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Establishment of a Centre of Excellence (COE) General The prevailing state of the malaise of our state and society is apparent to all, and there is no need to elucidate it. Discerning minds are also aware of the causes of our parlous state. A majority of our observers and intelligentsia ascribes our current malady to various factors like feudalism, illiteracy, poverty, extremism, sectarianism and illiteracy etc. I personally am of the opinion that a proper educational system could go a long way in alleviating our suffering and tribulations. I shall elaborate on it further. It is imperative establish Centre of excellence (s) (COE) to promote ecology of knowledge within our society on war-footings. Aim The aim of this short paper is to propose a plan to establish a COE. Why Education? Why from a long menu of factors responsible for our current problems, have I singled out education? It is my firm belief that a preponderance of our problems emanates from lack of quality or in fact a deficit of education among our people. Notwithstanding a few honorable exceptions, what goes for education in our country is a charade. The ambit of this paper precludes me to go into historical details; but suffice it to state the following: a. When the British came to the Indian subcontinent as colonizers; the then prevailing socio-economic set-up was in existence, uninterrupted for the preceding 1000 years. And was manifestly feudal. The British did not change it, but in fact perpetuated it and harnessed it for their imperial imperative. b. Therefore, when Pakistan came into being, not only did we inherit a strong feudal set-up; but the erstwhile Unionist Party (a Quisling entity of pro-British feudal) stalwarts; overnight joined the Quaids Muslim League to preserve their political and socio-economic hegemony over the nascent state.

c. Today, the progeny of the original feudal mafia is calling the shots in Pakistan. And while other countries have progressed, our growth remains not only stagnant; but is retrogressing. d. This situation is further exacerbated by the mullahs; who virulently opposed the creation of Pakistan; but are now the self-appointed, rabidly aggressive guardians of its Islamic identity. e. This devastating and inimical nexus of feudal and mullahs is mutually complementary and stifles open and liberal thinking/ education. Incidentally both for their own reasons were opposed to the creation of Pakistan, But when Pakistan came into being, both took it as an opportunity to assert political power. Now, what is the nexus of feudalism to education? The figure below depicts a triangular relationship between feudalism, illiteracy and poverty. Feudalism is at the apex; it is resistant to free-thought and education. Because if the masses get educated. They will become aware of their rights and would consequently erode the invidious and pernicious political and economic monopoly of the feudal. Illiteracy and lack of education kills economic and social opportunity, mobility and progress. This consequently creates/ increases poverty. Increased poverty puts the masses more in thrall of the feudal; thus further perpetuating their hold. Therefore the vicious triangular relationship stems any progress. The same scenario by default suits the mullahs too. There is another more pernicious effect of feudalism: the feudal mind-set. This mind-set is a mental block it does not entertain any new ideas or intellectual innovations. It has permeated in all organs of state and society, viz, the bureaucracy, military, academia, media and corporate sector. it also exists within our families and home. The end result is that anyone articulating a new idea is forthwith, without an objective hearing, is branded as a heretic and dangerous. This is the reason that we have not been able to make our mark in the world, compatible to our potential. We have failed to create an equitable society envisioned by our founding father. We have failed to make progress in any sense. The prevalent virulent extremism; the monster of sectarianism; apathy, intolerance, the criminalization and brutalization of the society is the end-product. This all can be reversed by inculcating quality education. It can be done by establishing COEs throughout the country. In subsequent paragraphs, I shall dwell on a very concise blueprint of a COE.

CEO The primary aim of a COE shall be provision of quality and objective education to: a. Eradicate the medieval mind-sets; eliminate the old shibboleths, dogmas and belief-systems. b. Create an ecology of knowledge (I am attaching a separate paper on my concept of ecology of knowledge). c. Train the students in problem-solving and decision making. d. Inculcate the habit of creative thinking. e. To equip our youth to be an exemplary global citizen. f. To acquaint the students with the spirit and essence of Islam, without the obfuscating tautology of orthodox mullahs. g. To impart knowledge of ethics, humanism, enlightened reason ; respect for diversity and pluralism. h. Facilitate research in new ideas. i. Dissemination of knowledge and information. j. Facilitate teacher training in new methodologies and concepts. k. Finishing school for girls, who as potential mothers are going to be the initial nursery of a child. l. Incubator of a think-tank. Components of a COE A typical COE envisages following variable components: a. b. c. d. e. A school from KG to A Levels. Facility for teachers training. Finishing/ grooming school for young women. Research Centre for a think-tank. Publications to dissemination knowledge/ information both through print and electronically.

Infrastructure It is possible to establish a COE as envisaged above within a budget of Rs. 50 million on incremental/ phased basis. Detailed estimates could only be

offered if the above concept is accepted and budgetary allocation is guaranteed.

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