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A demonstration of:

A demonstration of: Creating a new program

A demonstration of: Creating a new program Adding components

A demonstration of: Creating a new program Adding components Modifying components

A demonstration of: Creating a new program Adding components Modifying components Writing callback functions

Start Page

To Tocreate createaanew newprogram, program, press pressthe theNew Newbutton button

Start Page

To Toopen openan anexisting existingprogram, program, select selectit itfrom fromthe thecombobox combobox

Start Page

Then Thenpress pressthe theopen open button button

New Program Page

Creating a new program

New Program Page

Creating a new program

Fill Fillin inAuthor, Author, Program Program Name Nameand andlocation, location,then then press pressOK OK

New Program Page

Creating a new program

Fill Fillin inAuthor, Author,Program Program Name Nameand andlocation locationthen then press pressOK OK

New Program Page

Creating a new program

Fill Fillin inAuthor, Author,Program Program Name Nameand andlocation locationthen then press pressOK OK

New Program Page

Creating a new program

Press PressOK OKkey key

Component Chest
Adding a component

Component Chest
Adding a component

Select SelectComponent Component type type

Component Chest
Adding a component

Edit Editcomponent componentname name

Component Chest
Adding a component

Press PressAdd Addkey key

Component Chest
Adding a component

The Thecomponent componentis isadded addedto to the thebuildee buildee

Property Tab
Select Selectcomponent componentto toedit edit
Modifying components properties

Property Tab
Select Selectcomponent componentto toedit edit
Modifying components properties

Property Tab
Modifying components properties

Resize Resizeand andmove move components components

Property Tab
Modifying components properties

Edit Editcomponents components properties properties

Property Tab
Modifying components properties

Property Tab
Modifying components properties

Enter Enteredit editmode mode

Property Tab
Modifying components properties

Resize Resizeand andmove move component component

Properties Propertiesare areupdated updatedon on table. table.

Property Tab
Modifying components properties

Property Tab
Modifying components properties

Property Tab
Modifying components properties

Add some more components

Hierarchy Tab
View Viewthe thehierarchy hierarchy
Viewing Hierarchy

Hierarchy Tab
Choose aa component Choose component View hierarchy Viewthe the hierarchy
Viewing Hierarchy

Event Tab
Editing event mask

Edit Editevents eventsfor for components components

Event Tab
Editing event mask

Program Tab
Editing program notes

Fill Fillin inprogram program notes notes

Program Tab
Editing program notes

Fill Fillin in Write callback text file Write callback text file program program notes notes

Cut Cutand andpaste pastedesired desiredroutine routinedefinitions definitions from fromcallback callbackfile fileto tocode codefile file

Cut Cutand andpaste pastedesired desiredroutine routinedefinitions definitions from fromcallback callbackfile fileto tocode codefile file

Cut Cutand andpaste pastedesired desiredroutine routinedefinitions definitions from fromcallback callbackfile fileto tocode codefile file

Cut Cutand andpaste pastedesired desiredroutine routinedefinitions definitions from fromcallback callbackfile fileto tocode codefile file

Cut Cutand andpaste pastedesired desiredroutine routinedefinitions definitions from fromcallback callbackfile fileto tocode codefile file

Callback Demonstration

Callback Demonstration

Callback Demonstration

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