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Reclificalion of iilh Tine using RuIing IIanels Vei 2.

O Ocl 21
2OO7 Iage No: 1/23
ly Raghunalha Rao Nenani
Om Guravc Namah

RcctIfIcatInn nf BIrth TImc usIng Ru!Ing P!ancts
(KrIshnamurthy PadhdhatI)

Raghunalha Rao Nenani
(}yolish Chinlanani)
L-naiI: RaoN1OO8Yahoo.con

This papei is dedicaled lo
My K.I Cuiu Sii. Svani Onkai }i
L-naiI: svanionkaipianavapeelan.oig
Lale Sii K.S Kiishnanuilhy }i
Reclificalion of iilh Tine using RuIing IIanels Vei 2.O Ocl 21
2OO7 Iage No: 2/23
ly Raghunalha Rao Nenani
Tab!c nf Cnntcnts

Abnut ThIs Papcr........................................................................................................................................ 4
TImc Chart nf ThIs Papcr.......................................................................................................................... 4
BIrth TImc RcctIfIcatInn-Rc!atcd Cnnccpts........................................................................................... 5
Why is Accuiale iilh Tine Inpoilanl`............................................................................... 5
Whal aie lhe RuIing IIanels`.................................................................................................. 5
Ru!Ing P!anct Mcthnd nf BIrth TImc RcctIfIcatInn.............................................................................. 6
RTs Thiee-LeveI Checks ...................................................................................................... 6
Whal lo See in lhe Un-Reclified iilh Chail` .................................................................. 6
Whal lo See in lhe Tine Chail` ......................................................................................... 6
Hov lo Ieifoin Thiee-LeveI Check` ............................................................................... 6
Upconing Iapei..................................................................................................................... 1O
App!yIng thc Thrcc-Lcvc! Chccks fnr BIrth TImc RcctIfIcatInn (Examp!cs) ................................ 11
Chail-1: Reclificalion Mayle Requiied al Thiid LeveI ..................................................... 11
iilh and Tine Chail DelaiIs ........................................................................................... 11
RT-lased RuIing IIanels TalIe...................................................................................... 11
Iiisl-LeveI Check ............................................................................................................... 11
Second-LeveI Check .......................................................................................................... 12
Thiid-LeveI Check ............................................................................................................. 12
Whal lo Do Nexl`............................................................................................................... 12
Chail-2 Reclificalion Mayle Requiied al lhe Thiid LeveI ............................................... 13
iilh and Tine Chail DelaiIs ........................................................................................... 13
RT-lased RuIing IIanels TalIe...................................................................................... 13
Iiisl-LeveI Check ............................................................................................................... 13
Second-LeveI Check .......................................................................................................... 13
Thiid-LeveI Check ............................................................................................................. 14
Whal lo Do Nexl`............................................................................................................... 14
Chail-3 Reclificalion Requiied al lhe Second LeveI.......................................................... 15
iilh and Tine Chail DelaiIs ........................................................................................... 15
RT-lased RuIing IIanels TalIe...................................................................................... 15
Iiisl-LeveI Check ............................................................................................................... 15
Second-LeveI Check .......................................................................................................... 15
Thiid-LeveI Check ............................................................................................................. 16
Chail-4 Reclificalion Requiied al lhe Iiisl LeveI............................................................... 17
iilh and Tine Chail DelaiIs ........................................................................................... 17
RT-lased RuIing IIanels TalIe...................................................................................... 17
IIanel / Lagna.................................................................................................................... 17
Iiisl-LeveI Check ............................................................................................................... 17
Second-LeveI Check .......................................................................................................... 17
Thiid-LeveI Check ............................................................................................................. 19
Whal lo Do Nexl`............................................................................................................... 19
Chail-5: Reclificalion Needed al lhe Second LeveI ........................................................... 2O
iilh and Tine Chail DelaiIs ........................................................................................... 2O
RT-lased RuIing IIanels TalIe...................................................................................... 2O
Iiisl-LeveI Check ............................................................................................................... 2O
Second-LeveI Check .......................................................................................................... 2O
Thiid-LeveI Check ............................................................................................................. 21
Whal lo Do Nexl`............................................................................................................... 21
Chail-6: Reclificalion Mayle Requiied al lhe Thiid LeveI .............................................. 22
Reclificalion of iilh Tine using RuIing IIanels Vei 2.O Ocl 21
2OO7 Iage No: 3/23
ly Raghunalha Rao Nenani
iilh and Tine Chail DelaiIs ........................................................................................... 22
RT-lased RuIing IIanels TalIe...................................................................................... 22
Iiisl-LeveI Check ............................................................................................................... 22
Second-LeveI Check .......................................................................................................... 22
Thiid-LeveI Check ............................................................................................................. 23
Whal lo Do Nexl`............................................................................................................... 23
Thc Ncxt 5tcp............................................................................................................................................ 23
Reclificalion of iilh Tine using RuIing IIanels Vei 2.O Ocl 21
2OO7 Iage No: 4/23
ly Raghunalha Rao Nenani
Abnut ThIs Papcr
Thiough lhis papei, In shaiing vilh you ny knovIedge and expeiience aloul hov lo
ieclify liilh line using iuIing pIanels (Kiishnanuilhy Iadhdhali) nelhod lhal ny Cuiu
Sii Svani Onkai }i laughl ne. I hope lhal you, an advanced sludenl and piaclilionei of
aslioIogy, viII nake a sinceie allenpl lo undeisland and shaII conlinue lo iefine lhis
nelhod ly deIving deepei inlo lhis suljecl lhiough fuilhei ieseaich. I aIso hope lhal
youII shaie youi findings vilh eveiyone as you nove on.

Iiisl of aII, I lhank ny Cuiu vho laughl ne lhis nelhod. Then I lhank six nalives vho
have aIIoved ne lo ieclify lheii chails and use lhe chails in lhis papei. I lhank IioniIa
Chilkaia foi hei heIp in sliucluiing lhe conlenl of lhis papei. IinaIIy, I lhank Sii OVN
Muilhy and Sii Ralindia Nalh Nanda foi lheii lineIy and vaIualIe feedlack on ny fiisl
veision. I have nade lhe necessaiy coiieclions and ie-pulIishing on Ocl 21
(Vijaya Dasani day) again.
TImc Chart nf ThIs Papcr
I slailed viiling lhis papei aflei piaying lo Loid Canesha, ny nolhei MahaaIaskhni,
and ny Cuius. Il is Saluiday leing a hoIiday foi ne, and aIso an auspicious day lecause
il is ShukIa Chaluilhi (Vinayaka Chaluilhi). The Tine Chail of lhis papei is as foIIovs:

Dale: Seplenlei 15, 2OO7
Tine: 6:O1:46 AM
Tine Zone: 5:OO:OO (Wesl of CMT)
IIace: 93 W 2O' 59", 44 N 53' 23"
Minnesola, USA
Reclificalion of iilh Tine using RuIing IIanels Vei 2.O Ocl 21
2OO7 Iage No: 5/23
ly Raghunalha Rao Nenani
BIrth TImc RcctIfIcatInn-Rc!atcd Cnnccpts
Wh ls Accurate Blrth Tlme lmortant?
The lasic luiIding lIocks of a liilh chail consisl of an accuiale iilh Dale, iilh Tine,
and iilh IIace. UnavaiIaliIily of a luiIding lIock viII nol aIIov you lo accuialeIy
piedicl an evenl oi a ienedy, lecause lhe pIanelaiy configuialion vouId le diffeienl
fion lhal in an accuiale chail. Nov-a-days aslioIogy soflvaie is avaiIalIe lo cieale liilh
chails. To cieale a liilh chail using lhose soflvaie, you need lo specify liilh dale, line,
and pIace of liilh. In olhei voids, lo gel an accuiale liilh chail and lo give accuiale
fuluie piediclions ve nusl have accuiale liilh line. This appIies lo aII syslens of
aslioIogy, vhelhei il is a liadilionaI Vedic aslioIogy oi K.I oi Weslein AslioIogy, oi any
olhei syslens of AslioIogy.

My jouiney as a ieseaich and piediclive aslioIogei has laughl ne lhal even
sophislicaled nelhods of iecoiding liilh line can Iead lo inaccuiacy due lo vaiious
ieasons. One such ieason is, doclois and nuises focus on safe deIiveiy of lhe chiId, so lhe
iecoiding of liilh line has laken a lack seal. AIso, lheie is confusion anong peopIe as
lo vhich line of lhe deIiveiy shouId le laken as lhe liilh line: vhen lhe head is oul oi
vhen lhe chiId is oul, oi vhen lhe choid is cul, elc. So il is inpeialive foi an aslioIogei
lo veiify lhe liilh line piioi lo anaIyzing a hoioscope and piedicling an evenl oi
offeiing a ienedy.
What are the Ru|lng P|anets?
The lasic iuIes of liilh line ieclificalion lhal aie Iaid dovn in lhis papei aie piinaiiIy
lased on lhe piincipIes of Kiishnanuilhy Iaddhali (KI) and RuIing IIanels (RI).

Accoiding lo lhe piincipIes of KI, al a given line, lhiee lhings deleinine a pIanels
Sign in vhich lhe pIanel is pIaced
Slai in vhich lhe pIanel is pIaced
Sul division of lhe Slai in vhich lhe pIanel is pIaced. Il is caIIed as 'Sul' in KI

In olhei voids, RI's aie lhe pIanels lhal iuIe ovei lhe nonenl of judgnenl in case of
Iiashna and iilh in case of nalaI chail. So lhese aie lhe sliongesl deleininanls of lhal
pailicuIai nonenl of evenl. Accoiding lo Lale Sii Kiishnanuilhy }i lhe RI's aie:
a) Lagna Sign Loid
l) Lagna Slai Loid
c) Moon Sign Loid
d) Moon Slai Loid
e) Day Loid

Reclificalion of iilh Tine using RuIing IIanels Vei 2.O Ocl 21
2OO7 Iage No: 6/23
ly Raghunalha Rao Nenani
Ru!Ing P!anct Mcthnd nf BIrth TImc RcctIfIcatInn
My K.I Cuiu, Sii Svani Onkai }i laughl ne a veiy sinpIe and sliaighlfoivaid nelhod
of liilh line ieclificalion. He caIIs il R8T, lhal is, Reclificalion of iilh Tine. This
nelhod, as nenlioned eaiIiei, uses K.I's RuIing IIanels piincipIes. Accoiding lo lhis
nelhod, ve nusl find a conneclion lelveen R.I Moon Sign-Slai-Sul Loids of lhe Tine
chail and ascendanl (Lagna) Sign-Slai-Sul Loids of lhe iepoiled oi un-ieclified liilh
chail. Ioi lhis exeicise ve shouId lake onIy lhe ascendanl (Lagna) Sign-Slai-Sul Loids
and shouId nol lake any olhei pIanel fion nalaI chail lo see foi lhe conneclivily.
RBTs Three-Lete| Checks
The conneclion nusl le deleinined al aII lhe lhiee IeveIs of Sign-Slai-Sul Loids (delaiIs
Ialei). If a conneclion is seen al lhese lhiee IeveIs, lhen il is confiined lhal lhe liilh line
is accuiale. Olheivise lo eslalIish a conneclion al lhe lhiee IeveIs, lhe liilh line shouId
le ieclified, eilhei ly adding lo, oi ly sulliacling fion lhe iepoiled oi un-ieclified nalaI

Lel us nov define lhe piincipIes and lhe nelhod of eslalIishing conneclions foi lhe
puipose of ieclificalion of liilh line:

What tn 5cc In thc Un-RcctIfIcd BIrth Chart?
The foIIoving aie laken fion lhe iepoiled oi un-ieclified liilh chail:
Ascendanl Sign Ioid: Asc-Sign
Ascendanl Slai Ioid: Asc-Slai
Ascendanl Sul Ioid: Asc-Sul

What tn 5cc In thc TImc Chart?
The foIIoving aie laken fion lhe Tine chail:
R.Is Moon Sign Ioid: Moon-Sign
R.Is Moon Slai Ioid: Moon-Slai
R.Is Moon Sul Ioid: Moon-Sul

Hnw tn Pcrfnrm Thrcc-Lcvc! Chcck?
ased on lhis nelhod of iilh line ieclificalion, ve need lo check lhe foIIoving lhiee

|lrst-Lete| Check
The 1
check is lo see vhelhei lhe Asc-Sign and Moon-Sign Loids aie sane oi nol. If
lhese lvo aie nol sane, lhen see if lheie is a conneclion lelveen Asc-Sign of un-ieclified
liilh chail and Moon-Sign Loids lo access vhelhei lhe Ascendanl (liilh Sign) is coiiecl
oi nol. Nov Iel us discuss Ccnncc|icn.

Conneclion is eslalIished if any of lhe foIIoving condilions aie salisfied in lhe Tine
Chail. If lheie is no conneclion lelveen Asc-Sign and Moon-Sign Loids, lhen ve need lo
do lhe ieclificalion of lhe liilh line al lhis Sign IeveI.

Asc-5Ign Is In 5tar nr 5ub nf Mnnn-5Ign: This can le appIied lo a 3
pIanel aIso. Ioi
exanpIe a 3
pIanel is seen as: Asc-Sign is in lhe Slai oi Sul of a pIanel lhal has lhe Slai
oi Sul of Moon-Sign.
Reclificalion of iilh Tine using RuIing IIanels Vei 2.O Ocl 21
2OO7 Iage No: 7/23
ly Raghunalha Rao Nenani

Iiguie-1 : You can see lhis in lhe foIIoving piocess diagian.

No Rectification
Sign Level
(n Time Chart)
s Moon's Sign / Sub /
Star Lord or 3rd
Asc Sign Lord ?
(n Time Chart)
s Asc Sign Lord
Moon's Sign / Sub /
Star Lord or 3rd
Planet ?
Change the Birth
Time by taking either
the previous or later
Sign Lord and
continue the process.
No Rectification
No Rectification
You Got the
Correct Birth Time
Moon's Sign Lord
Asc Sign Lord ?

Second-Lete| Check
The 2
slep is lo see vhelhei lhe Asc-Slai and Moon-Slai Loids aie sane oi nol. If
lhese lvo aie nol sane, lhen see if lheie is a conneclion lelveen Asc-Slai and Moon-Slai
Loids~lo access vhelhei lhe Asc-Slai Loid is coiiecl oi nol. A conneclion is eslalIished
if any of lhe foIIoving condilions aie nel in lhe Tine Chail. If lheie is No conneclion
Reclificalion of iilh Tine using RuIing IIanels Vei 2.O Ocl 21
2OO7 Iage No: 8/23
ly Raghunalha Rao Nenani
lelveen Asc-Slai and Moon-Slai Loids, lhen ieclificalion of lhe liilh line is iequiied al
lhis Slai IeveI.

Asc-5tar Is In 5tar nr 5ub nf Mnnn-5tar: This can le appIied lo a 3
pIanel aIso. Ioi
exanpIe a 3
pIanel is seen as: Asc-Slai is in lhe Slai oi Sul of a pIanel lhal has lhe Slai
oi Sul of Moon-Sign.
Reclificalion of iilh Tine using RuIing IIanels Vei 2.O Ocl 21
2OO7 Iage No: 9/23
ly Raghunalha Rao Nenani

Thlrd-Lete| Check
The 3
slep and finaI slep is lo see vhelhei lhe Asc-Sul and Moon-Sul Loids aie sane
oi nol. If lhese lvo aie nol sane, lhen see vhelhei a conneclion exisls lelveen Asc-Sul
and Moon-Sul Loids lo access vhelhei lhe Asc-Sul Loid is coiiecl oi nol.

The conneclion is eslalIished if any of lhe foIIoving condilions is nel in lhe Tine Chail.
If lheie is No conneclion lelveen Asc-Sul and Moon-Sul Loids, lhen ve need lo do
lhe ieclificalion of lhe liilh line al lhis Sul IeveI.

Asc-5ub Is In 5tar nr 5ub nf Mnnn-5ub: This can le appIied lo a 3
pIanel aIso. Ioi
exanpIe a 3
pIanel is seen as: Asc-Sul is in lhe Slai oi Sul of a pIanel lhal has lhe Slai
oi Sul of Moon-Sign.
Reclificalion of iilh Tine using RuIing IIanels Vei 2.O Ocl 21
2OO7 Iage No: 1O/23
ly Raghunalha Rao Nenani

Ucomlng Paer

My K.I Cuiu, Sii Svani Onkai }i aIso laughl ne an advanced nelhod lo fine-lune lhe
liilh line up lo seconds using lhe 3
IeveI of ieclified liilh line. I an piaclicing lhe
sane iighl nov, and aflei sone line I viII viile anolhei ailicIe, vhich vouId le an
exlension lo lhis ailicIe, and shaie lhose piincipIes vilh you using exanpIe chails. TiII
lhen, pIease piaclice lhese piincipIes and send youi feedlack lo ny Cuiu }i and ne.
Reclificalion of iilh Tine using RuIing IIanels Vei 2.O Ocl 21
2OO7 Iage No: 11/23
ly Raghunalha Rao Nenani
App!yIng thc Thrcc-Lcvc! Chccks fnr BIrth TImc
RcctIfIcatInn (Examp!cs)

Nole : I have used KI Aslio Vei 7 soflvaie foi lhese caIcuIalions.

Chart-1: Rectlflcatlon Mabe Requlred at Thlrd Lete|
BIrth and TImc Chart DctaI!s
BIrth Chart DctaI!s TImc Chart DctaI!s fnr BIrth TImc
iilh Dale : May 26 1949
iilh Tine : 8:OO AM
IIace : Ianlyie, MaIavi
Dale : Seplenlei 9, 2OO7
Tine : 9:35:22 IM
Tine Zone : 5:OO:OO (Wesl of CMT)
IIace : 93 W 2O' 59", 44 N 53' 23"
Minnesola, USA

RBT-bascd Ru!Ing P!ancts Tab!c
To vaIidale lhe liilh line accuiacy, and lo ieclify lhe liilh line, if iequiied, you can use
lhe foIIoving RBT-bascd ru!Ing p!anct lalIe:

P!anct / Lagna 5Ign
Ascendanl Meic Rahu Rahu
R.Is Moon Sun Kelu Rahu

TImc Chart's

FIrst-Lcvc! Chcck
R.I-Moon's Sign Ioid is Sun, vhich doesnl nalch vilh Asc's Sign Loid Meic. Hence, ve
need lo find oul a conneclion lelveen lhese lvo Sign Loids nov.

In lhe Tine Chail, Sun is in Leo vilh Ven as lhe Slai Loid and Sul Loid of Sal. Ven is in
lhe Slai of Meic, vhich is sane as lhe Asc's Sign Loid. Hence, a conneclion exisls
lelveen Sign Loids IeveI.

Reclificalion of iilh Tine using RuIing IIanels Vei 2.O Ocl 21
2OO7 Iage No: 12/23
ly Raghunalha Rao Nenani
5ccnnd-Lcvc! Chcck
Check vhelhei R.I Moon's Slai Loid is sane as Asc's Slai Loid. Heie, il is nol sane as
Asc's Slai Loid is Rahu and lhe R.I Moon's Slai Loid is Kelu. So find oul if a conneclion
exisls lelveen lhese lvo Sign Ioids in lhe Tine Chail.

In lhe Tine Chail, Kelu is in Leo vilh Kelu as Slail Loid and Sul Loid of Mei. Meic is
in lhe Sul of Rahu, vhich is sane as lhe Asc's Slai Loid. So a conneclion exisls lelveen
Slai Loids IeveI.

ThIrd-Lcvc! Chcck
Check vhelhei R.I Moon's Sul Loid is sane as Asc's Sul Loid. Il is sane, as Asc's Sul
Loid is Rahu and R.I's Sul Loid is Rahu.

What tn Dn Ncxt?
Ascs Rahu Sul slails fion 7:53:O6 AM and ends al 8:O1:46 AM. Say aloul 7 ninules.
Nov considei sone pasl evenls and vaIidale lhe evenls ly changing lhe liilh line and
fine-lune lhe accuiale liilh line vilhin lhe liilh line iange.
Reclificalion of iilh Tine using RuIing IIanels Vei 2.O Ocl 21
2OO7 Iage No: 13/23
ly Raghunalha Rao Nenani
Chart-2 Rectlflcatlon Mabe Requlred at the Thlrd Lete|
BIrth and TImc Chart DctaI!s
BIrth Chart DctaI!s TImc Chart DctaI!s fnr BIrth TImc
iilh Dale : Dec 11lh 1959
iilh Tine : 3:O2 IM
IIace : InphaI, Manipui Slale, India

Dale : Seplenlei 11, 2OO7
Tine : 6:2O:59 AM
Tine Zone : 5:OO:OO (Wesl of CMT)
IIace : 93 W 2O' 59", 44 N 53' 23"
Minnesola, USA

RBT-bascd Ru!Ing P!ancts Tab!c
To vaIidale lhe liilh line accuiacy, and lo ieclify lhe liilh line, if iequiied, you can use
lhe foIIoving RBT-bascd ru!Ing p!anct lalIe:

P!anct / Lagna 5Ign
Ascendanl Ven Sun Sal
R.Is Moon Sun Ven Sal

TImc Chart's

FIrst-Lcvc! Chcck
R.I-Moon's Sign Ioid is Sun, vhich doesnl nalch vilh Asc's Sign Loid of Ven.
Theiefoie, see if a conneclion exisls lelveen lhese lvo Sign Loids nov.

In lhe Tine Chail, Sun is pIaced in Leo vilh Ven as lhe Slai Loid, vhich is sane as lhe
Ascs Sign Loid. So, a conneclion exisls vilh lhe Sign Ioids. Hence ieclificalion is nol
iequiied al lhe Sign Loid IeveI.

5ccnnd-Lcvc! Chcck
Check vhelhei lhe R.I Moon's Slai Loid is sane as Asc's Slai Loid. Heie, il is nol sane
as Asc's Slai Loid is Sun and lhe R.I Moon's Slai Loid is Ven. So nov find oul if any
conneclion exisls lelveen lhese lvo Slai Ioids in lhe Tine Chail.

In lhe Tine Chail, Sun is pIaced in Leo vilh Ven as lhe Slai Loid, vhich is sane as lhe
R.I Moons Slai Loid. So a conneclion exisls al Slai Loids IeveI. Hence liilh line
ieclificalion is NOT iequiied al lhis IeveI.

Reclificalion of iilh Tine using RuIing IIanels Vei 2.O Ocl 21
2OO7 Iage No: 14/23
ly Raghunalha Rao Nenani
ThIrd-Lcvc! Chcck
Check vhelhei lhe R.I Moon's Sul Loid is sane as Asc's Sul Loid. Il is sane, as Asc's
Sul Loid is Sal and R.I's Sul Loid is Sal.

What tn Dn Ncxt?
Ascs Sul Loid Sal slails fion 2:55:15 IM and ends al 3:O2:56 IM, say aloul 7 ninules.
Nov considei sone pasl evenls and vaIidale lhe evenls ly changing lhe liilh line and
fine-lune lhe accuiale liilh line vilhin lhe liilh line iange.
Reclificalion of iilh Tine using RuIing IIanels Vei 2.O Ocl 21
2OO7 Iage No: 15/23
ly Raghunalha Rao Nenani
Chart-3 Rectlflcatlon Requlred at the Second Lete|
BIrth and TImc Chart DctaI!s
BIrth TImc DctaI!s TImc Chart DctaI!s fnr BIrth TImc
iilh Dale : }an 9lh 1976
iilh Tine : 4:3O IM
IIace : Vijayavada, A.I, India
Dale : Seplenlei 12, 2OO7
Tine : 6:43:12AM
Tine Zone : 5:OO:OO (Wesl of CMT)
IIace : 93 W 2O' 59", 44 N 53' 23"
Minnesola, USA

RBT-bascd Ru!Ing P!ancts Tab!c
To vaIidale lhe liilh line accuiacy, and lo ieclify lhe liilh line, if iequiied, you can use
lhe foIIoving RBT-bascd ru!Ing p!anct lalIe:

P!anct / Lagna 5Ign
Ascendanl Meic Rahu Rahu
R.Is Moon Meic Sun Meic

TImc Chart's

FIrst-Lcvc! Chcck
The R.I-Moon's Sign Ioid is Meic, vhich nalches vilh Asc's Sign Loid of Meic. So a
diiecl conneclion exisls lelveen lhese lvo Sign Loids. Hence no coiieclion iequiied.

5ccnnd-Lcvc! Chcck
Check vhelhei lhe R.I Moon's Slai Loid is sane as Asc's Slai Loid. Heie, il is nol sane,
as Asc's Slai Loid is Rahu and lhe R.I Moon's Slai Loid is Sun. So nov find oul if any
conneclion exisls lelveen lhese lvo sign Ioids in lhe Tine Chail.

In lhe Tine Chail:

a) Sun is in Leo vilh Ven as lhe Slai Loid and Sul Loid of Mei. So NO
conneclion exisls lelveen Sign Loids IeveI.

l) Rahu is pIaced in Aquaiius vilh Rahu, lhe Slai Loid and Sul Loid of Sal. So
NO conneclion exisls al Slai Loids IeveI. Theiefoie, ieclificalion is iequiied
al lhis IeveI.
Reclificalion of iilh Tine using RuIing IIanels Vei 2.O Ocl 21
2OO7 Iage No: 16/23
ly Raghunalha Rao Nenani

The pievious Slai Ioid lo Rahu is Mais and lhis Mais does nol have any conneclion vilh
lhe RI Moons Slai Loid of Sun, hence ve have lo nove lo lhe nexl Slai Loid of Rahu
vhich is }up. This }up aIso does nol have any conneclion, so I an going lo lhe nexl Slai
Loid of Sal. To gel lo lhe Sal as Slai Loid, I have changed lhe iilh line lo 6:24:O3 IM.
R.I Moons Slai is Sun, vhich is in Leo and is in Meic Sul. This Meic is in lhe Sul of Sal.
So lhe conneclion is eslalIished. Hence, lhe liilh line shouId le lelveen 6:24:O3 IM lo
7:23:OO IM.

P!anct / Lagna 5Ign
Ascendanl Meic Sal Sal
R.Is Moon Meic Sun Meic

TImc Chart's

ThIrd-Lcvc! Chcck
Check vhelhei lhe R.I Moon's Sul Loid is sane as Asc's Sul Loid. Il is nol sane, as
Asc's Sul Loid is Sal and R.I's Sul Loid is Meic. So, ve need lo find oul if any
conneclion exisls lelveen lhese lvo sign Ioids in lhe Tine Chail.

In lhe Tine Chail, Meic is pIaced in lhe Sul Loid of Sal, vhich is sane as Ascs Sul
Loid of Sal. Hence, a conneclion exisls al lhe Sul Loids IeveI.

What tn Dn Ncxt?
Ascs Sul Loid Sal slails fion 6:24:O3 IM and ends al 6:33:26 IM, vhich is aloul 1O
ninules. Considei sone pasl evenls and vaIidale lhe evenls ly changing lhe liilh line
and fine-lune lhe liilh line vilhin lhe liilh line iange.
Reclificalion of iilh Tine using RuIing IIanels Vei 2.O Ocl 21
2OO7 Iage No: 17/23
ly Raghunalha Rao Nenani
Chart-4 Rectlflcatlon Requlred at the |lrst Lete|
BIrth and TImc Chart DctaI!s

BIrth Chart DctaI!s TImc Chart DctaI!s fnr BIrth TImc
iilh Dale : }uIy 16 194O
iilh Tine : 11:5O AM
IIace : Ienugonda,
Wesl Codavaii D.T A.I, India
Dale : Seplenlei 1O, 2OO7
Tine : 7:O1:O6 AM
Tine Zone : 5:OO:OO (Wesl of CMT)
IIace : 93 W 2O' 59", 44 N 53' 23"
Minnesola, USA

RBT-bascd Ru!Ing P!ancts Tab!c
To vaIidale lhe liilh line accuiacy, and lo ieclify lhe liilh line, if iequiied, you can use
lhe foIIoving RBT-bascd ru!Ing p!anct lalIe:

P!anct /
Ascendanl Meic Mais }up
R.Is Moon Sun Kelu Meic

TImc Chart's

FIrst-Lcvc! Chcck
R.I-Moon's Sign Ioid is Sun, vhich doesnl nalch vilh Asc's Sign Loid of Meic.
Theiefoie, see if a conneclion exisls lelveen lhese lvo Sign Loids.

In lhe Tine Chail:

a) Sun is in Leo vilh Ven as lhe Slai Loid and Sul Loid of Sal. This Ven is in
lhe Slai oi Meic, vhich is lhe sane as Ascs Sign Loid of Meic. So lheie is a
conneclion lelveen Sign Loids IeveI.

5ccnnd-Lcvc! Chcck
Check vhelhei R.I Moon's Slai Loid is sane as Asc's Slai Loid. Heie, il is nol sane, as
Asc's Slai Loid is Mais and lhe R.I Moon's Slai Loid is Kelu. Theiefoie, see if a
conneclion exisls lelveen lhese lvo sign Ioids in lhe Tine Chail.

Reclificalion of iilh Tine using RuIing IIanels Vei 2.O Ocl 21
2OO7 Iage No: 18/23
ly Raghunalha Rao Nenani
In lhe Tine Chail:

a) Kelu is in Leo vilh Kelu as lhe Slai Loid and Sul Loid of Mei. Meic is in lhe
Sul of Rahu. So NO conneclion exisls lelveen Slai Loids IeveI.

l) Mais is pIaced in Tauius vilh Mais as Slai Loid and Sul Loid of }up. So NO
conneclion exisls lelveen Sign Loids IeveI. Theiefoie, ieclificalion is
iequiied al lhis IeveI.

If ve change lhe iilh line lo 11:35 AM, lhe Slai Loid of Asc viII le Moon. This Moon is
pIaced in Leo and ils Slai Loid is Kelu, vhich is lhe R.I Moon's Slai Loid. So lhe
conneclion is eslalIished. Hence, lhe liilh line has lo le lelveen 1O:39:41 AM lo
11:35:OO AM, lecause lhe Moon Sul slails fion 1O:39:41 AM and ends al 11:35:OO AM.

P!anct / Lagna 5Ign
Ascendanl Meic Moon Moon
R.Is Moon Sun Kelu Meic

TImc Chart's

Reclificalion of iilh Tine using RuIing IIanels Vei 2.O Ocl 21
2OO7 Iage No: 19/23
ly Raghunalha Rao Nenani
ThIrd-Lcvc! Chcck
Check vhelhei lhe R.I Moon's Sul Loid is sane as Asc's Sul Loid. Il is nol sane, as
Asc's Sul Loid is Moon and R.I's Sul Loid is Meic.

See if a conneclion exisls lelveen lhese lvo sign Ioids in lhe Tine Chail.

In lhe Tine Chail, Moon is in Leo vilh Kelu as lhe Slai Loid and Sul Loid of Meic. This
Meic is lhe sane as R.I Moon's Sul Loid of Meic. So a conneclion exisls al lhe Slai
Loids IeveI.

What tn Dn Ncxt?
Ascs Sul Loid Moon slails fion 1O:39:41 AM and ends al 1O:44:16 AM, vhich is aloul 4
ninules. Nov considei sone pasl evenls and vaIidale lhe evenls ly changing lhe liilh
line and fine-lune lhe accuiale liilh line vilhin lhe liilh line iange.
Reclificalion of iilh Tine using RuIing IIanels Vei 2.O Ocl 21
2OO7 Iage No: 2O/23
ly Raghunalha Rao Nenani
Chart-5: Rectlflcatlon Needed at the Second Lete|
BIrth and TImc Chart DctaI!s
Nata! Chart DctaI!s TImc Chart DctaI!s fnr BIrth TImc
iilh Dale : Dec 7lh 1945
iilh Tine : 4:3O IM
IIace : Chunian (Iakislan)
Dale : Sep 8lh 2OO7,
Tine : 5:57:18 AM
Tine Zone : 6:OO:OO (Wesl of CMT)
IIace : 93 W 2O' 59", 44 N 53' 23"
Minnesola, USA

RBT-bascd Ru!Ing P!ancts Tab!c
To vaIidale lhe liilh line accuiacy, and lo ieclify lhe liilh line, if iequiied, you can use
lhe foIIoving RBT-bascd ru!Ing p!anct lalIe:

P!anct / Lagna 5Ign
Ascendanl Ven Sun Meic
R.Is Moon Moon Sal }up

Tine Chails

FIrst-Lcvc! Chcck
The fiisl check is lhe R.I-Moon's Sign Ioid is Moon, vhich does NOT nalch vilh Asc's
Sign Loid of Ven. So see vhelhei any conneclion exisls lelveen Ven and Moon in lhe
Tine Chail.

In lhe Tine Chail, Ven is in Cancei vilh a Sul Ioid of Moon, vhich nalches vilh lhe
R.I Moons Sign Ioid of Moon. So a conneclion exisls lelveen lhese lvo Sign Ioids.
Hence, no ieclificalion iequiied al lhis 1
IeveI of Sign Loid.

5ccnnd-Lcvc! Chcck
Check vhelhei lhe R.I Moon's Slai Loid is sane as Asc's Slai Loid. In lhis case, il is nol
sane, as Asc's Slai Loid is Sun and lhe R.I Moon's Slai Loid is Sal. So nov see if a
conneclion exisls lelveen lhese lvo Slai Ioids in lhe Tine Chail.

In lhe Tine Chail:

Reclificalion of iilh Tine using RuIing IIanels Vei 2.O Ocl 21
2OO7 Iage No: 21/23
ly Raghunalha Rao Nenani
a) Sal is in Leo vilh a Slai Loid as Kelu and Sul Loid of Rahu. These Slai and
Sul Loids aie nol connecled vilh Sun, vhich is lhe Asc's Slai Loid.

l) Sun is in Leo vilh a Slai Loid as Ven and Sul Loid of }up. These Slai and
Sul Loids aie nol connecled vilh Sal, vhich is lhe R.I Moon's Slai Loid.

Hence, lhe ieclificalion shouId le peifoined al lhe second IeveI.

When lhe liilh line is changed lo 4:42 IM, lhe Asc's Slai Loid changes lo Moon. So Iel
us see vhelhei a conneclion is eslalIished aflei lhis change.

P!anct / Lagna 5Ign
Ascendanl Ven Moon Moon
R.Is Moon Moon Sal }up

TImc Chart's

In lhe Tine Chail, Moon is in Cancei vilh a Slai Loid as Sal and Sul Loid of }up. So
heie lhe Slai Ioids aie sane as Sal. Hence, lhe ieclificalion peifoined al lhe second IeveI
of Slai Loid is successfuI.

ThIrd-Lcvc! Chcck
Check vhelhei R.I Moon's Sul Loid is sane as Asc's Sul Loid. Il is nol lhe sane, as
Asc's Sul Loid is Moon and R.I's Sul Loid is }up. So nov see if a conneclion exisls
lelveen Moon and }up in lhe Tine Chail.

In lhe Tine Chail, Moon is in Cancei vilh a Sul Loid of }up, vhich is sane as R.I
Moons Sul Loid. Hence, a conneclion exisls al lhe Sul Loids IeveI.

What tn Dn Ncxt?
Ascs Moon Sul slails fion 4:41:54 IM and ends al 4:45:56 IM. Lel us say aloul 4
ninules. Nov lake sone pasl evenls and vaIidale lhe evenls ly changing lhe liilh line
and fine-lune lhe liilh line vilhin lhe liilh line iange.

Reclificalion of iilh Tine using RuIing IIanels Vei 2.O Ocl 21
2OO7 Iage No: 22/23
ly Raghunalha Rao Nenani
Chart-6: Rectlflcatlon Mabe Requlred at the Thlrd Lete|

BIrth and TImc Chart DctaI!s

BIrth Chart DctaI!s TImc Chart DctaI!s fnr BIrth TImc
iilh Dale : Iel 28lh 1966
iilh Tine : 6:19 IM
IIace : DeIhi, India
Dale : Seplenlei 9, 2OO7
Tine : 8:49:37 IM
Tine Zone : 5:OO:OO (Wesl of CMT)
IIace : 93 W 2O' 59", 44 N 53' 23"
Minnesola, USA

RBT-bascd Ru!Ing P!ancts Tab!c
To vaIidale lhe liilh line accuiacy, and lo ieclify lhe liilh line, if iequiied, you can use
lhe foIIoving RBT-bascd ru!Ing p!anct lalIe:

P!anct / Lagna 5Ign
Ascendanl Sun Ven Moon
R.Is Moon Sun Kelu Rahu

TImc Chart's

FIrst-Lcvc! Chcck
The R.I-Moon's Sign Ioid is Sun, vhich nalches vilh lhe Asc's Sign Loid of Sun. Hence,
no ieclificalion iequiied al lhe Sign Loid LeveI.

5ccnnd-Lcvc! Chcck
Check vhelhei lhe R.I Moon's Slai Loid is sane as Asc's Slai Loid. Heie, il is nol sane,
as Asc's Slai Loid is Ven and lhe R.I Moon's Slai Loid is Kelu. Theiefoie, a conneclion
needs lo le eslalIished lelveen lhese lvo sign Ioids in lhe Tine Chail.

In lhe Tine Chail:

Reclificalion of iilh Tine using RuIing IIanels Vei 2.O Ocl 21
2OO7 Iage No: 23/23
ly Raghunalha Rao Nenani
a) Kelu is in Leo vilh Kelu as lhe Slai Loid and Sul Loid of Mei. These Slai
and Sul Loids aie nol connecled vilh Ven, vhich is lhe Asc's Slai Loid.

l) Ven is in Cancei vilh Meic as lhe Slai Loid and Sul Loid of Moon. The
Moon is in lhe Slai of Kelu, vhich is sane as lhe Asc's Slai Loid, so a
conneclion exisls al Slai Loid's IeveIs. Hence no ieclificalion is iequiied al
lhis IeveI.

ThIrd-Lcvc! Chcck
Check vhelhei lhe R.I Moon's Sul Loid is sane as Asc's Sul Loid. Il is nol sane, as
Asc's Sul Loid is Moon and R.I's Sul Loid is Rahu. So nov find oul if a conneclion
exisls lelveen Moon and }up in lhe Tine Chail.

In lhe Tine Chail, Moon is in Leo vilh Kelu as lhe Slai Loid and Sul Loid of Rahu. So a
conneclion exisls al lhe Sul Loids IeveI. Hence NO ieclificalion is iequiied al lhis Sul
Loid IeveI loo.

What tn Dn Ncxt?
Ascs Moon Sul slails fion 6:16:O2 IM and ends al 6:21:O5 IM. Say aloul 5 ninules.
Nov considei sone pasl evenls and vaIidale lhe evenls ly changing lhe liilh line and
fine-lune lhe accuiale liilh line vilhin lhe liilh line iange.

Thc Ncxt 5tcp

I sinceieIy hope lhal lhis papei heIps you in youi }yolish ieseaich and piaclice, and you
appIy lhis nelhod foi lhe lenefil of lhose vho cone lo you seeking foi heIp. I aIso uige
you lo veiify lhe iesuIls of lhis nelhod vilh any olhei nelhod lhal you nay le faniIiai

5arvam 5rI Mahaa!askhmI Arpanamastu
Om Tat 5at

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