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Ex No : 1 Program :

clc; clear all; D=input('Enter the distance'); d=input('Enter the diamiter'); R=d/2 Rm=0.7788*R; L=4e-4*log(D/Rm); C=pi*(8.854e-9)/log(D/Rm); XL=2*pi*50*L XC=1/(2*pi*50*C)

Single Phase Two Wire System

fprintf('\t inductive reactance is =%d',XL); fprintf('\t Capacitive reactance is = %d',XC);

Output :
Enter the distance 2 Enter the diamiter 5.78e-2 R =0.0289 XL =0.5639 XC =5.1348e+005 inductive reactance is =5.638608e-001 Capacitive reactance is = 5.134791e+005

Ex No : 2
Program : clc; clear all;

Three Phase Symmetrical and Unsymmetrical System

d=input('Enter the diameter'); R=d/2 Rm=0.7788*R; Ca=input('Enter Case Number for Symmetrical --> 1 & for Unsymmetrical --> 2'); switch Ca case 1 D=input('Enter the distance'); case 2 Dab=input('Enter the Dab distance'); Dbc=input('Enter the Dbc distance'); Dca=input('Enter the Dca distance'); D=(Dab*Dbc*Dca)^(1/3); end L=2e-4*log(D/Rm); C=(2*pi*(8.854e-9))/log(D/Rm); XL=2*pi*50*L XC=1/(2*pi*50*C) fprintf('\t Inductive reactance is =%d',XL); fprintf('\t Capacitive reactance is = %d',XC);

For Symmetrical Enter the diameter 5.64e-2 R =0.0282 Enter Case Number for Symmetrical --> 1 & for Unsymmetrical --> 2 1 Enter the distance 2 XL =0.2835 XC =2.5814e+005 Inductive reactance is =2.834710e-001 Capacitive reactance is = 2.581425e+005

For Unsymmetrical Enter the diameter 5.64e-2 R =0.0282 Enter Case Number for Symmetrical --> 1 & for Unsymmetrical --> 2 2 Enter the Dab distance 2 Enter the Dbc distance 4 Enter the Dca distance 3 XL =0.3065 XC =2.7910e+005 Inductive reactance is =3.064803e-001 Capacitive reactance is = 2.790959e+005

Ex No :3

Three Phase Horizontal Conductor

clc; clear all; d=input('Enter the Diameter'); R=d/2 Ds=input('Enter the Gmr value'); Dab=input('Enter the Dab Distamce'); Dbc=input('Enter the Dbc Distance'); Dca=input('Enter the Dca Distance'); Dm=(Dab*Dbc*Dca)^(1/3); L=0.2*log(Dm/Ds) C=0.56/log(Dm/R) XL=2*pi*50*L XC=1/(2*pi*50*C) fprintf('\t inductive reactance is =%d',XL); fprintf('\t Capacitive reactance is = %d',XC);

Enter the Diameter 5.64e-2 R =0.0282 Enter the Gmr value 1.5e-2 Enter the Dab Distamce 15 Enter the Dbc Distance 15 Enter the Dca Distance 30

L =1.4278 C =0.0861 XL =448.5443 XC =0.0370 Inductive reactance is =4.485443e+002 Capacitive reactance is = 3.698950e-002

Ex No:4

Three Phase Bundled Conductor

clc; clear all; D=input('Enter the Diameter'); R=D/2 Ds=input('Enter the Gmr value'); d=input('Enter the Bundeld Space'); Dab=input('Enter the Dab Distamce'); Dbc=input('Enter the Dbc Distance'); Dca=input('Enter the Dca Distance'); Dm=(Dab*Dbc*Dca)^(1/3); Ds=1.09*(Ds*d^3)^(1/4); Dsc=1.09*(R*d^3)^(1/4); L=0.2*log(Dm/Ds) C=0.056/log(Dm/Dsc) XL=2*pi*50*L XC=1/(2*pi*50*C) fprintf('\t Inductive reactance is =%d',XL); fprintf('\t Capacitive reactance is = %d',XC);

Enter the Diameter 0.035 R =0.0175 Enter the Gmr value 0.01417 Enter the Bundeld Space 0.045 Enter the Dab Distamce 15 Enter the Dbc Distance 15 Enter the Dca Distance 30

L = 1.2486 C =0.0090 XL =392.2529 XC =0.3519 Inductive reactance is =3.922529e+002 Capacitive reactance is = 3.518535e-001

Ex No:5

Formation of Y-bus Admittance Matrix

clear all; clc n=input('Enter the no of Buses'); for i=1:n for j=1:n fprintf('Enter the impedance value between %d & %d is',i,j); z(i,j)=input('='); y(i,j)=1/z(i,j); end end z y Y(n,n)=0; for i=1:n for j=1:n if i==j for k=1:n Y(i,j)=Y(i,j)+y(i,k); end else Y(i,j)=-y(i,j); end end end disp('Bus Admittance Matrix is ::'); Ybus=Y

Enter the no of Buses 4 Enter the impedance value between 1 & 1 is= inf Enter the impedance value between 1 & 2 is=2-8j Enter the impedance value between 1 & 3 is=1-4j Enter the impedance value between 1 & 4 is=inf Enter the impedance value between 2 & 1 is=2-8j Enter the impedance value between 2 & 2 is=inf Enter the impedance value between 2 & 3 is=0.666-2.664j Enter the impedance value between 2 & 4 is=1-4j Enter the impedance value between 3 & 1 is=1-4j Enter the impedance value between 3 & 2 is=0.666-2.664j Enter the impedance value between 3 & 3 is=inf Enter the impedance value between 3 & 4 is=2-8j Enter the impedance value between 4 & 1 is=inf Enter the impedance value between 4 & 2 is=1-4j Enter the impedance value between 4 & 3 is=2-8j Enter the impedance value between 4 & 4 is=inf

z= Inf 2.0000 - 8.0000i 1.0000 - 4.0000i Inf Inf

2.0000 - 8.0000i

0.6660 - 2.6640i 1.0000 - 4.0000i Inf 2.0000 - 8.0000i Inf

1.0000 - 4.0000i 0.6660 - 2.6640i Inf

1.0000 - 4.0000i 2.0000 - 8.0000i

y= 0 0.0294 + 0.1176i 0.0588 + 0.2353i 0 0

0.0294 + 0.1176i

0.0883 + 0.3533i 0.0588 + 0.2353i 0 0.0294 + 0.1176i 0

0.0588 + 0.2353i 0.0883 + 0.3533i 0

0.0588 + 0.2353i 0.0294 + 0.1176i

Bus Admittance Matrix is ::

Ybus = 0.0882 + 0.3529i -0.0294 - 0.1176i -0.0588 - 0.2353i 0

-0.0294 - 0.1176i 0.1766 + 0.7062i -0.0883 - 0.3533i -0.0588 - 0.2353i -0.0588 - 0.2353i -0.0883 - 0.3533i 0.1766 + 0.7062i -0.0294 - 0.1176i 0 -0.0588 - 0.2353i -0.0294 - 0.1176i 0.0882 + 0.3529i

Ex No:6 Program:
clc clear all

Bus Building Algorithm By Using Z-bus

N=input('Enter the No Busses(((include Ref Bus)))=='); elements=input('enter the no of Element='); loop=input('Enter the no of loop='); z(N,N)=0; b(N,N)=0; fprintf('case 1: Ref bus to New bus\n Case 2: Existing bus to New Bus \n Case 3: Existing Bus to Ref Bus \n Case 4:Existing Bus to Existing Bus\n') for k=1:elements ELEMENTS=k i=input('Enter the Starting bus='); j=input('Enter the Ending Bus='); fprintf('Enter the impedance value b/w %d and %d bus',i,j) z(i,j)=input('='); b(i,j)=input('Enter the Type of Case this bus='); end z k=0; s=1; for t=1:2 for i=s:N for j=1:N if z(i,j)~=0 cond=b(i,j); switch cond case 1 Z(k+1,k+1)=z(i,j); k=k+1; fprintf('Impedance Matrix at step %d is =',k) Z case 2 Z(k+1,k+1)=Z(k,k)+z(i,j); Z(k+1,1:k)=Z(k,1:k);

Z(1:k,k+1)=Z(1:k,k); k=k+1; fprintf('Impedance Matrix at step %d is =',k) Z case 3 Z(k+1,k+1)=Z(k,k)+z(i,j); Z(k+1,1:k)=Z(k,1:k); Z(1:k,k+1)=Z(1:k,k); for p=1:k for q=1:k Z1(p,q)=Z(p,q)-(Z(p,k+1)*Z(k+1,q))/Z(k+1,k+1); end end Z=Z1; fprintf('Impedance Matrix at step %d after reduce is ',k+1) Z case 4 Z(k+1,k+1)=z(i,j)+Z(i-1,i-1)+Z(j-1,j-1)-2*Z(i-1,j-1); Z(k+1,1:k)=Z(j-1,1:k)-Z(i-1,1:k); Z(1:k,k+1)=Z(1:k,j-1)-Z(1:k,i-1); for p=1:k for q=1:k Z1(p,q)=Z(p,q)-(Z(p,k+1)*Z(k+1,q))/Z(k+1,k+1); end end Z=Z1; fprintf('Impedance Matrix at step %d after reduce is =',k+1) Z end s=j; z(i,j)=0; j=N; end end end end Z

Enter the No Busses (((include Ref Bus)))==4 enter the no of Element=5 Enter the no of loop=2 case 1: Ref bus to New bus Case 2: Existing bus to New Bus Case 3: Existing Bus to Ref Bus Case 4:Existing Bus to Existing Bus ELEMENTS =1 Enter the Starting bus=1 Enter the Ending Bus=2 Enter the impedance value b/w 1 and 2 bus=1.2j Enter the Type of Case this bus=1 ELEMENTS = 2 Enter the Starting bus=2 Enter the Ending Bus=3 Enter the impedance value b/w 2 and 3 bus=0.2j Enter the Type of Case this bus=2 ELEMENTS =3 Enter the Starting bus=3 Enter the Ending Bus=4 Enter the impedance value b/w 3 and 4 bus=0.5j Enter the Type of Case this bus=2 ELEMENTS =4 Enter the Starting bus=4 Enter the Ending Bus=1 Enter the impedance value b/w 4 and 1 bus=1.5j Enter the Type of Case this bus=3 ELEMENTS =5 Enter the Starting bus=4 Enter the Ending Bus=2

Enter the impedance value b/w 4 and 2 bus=0.3j Enter the Type of Case this bus=4 z= 0 0 0 0 + 1.5000i 0 + 1.2000i 0 0 0 0 + 0.2000i 0 0 + 0.3000i 0 0 0 0 + 0.5000i 0

Impedance Matrix at step 1 is = Z= 0 + 1.2000i Impedance Matrix at step 2 is = Z= 0 + 1.2000i 0 + 1.2000i 0 + 1.2000i 0 + 1.4000i

Impedance Matrix at step 3 is = Z= 0 + 1.2000i 0 + 1.2000i 0 + 1.2000i 0 + 1.2000i 0 + 1.4000i 0 + 1.4000i 0 + 1.2000i 0 + 1.4000i 0 + 1.9000i

Impedance Matrix at step 4 after reduce is Z= 0 + 0.7765i 0 + 0.7059i 0 + 0.5294i 0 + 0.7059i 0 + 0.8235i 0 + 0.6176i 0 + 0.5294i 0 + 0.6176i 0 + 0.8382i

Impedance Matrix at step 4 after reduce is = Z= 0 + 0.7052i 0 + 0.6804i 0 + 0.6186i 0 + 0.6804i 0 + 0.8144i 0 + 0.6495i 0 + 0.6186i 0 + 0.6495i 0 + 0.7268i

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