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September 19, 2013 Winnipeg, MB The application by the Assembly of First Nations (AFN)

for funding to become part of Mr. Harper's prescriptive process to extinguish our treaties is

an example of how the AFN has been co-opted by centralized bureaucracies and federal and provincial governments. Past practice has shown us that governments in Canada speak about recognition and affirmation of treaties, yet maintain and implement policies towards the extinguishment of our sacred covenants. This is a particularly important matter for all Canadians because the treaties are part of the foundational laws that form the legal justification for Canada's existence. With federal funding, the AFN will be able to selectively utilize the resources to manipulate treaty leadership towards the government agenda, thereby appearing to carry a legitimate and bureaucracies can apply a more effective form of surveillance and control over the of Manitoba Chiefs (AMC) Grand Chief Derek Nepinak. This will allow them to more mandate on behalf of indigenous treaty people. With federal funding, government agencies meetings, locations, documents and the people shaping the discussion, explained Assembly effectively attempt to stamp out the efforts of people who believe in self-determination, the re-establishment of self-governing nations of indigenous people, and a shared prosperity with and amongst Canadians, added Grand Chief Nepinak.

The manipulation of federal monies to affect the appearance of cooperative treaty discussions is nothing more than another example of the smoke and mirrors that has been used to ensure status quo remains intact. Status quo for indigenous treaty people means the housing crises in our communities; continued degradation of family sovereignty through the continued lack of access to clean drinking water, and the list goes on. continued existence of legislated economic apartheid and sanctions that promotes escalating apprehension of our children, continued tragedies of missing and murdered women and girls,

The treaty alliance movement is not about government funding and prescriptive processes. The treaty alliance movement has always been about people and the need to empower ourselves and our children towards the realization of our freedoms, expressed as sovereignty as indigenous people in our homelands. The alliance movement is not about hierarchical structures intent on going after federal funding. It must remain about our communities, our political power institutions in Ottawa.

people, who continue to struggle despite the political manoeuvres being played amongst the

Its up to our community people to stand up and be part of the change. Its time for us all to look inward together to realize that we cannot effect the change that we live for by allowing a small number of people in the upper echelon of established political institutions to dictate the terms of our involvement in shaping the future, said Grand Chief Nepinak. If we stand together, on strong principles flowing from the sacred covenants of peace and relationship that our ancestors agreed to, we will be successful, concluded Grand Chief Nepinak. For more information please contact: Sheila North Wilson Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs 204-805-1759

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