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Definition and functions of political system

The political system is a subsystem of global social system including political relations, political institutions and political concepts, it provides the overall organization and management of the society, its functionality. Concept of political system can be defined from two perspectives: functional (organizes the political system and corporate governance, the global social system); structural (political system is a subsystem of the global social system). The main functions of the political system are: defining goals and tasks of social development; developing work programs with the interests of the dominant forces in society; mobilize society against those interests; ensuring distribution control values in society; integration of the society around social goals and political values.

2. The structure of political system

Political relations. A vital component of the political system is the political relations,that is those links which are established between different social groups and responsible actions to satisfy their interests in relation to political power. Political relations are relations between groups of individuals, political parties and organizations, among them political power, are also close political ties between nation and nationality, that inter-ethnic relations. Political relations on subjects they can be divided into the following groups: a) Social Subjects (classes, ethnic groups, individuals, voters, mafia, military-industrial complex); b) Subjects in institutions (state, political parties, sociopolitical movements, parliament,president etc.); c) functional subjects (army, church, opposition, media). Political institutions. Political institutions are part of the political system, indicating the degree of social organization at some point. Political views. Political relations and political institutions through which they materialize are directly related to the degree of cultural and political views of citizens. Political views reflect the organization and management company.

3. Evolution of the political system in Moldova

Adapting to the rigors of Moldovan political democracy begins with the proclamation of Gorbachev's perestroika and create social-political movement in support of this process. Institutionalization of new political system components was conducted generally in two ways: a) institutions have proved incompatible with the new historical conditions, have been forced to disappear, such as, for example, PCM with derivatives, Nordic Control Committee etc. ; b) institutions more flexible and supported by local political interests have survived, turning so that Parliament is the Supreme Soviet, Soviet Ministers - Government, Soviets councils, village soviet chairmen - mayors, etc..; Underwent a third way of creating new institutions of the political system that did not exist in Soviet times, such as the Constitutional Court. After the proclamation of sovereignty R.S.S. Moldova, on 27 July 1990 Parliament adopted the Decree "On State Power", concluding that "the supreme legislative power and will only representative of the entire people of RSS Supreme Moldova ". Under the same decree, the country is "done unabated separation of state power into legislative, executive and judicial," the judiciary is subordinated to the law. Following essentially building a democratic political system was the Law on the establishment of the president of the RSS Moldova from September 3, 1990, by the new institution of the Head of State - President RSS Moldova - was placed at the head of the executive, the legislative and judicial distinct. It should be stressed that the law requires the president to be elected for a term of five years by the Supreme Soviet by simple majority of deputies. A year later, on September 18, 1991, the law on Presidential elections in Moldova, the first President M. Snegur will get change mechanism of the election for this office by universal suffrage, equal, direct and secret of the population. All these elements to modernize the political system have been reflected in the summary declaration of independence of the Republic of Moldova of 27 August 1991, which stated that Parliament take in to account "the irreversible processes taking place in Europe and the world, democratization, the assertion freedom, independents and national unity to build the rule of law and transition to market economy ". In this context, the September 17 1991 Parliament adopted the Law "On political parties and other socio-political", which defined the place and role of parties in the political system, contributing thereby to the institutionalization and regulate the formation, operation, financing and interaction with other institutions. However, the law included an important clause which distinguished between political parties and nongovernmental

organizations. Thus, political parties and social organizations were defined as "voluntary associations of citizens, the community built on concepts, ideals and purposes, contributing to the political will of a certain part of the population and their representatives involved in developing the republic's policy the management of State affairs, to addressing the economic and social-cultural ". On the other hand, non-governmental organizations were defined as "independent organization of citizens, formed upon the principle of professional, cultural. and not claim the election of State " The Constitution of 29 July 1994 will devote all important elements of these adjustments essentially democratic political system, establishing its following operating principles: a) the rule of law, democracy, in which human dignity, rights and freedoms, free development of human personality, justice and political pluralism represent supreme values are guaranteed (paragraph 3, art. 1) b) national sovereignty (Article 2) c) the rights and freedoms (Article 4) d) democracy and political pluralism (Article 5, Chapter II, Title I) e) separation and cooperation of powers (Article 6) f) the hierarchy of legal norms (7 and 8) g) Control of the constitutionality of laws (Title V), etc.. Despite these important changes, many political analysts consider as an important feature of the political system in Republic of Moldova temptation presidentialism, with a strong basis in social psychology and political traditions of the area. In the same sense, the political system in Republic of Moldova tends rather to reproduce the Russian model, which functions as a classic presidentialism. Thus, even if the political system in Republic of Moldova has undergone a fundamental change in 2000, the President elected by indirect suffrage, the two parliaments resulting from this change, dominated by communists, chose a president, whose powers are compatible with the of his counterparts in Russia and Belarus. In such political systems, trends prezidenialist democratic rules are at risk, seriously affecting the nature and credibility of political institutions. For these reasons, regular reports by Freedom House considers ex-Soviet republics invariably as semi-free.

4. Problem functioning political system of the Republic of Moldova

With independence and sovereignty, the Republic of Moldova was faced with the imperative requirements and greater need to undertake a radically recast in its newly created in order to create a prosperous and democratic state after Western model.However, this goal was not met any so far as to create democratic institutions was delayed and made ineffective,

a result which could not achieve any good operation of the political system or the economy of Moldova. In this context, according to sociologist M. Bulgaru function appears as an attribute (or set of properties) of a key system (or subsystem), which is exercised under the reporting system to other systems (or elements thereof). Function is to integrate (coordinate) elements in the system or the system context, expressing relations action, which is achieved by passing from potency to act in diachronic structural 1. According to specialists Juan Linz and Alfred Stepan J. in the former Soviet socialist states was made rather a liberalization of the political and social democratization than 2. The reality is that Moldova has not been able to determine exactly aces its national interests and its directions specific national development 3. It is extremely difficult so far to determine whether you have national and linguistic identity both at both daily and academic and state. When it can be added and its vagueness regarding foreign policy.Namely duplicitous foreign policy until the early century. XXI brought Moldova Republic failures in this regard. The problem of efficient political system starts from updating problems in society. 4 Taking a retrospective democratic regime, which has developed in Moldova, have to say that the democratic system in just 10 years worked in 5 regimes 5: 1) Parliamentary (27 aprilie1990 - September 3, 1990); 2) Semi-presidential/ semi-parliamentary (September 3, 1990 - 5 March 1991); 3) Presidential (5 March 1991-29 July 1994); 4) Semi-presidential / semi-parliamentary (29 iulie1994 - July 5, 2000); 5) Parliamentary (July 5, 2000 - present). This clearly demonstrates why we are so far Moldova democracy in the Republic had great success because all the energy lost in the transformation decision regimes and democratic institutions. Proper functioning of the democratic system was not effective because the structure and functioning of its institutions were not fully finished. During the years of independence, Moldova has worked long and hard in a way to create democratic institutions such as political parties, elections democratic legal system, human rights, governance mode, etc.. Now if the development of these institutions is the closing phase: settled, ultimately, that is the democratic regime, the last general election, according to many local and international experts, took place under all democratic norms, human rights are guaranteed by law, we have a multiparty system and the list could be continued. However, when we talk about this system and its results democrat in creating social and economic welfare and mobilize society to solve problems of vital population is difficult to give a positive answer, the thing I want to analyze further. 6
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Bulgaru M. Sociologie. Vol. I. Chiinu. 2003. p. 81. Linz J., Alfred S. Problems of democratic Transition and consolidation. Southern Europe, South America, and Post-Communist Europe. London. 1996. p. 367 Una din concluziile edinei mesei rotunde cu tema: Probleme actuale ale eficientizrii sistemului politic din Republica Moldova, n cadrul Academie de tiine a Moldovei. Chiinu, 21 decembrie 2006. Duminica Ion. Instaurarea regimului politic democratic n Republica Moldova: realizri, probleme, perspective. Tez de doctor n tiine politice. Chiinu. 2006. p. 66 A se vedea: Zavtur Alexandru. Conflictul social: funciile cauzele i participanii. // Revista de Filosofie i Drept. Nr. 2-3, 1996. p. 7

First, when it comes to inefficient functioning of a democratic system must seek the answer in the functioning of its institutions and the correlation between them. An institution that is willing to stop the party system in the Republic of Moldova has.. It is known that the formation of political parties in Moldova is a particular case, which has a number of features. Among these we could mention: the lack of pluralist traditions ideational and organizational level, totalitarian and authoritarian communist past, lack of experience in the independent state. 7 In the first decade of existence, political parties were successful in obtaining power, but as a result of inefficient government, political parties were unable to maintain power. 8 And as a result in many parties have disappeared from the political arena in just a few years. Another cause is the instability of political parties is that most of them were formed from the top down, around a charismatic leader, but not bottomup, whose members are part of the population, which fact, and power in a democratic state. Such parties are onlyPPCD and PCRM have so far remained there as a party and as representative of the board. An issue regarding political parties is that the Republic of Moldova is not yet developed at the appropriate level political consciousness. This is the reason why we do not have a stable party system, like the American, German or British. For Moldova is specifically that political parties seeking their own social base, constituency whose interests must be defended. But these searches are complicated and uneven, because the social structure of society is varied walks of life are mixed: on the one hand, there is the division of social classes and, on the other hand, walks, which is in the process of training, have not clearly determined orientation. 9 As a result, we have very mixed into remote party, being in constant change and instability. I tried to find, however, would be the core problem that explains the functioning of democratic system in Moldova, and doing an analysis to scientific papers in recent years, devoted to domestic political system, we found that most professionals have the same opinion to of this problem. It's about civic and political culture and political consciousness. The political culture largely determines the quality and efficient functioning political system. In fact, political culture is the product of historical experiences of all the companies, whose training requires social commitment of each individual, which will result sociologizing of politics. Functioning democracy in transitional societies requires a specific political culture, in which certain values and ways of behavior are considered normal.10
7. 8. 9. Buctaru Igor. Instituionalizarea partidelor politice din Republica Moldova: studiu interdisciplinar. Tez de doctor n tiine politice. Chiinu 2005. p. 48 Margarint Ana. Elita Politic din Republica Moldova: aspecte ale formrii i dezvoltrii. Tez de doctor in tiine politice. Chiinu. 2004. p. 4 2 Tbr Silviu. Impactul politicului asupra stratificrii sociale n condiiile tranziiei democratice. Teza de doctor n tiine politice. Chiinu. 2005. p. 65

10. Connstantin Solomon. Instituionalizarea i evoluia sistemului politic democratic n Republica Moldova. (Aspecte istorico-politologic). Tez de doctor habilitat n tiine politice. Chiinu. 2002. p. 200

Verba S. and Almod G. experts argue that democracy seems to be the most stable companies which features three types of political culture: parochial, dependent on each other forming blends participatory civic culture. 11 When we talk about the issue of political culture is about: responsibility, freedom, knowledge of rights, initiative and spirit of association, activism, etc.. As A. de Tocqueville observed, a low level of consciousness and political culture leads to inefficiency and expand local government corruption. If we refer to the synergetic view on this issue, founder synergetics H. Haken, argues that any political or social system must operate in accordance with the temperament of individuals and the public. 12 In his opinion, according to the order parameter theory, any political system is doomed to disintegration does not conform to its environment, public opinion tends to the wellbeing of society and how the coexistence. In our society, political system in Moldova does not comply with the order parameter, because the political culture has not reached the level required to materialize the cooperation of the public, people's needs, its demands on the one hand, and political system the other. This reality shows us that the effort more difficult and more important in creating an effective functions political system in Moldova, with all its political institutions, should be made in raising the political culture and civil society development in which, in fact, and refers to sustainable democracy. Clearly, an important factor in achieving this goal is the time factor, and know that it was civil society and political culture in the early '90s and turned as far. Also, migration of / in Moldova is a good thing in this changing mentality than our citizens. But it has an important role slipper peak that could achieve this goal, over a period of time, through education and policy development in this regard. Generally speaking, the development of consciousness and political culture takes place, according to local academician T. Tirdea, the computerization of society which is a systemic process oriented activity resources for building information society 13. Computerization expected gain permanent social intellect enough to solve the problem of survival and development strategic aspect of democratic civilization. Society development can take place only in conditions of increasing investments in human and computerization of all aspects of vital activity 14.
11. 12. 13. A se vedea: Almond G, Verba S. Cultura Civic. Bucureti. 1996 Idea a fost reflectat n discuia cu Hermann Haken ce a avut loc la Centrul de Sinergetic din Stuttgart/Germania, pe data de 6 februarie 2007. rdea T. Scientizarea, informatizarea i intelectualizarea activitii umane: aspecte axiologice. // Revista de Filosofie i Drept. Nr. 2 -3, 1997. p. 4

14. rdea T. Informatizarea, cunoaterea, dirijarea social. Chiinu. 1994. p. 123

So, making an analysis of current political system, we can say that there are many functionally deficient. And although the political situation in Moldova is reduced in the past, only to demonstrations, strikes, instability, fierce fighting party, today we see a change in this area when parties with representation in state bodies take action to reform and building democratic values and social-economic, it was just the foreign policy, culture and political awareness is growing, enhances the credibility of the international community towards Moldova, etc.. With the recent positive results, we conclude that for the effective policy for the system of Moldova to hold this developing democracy and leaving the company to be self-organized political system in its natural functioning.

Content :
1. Definition and functions of political system p. 1 2. The structure of political system p. 1 3. Evolution of the political system in Moldova p. 2 4.Problem functioning political system of the Republic of Moldova p. 3

Literature: 1. Enciu N. Politologie. Chiinu, 2005,p.100-123. 2. Roca L., Volcov E. Politologia. Lucrare metodico-didactic. Chiinu,1999, p.53. 3. Goodin Robert E.,Klingemann Hans-Dieter (coord.) Manual de tiin Politic.-Iai: Polirom,2005, p.127-199. 4. Mitran I. Politologie. Bucureti, 2000, p.45. 5. Popescu T. Politologie. Chiinu, 1998, p. 45. 6. Vlsan C., .a. Politologie. Bucureti, 1992, p.37. 7. Voiculescu M. Politologie. Bucureti, 1998, p.131.

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