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Kingsland C.E.

Primary School Autumn Term 2013 Information For Parents in Class Two
For further information please contact . Mrs Smith, Mrs Wilson and Mrs Webster DATES Fri 20th Sept Mon 28th October Fri 1st November Sat 16th Nov Fri 20th Dec Meetings for Parents:Mon 9th Sept Weds 25th Sept Tues 15th Oct Weds 23rd Oct Thurs 24th Oct Whole School Events:Mon 11th Nov Weds 11th Dec Worship:Fri 11th Oct Fri 20th Dec Individual and sibling photographs Half term Auction of Promises Term ends Meet your childs new class teacher; 2.30pm Maths meeting for parents 6-7pm e-safety 7pm Parents Evening Parents Evening Museum on the Move; Numbers Pantomime Cinderella School Harvest Festival at 2pm Christmas Carol Service at 1.30pm

Topics: Ourselves, Celebrations English Texts Fiction and Poetry Non-Fiction Skills
Listen attentively to a variety of stories and fairy tales, identify main characters and setting; re-enact and retell main events in sequence. Recognise language patterns and discuss effect on the reader. Express viewpoints on actions of key characters. Work as part of a group, taking turns sharing ideas, listening to others. Write own sentences based on texts. Distinguish fiction and non-fiction texts. Say what the purposes of lists and labels in the classroom are. Listen to poems, read, perform and write a simple poem

Sentence Construction, Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling

Through the RWI scheme to develop confidence in: using full stops, capital letters, exclamation marks and question marks in simple sentences writing own sentences based on texts, paying attention to simple description continuing to work on letter formation applying phoneme/grapheme correspondence when spelling new words reading and writing tricky(red) words extending sentences developing more adventurous wore choices in their work

In a variety of styles creatively and imaginatively as well as non-fiction based on the topic Being Me and People Who Help Us.

Kingsland C.E. Primary School Autumn Term 2013 Information For Parents in Class Two
For further information please contact . Mrs Smith, Mrs Wilson and Mrs Webster

Maths Mental maths skills- please refer to the attached KIRFS sheet Number:Year 1
count reliably to at least 20 objects and recite number names in order to 20 and beyond, forwards and backwards and order numbers read and write numerals to 20 and beyond compare and order sets of objects and numbers develop understanding of addition and subtraction, record as number sentences develop understanding of doubling 1 more, 1 less use of mathematical vocabulary in everyday situations solve problems and puzzles involving numbers, money, counting and shapes and explain methods use non-standard units to estimate, measure and compare length and weight describe, sort and use 2D and 3D shapes to make repeating patterns, models and pictures know days of the week, months, time to the hour

Shape, Space and Measures

solve problems and puzzles involving numbers, money, counting and shapes and explain methods use non-standard units to estimate, measure and compare length and weight describe, sort and use 2D and 3D shapes to make repeating patterns, models and pictures find halves of shapes know days of the week, months, time to the hour use of correct mathematical terminology and vocabulary answer a question by recording information in lists and tables, using practical resources

Data Handling

act on suggestions about how to find things out use all senses to observe in order to answer questions and describe observations using scientific vocabulary make measurements using simple equipment and record observations

recognise and name parts of the body understand that humans, move, grow, change and need food and water to stay alive. learn that taking exercise and eating the right types and amounts of food help humans to keep healthy. understand about the role of medicines; safety and being ill

Light and dark, using electricity

identify and compare sources of light learn about everyday appliances that use electricity to heat, light, make sounds, move things; safety near electricity investigate and construct an electric circuit to light a bulb

Religious Education (R.E.):Why should we care for others?

to recognise the importance of friendships and the way that we care for others to know and listen to stories from the Bible about friendships and caring for others how to implement good behaviour in everyday situations talk about own experiences and feelings when preparing for, and celebrating Christmas retell the story of the first Christmas through role play, drama, words music and art talk about how Christians celebrate Christmas

Advent and Christmas

Kingsland C.E. Primary School Autumn Term 2013 Information For Parents in Class Two
For further information please contact . Mrs Smith, Mrs Wilson and Mrs Webster

Information and communication Technology (I.C.T.): log onto computer independently find information from web sites and discuss what we see write ideas, begin to use the spacebar, back space, enter, shift and arrow keys and save my work

Design and Technology (D.T.): select tools, materials and equipment and use safely follow instructions and procedures for food safety and hygiene generate ideas and put them into practice with help the above will be linked to our topic, planning and following a recipe and evaluating or end product


record from first-hand observation, experience and imagination investigate and explore a range of materials and processes to create a scene from The Great Fire of London try out tools and techniques; printing, collage, pattern making use some portrait work from a variety of well known artists as a stimuli

Geography:People who help us in our community

identify and describe where places are, what places are like, how they are used and how they compare with other places recognise how places have become the way they are and how they are changing make observations about where things are located and about other features in the environment name geographical features use globes, maps and plans

History:Our Family
use common words and phrases about the passing of time place people, events and objects in chronological order use historical words and phrases compare changes over time find out about a historical event e.g. The Great Fire of London and Florence Nightingale

Music:Yr 2 children will be having recorder sessions. They will need to purchase a book 3.50 and a recorder 7.50 from the office.

Physical Education (P.E.):Dance and games

explore basic skills, actions, and ideas with increasing understanding remember and repeat simple skills and actions with increasing control and coordination perform some dance moves based on our topic Amazing Me with Janine Wyatt explore how to choose and apply skills and actions in sequence and in combination know how to exercise safely by looking for space recognise and describe how bodies feel during different activities and how important it is to be active

Kingsland C.E. Primary School Autumn Term 2013 Information For Parents in Class Two
For further information please contact . Mrs Smith, Mrs Wilson and Mrs Webster

Teacher Assessment The table below summarises the attainment levels and what is expected for children nationally at the END of the academic year.

Below age-expected level Low Fair 1B 2C 2B 3C 3B 4C

At age-expected level

Exceeding age-expected level Extremely Good 2B 3C 3B / 3A 4C / 4B 4A / 5C 5+ Exceptional 2A 3B+ 4C+ 4A+ 5B+ 6+

Good 1A 2B 2A 3B 3A 4B

Very Good

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6

1C 1A 2C 2A 3C 3A

2C 2A 3C 3A 4C 4A

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