certain series of geometries. Because your plasma is learning compression, and therefore, distribution. (KG): Ive never heard it put that way, ever ever. (DW): We electrical engineers describe successful death every day. Ive been teaching it for years You can see the sequence of geometries people see when they die. Theyre called the Kluver Form Constants. And they are the braid sequence of DNA for a very simple reason because your plasma knows what it takes to achieve the compression to make charge distributable. Its why the Hopis objected, when the government put metal sewage pipes on the sacred Old Oraibi Plateau, because your ancestors live in a fractal field of circulating charge in the land. Its all measurable. (KG): Thats profound. That is profound. I also noticed that you talked about metals gold and platinum and the charge that they have. Youve also talked about fabrics which I thought was interesting and happy DNA in fabrics. Talk a little bit about that. (DW): We invented the curriculum called Biologic Architecture, which we teach in many countries Very simply, the electric field that allows your plasma to be distributed is the only definition of architects. And so an architect builds a building, and you measure the electric field in the center, called sacred space and we have three different technologies for measuring it which will predict whether that building would cause a seed to germinate and a

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human to have bliss. And thats how you determine if your architect gets a paycheck if they know how to build a living capacitor. And metal, steel and aluminum buildings are poison. Theyre harmonically exclusive, and they kill germinating seeds and your children. So biology departments at universities, in metal buildings, are a definition of stupidity. (KG): Almost all of the buildings most of us are in are what youre describing as being deadly. (DW): Thats right. And the children are losing their souls because of that stupidity. Because in that electric field, biologic plasma cannot breathe. Every yogi who lived to be hundreds of years old always did it in a cave. Not because it cant be done in a building, because nobody is smart enough to build the right kind of building. Callahan discovered this because he was in Wales he was a radio operator in the war. And in this one town on the coast, everybody lived to be 110 years old. And youd go in to their houses, and your hair would stand up. They were fabulous capacitors. It was hemp, or straw fibers, and the sea spray trace mineral would then be baked in the Sun. This was a living capacitor. And we know how to measure that electric field, and how to make it. Karotkov, at GDV, discovered that because he tracked down the Kogi, where they went to make phone calls to their ancestors, and measured the fractality in air. And thats how you measure sacred space. (KG): That is totally amazing, and mind blowing, and groundbreaking. (DW): Its also simple. (KG): Is it expensive? (DW): No, its cheap. (KG): Give us some examples. Bring us into the vision of it, the articulation of it. (DW): It means when youre designing your house, you make a magnetic map and you find the center of the fractal. And then you use materials that are called phase conjugate dielectric or fractal, which is sort of a synonym for organic. But now we know what organic means finally. We also know what peacemaking means finally which is how to make an electric field that self organizes. So you rammed Earth, straw the things that allow the electric field to breathe charge, and then you make a sweet spot the sacred space in the center. You should watch the film Fractality in African Architecture, by Ron Eglash. You can see it at And when you apply that to physics, you can invent architecture.

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(KG): How many architects are coming to you now? Are some architects waking up, or are they very nervous about what youre saying? (DW): [CROSSTALK] Yes, hundreds in 10 countries. And we do teach this and weve had what? Three international the first major international conference we had on the biologic architectures in Mexico City, we had 300 international professionals, from all over the world. Theyre getting this fast. Architecture universities are going to have to burn their libraries and start over. [LAUGHTER] Which would be good for them. (KG): I think that most people when they think of architecture they think of structures and the look of the structures, rather than the biologic essence of it. (DW): Well Mother Nature wasnt designing for fashion when she built a pinecone. She built a capacitor that could get voltage from gravity, and thats the definition of life. So if you look at a pinecone, you get a pretty good introduction to what buildings need to look like, and what they need to be made of. (KG): I notice you talked about Prague. (DW): Well it just happens that the original magnetic map of Prague Boheme is a rose. You can see a picture at And you can lucid dream there. (KG): Lets talk a little bit about fabrics. You talk about DNA and fabrics, and I thought that was really interesting. (DW): When you make a chart of living materials for their fractality, to invent architecture, living fabric is discussed. Steiner had it right. (KG): Right. (DW): You know, that children should only touch living fabric, wood and stone living stone. And the children should never touch plastic or metal. Hes right. But he didnt know the reason. The reason is because the electric field the plasma the child cannot breathe. And therefore, they cannot inhabit with their awareness polyester. And so an example of a sacred fabric would be unbleached hemp, which is a fabulous capacitor. It makes the best clothing, actually. I mean I think these hemp people are right. The nation of the world that finally decides to start growing hemp again is probably going to rule the world. Its a very vibrant, happy DNA and its what you use to make living capacitors. Incidentally, the word in the Bible I want to mention the word in the Bible for a living capacitor is called shem I will build a shem unto the Lord, which was translated to mean the altar in your church. So the alter in

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your church actually means fractal capacitor. As is the Ark of the Covenant, the kind of capacitor that could contain radioactivity, and cause life. And thats where our word shaman comes from shem-an. Sitchen studied the word. He finally decided highward fire stone, because he didnt know what fractal capacitor is. But actually a phase conjugate dielectric will contain radioactivity, nondestructively. And it will cause life and cause centripedal force, and it will self organize. (KG): You talk about paramagnetic a lot, on your site. Explain what paramagnetic is. It seems to be relevant. [0:29:28.2] (DW): The joke was that if you look at a church, if the stone is paramagnetic granite, limestone, calcaria, basalt which means to bend magnetic lines coherently then that church is probably matriarchy and will actually attract clouds. Whereas if you seek a church, like the one in Wales, UK, which is made of sandstone, which is called diamagnetic, that church is probably patriarchy, and it will not create charge. And actually, its dead. And because it breaks up magnetic lines like a sieve, actually. And that difference is life or death. And so the joke I mean James DeMeo actually did a good study on that. You can actually track the cause of the desertification the making of deserts by tracking where patriarchy has become dominant. (KG): Thats fascinating. Fascinating. I did an interview with Bill Cox, who has passed on who was a dowser a world-renowned dowser for many, many years, who trained with Verne Cameron and spoke of desertification. Wow. (DW): Yes. So basically, learning how to make the magnetic maps look like a rose is how you prevent deserts. Well so the joke was that all the churches in patriarchy were made of sandstone. So that prevented the magnetic lines from converging, and it prevented rain, and causes deserts. (KG): Is there a list of the different elements that are paramagnetic or diamagnetic? (DW): Yeah, the simple table of stone at Its the introduction to the biologic architecture. Yes. So that difference then begins to help you understand how magnetic mapping works. I mean Callahan Professor Phil Callahan, who is something of a hero here he went beyond this. He went on to show, by measurement, that you can predict where war or peace is going to break out, by simply measuring whether the paramagnetic lines are alive or dead in the land.

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(KG): I would love to see that. (DW): So we wrote a curriculum, for teaching peacemaking, based on this. He went to Ireland, Yugoslavia and Israel. And he showed that magnetic lines break, and then Village A starts to shoot at Village B. He learned this because he was in the Amazon country, and he needed to know if the next village down the river were headhunters or friendly. He found out you could tell every time. You just measure the soil. If magnetism goes through the soil paramagnetic then the natives up ahead are going to be friendly. If you measure the soil and magnetism dont go through the soil, youd better duck. (KG): Wow. Wow. Do you know John Hoagland? Hes the physicist in Iowa [0:32:12.2] who has Peace University? (DW): Oh, I dont think so. So we extrapolated that idea to show that you could measure the electric field called peace, and produce it in brainwaves, in heart waves, in land magnetic maps, in your breathing, in your sacrocranial pulse. Theres a dozen ways to measure it. And so you teach peacemaking as science. Because its the only way electric fields make peace. (KG): That is absolutely fantastic. You should be talking to Dennis Kucinich. [LAUGHTER] (DW): Please send him The curriculums all there. (KG): Hed be very interested in this. Very, very (DW): Weve got many languages and peoples, and quite a few cultures interested, including Norway, with the Peace Group there. (KG): Lets go back and talk about a little bit defining life. But I want to talk about what makes something superconductive. (DW): If you measure the moment that a gold thread becomes superconductive, just after you zap it with high amperage, at the moment of crystallization, youll understand why you can do the same thing with the DNA thread. And thats why Dannion Brinkley had his near-death experience. (KG): We should say who Dannion Brinkley is. (DW): Wrote the book on near-death experience, after Elisabeth Kbler-Ross. And after he got hit by lightning, basically, he couldnt touch anybody because

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every time he did, he could feel their lifetime of emotion, because his DNA became superconductive. Its sort of an introduction to the movie Powder, and its the physics of why you see rainbows, after a Tibetan dies. (KG): Ive read his book. His book is great. (DW): Yeah, hes a great guy. (KG): Very exciting. (DW): Very legitimate. And the physics is instructive. So the DNA thread became a superconductor after a little bit of lightning because its a stellated dodecahedron, just like the gold monofilament, which is the physics of alchemy. And then it became the charge collapse makes it a superconductor. The geometry of superconductivity is taught by taking Buckminster Fullers jitterbug you take the stellated cubeocta and jitterbug to icosa, and that geometry is the origin of superconductivity, because of golden mean ratio being the charge collapse path through center, called black hole the definition of chem. as in chemistry and alchemy. So zero resistance to transfer of charge through center because of golden ratio in that dodeca-icosa geometry definition of alchemy, black hole, and DNA threads and gold monofilament threads thats an introduction to superconductivity. (KG): Businesses could be conductive, can they not? (DW): Yes. In fact, the only currency thats going to survive is fractal. Introduction to Fractal Economics 101. (KG): Talk about it, because Ive always maintained on my rainmaking mission that all businesses are animate, theyre alive, theyre living organisms. And that includes everything from the way you do your accounting to the kind of currency that you exchange. (DW): Which is the reason the only currency the only economics thats ever going to survive has to be fractal. In other words, money is only a symbol for living energy, and living energy is always fractal. And the reason is simple. The reason is so simple because perfect distribution defines all abundance, as perfect dark charge distribution defines the divine and sacred and life. So once you understand the geometry of origin of distribution perfection, you understand how to invent abundance, which is to say how you define phyllotaxis perfect distribution because of zero storage. So the process of storage thats eliminated in a fractal is the origin of all abundance. (KG): Say that again, but more slowly. And then explain it.

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(DW): Storage is eliminated in fractal distribution because perfected charge distribution is the elimination of storage. Thats why the life itself the life giving electric field is actually un-storable, and thats great. In other words, once if you study economics for a while, you realize that perfect sharing is what fractality invents. And when you say perfect sharing for a wave, you also mean perfect sharing for money. And thats why perfect distribution in a company always is going to look like a rose, and a rose in 3D is called a stellated dodeca the geometry of hydrogen called a phase conjugate dialetric, or simply fractal field. And that is how you invent economics, if you understand abundance. (KG): Wouldnt the call in economics and with companies, and the economy in general, would be to establish a fractal structure like a rose or like a pinecone. But the question then is how you do that, when you have all these different aspects of business. (DW): Every structure you invent for government rewards distribution by discouraging storage. So to reward perfect distribution you know, its called just-in-time delivery. But if you take that to its limit condition, youre actually looking at a geometry for the structure of all companies, thats going to look like roses. Youre never going to have hierarchies. Youre always going to have roses and fractals. And thats true of the business structure, as its true with their money. (KG): And this is also true with the work that Dee Hock did on Visa which he created a Chaordic Organization. Are you familiar with him? (DW): Say the name again. (KG): His name is Dee Hock. He was the founder of Visa, and he set up Visa to be self organizing, based on chaos and not hierarchy. And its one of the few examples that have ever worked, by somebody who set it up to be self organizing and self generating. Very interesting example. (DW): The geometry of the self organization if its going to work has to be fractal and based on golden ratio, because its a branching algorithm design, which actually defines distribution perfected. Its good what you see, biologists need to discover this before they can teach this to economists. And what the biologist doesnt understand is that the same fractality that creates life in a liquid, called Redox Potential, can be measured in air. And then once you know that, you can invent architecture. And then once you know that, you could invent economics. (KG): Dont you think our structures for businesses have to be not repurposed but maybe re-visioned. Because the structure itself the consciousness inside

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the structure doesnt allow, necessarily Im talking legally and that structure has consciousness doesnt allow for what youre talking about, on a fractal level for the most part. (DW): Once you understand that the only thing that nature ever rewarded was charge distribution, then you also that tells you that the only thing for humans, that nature ever rewarded, was actually bliss. So once you understand that bliss is the purpose of studying government, then you can begin to invent you know business structure. In other words, if it doesnt produce the growth of human aura or actually all biological aura, which is the distribution of plasma then the business has not succeeded. (KG): Fascinating. Lets talk about the Galactic Superwave and the Carrington Event, in a larger context for things that youre concerned about, and have discussed in your videos and in your writings. (DW): Right. Religious people have talked about rapture. Rapture is the same as death its a compression event. And only fractal structures will ever survive compression. So applying that to a 2012 story what we see is that the equator of the Earth, and the Solar System, and the Galaxy three spinning plates precess toward a 90-degree cubic relationship, near 2012 Galactic Core alignment, which produces a plasma wave between the Galactic Core and the Solar System which increases spin density within the Solar System. And to absorb that nondestructively requires fractality which is really the only way anything is going to survive the rapture to invite compression without heat. So Paul Laviolette wrote Galactic Superwave, about how it increases the dust inside the Solar System. But it actually increases the temperature of most of the planets is now going up radically, and so fractal structures are going to be required for survival. In practical terms, it means that most humans who do not understand bliss are going to start going insane. And those who do are going to look for fractal structures, which basically means run dont walk to leave the cities, because theyre opposite to fractal. Its the same reason why hurricanes, or tornados, will go out of their way to destroy a metal building. Whereas they will go out of their way to not destroy a stone church. Because the stone church can breathe charge, and so the tornado will feel that as part of their body. (KG): Thats fascinating. Absolutely fascinating. (DW): [CROSSTALK] The center of Hurricane Katrina was a pentagram. It was implosive centripedal and self aware. And so the thing thats least fractal we could talk about New Orleans, but lets not go there. But the things that are least fractal are going to die first. Its a very simple statement. Its the physics of the rapture. You must invite compression. And to do that, you get fractal, or get dead.

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(KG): We are in whats called a Solar Minimum. (DW): The duration of that Solar Minimum is going to scare the pants off any solar physicist, because they know that a plasma pulse is imminent. So the Sun is about to have an orgasm, which the Sun deserves. And anything that can enjoy the orgasm is going to be fractal and be part of the distribution of charge, and actually in the same way you can watch a shaman steer a tornado, the children need to learn to steer the Sun. So actually, its a wonderful opportunity to absorb plasma, but it does rather mean you might need to find a cave in the meantime. (KG): You have no concerns. You have no fears, do you? (DW): Oh, I wouldnt say that. I live in the lowest population density in Europe, with the best air and magnetism in Europe, here in South France. But you know, that doesnt mean I have no fear. But I understand a lot about the electric meaning of fear, and I understand the principle here, pretty well. Just because I understand the principle doesnt mean I can do it real good. Although I have my blissful days, and Ive been having kundalini for 30 years, but [LAUGHTER] its still dont think of me as perfect, please. (KG): I dont think of anybody as perfect, but it sounds like youre very at peace with what you know already, and what needs to be done, and where we need to be thinking, and what we need to be doing. (DW): I mean I can teach people how to do this, but I need to be a better lucid dreamer myself, I will tell you. But Im pretty good at having kundalini. But the principle here is very simple. It means that people need to be in a place from which you get the electric leverage to steer tornados. You know, when a million children sing at the same moment, the effect on the solar flares is measurable dramatic, and that principle is basically charge embedding. So the bit about the solar wind is true the Carrington Event. The Carrington Event is likely to toast most of Earth. Its pretty normal, actually. And the way to steer that tornado is the way you steer any tornado. Your plasma needs to become its center of gravity, and that begins with empathy called charge embedding. (KG): It sounds like empathy is also part of the science. (DW): It is. If you watch a shaman steering a tornado, with any clairvoyance, the shaman says I am now feeling the anger which is the pain which is the bleeding fractality of that tornado. And then the tornado realizes the shaman feels its pain better than it feels its own pain. And the tornado falls in love with

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the shaman, and invites the shaman to embed its plasma and become the gravity center of that tornado. (KG): It sounds like a spiritual dance, as it were, the way youre describing it. (DW): Its called charge embedding, technically or perfect nesting. And so you watch bioplasmic streamers from the belly of the shaman embed, or nest, in the center of that tornado. By the way, the angles of entry for that spiral is the Hebrew alphabet, actually. And thats the introduction of MAGic MAGs Matrix of AGni. And so that physics of empathy embedding how you become the center of gravity of a larger donut is actually an introduction of how you inhabit tornados, and then stars. [0:45:04.8] (KG): You have a lot of complex and intricate, and interrelated information on your Web site. Some people may be a little overwhelmed going to it. Theres so much there. For people first going to the site, do you have any recommendations where to begin? (DW): Well you know, the book for kids about the science of bliss is a good place to start, actually. Theres also a bibliography and glossary, and theres also several hundred films there. We have 2 million visits a month. We have the largest personal Web site in the world. (KG): How did that happen? Did you build fractals into your Web site? [LAUGHTER] (DW): Ive been working on it for 20 years or something. We have, I dont know, 5 or 10 languages there. Weve been at it for a while. I mean I admit its not well organized, but its very fractal. And the information there it has the most pure principle about the nature of life. And if people want to start from a purely scientific perspective, start with And you see the application of just the technology, which is where were going now. So we have built something called the Imploder, which uses this fractal field phase conjugate dielectric hydrodynamically and magnetically fractal magnetics is where the like poles of the magnet attract and learned how to implode water and produce 30 to 300% growth-affected water the Imploder. You can see that at, which is parallel to what we did with electric fields, with the Pyraphi So were applying this to technologies and we have a Bloom the Desert Project, and all kinds of you know. We think that by teaching this as science, its a way to introduce the spirituality.

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(KG): Do you think that we could go in to deserts and create habitats that are fractally sound, that produce water? (DW): The physics is that water follows magnetism and follows fractality. And so not only can you find water in any desert, and we can prove it and thats what were marketing the technologies to do. Its called the Bloom the Desert Project. But also then, you build the shape of your technology in the desert, to make it a water attractor. So the deep underground water Deep Rock Water sometimes called a Captive Water Table or more technically, Primary Water is always fractal, and you can find it with a phase conjugate dielectric. And so you can find water in any desert, and Bloom the Desert. And then you build your town appropriately, to be a water attractor, and you eliminate deserts. The scientist Leto Kanes, in the movie Dune hes the guy who turns the planet from a desert, green. And turning planets green is the reason our gene pool exists. (KG): That would be incredible, to be able to do that around the world, and to show people in different places. (DW): Yes. Weve assembled a global team of scientists, specifically doing the Bloom the Desert Project. Were working with Sasha Stone, the UN group and theres lots of people involved in this project. So anybody interested in the Bloom the Desert Project, check out Send me an email (KG): That is so important. I think its one of the big priorities of the world. (DW): Once you know the cause of desert, you can eliminate the cause. Its obvious. Water is not going to circulate where charge is not fractal. The same way if you bring the kids next to a really good river, theyre all going to want to take a pee. People are intelligent waters way of getting around. So once you understand why the water wont go there, you can fix it. (KG): Thats great. I think Bill Cox would have really liked you. (DW): We work with dowsers around the world on this. We love them. (KG): I think its interesting that you talked about Primary Water, which is below the aquifers. (DW): And the Australian government has been forced to change their laws about accessing water in the water table. Because if you find water thats not part of the water table, then you need a different law. And a different law of physics applies. Thats called Deep Rock Water, or the Captive Water Table, or

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Primary Water. The fun part is, you can find the Primary Water like dowsers do with a phase conjugate dielectric or a fractal field. (KG): How do you find water? (DW): I teach the principles of dowsing. And I have basic dowsing skills. You know, 30 years of kundalini, your DNA bends a magnetic line. (KG): I notice youre chuckling about that. [LAUGHTER] (DW): You dont need a metal rod. You can, but you should feel with your hands. And basically, the way we start a dowsing lesson is to say that if you cannot feel a magnetic line, you cannot feel. (KG): I would say that that would be a great deal of the populace, whos dealing with their cell phones thousands of minutes a day. (DW): Thats right. And people who have lived in electrosmog so long, that they cannot feel a magnetic line, are doomed. (KG): Before we close this particular segment and I really want to invite you back, as well. Because the subjects are huge. Id like to know your sentiment at this time, about whats happening on the Gulf Coast. There must be an interesting way that you translate what is occurring. (DW): Yeah, I do think its you know, it could be cataclysmic for much of the Americas. I think its probably true, sadly. But realistically, if a culture cannot learn to metabolize starlight directly, eventually the mother is going to say the kids cannot be weaned. And thats sad. And so I think the lesson here is that and the technological lesson is we should have been burning hydrogen for all global energy needs decades ago. Thats the childishness. And the way to do that is my equation for hydrogen, incidentally. But in the meantime, whats looking at us in our face is our failure to wean. Or the way the ETs joke about it is were still driving around in cars powered by dinosaurs farting, and thats embarrassing. (KG): What do you mean, We have to learn how to absorb the energy of the stars? (DW): Metabolizing starlight directly is another way of saying to be able to absorb charge directly. If you study with Jasmuheen how to live without food, you gradually learn to absorb charge from your environment. And these people are gaining weight, even though they never eat. The physics is theyve learned how to absorb charge. And you do that by getting fractal you know, enough

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time barefoot in nature, and you learn how to absorb charge. Well because we have failed to wean, this is now staring us in the face, which is very appropriate. And its an ancient this problem has existed on many planets. Were not the first ones to do this. In the meantime, we need to learn how to create centripedal force, which is how water will be purified. Its called the Imploder And the origin of all sorting is also the origin of being able to absorb charge, actually. In effect, the reason we cant fix pollution is because we dont know the principle of how nature sorts anything. And that is called implosion, and its the physics of fractality, and its teachable. So in effect, because you know if you implode water, it will be sorted as a liquid, in layers, by atomic mass by atomic weight by mass. Just like the spin cycle on a washing machine. Thats what implosion is. And nature uses that to sort everything. Its the definition of digestion implosion, electrically. Its called sorting. And thats the origin of all self organization. Its called fractal. And because we dont know that, we have to sit in dirty diapers. (KG): [LAUGHTER] Im sure youve read Viktor Shauberger. (DW): Hes my hero. (KG): It sounds like it. (DW): Viktor Shauberger really in his work on implosion he got very close to the principle. He even got close to golden ratio. And he saw self organization. He really intuitively understood. And he built a generator that got voltage from gravity and water. It was a vortex. We know how it works now. We know why. Its a cone angle. The Implosion Lab in UK is very close. The internal the inside of a donut is coated with a phase conjugate dielectric silver gold. And then the super pure water is spinning about 50,000 RPM. The waters pH electrically doped, and that vortex starts to implode, spontaneously gets colder and begins to get voltage from gravity. And if you sit that in a field thats polluted, it will begin to self organize. (KG): So you dont believe, probably as I dont believe, that theres a water shortage. Theres only a scarcity of how to get to it, and what to do with it. (DW): Theres a misunderstanding of how anything is purified. (KG): Right. (DW): But its so fundamental. I mean people dont even understand that rainbows cannot happen, unless the air is fractal. People dont understand that that same phase conjugate fractality is the reason color exists. Thats the reason photons get sorted into the rainbow.

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(KG): Please describe for the audience what a photon is, and then I want to talk to you about biophotons. (DW): Photon the quantization of light is a wave packet that travels as a donut. And the angle that donut hits the cone of your eye is called color. And the angles that make color is the face angles of the dodecahedron, which is the reason color exists (KG): Why are biophotons, or biophotonic anything, so important now? Why is it a big deal? (DW): When human when living things emit charge, its quantized into packets of plasma, called photons. And the angle and quantity of their departure is quantized by the angle of the dodecahedron, which is the cause of color. (KG): An so biophotonic water would be what? How is it different from implosion water? (DW): Biophoton is poorly defined in science. Fritz Popp you know, he did a service by showing that you could measure life by when something was spinning out photons. But what he didnt understand is that its more efficient to measure just the capacitance of a tomato, or whatever it was, and you could tell if the charge field was projective. So its easier to spectrum analyze a weak electric field than to wait for a photon to spin out I show the measurement technique. (KG): I understand youre a great teacher. (DW): Well, I guess I went too fast here. (KG): [LAUGHTER] What is your biggest challenge now, in your life? What are you at work on that has you really concerned, or very excited and challenged? (DW): You know, I think our Imploder technology is going to revolutionize water purification, and by the way, also combustion engines. But so that is already working. But this phase conjugate dielectric field now we think were going to invent life force generation, so we can use it to treat seeds, we can use it to treat rock powders to heal lakes. So this electric-field-that-causes-life idea is teachable. I think its going to reinvent a lot of multibillion dollar industries. And we have people around the world that are testing this. So this idea that a phase conjugate dielectric is a fractal field that creates life I think thats actually commercializable, and that commerce is going to allow me to teach at a whole new level. And I like that.

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(KG): Do you use cell phones? (DW): When I have to. I mean I have an iPhone, but [LAUGHTER]. The trick is simple.. Keep the damned thing away from your head, use it only when youve got to, and then use a cord to the earpiece. [CROSSTALK] (KG): Right. Or on a speaker, right? (DW): Yeah, on a speaker or something. Youve got to keep the thing away from your head, and use it minimally. I mean basically, this microwave is actually the frequency spectra of the emission of kundalini. Its measurable. So what the Federal Communication Commission missed is that microwave frequencies at which living cells communicate mitogenic radiation. If they understand that frequency spectra, the Communication Commission has to reserve the bandwidth. (KG): Why? (DW): Well one of the ways you can measure kundalini, or bliss, is a microwave scan of the spine Bob Gratchs work. And once you understand how microwave is involved in living cellular communication, you begin to get some idea of how nature communicates. And if you understood that, you wouldnt get close to a cell phone ever. Because it messes with your bliss, actually. And people who have a lot of bliss wont get anywhere near the damned thing. (KG): I think a lot of the kids who have cell phones today, that are in their ear all the time, and theyre constantly texting (DW): Its a tragedy. (KG): are lacking bliss. (DW): I mean there are actually laws and posters in Spain telling young women that these things will kill you. Its real. I mean because the weak microwave frequencies, that your body is using to communicate bliss, get totally scrambled. A couple of cell phones will cook an egg, it will also cook your brain. Its really bad news. (KG): And how about the number of TV sets in a house? Thats also a whole other thing thats really disruptive. (DW): Yeah, theres low power Wi-Fi and high power Wi-Fi. But low power WiFi is not too bad. But yeah, the DECT phone technologies. I mean really for now, the only solution is get the hell out of the city. That is the only solution for now.

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Youre going to need to move to nature. And learn to share a big garden a biodynamic garden in a community, away from the city. That is the only solution for now, if you want an aura thats going to survive death. (KG): And well be coming over to the south of France shortly. [LAUGHTER] Do you speak? (DW): Well Im not saying thats the only place (KG): I know, I know. Do you speak French? (DW): Je parle franais un petit actually [CROSSTALK] (KG): Oh, monsieur, monsieur (DW): I should say, je parle franais comme une vache espagnole - I speak French like a Spanish cow. (KG): [LAUGHTER] (DW): My lady friend would tell you that my French is terrible. (KG): Oh, monsieur. (DW): Ive learned something about the culture. You see, actually the ecosystem here is fabulous. But I would still say the French government is clueless. (KG): Theres often a big difference between the governments and where people live. [0:59:59.3] (DW): Yeah. No, the ecosystem is quite beautiful here, down in South France. And thats a wonderful thing. And we just did the Magdeline the Black Madonna Festival. And thats all real and powerful, and based on good physics. But you know, we have wonderful things in Byron Bay, Australia. We have a lot of fun there. And Western Canada (KG): Ive actually been to Byron Bay. Ive climbed Mt. Warning. [LAUGHTER] I wish someone had warned me about that ahead of time. They just said ah, it will be a few minutes. Meanwhile, four hours later, Im at the top. [LAUGHTER]

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(DW): You know the original name for that mountain is Wollumbin, which means Rainmaker. (KG): Really? (DW): Yes. (KG): Thats wild. (DW): The reason it attracts rain if you do a 3D animation of the geometry, its a grail cup its a charge attractor. And there were 10-foot tall red-haired skeletons found there, like at Zoar Valley, which are Anunnaki. And the reason they want there was to make their blood immortal. (KG): Wow. Its a good thing I didnt know all that then. [LAUGHTER] It would have been a different kind of climb. (DW): Its a great area. Wonderful communities there. Its pretty nice. (KG): Is there anything obstructing your ability to get this message out, to as many people as possible? (DW): Well you know, I used to run around the world, and we taught in what 30 to 50 cities every year, for 20 years, or something. But its impossible to teach for a living, which is normal on a planet thats dying. But in the meantime, we decided to distribute the teaching as technology, which is beginning to work maybe. [LAUGHTER] And so we still run around teaching, but in the process, we distribute you know fractal field you know, the Imploder and now the Pyraphi. And we show the principles in technologies, so people can apply it inside their body the same as outside. And were involved with people who are converting the spiritual ideas to science, and therefore, to commerce. And there are people all over the world that are excited, but they arent working with us. Id invite your listeners to join us, and lets play. If youre involved in any of these fields (KG): Ive been on a mission for 25 years, so I would be very interested to talk with you further. (DW): Well good. Well lets pursue it. Its all fun, its all good. Were shareable. A perfectly shareable wave. (KG): Ladies and gentlemen, we have been talking to, learning from and listening to, Dan Winter. You can reach him at and what else, Dan?

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(DW): and email, and Skype is Dan Winter. And happy to be in touch. Please check out the stuff, and lets we have a 25-DVD set available reasonably on the Web site, and also the Imploder, if you want to try healing water. (KG): Thank you, very much, for being on the show. And we hope that youll come back and visit us again. (DW): I would love to. Im pleased to be in touch (KG): It's Rainmaking Time!TM (DW): Exactly. Its all fractal.

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