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Abandonment abandonment abandonment abandonment abandonment abandonment abandonment of action abbreviated process ability ability abrogation abrogation abrogation absconding absence absent absentee absolute decision absolute disqualification absolute impediment absolute incompetence absolute nullity absolute presumptions absolute res judicata abstention abstention abusive exercise of rights acceptance acceptance acceptance of a fact acceptance of inheritance /decedents state acceptance of plaintiffs claim accepted accomplishment accomplishment accordance accounts accounts certifying partition of estate accused accused accuser acknowledgement of a signature acknowledgment acknowledgment acquiesced acquisition of title by continuous, adverse possession acquittance act act in law

abandono apartamiento desamparo desercin desistimiento renuncia a los actos procesales desistimiento proceso monitorio idoneidad pericia casacin derogacin revocacin alzamiento ausencia ausente ausente sentencia definitiva tacha absoluta implicancia incompetencia absoluta nulidad absoluta presunciones legales o absolutas cosa juzgada sustancial abstencin inhibicin abuso de derecho aceptacin consentimiento consentimiento aceptacin de herencia allanamiento a la demanda consentido comisin cumplimiento avenencia particin judicial cuenta particionaria denunciado reo denunciante reconocimiento de firma admisin reconocimiento judicial consentido prescripcin carta de pago comisin acto jurdico

act of God act of procedure act of procedure

fuerza mayor acto procesal actuacin

act of procedure diligencia act of procedure hecho procesal act of special management actos de disposicin act with legal consequences negocio (jurdico) acting in court intervencin acting judge (lawyer) Juez Letrado interino action accin civil action demanda action available to any and all persons accin popular action brought by a heir against a third party who interferes with the entrega possession efectiva of his deproperty la herencia action for a declaration of adverse possession accin declarativa de la prescripcin action for acknowledgment of adverse possession accin declarativa de la prescripcin action for denial of appeal queja action for execution accin ejecutiva action for protection and defendance accin de amparo action giving rise both to civil and criminal proceedings accin mixta action in personam accin personal action in rem accin real action of asserting one's rights in court estar a derecho action of carrying out impulso procesal action of committing a person to jail, prisin action of jactitation jactancia action of judging juicio action of prejudging prejuzgamiento action of replevin or recovery despojo action of subrogation accin subrogatoria action secondary to the main issue to decide on third party rights tercera action to collect alimony accin de alimentos action to nullify fraudulent acts of debtor accin pauliana action to prevent the erection of a new building that might interfere obra with ruinosa an already existing easement action to recover possession accin reivindicatoria action, enjuiciamiento activity of the court marshal when returning to the court records previously saca de autos withdrawn acts of management actos de administracin actual surrendering of a decedent's estate to an heir; entrega efectiva de la herencia addendum (by) otros additional jurisdiction specifically covering matters related to the main fuero issue de atraccin additional note otros additional part of a judgment ampliacin de sentencia additional term given by the creditor to the debtor for payment espera address for service adjudge (to) adjudge upon an appeal (to) adjudicate (to) adjudicated administration administration domicilio fallar fallar por expediente fallar juzgado administracin superintendencia

administration of justice administracin de justicia Administration of justice justicia administrative act acto administrativo administrative activity acto administrativo administrative bodies administracin administrative function funcin administrativa administrative process of expropriation or condemnation by eminent expropiacin domain administrative resolution of the Supreme Court acordada admiralty almirantazgo admiralty cases causas de almirantazgo admiralty jurisdiction causas de almirantazgo admission of defenses, proceedings or documents by the court admisin admission of plaintiffs allegations allanamiento a la demanda admitted consentido admonishment amonestacin admonishment apercibimiento advantage beneficio adversary contraparte adverse party contraparte adverse possession, (usucapio) usucapin Advisory opinion consulta advisory opinion informe advisory opinion advocate affidavit affidavit on personal facts or circumstances affirmation dictamen abogado declaracin jurada declaracin jurada sobre hechos relativos a la personalidad afirmacin

age edad agency mandato (procesal) agency representacin agent representante agent mandatario aggregation of court records to be decided jointly acumulacin de expedientes agreed to consentido agreement consentimiento agreement (between parties) conciliacin agreement (to do or not to do) sth compromiso agreement between parties to a contract not to go to law to assert their pactum rights de non thereunder petendo agreement between parties to submit the case to the cognizance ofprrroga a relatively de incompetent competencia court, duly entitled therefor agreement between the parties to submit the issue to arbitration clusula compromisoria agreement to share the earnings of a suit cuota litis agreement to share with counsel Cm) the earnings of a case, usual in iguala equal parts alienation, enajenacin alimony pensin allegation alegacin allegation of fraud querella de falsedad allocation adjudicacin allotment adjudicacin allowance dieta alteration or modification of the competence/ jurisdiction of a court prrroga in order de to competencia cover a wider fleld

alternative actions acciones alternativas amendment enmienda amicable compounder amigable componedor amount cuanta animals semovientes annotation anotacin announcement by the judge to the parties that final judgment is to be citacin passed para sentencia annulment anulacin annulment nulidad annulment revocacin answer rplica answer respuesta answer to the complaint contestacin a la demanda appeal alzada appeal apelacin appeal recurso appeal recurso de apelacin appeal against court's improper continuity of jurisdiction innovacin appeal against final judgments apelacin libre appeal filed and perfected with the lower court, to be decided by the apelacin higher court en relacin appeal for annulment recurso de nulidad appeal for clarification or explanation of a judgment recurso de aclaracin appeal for further addition or clarification of a decision recurso de ampliacin appeal for further relief recurso de queja appeal for reversal reposicin appeal for reversal revisin appeal for reversal recurso de reposicin appeal for reversal revocacin appeal for review recurso de revisin appeal subsidiay to the application for reversal filed with the same court apelacin subsidiaria appeal to the lower court to discontinue passing decrees which are to recurso be ordered por innovacin by the higher o atentado court appeal with and without stay of execution apelacin en ambos efectos appealability of decisions of first instance doble instancia appealable apelable appear (to) in or before the court apersonarse appearance comparecencia appearance comparecencia: initial part of a notarial deed appearance before the higher court in order to act in the new instance mejora del recurso appellant apelante appellant recurrente appellate decision that reverses (vacates) a previous lower court decision sentencia revocatoria appellee apelado application for an immediate hearing inmediacin application for recovery reivindicacin application of the law to one or more persons juicio application to be put in possession of an inheritance peticin de herencia application to the court to acknowledge the adverse partys defaultacuse de rebelda appointing of a manager, receiver or controller intervencin appointment or designation for a function or office appraisal discernimiento del cargo aforo

appraisal approval approval aptitude aptitude aptitude arbitral award arbitral award arbitration arbitrator arbitrator arbitrator (qualification as; capacity as) arbitrors acceptance of his duties / commitments architect archive argument arrest article as a solemn, forma requirement as a substantial requirement ascertainment assent assertion assertion assertion of a right assessment assessment assessment assessments assets assignee assignment assignor assistance assistant association associations at first sight at the beginning of the suit (lit: "on the threshold") attachment attachment of documents to the record attending persons attest (to) attest (to) attestation attestation attestation attested to attorney attorney

avalo aprobacin sancin competencia poder idoneidad laudo arbitral sentencia arbitral juicio arbitral rbitro juez arbitro arbitrador aceptacin de rbitros arquitecto archivo alegacin arresto artculo ad solemnitatem ad substantiam averiguacin venia judicial afirmacin proposicin pretensin aforo tasacin impuesto contribuciones bienes cesionario (de un derecho) adjudicacin cedente auxilio auxiliar asociacin corporaciones prima facie in limine litis embargo presentacin de documentos pblico autenticar autorizar atestacin certificacin certificado certificado mandatario representante

attorney (AmE) apoderado attorney for a group of persons composing a party procurador comn attorney in law abogado attorney-at-law letrado auction almoneda auction remate auction subasta auctioneer martillero auctioneer rematador audience pblico authentic autntico authentic copies of public deeds copias de escrituras pblicas authentic copy of a deed stating the heirs share hijuela authentic or certifled copy testimonio authenticate (to) autenticar author autor authority of the court and parties to a lawsuit to act in it facultad procesal authorization venia judicial authorization granted to minors under patria potestas (parental / paternal habilitacin power) para to comparecer act in court en juicio authorization to act in forma pauperis beneficio de pobreza authorization to act on a non working day habilitacin de da authorization to act outside the office hours habilitacin de hora authorize (to) autorizar bad faith mala fe bail caucin bail (to) afianzar bailee guardador bankrupt acting under suspicious circumstances quebrado fraudulento bankrupt debtor concursado bankruptcy falencia bankruptcy quiebra bankruptcy proceedings concurso civil bankruptcy proceedings filed by creditors concurso necesario bankruptcy proceedings filed by debtors concurso voluntario bar impedimento bar to certain defenses inoponibilidad barrister abogado become final or absolute (to) causar estado begins parte bench; estrado(s) beneficiary heir heredero beneficiario benefit beneficio benefit of discussion beneficio de excusin benefit of inventory beneficio de inventario benefits intereses beneflt of discussion excusin betterment mejora beyond the petition"; outside of the petition ultra petita bid licitacin bidder licitador

bidder postor bidding licitacin board junta bond (to) afianzar book in which decrees are recorded decretero book in which decrees are recorded libro decretero book in which dissents are recorded libro de discordias book in which letters rogatory and dispatches are recorded libro de exhortos y oficios book in which resolutions of collegial tribunals are recorded libro de acuerdos book in which the court clerk record ah cases presented in court libro de entradas book in which the court clerk records guardianships granted by the court libro de tutelas y curatelas book made with collections of such sheets, duly bound protocolo (notarial) book that registers the activity held in a case conocimiento books of account kept by businessmen libros de comercio breach of trust prevaricato breakwater bringing action dique promocin

building edificio burden gravamen burden of proof carga de la pruega burden of proof onus probandi businessman negociante buyer comprador by force of law de derecho by force of law iuris et de iure by operation of law de derecho by reason of the matter involved; on account of the subject matter;ratione subject materiae matter jurisdiction by reason of the person concerned; on account of the person involved; ratione personal personae jurisdiction by the law itself ipso jure by the mere effect of an act or fact ipso facto by the mere fact ipso facto by the mere operation of law ipso jure cadastre catastro calculation of accounts liquidacin call for bids licitacin cancellation cancelacin capacity capacidad capacity ttulo capacity as witness testigo capacity of a representative or attorney personera capacity of the court and parties to a lawsuit to act in it facultad procesal capacity of the victim of an offense in a criminal case as plaintiff in a parte civil action civil capacity to act for another nombre care recaudo carriage or prosecution of the action impulso procesal carrying out carrying out of proceedings before the same court carrying out; case case diligenciamiento instancia ejecucin asunto causa

case case case case case law cassation casting of lots cattle cause cause cause of action censure certainty certificate certificate certificate certificate (of birth, marriage, death) certificate of registration Certification certification certification certification certification (on the file) certification issued by the court clerck certification of agreement of a copy with its original certification on the record of the evidence furnished certified certify (to) certify (to) cessation challenge challenge challenge challenge challenge of a false document challenging of a judge channel character of a final judgment (final character of a judgment) character of a judge's or court's jurisdiction when unmodifiable character of issues to be decided before the final decision characteristic of a document enforceable in court charge charge charter of privileges chartered accountant chattels checking up of credits chiefjustice chirographary church registers

juicio negocio (jurdico) proceso pleito jurisprudencia casacin sorteo semovientes causa ttulo accin civil apercibimiento evidencia certificacin certificado recaudo partida (del Registro Civil) certificado registral Certificacin certificado diligencia notificacin nota certificado de probanzas concuerda agregacin de probanzas certificado autenticar autorizar expiracin recusacin tacha impugnacin oposicin incidente de falsedad recusacin va ejecutoriada improrrogabilidad prejudicialidad Ejecutoria denuncia gravamen fuero contador pblico muebles verificacin de crditos Presidente (del Tribunal) quirografario registros parroquiales

circumstances elicited in the examination of witnesses, concerning their generales impartiality de la ley as(por such, las) e.g., name, relationship or friendship with the per citation cdula citation, emplazamiento citations citas civil action accin civil civil injury delito (civil) civil procedure procedimiento civil civil process or trial juicio civil civil servant funcionario pblico civil status estado civil claim accin civil claim demanda claim peticin claim reivindicacin claim pretensin claim and answer field jointly demanda y contestacin conjuntas claim definitely unsustainable demanda manifiestamente improponible claimant actor claimant demandante claiming more than is fair or due in a trial plus petitio clarification of a judgement aclaracin de sentencia clarifying and expediting interlocutory provison, passed at the preliminary despacho hearing saneador class action accin colectiva clue indicio co litigant colitigante co party colitigante Code of Civil Procedure Cdigo de procedimiento civil Code of Court Organization Cdigo de organizacin de los tribunales coercion astreintes coercion coercin coericion coaccin cognate consanguneo cognizance the higher court takes of the resolution / proceedings ofefecto the lower suspensivo court, cognizance with stay of execution, efecto suspensivo collaborator auxiliar collateral relatives colaterales collation of handwritting comprobacin de letras collegial tribunal sala collusion colusin (procesal) commencing promocin comment comentario commentary comentario commission comisin commitment comisin commitment compromiso committee comisin committee junta communication exposicin communication oficio communication of a judicial provision to a party citacin

communication of an act of procedure to the adverse party which may vista be answered within a 3-day term communications between litigants and the court, made in writing escritos judiciales community interest causa pblica companies corporaciones company limited by shares sociedad annima comparison cotejo compensation compensacin compensation compensation competence competence competence complainant complaint complaint complaint complaint complaint (at law or in equity) complaint that fails to meet necessary requirements complaint with reference to a dilapidated or hazardous building complaint with reference to a new building complementary hearing composition of a court composition with creditors compromise compulsion compulsion compulsion compulsion compulsory arbitration (in / for certain specific cases) compulsory measure concealment concentration conciliation conciliation proceedings or session conciliation process conclusions or findings of fact conclusive conclusive evidence conclusive evidence conclusive presumptions concurrence in the appeal condemnation condition condition of certain credits entitling executory proceedings condition; conditional decision confession confession confession obtained in court dieta indemnizacin competencia idoneidad jurisdiccin denunciante demanda libelo (hist.) queja recurso de queja accin civil demanda manifiestamente improponible denuncia de obra vieja o ruinosa denuncia de obra nueva audiencia complementaria integracin del tribunal concordato transaccin apremio coaccin coercin compulsin arbitraje forzoso apremio ocultacin concentracin (procesal) avenimiento juicio de conciliacin conciliacin resultando(s) fehaciente plena prueba prueba plena presunciones legales o absolutas adhesin a la apelacin expropiacin condicin titulo ejecutivo estado sentencia condicional o de futuro confesin prueba de confesin confesin judicial

confession obtained out of court confirmation confirmation confirmation

confesin extrajudicial abono confirmacin convalidacin

conflict diferencia conflict litigio confrontation careo connection relacin connection of different cases conexin de causas consanguineous consanguneo consider (to) deliberar constituent poderdante Constitution Constitucin constructive notification, deemed to be carried out three days afternotificacin the actual notification por nota date Consul Cnsul contempt of court, (usually defendant's) nonappearance rebelda contempt proceedings juicio en rebelda contended contencioso contention alegacin contentious contencioso contentious jurisdiction jurisdiccin contenciosa contentious or voluntary issue to be disposed of by a court negocio (judicial) contentious-administrative contencioso-administrativo Contentious-Administrative Tribunal Tribunal de lo Contencioso-Administrativo contest contienda contestation of a suit; the act of submitting opposing statements bylitis thecontestatio respective parties (hist.) contested fact hecho controvertido contract establishing partnership or corporation sociedad contribution for public works mejora control superintendencia controversy controversy contumacious conveyance conveyance of property or rights; co-owner co-owner co-ownership of partition walls and properties coparticipation in a suit as plaintiffs or defendants copies of written communications co-proprietor cord corporation corporation corporation corporations correction correspondencia corresponding to a testament, an executor or the succession cost diferencia litigio contumaz actos de disposicin enajenacin comunero condmino medianera litisconsorcio copias de escritos condmino cordn asociacin sociedad sociedad annima corporaciones correcin correspondence testamentario gravamen

costs costas costs costos costs of a suit litis expensas (litis expens) counsel abogado counsel letrado counsel for absent parties defensor de ausentes counsel for the defense defensor counsel's signature firma de letrado counterclaim contrademanda counterclaim mutua peticin counterclaim reconvencin counterevidence contraprueba court juzgado court tribunal Court Corte court (adj.) judicatura court action jurisdiccin court appointed administrator or manager administrador judicial court building juzgado court building tribunal court clerck actuario court clerk secretario court costs gastos procesales court decision declaring a party to be in default declaracin de rebelda court decisions jurisprudencia court decree reversing a previous decree reposicin court issued document containing the accounts referring to partition particin judicial court marshall alguacil court Marshall oficial de justicia court office hours horario judicial court office in which written allegations are received receptor court officer funcionario judicial court officer in charge of taking depositions or receiving the answerreceptor to interrogatories (also "declaracionista") court officer in colonial times in charge of sundry commitments receptor court order decreeing the transfer to the adverse party of a written traslado communication y autos to be answered and the submission of the record for resol court order opening succession proceedings apertura de sucesin court order or decree providencia (judicial) court order setting the terms and conditions for the presentation ofapertura evidence a prueba court order to pay, do or not do sth condena court organization organizacin de los tribunales court power imperio court procedure conducive to the division of property particin judicial court proceeding actuacin court provision conditioned to not being appealed within a 3-day term providencia con citacin court provision the disclosure of which is reserved or restricted providencia reservada court record autos court record causa court record expediente court record juicio court record pieza

court record court record containing the main issue of a case court register court register book court resolution ending the proceedings court room, court taxes court terms court-appointed controller or supervisor courtroom courtroom courtroom courts courts court's improper continuity of jurisdiction Courts of Appeal craftsman credit credit rating creditable creditor creditor's priority or preference creditors share in a bankrupts property crime criminal intent criminal offense criminal proceedings cross-examination curator custodian (court appointed) damage damage damage damages date date date attested date certain day daylight hours death death debate debt debt debt debtor debtor's offer to the creditor, prior to delivery, of the thing due debtor's power to enforce his own rights debtor's willful delay

proceso pieza de autos ndice libro de archivo conclusin de la causa estrados tributo (judicial) turno (judicial) interventor despacho juzgado sala administracin de justicia justicia innovacin Tribunales de Apelaciones artesano crdito graduacin de crditos fidedigno acreedor privilegio dividendo delito (penal) dolo delito (penal) juicio penal repreguntas curador depositario (judicial) dao daos y perjuicios perjuicio daos y perjuicios data fecha fecha cierta fecha cierta da da fallecimiento muerte discusin deber deuda obligacin deudor oblacin acciones del deudor mora

deceased difunto decedent autor decedent causante decedent difunto decedent's estate sucesin deceitful conduct prevaricato decide (to) proveer decide a case (to) fallar decided juzgado decision fallo decisin sentencia decision acquitting the defendant sentencia absolutoria decision establishing the propriety of a payment, but not its amount sentencia ilquida decision of a tribunal acuerdo decision ordering a party to pay, do or not do something sentencia de condena decision ordering preventive measures sentencia cautelar decision ordering the sale of the debtor's property sentencia de remate decision taken in advance decisin anticipada decision that establishes a sum certain or ascertainable sentencia lquida decision that establishes, modifies or abolishes a right sentencia constitutiva decision that has become res judicata sentencia ejecutoriada decision that merely declares or clarifies a fact sentencia mere-declarativa decisory oath juramento decisorio declaration declaracin declaration made in a written report declaracin por informe declaration of a party declaracin de parte declaration of heriship declaracin de herederos declaration of incapacity declaracin de incapacidad declaration of indigence declaratoria de pobreza declaration or answers to interrogatories testimonio declarative judgment declaracin declination or abstention to try a case excusacin decree decreto decree stating regulation of fees regulacin de honorarios decrees autos defaulting (party) contumaz defence whereby the defendant tries to prevent the renewal of a suit transaccin in which a compromise has been reached defendant demandado Defendant Imputado (penal) Defendant Inculpado (penal) Defendant Parte demandada (civil) defendant reo Defendant Acusado (penal) defendants rejoinder dplica defendant's dilatory plea excusin defendant's preliminary incidental issue or dilatory plea against the excepcin plaintiff dilatoria defender defensor defense defensa defense descargo defense excepcin

defense based on lack of authority or representation). defense to be previously resolved upon defer a right to the opposing party (to) deferred effect (of an appeal) deficiency degree delay delegate judge delegate or commissioned judge delegation deliberate (to) delimitation of bounds delivery of court records to a party to a suit delivery of property to a person; demand demand demand for eviction demarcation demarcation proceeding demolition denial denial of appeal denial of justice denunciation Departmental State Attorney (lawyer) dependent deposit deposit depositary (court appointed) deposition derogation desertion destitution determination of a liquid sum to be paid as indemnity determination of the right to and amount of alimony determination proceeding determination that a legal fact fits into the general norm difference digital signature dilapidated building dilatory defense dilatory defense dilatory defense on account of 1 dilatory defense; dilatory plea dilatory plea, diligence diploma direct contact between parties and court disapproval

falta de personeria excepcin previa deferir efecto diferido diferencia grado demora Juez delegado juez comisionado delegacin deliberar deslinde entrega de autos entrega de la cosa intimacin requerimiento intimacin de desalojo demarcacin deslinde demolicin negacin denegacin de apelacin denegacin de justicia denuncia Fiscal Letrado Departamental dependiente depsito oblacin depositario (judicial) deposicin derogacin desercin pobreza liquidacin de sentencia juicio de alimentos deslinde subsuncin diferencia firma digital obra ruinosa defecto legal en el modo de preparar la demanda dilatoria litispendencia excepcin dilatoria dilatoria excepcin dilatoria diligencia ttulo inmediacin protesta

discharge discharge discharge (of bankrupt or insolvent) disciplinary penalty or sanction discontinuance discontinuance discontinuance discontinuance of common ownership discrepancy between courts discuss (to) discussion disinheritance dismissal dismssal dismissal of complaint dismissal with prejudice; dispatch dispatch dispatch dispatch dispatch dispatch disposition disposition disposition disposition, dispositive proceeding dispossession dispossession dispossession by process of law; dispute disqualification disqualification disqualiflcation dissent dissenting opinion dissolution of an attachment dissolution of an attachment distance distance schedule distribution district judge dividend division division of a written document in orderly paragraphs and articles division of inheritance aqreed out of court division of property divorce doctrine document

descargo exoneracin rehabilitacin (del concursado) amonestacin caducidad de la instancia desistimiento paralizacin (del expediente) cesacin de condominio contienda de competencia deliberar discusin desheredacin exoneracin destitucin absolucin de la demanda sobreseimiento carta acordada despacho exhorto nota oficio parte actos de disposicin despacho disposicin enajenacin proceso dispositivo desalojo lanzamiento eviccin contienda tacha inhabilitacin incapacidad procesal disidencia discordia alzamiento levantamiento de embargo distancia planilla de distancias particin alcalde dividendos particin articulacin particin extrajudicial separacin de bienes divorcio doctrina documento

document document allowing to start executory proceedings document constituting a scintilla of evidence document containing a decision or judgment document containing a declaration or deposition document containing the interrogatories for a witness document containing the will, usually a notarial deed document contradicting or refuting another document entitling execution document in which relinquishment, resignation, waiver is certified document stating or certifying an appraisal document that may entitle to start executory proceedings domicile, dominant estate Donation double instance drawing of lots drunkenness dry dock due due care due date due process of law dues dumb duplicate duress duress duty of assertion of the partys right duty of proper behavior dwell (to) dwelling house dwelling house dwelling house / place dwelling place earnings easement electronic document electronic instrument electronic signature elusive answers, emancipated empioyer employee employee employer employer employment empowerment enclosed

instrumento titulo ejecutivo principio de prueba por escrito sentencia declaracin interrogatorio testamento contradocumento titulo ejecutivo renuncia avalo ttulo ejecutorio o de ejecucin domicilio dominante (predio) donacin doble instancia sorteo ebriedad dique deber diligencia vencimiento del trmino debido proceso legal derecho mudo duplicado coaccin coercin afirmacin deber morar residencia habitacin casa habitacin finca habitacin intereses servidumbre documento electrnico instrumento electronico firma electronic evasivas emancipado principal dependiente empleado patrn empleador empleo habilitacin (judicial) cercado

encumbrance actos de disposicin encumbrance gravamen ending of the proceedings conclusin de la causa enforceability (of a document entitling execution) fuerza ejecutiva enforceability, characteristic of a document that by itself may bring fuerza about an ejecutoria executory process enforcement of judgment, ejecucin de sentencia engagement compromiso engine mquina enmity enemistad entry registro entry in a record inscripcin equal standing igualdad (procesal) equality of parties to a suit igualdad (procesal) equity, equidad erasure testadura erratum errata error error error in applying the law error in judicando error made by the judge when applying procedural provisions incorrectly error in procedendo error, errata establishment establecimiento estate herencia estate in abeyance herencia yacente estate, estancia rural estimate, estimacin estoppels preclusin evaluation tasacin evasive answers evasivas eviction desalojo eviction lanzamiento evidence probanzas evidence prueba evidence elicited through formal questions under oath prueba de posiciones evidence prepared prior to its possible submission prueba preconstituida evidence, evidencia evident and absolute incompetence incompetencia manifiesta evident incompetence of an expert witness incompetencia notoria evident nullity nulidad notoria evident or definite fact, that needs no demonstration hecho evidente evidentiary or probative value or weight of evidence tuerza probatoria evocation avocacin ex officio de oficio ex officio act or proceeding oficio (de) ex officio attorney procurador de oficio examination examen examination Inspeccin examination of a case vista examination of a case by a judge in order to issue a decision vista examination of a credit reconocimiento judicial examination of a witness interrogatorio

examine (to) deliberar exception or defense of res judicoto and / or compromise, so calledexcepcin in Spanishmixta by virtue of the specific characteristics thereof exception; excepcin Exchequer Hacienda Pblica exclusion exclusin exclusive (3rd party claim) (v."tercera excluyente") excluyente exculpation descargo execution execution execution diligencia ejecucin de sentencia otorgamiento

execution, ejecucin execution, in insolvency proceedings ejecucin colectiva executor (of a will) albacea executory proceedings va de apremio executory process juicio ejecutivo exhibit of books of account exhibicin de libros de comercio exhibition of a will exhibicin de testamento exhibition of common title deeds to co-heirs, by the depositary thereof exhibicin de ttulos exhibition of personal property exhibicin (de cosa mueble) exhibition of title deeds to property exhibicin de ttulos exoneration descargo exoneration exoneracin expedited judgment decisin anticipada expert opinion pericia expert opinion peritaje expert witness perito expert witness' acceptance of his duties / commitments aceptacin de peritos expert witness called to settle differences between two expert witnesses tercero oren arbitrators discordiaor to join one of them in an opinion expiration expiracin expiry of term vencimiento del trmino explanation by a witness of the source of his knowledge of the factsrazn de sus dichos explanation of a judgement aclaracin de sentencia explanation or clarification of a judgment (by the court) explicacin de sentencia expression that means that the record has been submitted to the Judge al despacho for the decision expropriation expropiacin extension of a term prrroga de trmino extension or enlargement of the initial amount of goods of an attachment mejora de embargo extinction preclusin extinction of a right decadencia extinguishment of an obligation extincin (de la obligacin) extraordinary action for annulment nulidad extraordinary appeal against final or substantial interlocutory decisions revisin extraordinary appeal for annulment based on substantial nullity recurso extraordinario de nulidad notoria extraordinary proceedings juicio extraordinario extraordinary process proceso extraordinario fact admitted hecho admitido fact alleged hecho alegado fact assumed by the law hecho presumido por la ley fact found hecho probado facts as exposed in a decision resultando(s)

facts on which the tax is based sucesin faculty poder fairness, equidad faith Fe false testimony falso testimonio falsehood falsedad falsification falsificacin falsity falsedad farm estancia rural farm partnership medianera fault culpa fee derecho fence cercado fenced cercado fiction ficcin file expediente filed cargo final account liquidacin final character of a judgment; Ejecutoria final decision sentencia ejecutoriada final decisin sentencia definitiva final pleading alegato de bien probado final question in a set of interrogatories requiring the above explanation razn de sus dichos finan judgment definitiva find for a party or the other (to) fallar finding fallo fine multa first copy of notarial deed containing POA entered in a notary's record, poder or document stating the power or authority granted to an attorney or a first instance primera instancia fiscal fiscal fiscal lands fiscal property fixed court costs flling of dilatory pleas without answering the complaint flourish folio folio food for the purposes of the suit for the suit for the time being for this for this special purpose force majeure force majeure force of law (by) forcible deprivation of private property foreclosure sale foreigner forejudge (to) dominio fiscal bienes fiscales costas incidente de no contestar rbrica foja folio alimentos ad litem ad litem por ahora ad hoc ad hoc caso fortuito fuerza mayor pleno derecho despojo apremio extranjero prejuzgar

forensic forgery form and mode of acquisition of ownership formal and necessary requirements, formalities formal request formal res judicata formal(ly) final judgment frum frum forum, the judiciary foundation fraud fraudulent bankrupt fraudulent concealment friendly adjustor frivolous litigation fruits fulfillment fulI legal age fulI proof full faith full name full ownership full proof function furnishing of evidence General Code of Procedure general power of attorney general welfare genuine gifts good faith good morals goods deposited government borrowing government property grade grant grievance grievance ground ground grounds grounds grounds barring acting in court grounds for an action grounds for challenging a prejudging judge grounds for dissent grounds of the decision guarantee

forense falsificacin ttulo solemnidad pedimento cosa juzgada formal cosa juzgada formal forense fuero foro fundacin fraude quebrado fraudulento simulacin amigable componedor temeridad frutos cumplimiento mayora (de edad) prueba plena plena fe nombre dominio plena prueba cargo produccin de pruebas Cdigo General del Proceso poder general causa pblica autntico ddivas buena fe (procesal) buenas costumbres depsito emprstito bienes fiscales grado otorgamiento agravio queja causa imperio motivacin (de sentencia) mrito implicancia causa pretendi prejuzgamiento discordia fundamentos de la sentencia caucin

guarantee guarantee (to) guaranty guardian guardian guardian appointed to protect the interests of... guardian of property

garanta afianzar garanta curador guardador curador ad litem curador de bienes

habitual drunkenness ebriedad consuetudinaria harm dao harm lesin harm perjuicio head of a public revenue agency receptor head of enterprise principal hearing audiencia hearing juicio verbal hearing at collegial courts in order to examine and discuss the case prior vista to decision hearing attended by the parties before the judge comparendo heir heredero heir under inventory heredero beneficiario heirs of a decedent entitled to his inheritance sucesin heir's share of inheritance / succession hijuela help auxilio High Court of Justice Alta Corte de Justicia higher bidding mejora hint indicio hire alquiler holiday feriado holy objects cosas sagradas homologation homologacin homologation of a foreign judgment exequatur house husband identity of claims in several suits identity of object in several suits identity of parties in several suits illegal act immunity (of jurisdiction) impeachment of a witness impediment impediment implementation imprisonment improper or non proper proof improvement in abeyance in order to be seen in rem action in the public domain (property) in writing; inability edificio marido identidad de la causa identidad de objeto identidad de partes hecho ilcito inmunidad de jurisdiccin tacha impedimento incapacidad procesal sustanciacin prisin prueba impertinente mejora yacente ad effectum videndi accin real dominio pblico escrito ineptitud

inadmissible evidence prueba inadmisible incapacity incapacidad procesal incidental action occurring when the judge refuses to abandon a case, recusacin once challenged incidental issue lo be dealt with like dilatory pleas incidente innominado incidental proceeding artculo incidental question that is dealt with in accordance with an established incidente procedure nominado incidental question that is dealt with like a specific question and continues ncidente following mixto general lines incidental question that must be resolved before the disposition of the incidente main issue de previo y especial pronunciamiento incompatibility incompatibilidad incompetence incompetencia incompetence ineptitud incompetency incompetencia incomplete evidence prueba semiplena incomplete evidence semiplena prueba inconclusive evidence semiplena prueba incorporation of other records to the main case agregacin de expedientes increase of the inheritance share mejora indebtedness indemnification indemnity independent character of the judicial function index book in which all cases are recorded indicted indignity inefficacy information information entered in a register informaton infringement infringement inheritance inhibition initiative in the proceedings injury injury injury injury injury injury inquiry inquisitorial process insane insanity insertions between lines insertions between lines insolvency Inspection inspection by sight instance instance deuda indemnizacin indemnizacin independencia judicial libro ndice reo indignidad inoponibilidad denuncia certificado registral conocimiento Contravencin infraccin herencia inhibicin impulso procesal agravio dao daos y perjuicios gravamen lesin perjuicio averiguacin proceso inquisitorio demente locura entrerrenglonaduras interlineados insolvencia Inspeccin vista de ojos grado instancia

institution of proceedings against a person; instrument instrument instrumental evidence insult interdiction interested party interests interests interests interlineations, interlocutory decision interlocutory decision with the weight of a final decision interlocutory judgment/order international judicial cooperation interrogatories interrogatories to be formally answered under oath interruption of the proceedings intestate intestate intestate intimate friendship

enjuiciamiento doctrina instrumento prueba instrumental injuria interdiccin interesado inters intereses rditos entrerrenglonaduras sentencia interlocutoria sentencia interlocutoria con fuerza de definitiva interlocutoria asistencia judicial internacional preguntas posiciones paralizacin (del expediente) ab intestate ab intestato intestado amistad ntima

intoxication ebriedad invalidation invalidacin invalidity nulidad inventory inventario inventory book libro inventario irrational opposition to marriage irracional disenso irremediable damage gravamen irreparable irremovability (ofjudges) inamovilidad judicial issue cuestin it is valid vale item of goods artculo item of interrogatories artculo jactitation jactancia jail prisin joinder of actions (by the plaintiff) acumulacin de acciones joinder of actions (by the plaintiff) acumulacin de pretensiones joinder of cases acumulacin de autos joinder of claims acumulacin de acciones joint complaints in a petition acumulacin de pretensiones joint complaints in a petitions acumulacin de acciones joint owner condmino judge juez judge magistrado judge (lawyer) in charge of a minors' court Juez Letrado de Menores judge (lawyer) of First Instance in Civil Matters Juez Letrado de Primera Instancia en lo Civil judge (to) fallar judge / justice of the Supreme Court, Court of Appeals and Contentious ministro Administrative Tribunal judge acting during the judicial vacation Juez de feria

judge beforehand (to) prejuzgar judge in charge of the court of first instance, or of original jurisdiction, juez or alower quo court, whose decision is appealed judge in charge of the court of second instance, or higher court, who juez is to ad deal quem with the appeal judge of the Supreme Court or Courts of Appeals in charge of passing ministro mere-interlocutory semanero decrees and performing minor commitments, in wee judges conduction of the proceedings direccin del proceso judges office despacho judge's knowledge and belief equidad judges of the Judicial Power judicatura judgeship judicatura judgment fallo judgment juicio judgment sentencia judgment by default juicio en rebelda Judicial judicatura judicial assistance asistencia judicial judicial control control jurisdiccional judicial cooperation cooperacin judicial judicial discretion arbitrio judicial judicial examination or verification of facts and / or identity of persons reconocimiento judicial judicial offlcer funcionario judicial Judicial Power Poder Judicial judicial presumptions presunciones judiciales

judicial proceeding diligencia judicial provisions autos judicial record causa judicial vacation feria judicial Judiciary judicatura jurisdiction fuero Jurisdiction justicia jurisdictional area of a rural Court of the Peace bordering on that ofzona another de accesin Court of the Peace, the cognizance of the case usually correspond jurisdictional control control jurisdiccional jurisdictional function funcin jurisdiccional jurisprudence derecho jurisprudence jurisprudence juror jury justice justice justice Justice of the Peace justification justified kindred kinship knowledge laches laches lack of authority or representation (representative character) lack of jurisdiction doctrina jurisprudencia jurado jurado juez justicia magistrado Juez de Paz justificacin justificado consanguneo parentesco conocimiento prescripcin negligencia falta de personeria incompetencia

lack of legal capacity falta de capacidad legal lack of protection desamparo land register catastro land surveyor agrimensor land tax contribucin inmobiliaria landed estate predio rstico o rural landmarks mojones lapse caducidad lapse decadencia lapse preclusin lapse perencin de la instancia larceny hurto last name apellido last will testamento law derecho law ley law and order orden law of procedure derecho procesal law of procedure procesal lawsuit expediente lawsuit litigio lawsuit pleito lawsuit proceso lawsuit in which the parties state their contentions, and witnesses their juicio depositions, escrito in writing lawyer abogado lawyer letrado lawyer's signature firma de letrado lawyers or legal writers technical opinion on an issue; leading questions lease lease (for rent) leave legal legal act legal act legal act whereby the heir rejects or repudiates his inheritance legal address or residence, legal aid legal aid counsel legal aid counsel legal aid for destitute persons legal assistant legal cap legal construction and application of the law legal defense legal expert legal fact legal flaw in the complaint legal holiday legal holiday doctrina preguntas sugestivas arriendo arrendamiento (de cosas) licencia judicatura acto jurdico negocio (jurdico) repudiacin de herencia domicilio asistencia letrada defensor de oficio defensor de oficio en lo civil y penal auxiliatoria de pobreza procurador papel de actuaciones jurisprudencia asistencia letrada jurista jurist hecho jurdico defecto legal en el modo de preparar la demanda da feriado feriado

legal notices legal notices legal proceeding legal protection legal scholarship legal science legal science legal system legal system / order legality legality legalization legally enforceable obligations legatee lesion lessee let it be done letter letter of attorney letters requisitorial letters rogatory letters rogatory letters rogatory, levee liability of judges libel liquidation litigant litigation litigation litigation litigious litigious litigious property loan; loss of a right machine madness magistrate magistrate mail majority vote make valid (to) malfeasance of office malicious exercise of rights

anuncios edictos acto jurdico garanta doctrina jurisprudencia doctrina derecho ley justicia legalidad legalizacin obligaciones procesales legatario lesin arrendatario cmplase carta misiva carta poder carta rogatoria carta rogatoria comisin rogatoria exhorto dique responsabilidad judicial libelo (hist.) liquidacin litigante contienda juicio pleito contencioso litigioso bienes litigiosos emprstito preclusin mquina locura alcalde juez correo mayora (de votos) autenticar prevaricato abuso de derecho

malicious purpose dolo management administracin management entrusted by the court to a person concerning certain administracin litigious property judicial map plano Marital Status Estado civil

marital status mark marriage married couple master matrimony matter matter matter decided maturity of a term maturity of term maxims of experience means of proof means of proof means of proof measurement

estado signo matrimonio cnyuges patrn matrimonio cuestin negocio (jurdico) cosa juzgada expiracin vencimiento del trmino mximas de experiencia probanzas medios de prueba prueba mensura

measures ordered by the court so as to supplement the evidence furnished diligencias para mejor proveer mediation mediacin meeting juicio verbal meeting junta meeting of creditors concurso civil meeting of the judges of a court acuerdo member socio Member of the House of Representatives representante mens rea, dolo mensuration mensura mental disturbance enajenacin mere occupancy mera tenencia mere-interlocutory decree decreto de sustanciacin merits mrito message parte milestones mojones Minister ministro minor menor de edad minor administrative officer ordenanza minor authorized to act by him / herself, on account of his / her marriage menor habilitado minor under parental authority hijo de familia minor's private earnings or property resulting from his work or occupation peculio (industrial) Minutes Acta mistake, errata mixed action accin mixta moral conviction conviccin moral morals moral mortgage (hypothecation) hipoteca mortgage deed hipoteca motion requesting the court to pass judgment instancia motion that the judge recuse himself declinatoria motion to deal with several cases jointly acumulacin de autos movable property muebles name nombre

national treasury National Treasury negation neglect of protection negligence negligence new assessment or evaluation new building or construction new fact no man can be a judge in his own cause" no one may allege his own turpitude non extendible character of a term non suspensive effect nonappearance nonsuit nonsuit nonsuit non-working day normal dwelling in a place with intention to stay not subject to prescription notarial deed notarial deed containing a testament notarial deed or document containing a power of attorney notarial deed; notarial record notarial record notarial register deeds notary notary public notary, note

erario Fisco negacin desamparo negligencia omisin retasa obra nueva hecho nuevo nemo udex in causa propria nemo auditor propriam turpitudinem allegans improrrogabilidad efecto no suspensivo rebelda caducidad de la instancia perencin de la instancia sobreseimiento da inhbil residencia imprescriptible escritura pblica testamento poder escritura acta notarial protocolo (notarial) protocolo (notarial) notario escribano escribano anotacin

note diligencia note notificacin note stating that the record has been submitted to the Judge for decision al despacho notice notificacin notices avisos notification ceduln notification nota notification by means of a written notice served on a party notificacin por ceduln notification by means of legal notices notificacin por publicacin notification by note on the record estrados notification of the contents of a document traslado nullification anulacin nullity nulidad nullity on account of injury or damage rescisin oath juramento oath taken by the victim of an offense, quasi offense or unlawful act juramento meant to assess estimatorio the value of things stolen or missing obedience obediencia object bequeathed legado object of an obligation; prestacin

objection of a judge objection to jurisdiction obligation obligation obligation to act in court obligation to answer the opposing partys contentions obligation to attend court obliteration obstacle occupation ocular inspection of judges offense offensive behavior office office officer official Official Gazette official record of court proceedings official register omission on the face of it"

recusacin declinatoria gravamen obligacin carga procesal carga de la contestacin carga de notificarse testadura impedimento profesin vista de ojos judicatura ofensa (en juicio) ofensa (en juicio) cargo oficio oficial oficial Diario Oficial actuacin registro omisin prima facie

online document documento electrnico online instrument instrumento electronico online signature firma electrnica open trial juicio pblico opinion juicio opinion motivacin (de sentencia) opinin fundamentos de la sentencia opinion opinin opportunity given to the adverse party to be heard sustanciacin opposing party contraparte opposition oposicin opposition filed by the party against a unilateral information proceeding contrainformacin oral discussion of an issue juicio verbal oral proceedings juicio verbal oral proceedings juicio oral orality oralidad order disposicin order orden order granting / returning possession restitucin de la posesin order granting possession or retention of disputed property amparo order of the court mandamiento (judicial) ordinance ordenanza ordinary proceedings accin ordinaria ordinary proceedings juicio ordinario original document matriz original document original original jurisdiction primera instancia

ouster overplus owner owner

lanzamiento diferencia dueo poseedor

Ownership dominio ownership of real property arraigo paraph rbrica parental authority patria potestad parish registers registros parroquiales part parte part of a deed stating the heir's share hijuela partial evidence semiplena prueba partial remission of a debt quita participation in the cognizance of a case conocimiento partition particin partner socio partnership asociacin partnership sociedad party parte party denounced denunciado party fling a challenge recusante party submitting formal questions in court to be answered under oath ponente party taking part in a suit interventor party to the suit parte principal partys defense or exception defensa passing of the estate to the decedents heirs apertura de sucesin paternal control or power patria potestad patria potestas patria potestad payment abono pecuniary loss daos y perjuicios penal action accin criminal penal action accin penal penalty condena penalty pena penalty sancin pending the suit ad litem peremptory perentorio peremptory defense perentorio peremptory duty to appear in court carga de comparecer peremptory exception or defense excepcin perentoria performance comisin performance cumplimiento Performance performance performance, period period of court sessions period of time within which the party can file his defenses periodical examination of records by the judges of a court perjury diligenciamiento prestacin ejecucin trmino (procesal) turno (judicial) traslado visita falso testimonio

person persona person under a guardianship regime pupilo personal action accin personal personal clothing, jewels, etc. prenda personal notice notificacin personal personal property muebles personal property of debtor, not declared legally unattachable prenda personal service of process notificacin personal personality personalidad petition demanda petition pedimento petition peticin petition pretensin petition for alimony alimentos petitioner actor petitioner demandante Petitioner Peticionario Petitioner Solicitante petitory action accin petitoria petitory suit or action concerning the marital status of persons, their juicio property petitorio and their rights pieces of furniture muebles place parte place of trial lugar del juicio plaintiff actor plaintiff demandante plaintiff's bond fianza de arraigo plaintiff's bond fianza dejudicatum solvi plaintiff's reply rplica plan plano plea alegacin plea of non est factum querella de falsedad pleading alegacin pledge caucin pledge prenda pledge in which the debtor retains possession of the pledged property prenda sin desplazamiento plot of land predio plot plan plano point cuestin police force fuerza pblica position cargo possession posesin possession or custody poder possessor poseedor possessory action accin posesoria possessory actions conducive to retain or recover possession or set interdicto impediments posesorio to new or ruinous constructions possibility to act poder possibility to file a document, a defense, or assert a right against a third oponibilidad party post correo poverty pobreza power poder

power of attorney carta poder power of attorney poder power of the court and parties to a lawsuit to act in it facultad procesal power to consciously weigh evidence according to sound principles libre conviccin prayer peticin precautionary cautelar precautionary attachment embargo preventivo precautionary measures medidas cautelares preliminary cautelar preliminary / incidental issue to be determined by an interlocutory decree incidente preliminary decision on the admissibility or not of an action calificacin de grado preliminary hearing audiencia preliminar preliminary procedure about the responsibility of liability of a judgeantejuicio preliminary step whereby the plaintiff requests the court ir order the exhibicin defendant (de tocosa exhibit mueble) the personal property in question preliminary step whereby the plaintiff requests the court to order the exhibicin defendant de to libros exhibit de comercio his books of account preliminary step whereby the plaintiff requests the court to order the exhibicin testator's de will testamento to be exhibited preliminary steps prior to filing the complaint prescription prescription president of a court or tribunal, preventive warning principal principal diligencias preparatorias de la demanda prescripcin usucapin Presidente (del Tribunal) apercibimiento poderdante mandante

principIe referring to the initiative of the parties in the suit disposicin principIes of fairness based on the equidad principIes of fairness not contained in the positive law; equidad principle of procedure entailing the impossibility of acting beyond the preclusin corresponding stage priority in hearing a case prevencin prison prisin private document private document or instrument privilege procedural procedural law procedural law procedural liability procedural norm procedural obligations procedural obligations to the benefit of third parties procedural prerequisites procedural principles documento privado instrumento privado privilegio procesal derecho procesal procesal responsabilidad procesal norma procesal obligaciones procesales obligaciones procesales presupuestos procesales principios (procesales)

procedural step whereby a lower court which has jurisdiction to hear efecto an appeal devolutivo refers same to a higher court for disposition, without stay of ex procedure procedimiento procedure for bringing a case to an end trmite procedure to challenge witnesses' depositions incidente de tachas procedure; enjuiciamiento Proceeding proceeding proceeding proceeding diligenciamiento procedimiento trmite va

proceeding filed by son or daughter against parents on account of their irracional irrational disenso opposition to his / her marriage proceedings proceso proceedings for the establishment of metes and bounds of land juicio de mensura proceedings furnishing evidence prueba proceedings illegally entrusted to a court ex post facto juicio por comisin proceedings in which a plurality of motions or claims are dealt with juicio universal proceedings referring to possessory actions juicio posesorio proceedings to establish the responsibility and liability of a judge juicio de responsabilidad proceeds rditos procesal substitute party in a suit sustituto process asunto process cdula process ceduln process juicio process proceso process emplazamiento process expediente process litigio process based on the parties' initiative proceso dispositivo procurator procurador produce frutos production of evidence produccin de pruebas profession profesin prohibition interdiccin prohibition inhibicin prohibition to admit only unfavorable facts n a confession indivisibilidad de la confesin prohibition to dispose of one's own property interdiccin general de bienes promise (to do or not to do) sth compromiso promise to make a contract compromiso promissory note vale promotion promocin proof probanzas proper justificado property bienes property propiedad property in abeyance vacante property left by an intestate ab intestato property not subject to attachment bienes inembargables proposition proposicin proprietor dueo prosecution enjuiciamiento prosecution of a case secuela protection amparo protection under the law, granted by the courts tutor guardian tutela (jurisdiccional) protest protesta protest carried out by a notary with reference to commercial paper protesto proved fact hecho probado provide (to) proveer provisional attachment, embargo preventivo ejecucin provisional provisional execution

provisionally por ahora proxy carta poder prudence prudencia prudent opinion or decision prudente arbitrio public pblico public auction martillo (lit. gavel) public authorities jurisdiccin public deed certifying the legal act whereby the heir rejects his inheritance repudiacin de herencia public deed of division of inheritance particin extrajudicial public deed, escritura pblica public document documento pblico public document or instrument instrumento pblico public faith fe pblica public office in which taxes are collected or the amount thereof is received receptora public oficial funcionario pblico public order orden pblico public peace orden public policy orden pblico Public Treasury Hacienda Pblica public welfare causa pblica publication publicacin publication of legal notices publicacin de edictos punishment pena purchaser comprador qualification capacidad qualification idoneidad qualification legitimacin (procesal) quality of non attachable inembargabilidad quashing casacin quashing or review queja quasi delict cuasidelito quasi offense cuasidelito question cuestin questions preguntas questions tending to lead the party examined into error preguntas capciosas quorum quorum quota cuota quotations citas rank grado reach down jurisdictions avocacin reading of a will apertura de testamento real property / estate inmuebles real property offered as a security or guaranty arraigo reason causa reason imperio reason mrito reason ttulo reasonable justificado reasoning underlying the judgment motivacin (de sentencia) receipt carta de pago

received receiver receiver (court appointed) receiver in bankruptcy reckless disregard of the duties of the head of a family reckless intent recklessness reckoning of accounts record

cargo guardador depositario (judicial) sndico ligereza culpable malicia temeraria temeridad liquidacin acta

record diligencia record containing a request or demand intimacin record formed by notarial acts certified in writing registro de protocolizaciones (notarial) record of conciliation proceedings acta de conciliacin record of creditors' meeting verificacin de crditos recording registro recording of an internal proceeding in a court conocimiento recourse recurso recovery restitucin recovery of possession restitucin de la posesin rectification rectificacin rectification or correction of civil register certificates rectificacin de partidas recusal recusacin recusation recusacin refunding of costs costas register book matrcula registration registro registration and classification of property matrcula registration of documents in a notary's official record protocolizacin registration on the record of the evidence furnished agregacin de probanzas registry registro regulation of fees regulacin de honorarios rehabilitation rehabilitacin (del concursado) reinstatement reposicin relationship parentesco relationship relacin relationship between the person holding power and the person bound relacin to a duty jurdica relationship by mariage afinidad relationship in law afinidad relative disqualification tacha relativa relative incompetence that may be remedied by agreement of the parties incompetencia relativa relative nullity nulidad relativa relative presumptions presunciones legales simples o relativas release carta de pago release descargo release of an attachment alzamiento release of an attachment levantamiento de embargo reliable fidedigno reliable fehaciente relinquishment renuncia remonstrance protesta

removal removal remuneration render a judgment (to) rendering of accounts rent rental renunciation repeal repeal replevin replevin reply reply report report report or information rendered orally representation representation representative representative request request request request requirement res judicata res judicata rescission reside (to) residence residence; resignation resignation resignation resolution resolved respondent respondent restoration retardation of justice retraction retroactive character of a decision return return return of possession return, revenue reversal review

destitucin remocin compensacin fallar rendicin de cuentas alquiler alquiler desistimiento derogacin revocacin accin reivindicatoria reivindicacin rplica respuesta informe relacin informe in voce declaracin exposicin apoderado representante intimacin peticin pretensin requerimiento requerimiento cosa juzgada sentencia firme rescisin morar residencia domicilio desistimiento renuncia dimisin resolucin juzgado apelado demandado reposicin retardo de justicia retractacin retroactividad (de la sentencia) devolucin restitucin restitucin de la posesin reposicin rditos casacin revisin

revision of criminal cases by de Supreme Court consulta revocation revocacin revocation of an act retractacin right derecho right asserted accin civil right of action accin civil right of action derecho de accin right of creditors of the decedent to prevent the confusion of the decedents beneficio property de separacin with that of his heirs right of debtor to temporarily pay back as much as possible beneficio de competencia right of dwelling habitacin right of ownership propiedad right to a due process derecho al proceso right to a prrocess of reasonable duration / length derecho a un proceso de duracin razonable right to reject an inheritance repudiacin de herencia right to return property to former owner or return something to a previous beneficio condition de restitucin rogatory commission comisin rogatoria rogatory commission exhorto ruinous building obra ruinosa rules of procedure procedimiento ruling fallo rural plot of land predio rstico o rural

sale of debtors property ejecucin sale-purchase by order of court compraventa judicial sanction condena sanction correcin sanction sancin sanction pena scale of fees arancel de honorarios schedule of fees arancel de honorarios scintilia of evidence principio de prueba scope and pecuniary amount involved in a case importancia del asunto seal sello seat of court juzgado second instance segunda instancia second instance decision upholding the lower court decision sentencia confirmatoria secret secreto secretary secretario Secretary of State ministro section artculo sector parte security caucin security for costs fianza dejudicatum solvi security for costs fianza de arraigo security to be offered by the party's representative who acts without fianza a formal de rato power et grato of attorney, assurance that the party will confirm and rat seizure of attached property secuestro (judicial) seller vendedor seller's guaranty of buyer's peaceable possession eviccin senator senador separate record pieza separada sepulcher sepulcro

sequel servant servant service service (of process); service of process or complaint on the defendant servient estate session of the judges of a court setting of an attachment

secuela dependiente sirviente notificacin nota citacin sirviente acuerdo traba de embargo

setting of bounds deslinde setting of landmarks amojonamiento settlement avenencia settlement avenimiento settlement (between parties) conciliacin settlement hearing juicio de conciliacin Share cuota share in the costs of the suit" (v."cuota Htis'e"iguala") quota litis sharecropping medianera sheet foja sign signo signature firma signature written on request by a third party when the interested party firma cannot a ruego or does not know how to sign silence silencio simulation simulacin simulation (malingering) accin simulatoria situation in which there are several suits pending between the same litispendencia parties with similar object; skill pericia slanderous allegation injuria solar day da solar sole hearing audiencia nica solely according to law) that admits proof to the contrary (presumption) iuris tantum solicitor abogado solicitor procurador sound criticism sana crtica sound moral habits buenas costumbres special benefit or favor privilegio special power of attorney poder especial spouses cnyuges squandering stage of the process in which the main issue is dealt with stage of the process in which the parties rights are examined stamp stamp stamped paper stamped paper; standing starts State / District Attorney as intervening party State Attorney state attorney dilapidacin principal conocimiento sello timbre papel sellado sello legitimacin (procesal) parte parte principal Fiscala fiscal

State Attorney holding the highest authority as such Procurador General de la Nacin State Attorney holding the highest position as prosecutor and state Fiscal attorney de Corte y Procurador General de la Nacin State Attorney in Civil Matters Fiscal Letrado de lo Civil State Attorney in Contentious- Administrative Matters Procurador del Estado en lo Contencioso Administrativo State Attorney in Fiscal Matters Fiscal Letrado de Hacienda State Attorneys office Fiscala State Attorneys (especially acting in fiscal matters) Ministerio Fiscal State Attorneys (especially acting with reference to public issues) Ministerio Pblico State Attorney's advisory opinion vista State or District Attorney in Criminal Matters Fiscal Letrado de lo Penal State revenue rentas (pblicas) state; estado statement declaracin statement exposicin statement informe statement relacin statement made in a written report declaracin por informe statement of a party declaracin de parte statement of grievances expresin de agravios status, estado stay of execution pending appeal; stay of proceedings stealing steps efecto suspensivo sobreseimiento hurto trmite

steps for the better disposition of the case diligencias para mejor proveer steps taken in a suit sustanciacin stranger extranjero string cordn subject matter asunto subject matter of proof objeto (de prueba) subject-matter jurisdiction jurisdiccin submission of documents to the record presentacin de documentos submission of the case to the lower court upon detection of a nullity reenvo in the higher court subordinate dependiente subrogation subrogacin substantial part of a document principal substantial part of a document stating the creation or extinction of rights dispositivo or obligations substantial(ly) final judgment cosa juzgada sustancial substitute judge Juez suplente Substitute State Attorney Fiscal Letrado Suplente substitution delegacin substitution sustitucin succession apertura de sucesin succession sucesin succession proceedings ab intestato succession proceedings sucesin succession proceedings testamentara suggestive questions preguntas sugestivas suit causa suit demanda

suit juicio suit negocio (jurdico) suit for alimony alimentos suit of jactitation accin de jactancia suitor litigante summary evidence informacin sumaria summary proceeding accin sumaria summary proceeding filed by creditor seeking the enforcement of aentrega contract de by la the cosa other party (debtor) summary proceedings juicio sumario summing up alegato de bien probado summoning citacin summoning for conciliation citacin a conciliacin summoning of a seller to furnish a clear title citacin de eviccin summons cdula summons ceduln summons citacin summons, emplazamiento supervisin superintendencia supplementary hearing audiencia complementaria supplementary part of a judgment ampliacin de sentencia support pensin supporter defensor Supreme Court resolution dismissing the proceedings sobreseimiento surname apellido survey Inspeccin suspending execution thereof efecto suspensivo suspension suspensin sworn statement juramento tax amounting to 5% of the fees of the professionals taking part in avicsimas case tax on decedents' estates sucesin taxation contribuciones taxes contribuciones tenancy at will mera tenencia term trmino (procesal) term plazo term indicating or referring to the case with which decisions usuallyvistos begin, suggesting that the court itself has seen or studied the case term, usually of 3 days, in which a party is to state his views on a procedural vista issue; termination caducidad de la instancia termination rescisin termination resolucin territorial jurisdiction jurisdiccin territory; estado test of truth or accuracy prueba testament testamento testamentary provision testimonial evidence testimony testimony the judge / court knows the law the judge should not act on his own initiative" disposicin testamentaria prueba testimonial atestacin testimonio iuro novit curia nec procedat iudex ex officio

the Judiciary

Poder Judicial

the least expensive determination of a civil proceeding economa (procesal) the place governs the acts' locus regit actum theft hurto there is no judge without a plaintiff nemo iudex sine actore thing or activity due prestacin third party tercero third party tercerista third party claim in which a right is asserted on the property In question tercera de mejor derecho third party claim or intervention tercera third party claim supporting the complaint of one of the parties tercera coadyuvante third party claim tending to establish the third party's right to the property tercerainvolved de dominio third party claim tending to reject or oppose the parties' claims tercera excluyente third party condition tercero title ttulo title deed ttulo to adjudge juzgar to adjudicate juzgar to appear personarse to be used as evidence or proof ad probationem to be valid vale to guarantee afianzar to judge juzgar to justify justificar to prejudge prejuzgar to which ad quem to whom ad quem tort delito (civil) tortious act total compensation, going back to the previous situation transfer of a case from a lower court to a higher court transfer of evidence transfer of property transfer of the estate to the decedents heirs transferor transgression treasury treatise trial trial, tribunal tribunal trustworthy unappealable unclaimed or unsettled estate unclaimed property unconstitutionality under contempt of court under or before a judge"; under judicial consideration under warning dolo restitucin in integrum avocacin traslado cesin de bienes apertura de sucesin cedente Contravencin Hacienda tratado litigio enjuiciamiento corte tribunal fidedigno inapelable herencia yacente vacante inconstitucionalidad rebelde sub iudice bajo apercibimiento

understanding avenencia understanding avenimiento undertaking compromiso unity of cognizance and decision continencia de la causa unlawful or unfair act injuria unofficial legal assistant procurador de oficio unsuitability incompetencia unworthiness indignidad upholding confirmacin urgency urgencia usual denomination of the decree that regulates the presentation of interlocutoria evidence de prueba vacant vacante vacant yacente vacant estate intestado vacation vacaciones (judiciales) vacation of an attachment decree alzamiento validation convalidacin valuation aforo valuation avalo valuation estimacin valuation tasacin variable court costs costos vendor vendedor venue lugar del juicio verification abono vexatious litigation, violation violation voluntary arbitration voluntary jurisdiction vote vote voting voucher wages waiver waiver waiver waiver (v."desistimiento") waiver of the proceedings of the executory process ward warning warning warning way well-known fact, not requiring judicial proof when / where applicable whereas willful disregard willful misconduct dolo Contravencin infraccin arbitraje voluntario jurisdiccin voluntaria votacin voto votacin recaudo salario actos de disposicin desistimiento renuncia renuncia a los actos procesales renuncia a los trmites del juicio ejecutivo pupilo amonestacin apercibimiento prevencin va hecho notorio en cuanto haya lugar resultando(s) temeridad dolo

wisdom with respect to everyone, against everyone without hearing the opposing party without prejudice, witness witness to a contract or an act witness to a legal act witness who attests to the identity or description of a person

juicio erqa omnes (lit.) inaudita altera pars en cuanto haya lugar testigo testigo instrumental testigo de actuacin testigo de conocimiento

working / work day da hbil worthy of belief or credence fehaciente writ mandamiento (judicial) Writ of execution accin ejecutiva written answers to interrogatories informe written communications or arguments made to ensure the continuation escritos of proceedings, mere-procuratorios without reference to the main issues at stake written document escrito written document escritura written document containing the interrogatories to be answered under pliego oath written document presented in court pliego de posiciones written document presented in court; pliego written; escrito wrong agravio yield inters yield rditos


GJ Prof. Puig

abandonment of the action or of one or more proceedings GJ Prof. thereof Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig abbreviated process starting with a demand on the defendant GJ Puig do or not to do something GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig of 2nd instance decisions GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig referring to partition accounts certifying partition of estate or property GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig

enuncia a los actos procesales

ncompetencia absoluta

presunciones legales o absolutas osa juzgada sustancial

ceptacin de herencia llanamiento a la demanda

econocimiento de firma
acknowledgment of the adverse partys truth

econocimiento judicial

GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig action for the effective protection and defendence of an GJ individual's Prof. Puig constitutional rights GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig

ntrega efectiva de la herencia ccin declarativa de la prescripcin ccin declarativa de la prescripcin

ctos de administracin ntrega efectiva de la herencia

forma de agregar algo que omit decir en otra parte; es GJ un Prof. agregado Puig a un escrito anterior. By addendum on folio tal GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig 1. adjudicate. 2. to deem or pronounce to be. 3. to award GJ Prof. judicially. Puig 4. to award (some or all of a debtors estate) to a creditor. on the basis of the lower court record GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig

mpliacin de sentencia

dministracin de justicia

GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig

uncin administrativa

ausas de almirantazgo ausas de almirantazgo

llanamiento a la demanda

declaracin jurada sobre hechos relativos a la personalidad

cumulacin de expedientes

pactum de non petendo prrroga de competencia lusula compromisoria

agreement to share the earnings of a suit to an agreed proportion, GJ Prof. Puig usually a half, between the party and his counsel GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig

prrroga de competencia

either in rem or in personam

GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig

migable componedor

itacin para sentencia

ontestacin a la demanda

ecurso de ampliacin

ecurso por innovacin o atentado pelacin en ambos efectos

initial part of a notarial deed stating the names and description GJ Prof. Puig of the appearers GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig

entencia revocatoria

discernimiento del cargo

GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig el que recibe los derechos a travs de la cesin GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig el que efecta la cesin GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig

ceptacin de rbitros

presentacin de documentos

GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig a judgment GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig

opias de escrituras pblicas

habilitacin para comparecer en juicio

quebrado fraudulento

heredero beneficiario

beneficio de inventario

GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig

bro de exhortos y oficios

bro de tutelas y curatelas

GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig of 2nd instance decisions GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig Refiere al acto por el cual el documento se vuelve oficial. GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig certification issued by the court clerck stating in the record GJ Prof. thatPuig evidence has been furnished GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig act of procedure whereby the party challenges a judge A&H-GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig

partida (del Registro Civil)

gregacin de probanzas

erificacin de crditos Presidente (del Tribunal)

egistros parroquiales

siempre es la primera pregunta del interrogatorio.

GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig

demanda y contestacin conjuntas demanda manifiestamente improponible

claracin de sentencia

Cdigo de procedimiento civil Cdigo de organizacin de los tribunales

omprobacin de letras

communication of a judicial provision to a party, requested GJ Prof. by the Puig adverse party, appealable by the summoned party

GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig

demanda manifiestamente improponible denuncia de obra vieja o ruinosa

complaint with reference to a new building, interfeering GJ with Prof. an Puig easement or right of way. GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig

udiencia complementaria ntegracin del tribunal

oncentracin (procesal)

presunciones legales o absolutas dhesin a la apelacin

entencia condicional o de futuro

onfesin extrajudicial

GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig connection of different cases which have elements in common GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig de reparacin. Regulations applied in cases of compensation GJ Prof. for Puig prejudicial administrative or legislative acts GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig copies of written communications presented in court GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig

urisdiccin contenciosa

ribunal de lo Contencioso-Administrativo

tis contestatio (hist.)

GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig formado por una persona Formado por 3 personas Formado por 5 personas GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig

tis expensas (litis expens)

declaracin de rebelda

organizacin de los tribunales

providencia con citacin providencia reservada

GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig court resolution ending the proceedings and summoning GJthe Prof. parties Puig to hear the final decision GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig

dministracin de justicia

ribunales de Apelaciones

raduacin de crditos

GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig

decision: trmino general ms amplio. Judgment: trmino GJ Prof. general Puig en el mbito jurdico civil. Orders: interlocutory orders: decisiones judiciales intermedias, accesorias, no resuelve GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig a person sued in a civil proceeding or accused in a criminal GJ Prof. proceeding. Puig/BLD Partes en judgment: plaintiff-defendant a person sued in a civil proceeding or accused in a criminal GJ Prof. proceeding. Puig/BLD Partes en judgment: plaintiff-defendant a person sued in a civil proceeding or accused in a criminal GJ Prof. proceeding. Puig/BLD Partes en judgment: plaintiff-defendant a person sued in a civil proceeding or accused in a criminal GJ Prof. proceeding. Puig/BLD Partes en judgment: plaintiff-defendant a person sued in a civil proceeding or accused in a criminal GJ Prof. proceeding. Puig/BLD Partes en judgment: plaintiff-defendant a person sued in a civil proceeding or accused in a criminal GJ Prof. proceeding. Puig/BLD Partes en judgment: plaintiff-defendant GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig

entencia de condena

entencia constitutiva entencia ejecutoriada entencia mere-declarativa

declaracin por informe

declaracin de herederos declaracin de incapacidad declaratoria de pobreza

egulacin de honorarios

GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig

ntimacin de desalojo

denegacin de apelacin denegacin de justicia

iscal Letrado Departamental

quidacin de sentencia

defecto legal en el modo de preparar la demanda

(in suspension, in abatement)

GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig nonsuit, discontinuance, termination or an action on account GJ Prof. ofPuig the partys inactivity GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig

ehabilitacin (del concursado)

paralizacin (del expediente) esacin de condominio

discrepancy between courts concenring the determination GJ Prof. of their Puig competence GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig dispatch issued by the Courts of Appeal or the SupremeGJ Court Prof. to Puig other courts GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig

bsolucin de la demanda

evantamiento de embargo

particin extrajudicial

GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig

principio de prueba por escrito

tulo ejecutorio o de ejecucin

encimiento del trmino

documento electrnico nstrumento electronico

GJ Prof. Puig encumbrance: termino general que cubre varios gravmenes GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig error made by the judge n his decision when the facts are GJ Prof. incorrectly Puig evaluated or the law is incorrectly applied GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig el juez acta sin necesidad de iniciativa de parte GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig

onclusin de la causa

jecucin de sentencia

prueba preconstituida

ncompetencia manifiesta ncompetencia notoria

(appeal based on) evident nullity

econocimiento judicial

GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig in the event of meeting of creditors, bankruptcy or corporate GJ Prof. liquidation Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig

jecucin de sentencia

xhibicin de libros de comercio xhibicin de testamento

xhibicin (de cosa mueble)

encimiento del trmino

pregunta final del interrogatorio

claracin de sentencia xplicacin de sentencia

xtincin (de la obligacin)

ecurso extraordinario de nulidad notoria

proceso extraordinario

hecho presumido por la ley

GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig Usar en traduccin inversa. Hechos del hombre. GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig

entencia ejecutoriada

legato de bien probado

ncidente de no contestar

belonging to the courts

GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig

quebrado fraudulento

migable componedor

produccin de pruebas Cdigo General del Proceso

motivacin (de sentencia)

undamentos de la sentencia

GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig guardian appointed to protect the interests of a minor or GJincapacitated Prof. Puig party in a suit guardian of property, apparently neglected or unprotected, GJ Prof. claimed Puig in court GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig (lit."let it be executed') GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig

briedad consuetudinaria

heredero beneficiario

nmunidad de jurisdiccin

GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig

ncidente innominado

ncidente de previo y especial pronunciamiento

gregacin de expedientes

ndependencia judicial

GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig

entencia interlocutoria entencia interlocutoria con fuerza de definitiva

Orders: interlocutory orders: decisiones judiciales intermedias, GJ Prof. accesorias, Puig no resuelven la cuestin de fondo (providencias, autos, decisiones durante el juicio). GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig

sistencia judicial internacional

paralizacin (del expediente)

ravamen irreparable

cumulacin de acciones cumulacin de pretensiones

cumulacin de acciones cumulacin de pretensiones cumulacin de acciones

uez Letrado de Menores uez Letrado de Primera Instancia en lo Civil

GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig a courts final determination of the rights and obligations GJ of Prof. thePuig/BLD parties in a case. This term includes an equitable decreeee and any other order from which an appeal lies. GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig cada decisin judicial dentro del proceso es un "auto". GJ Siempre Prof. Puig tiene un nmero. Autos caratulados: cartula del expediente tiene nombre del caso y nmero GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig

econocimiento judicial

presunciones judiciales

alta de capacidad legal

GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig

ontribucin inmobiliaria

perencin de la instancia

si se la llama por el nmero de ley

GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig

rrendamiento (de cosas)

authorization given to judges not to be present in courtGJ onProf. account Puigof specific reasons GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig lawyer who assists those in financial need, who cannot GJ afford Prof. private Puig counsel GJ Prof. Puig

epudiacin de herencia

uxiliatoria de pobreza

there is no exact equivalent in the Anglo-American legal GJ system Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig

defecto legal en el modo de preparar la demanda

GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig lower rank; de baja jerarqua; no juez de alto rango GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig

obligaciones procesales

esponsabilidad judicial

dministracin judicial

Conjunto de atributos inherentes a la condicin individual GJ Prof. y familiar Puig de una persona, determinante de derechos y obligaciones, que la individualiza en la sociedad de la que forma p

GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig mere-interlocutory decree intended to implement the continuation GJ Prof. Puig of the proceedings GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig tiempo verbal: en ING se usa pasado simple; en ESP se usa GJ Prof. presente Puig histrico GJ Prof. Puig both in personam and in rem GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig

encimiento del trmino mximas de experiencia

diligencias para mejor proveer

GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig building or construction erected on the ground in possession GJ Prof. of Puig a third party hindering his enjoyment of an easement GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig (rare's plaintiff's) nonappearance GJ Prof. Puig

nemo udex in causa propria nemo auditor propriam turpitudinem allegans

nonsuit, discontinuance, termination or an action on account GJ Prof. ofPuig the partys inactivity GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig

perencin de la instancia

notificacin por ceduln notificacin por publicacin

uramento estimatorio

act of procedure whereby the party challenges a judge GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig

arga de la contestacin

obligation to attend court in order to examine the file and GJ Prof. receive Puig actual notice of any procedural steps taken, failing which constructive notice is deemed. GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig en formulario GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig A formal expression of judgment or advice based on an GJ experts Prof. Puig special knowledge; esp, a document, usu prepared at a clients request containing a lawyers understanding of the a courts written statement explaining its decision in a given GJ Prof. case, Puig usu including the statement of facts, points of law, rationale, and dicta. Also termed judicial opinion. a courts written statement explaining its decision in a given GJ Prof. case, Puig usu including the statement of facts, points of law, rationale, and dicta. Also termed judicial opinion. a persons thought, belief or inference, esp a witnesss view GJ Prof. about Puig facts in dispute, as opposed to personal knowledge of the facts themselves. GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig

documento electrnico nstrumento electronico

decision: trmino general ms amplio. Judgment: trmino GJ Prof. general Puig en el mbito jurdico civil. Orders: interlocutory orders: decisiones judiciales intermedias, accesorias, no resuelve

1. a command, direction or instruction. 2. a written direction GJ Prof. orPuig command delivered by a court or judge (the word generally embraces final decrees as well as interlocutory directio GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig

estitucin de la posesin

mandamiento (judicial)

GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig

egistros parroquiales

GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig A formal written request presented to a court or other official GJ Prof. body. Puig/BLD A formal written request presented to a court or other official GJ Prof. body. Puig/BLD A formal written request presented to a court or other official GJ Prof. body. Puig/BLD A formal written request presented to a court or other official GJ Prof. body. Puig/BLD GJ Prof. Puig

a party who presents a petition to a court or other official GJ Prof. body,Puig/BLD esp when seeking relief on appeal. Also termed "plaintiff in error". // Partes en petition/decree: petitioner-respond

a party who presents a petition to a court or other official GJ Prof. body,Puig/BLD esp when seeking relief on appeal. Also termed "plaintiff in error". // Partes en petition/decree: petitioner-respond

a party who presents a petition to a court or other official GJ Prof. body,Puig/BLD esp when seeking relief on appeal. Also termed "plaintiff in error". // Partes en petition/decree: petitioner-respond

a party who presents a petition to a court or other official GJ Prof. body,Puig/BLD esp when seeking relief on appeal. Also termed "plaintiff in error". // Partes en petition/decree: petitioner-respond GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig party who asserts a claim against another party in a legal GJproceeding/in Prof. Puig/BLD a court of law.// Partes en judgment: plaintiff-defendant GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig

ianza dejudicatum solvi

prenda sin desplazamiento

GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig preliminary decision on the admissibility or not of an action GJ Prof. for annulment Puig or for recusation or challenge GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig

xhibicin (de cosa mueble) xhibicin de libros de comercio xhibicin de testamento

(negative) prescription

diligencias preparatorias de la demanda

Presidente (del Tribunal)

esponsabilidad procesal

obligaciones procesales obligaciones procesales presupuestos procesales principios (procesales)

GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig real (land and attachments) and personal (movable effects GJ Prof. not attached Puig to land) GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig penal GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig

uicio de responsabilidad

produccin de pruebas

ndivisibilidad de la confesin nterdiccin general de bienes

GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig of 2nd instance decisions GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig

epudiacin de herencia particin extrajudicial

publicacin de edictos

egitimacin (procesal)

abbreviation of the Latin phrase quorum praesentia suffit, GJ Prof. i.e.,"whose Puig presence is sufficient used with reference to the minimum number of members necessary to act at a meeting GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig

pertura de testamento

motivacin (de sentencia)

GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig Hoja que est en el libro del Registro de Estado Civil. GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig

egistro de protocolizaciones (notarial)

erificacin de crditos

estitucin de la posesin

ectificacin de partidas

gregacin de probanzas

egulacin de honorarios ehabilitacin (del concursado)

ncompetencia relativa

presunciones legales simples o relativas

evantamiento de embargo

GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig

1. The party against whom an appeal is taken; appellee.GJ InProf. some Puig/BLD appellate courts, the parties are designated as petitioner and respondent. In US, the parties are designated as app

1. The party against whom an appeal is taken; appellee.GJ InProf. some Puig/BLD appellate courts, the parties are designated as petitioner and respondent. In US, the parties are designated as app GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig of 2nd instance decisions GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig

etroactividad (de la sentencia)

estitucin de la posesin

GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig

beneficio de separacin beneficio de competencia

derecho a un proceso de duracin razonable epudiacin de herencia beneficio de restitucin

mportancia del asunto

entencia confirmatoria

ianza dejudicatum solvi

ianza de rato et grato

GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig

egitimacin (procesal)

Procurador General de la Nacin iscal de Corte y Procurador General de la Nacin iscal Letrado de lo Civil Procurador del Estado en lo Contencioso Administrativo iscal Letrado de Hacienda
function and place

GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig

iscal Letrado de lo Penal

declaracin por informe

xpresin de agravios

diligencias para mejor proveer

presentacin de documentos

osa juzgada sustancial

iscal Letrado Suplente

GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig nonsuit, discontinuance, termination or an action on account GJ Prof. ofPuig the partys inactivity GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig

legato de bien probado

udiencia complementaria mpliacin de sentencia

disposicin testamentaria

nec procedat iudex ex officio

GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig transfer of property from debtor to creditors GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig

nemo iudex sine actore

ercera de mejor derecho

estitucin in integrum

GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig undertaking to refer the issue to arbitration GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig

ontinencia de la causa

nterlocutoria de prueba

acaciones (judiciales)

urisdiccin voluntaria

enuncia a los actos procesales enuncia a los trmites del juicio ejecutivo

GJ Prof. Puig used with reference to acts of procedure valid upon alI GJ parties Prof.or Puig persons GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig decisin judicial muy especfica GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig GJ Prof. Puig

estigo de conocimiento

scritos mere-procuratorios

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