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Lesson: Writing

Lesson Title: Being a Writer: Week 5 Day 3 Materials Needed: My little sister ate one hare Chart paper and marker My brother/my sister idea sheet (see differentiation) Standards Common Core CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.2.3 Write narratives in which they recount a well-elaborated event or short sequence of events, include details to describe actions, thoughts, and feelings, use temporal words to signal event order, and provide a sense of closure. Lesson Objective: Students will create a list of my little brother/my little sister sentences -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Lesson Sequence: Review how we have been writing sentences to get story ideas (particularly silly sentences) Pictures Lists Sentences o Tell students today we are going to generate another list of sentences to help us write a new story Ask students what the word generate means again Generate is another way to say create, or develop Read my sister ate one hare o Ask what was something funny from the story Students Think-Pair-Share to generate ideas for sentences that start with my little sister/my little brother o Add an example or two of my own My little sister likes to run on her hands My little sister does not like to read unless she is standing on her head o Have students partner up to think of some more silly brother/sister sentences o Then, add partnership examples (from students) to the chart paper to model writing little sister/little brother sentences Focus on capital letters at beginning and periods at end of sentences Have students return to their seats and write their own silly little brother/little sister sentences o For students struggling to get started. Provide the brother/sister idea sheet to these students (see differentiation) o Circulate to check for capital letters and periods

2. Demonstrate knowledge or skill: (Modeling) Read aloud my little sister ate one hare to model silly sentences/silly stories about brothers/sisters Model making list of silly brother/silly sister sentences Model capitals, periods and complete sentences 3. Collaborative practice: Have students sit knee to knee with their partner to think of silly brother/sister sentences 4. Guided Practice: As a class generate some more silly brother/sister sentences to add to our class list 5. Provide extended practice and transfer: (Independent practice) Students will return to their desks and generate their own list of sentences about their own silly brother/sister 6. Assessment The assessment for Day 3 occurs while students are working. I will be walking around (using the attached assessment sheet (adapted from the Being a Writer curriculum)) and mark how students are progressing on the task. 7. DIFFERENTIATION of Content, Process or Product: For this lesson, students who may need some extra ideas, or help getting started, I will provide them with the attached brother/sister sentence ideas sheet. Students may also find it more suitable to their learning if instead of writing sentences that they draw a picture representation of their silly animal sentences ideas (this will be especially helpful for ELL students). For students who do not have a brother or sister, I will allow them to choose a cousin, make up a brother/sister (I will be sure to let them know that step-brothers/step-sisters) are good as well. For advanced learners pushing them to create more complex sentences to generate their ideas will be beneficial. For example my (brother/sister) likes to run on the beach, but only when its cloudy. These options will be provided once all students have started working and I can go to the necessary students to provide them with the appropriate differentiation to match their needs without drawing attention to their differences in the task. These resources can be used with all students so everyone has the same resources, and all will have a reference if needed to strengthen their ideas, and learning.

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