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Determination of Water-Soluble Vitamins

in Pharmaceutical Preparations by Reversed-Phase

High-Performance Liquid Chromatography
with a Mobile Phase Containing Sodium
Dodecylsulphate and n-Propanol

I. Almagro / M. P.San Andres / S.Vera*

Departamento de Quimica Analitica, Facultad de Quimica, Universidad de Alcald, 28871 Alcald de Henares (Madrid), Spain;

The use of mass spectrometry is becoming

KeyWords more widespread and can be combined
with several other separation techniques,
Column liquid chromatography for example gas chromatography or capil-
Water-solu ble vitamins lary electrophoresis. The subject has been
Pharmaceutical preparations treated thoroughly in the literature [1 4].
Analytical methods have been de-
scribed for some water-soluble vita-
Summary mins-thiamin (B1), pyridoxine (B6), ribo-
flavin (B2), nicotinic acid, nicotinamide,
A reversed-phase liquid chromatographic method with sodium dodecylsulphate-n-propanol- and folic acid (B9)-and the literature pro-
water as mobile phase has been used to separate and determine sixwater-soluble vitamins in vides guidance in conducting state-of-the-
l",,velve minutes. The analytical characteristics linear range, sensitivity, detection limits, and art separation analysis [5 12], primarily
precision were evaluated. The lowest detection limits were those of nicotinic acid (not usually by reversed-phase (RP) HPLC or re-
present in pharmaceutical products), 0.7 mg L 1, nicotinamicle, 1.3 mg L 1, and pyricloxine, versed-phase ion-pair (RP IP) HPLC [8
1.4 mg L 1.When the method was applied to the determination of the vitamins in pharmaceu- 12].
tical samples the values found agreed with those on the labels. Since Armstrong first effectively de-
monstrated the usefulness of replacing the
traditional organic modifiers used in re-
versed-phase liquid chromatography with
an aqueous micellar solution, so-called
Introduction (e) no single analytical approach can be micellar liquid chromatography (MLC)
used for simultaneous quantification of has been developed, and has been de-
The vitamins are essential organic sub- all the vitamins in a biological matrix. scribed in many publications [13 18]. Of-
stances in the metabolic processes that oc- ten the presence of an organic modifier,
cur in the nutrition of living bodies. Their The vitamins, depending on their solubi- e.g. a short- or medium-chain alcohol,
analysis is a major analytical challenge, lity, are classified as fat-soluble (vitamins was necessary to reduce retention times
because: A, D, E, and K) or water-soluble (B-com- and to improve the poor efficiency found
plex, C, folic acid, pantothenic acid, nico- when the mobile phase contains surfac-
(a) there is a need to quantify them in a tinic acid, and biotin). Historically, the B- tant only [18].
wide variety of biological matrices, which complex was measured by microbiologi- When the surfactant is dissolved in a
include both foods and body fluids; cal assay; nowadays several more power- polar solvent, e. g. water, as the main com-
(b) the concentrations present are usually ful techniques are available, including ponent, normal micelles are present.
very low, except in matrices which have high-performance liquid chromatography These structures also occur when the or-
been enriched; (HPLC) with detectors operating over a ganic modifier is present in small quanti-
(c) they can occur in several chemically di- continuous range of selective modes; nor- ties (< 15% v/v). Another type of aggre-
verse, but biologically non-convertible mal or synchronous fluorescence, radio- gate is also formed in systems in which the
forms; immunoassay (RIA), and enzyme-linked organic modifier, e.g. an alcohol, is the
(d) some are sensitive to heat, extremes of immunosorbent assay (ELISA), which dominant component. When the alcohol
pH, or degrading enzymes; and use specific protein-binding selectivity. chain is equal to or larger than six carbon

Original Chromatographia 2002, 55, February (No. 3/4) 185

0009-5893/00/02 185- 04 $ 03.00/0 9 2002 Friedr. Vieweg & Sohn Verlagsgesellschaft mbH
4 Table I. Precision within-day and day-to-day.

I0.04 AU 10.04 AU Vitamin Within-day a Day-to-day b

a) b) tR (min) RSD% Area RSD% tR (min) RSD% Area RSD%
Thiamin 10.3 0.3 4058095 1.3 10.3 0.1 3782703 4.8
Riboflavin 2.47 0.3 4565045 1.5 2.44 1.0 4817611 5.2
Nicotinamide 7.43 0.05 1282709 2.4 7.41 0.3 1253476 3.7
Nicotinic acid 4.61 0.4 1463206 2.6 4.67 0.6 1462138 1.4
Pyridoxine 8.06 0.05 2578157 1.7 8.05 0.2 2584188 1.1
Folic Acid 7.07 0.04 1846982 2.6 7.05 0.3 1812195 3.7

Table II. Analytical figures of merit for determination of the vitamins.

Vitamin 2exp Linear range r Slope RSD% LOD Q.L.

(ram) (mgL 1) (areamg 1L) forslope a (mgL 1) (mgL 1)
Thiamine 245 6.72 100 0.9996 3.05 • 104 2.3 3.8 12.6
Riboflavin 270 0.77 155 0.9998 7.58 • 104 7.2 2.8 9.1
Nicotinamide 264 1.46 75 0.9998 3.17 • 104 3.6 1.3 4.3
Nicotinic acid 264 0.45 21 0.9995 2.71 • 104 5.3 0.7 2.2
Pyridoxine 290 1.02 60 0.9997 4.21 X 104 5.2 1.4 4.6
5 10 Time (min) 5 10 Time (min) Folicacid 264 1.84 90 0.9998 2.11 • 104 3.9 2.0 6.5
Figure 1. High-performance liquid chromato- //=7.
grams. (a) Standard mixture of vitamins. (b)
Sample 2.1 = riboflavin, 2 = nicotinic acid, 3 =
folic acid, 4 = nicotinamide, 5 = pyridoxine,
6 = thiamine.

atoms, the aggregates formed are reverse Experimental at r o o m temperature, on a LiChrosorb

micelles; if short-chain alcohols are pre- RP-18 column ( 1 5 0 m m • 3 . 9 m m i.d.,
sent it is not possible to distinguish these Reagents particle size 10 ixm) from Sugelabor (Ma-
reverse aggregates perfectly [19]. drid, Spain). The column effluent was
In R P H P L C the isotropic phase ob- All reagents were analytical-reagent monitored at the wavelengths of maxi-
tained by use of large percentages of grade. Riboflavin (B2), nicotinic acid, ni- m u m absorbance of each vitamin.
short-chain alcohols does not cause pro- cotinamide, thiamine (B1), pyridoxine
blems and reduces the retention times of (B6), and folic acid (B9) were from Fluka
analytes. In previous work we have used (Madrid, Spain). The surfactant sodium Analytical Characteristics
mobile phases containing a surfactant, so- dodecyl sulphate (SDS), and phosphoric of the Chromatographic Method
dium dodecylsulphate (SDS) or hexade- acid, were from Merck (Darmstadt, Ger-
cyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB), many) and n-propanol was from Sharlab The method of calibration, relating peak
and high percentages of a short-chain al- (Barcelona, Spain). The vitamins were dis- area to the quantity of analyte injected,
cohol, n-propanol or ethanol, for isocratic solved in the mobile phase, by diluting an was used to determine the analytical char-
reversed-phase separation and determina- appropriate quantity of their stock solu- acteristics linear range, sensitivity, detec-
tion of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons tions with water or phosphoric acid. tion, and quantification limits. The range
[20], antioxidants [21, 22] and inorganic These solutions were sonicated and stored of concentrations injected, for each vita-
complexes [23 26], with very good re- in the dark. The ultra pure water used was min, in mg L 1, was 0.76 168 for ribofla-
sults. obtained from a Millipore Milli-Q system vin, 0.45 45 for nicotinic acid, 0.73 66.5
This paper describes the simultaneous (Milford, USA). Before use all mobile for nicotinamide, 0.61 90 for pyridoxine,
chromatographic determination of six phases were filtered (0.451xm) and de- 0.67 84 for thiamin, and 0.92 100 for fo-
water-soluble vitamins, thiamine (B1), gassed in an ultrasonic bath. lic acid. The sensitivity was defined as the
pyridoxine (B6), riboflavin (B2), folic acid slope of the calibration graph. The detec-
(B9), nicotinic acid, and nicotinamide, by tion limit, LOD, was determined from the
reversed-phase H P L C with SDS-n-propa- Equipment calibration curve, as the amount of ana-
nol-water as mobile phase. Pharmaceuti- lyte that yields a signal equal to intercept
cal preparations which contain vitamins Liquid chromatography was performed plus three times the statistic Sy/x, which es-
are interesting samples for analysis, be- with a Perkin-Elmer model 250 binary timates the random errors in the y-direc-
cause of their complex composition; for pump, an Applied Biosystems model tion [27]. In the same way, the quantifica-
this reason the proposed chromato- 785A programmable absorbance detec- tion limit, QL, was calculated as the
graphic method was applied to such sam- tor, and a Rheodyne injection valve, injec- amount of analyte that yields a signal
ples. tion volume 20 IxL, all connected to a 486 equal to intercept plus ten times the statis-
personal computer equipped with Perkin- tic Sy/x.
Elmer T u r b o c h r o m 4.0 software for data
acquisition. Compounds were separated,

186 Chromatographia 2002, 55, February (No. 3/4) Original

Determination of Vitamins
in Pharmaceutical Preparations

Pharmaceutical preparations were pur-

~-~ ~ ~ chased from a pharmacy. Tablets were
io ~/) ~/) . io . io weighed, crushed, and dissolved in water
O containing a small quantity of phosphoric
.OO~m O . .O'
, -~-~ ~: o44 , ~d , -~ acid. After filtration (0.45 ixm) an aliquot
,-~ 9 ~ - - ' 1 0 ~ ~,-~x~
was dissolved in the mobile phase and in-
~ ~ ~'~
~ . ~ ;~ ~ j ected into the chromatographic system.
N.~ o o .~ O O N.~ O O N.~ O r

Results a n d Discussion

To optimize the composition of the mo-

bile phase, standards of the vitamins were
chromatographed separately in isocratic
mode, using different quantities of surfac-
tant and n-propanol, to determine the re-
I ---0 ---0 '-N I
tention time of each vitamin. A standard
mixture of vitamins was then analysed
and the chromatographic conditions were
adjusted to obtain the optimum peak
~ - ~
shape, efficiency, analysis time, selectivity,
~'~- ~ ~
O ~ -~ and resolution. On the basis of this study
-~ ~,.~ ~;--~ .~_o .~_o .~_o
chromatography was performed with a
mobile phase gradient prepared by mixing
0.03 M SDS-10% v/v PrOH-0.01 M H3PO4
(solution A) and 0.03 M SDS-60% v/v
PrOH-0.01 M H3PO4 (solution B). Elution
was started with 100% A and the composi-
tion was changed 1% A over a period of 5
min; the mobile phase flow rate was 1 mL
o min 1.
~e Figure la shows the separation of a
standard mixture of the six water-soluble
. ~ a2~ vitamins. The separation was achieved 12
min, quicker than separations achieved by
~ - RP HPLC or RP IP HPLC [8 12]. Most
of the vitamins in the mixture were sepa-
rated to baseline and eluted as sharp
ga peaks. For thiamin (peak 6) the peak
Y O .~
shape and the nature of the baseline neces-
sitated careful integration, checking the
precision of the retention time, and the va-
ga, lue of the peak area.
%-~ The precision (within-day and day-to-
day), expressed as RSD%, obtained by
measurement of the retention time and
Z peak area for each vitamin, are listed in
Table I. The within-day precision was al-
ways < 3%; day-to-day values were accep-
table, because they did not exceed 5% ex-
cept for riboflavin, i. e. despite the appar-
ent problems with thiamin, RSD values
within-day and day-to-day were accepta-
io ble-there were no problems with reprodu-
Table II shows the analytical figures of
merit for determination of the vitamins; it
also includes the experimental wavelength

Original Chromatographia 2002, 55, February (No. 3/4) 187

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18 8 Chromatographia 2002, 55, February (No. 3/4) Original

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