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Adelante Framework for Governance

Speak in Unison
Establish a Voting Mechanism Establish Groundrules and Protocols


Hold One Another Accountable

Internal reporting mechanism

PT Develop Ally PT S Support S

Attract Members
Develop a set of membership requirements Set cost/fee/scholarhs hip


Sustain over Time

Incorporate as a Legal Entity- 501 c3/4, membership based Attract Invaluable Resources: people, staff, skillsets, advisory, money, networks


Have Dependable Leadership

Plan leadership development


Public surveys: use current technology

Community Mapping Establish a line of differentiation or ID a need that's lacking and enhance it

Obtain/ develop resources

It's ok to disagree Develop an Action Toolkit: position papers and skills building Incorporate Leadership and learning styles that differ

Semi-annual, Annual meetings

Create open communications Set one on ones with leaders and organization heads

Include political entities/ expectations/ voting structure

Develop a strategic plan (3 years): prioritize issues, ID funding, measure impact and collaboration, accountability for results (policy link)

Identify candidates

Community Dialogues

Define Accountability

Establish trust and set approval

Language Equity: translation of materials and meetings

Media and Newsletter with Updates Intentional and Courageous Conversations

Finalize ADELANTE missions Continue to develop allies in communities of color

Marketing and communication Sequencing ADELANTE's priorities and recruit based on these Create and independent membership committee to evaluate applications members must sign on annually and be assessed

Influence policy Enrichment of community: social, political, educational, financial, cultural Robust Functioning infrastructure for community action and advocacy

Program Implementation

ID Placement Opportunities

Advocacy for Influence

Active training program


Ongoing Support and Accountability

Inclusivity: listening Media and Marketing plan Public Presence in the Community Branding: elevator speech Vertical alignment: resources, work, community

Dismantling Racism, bias, divisions Build transparency, define and promote Gather data, and report out Determine equity metrics

Support will be based on priorities of ADELANTE Build with likeminded allies Maintain open communication with community partners Keep public aware of what we're doing

Develop broad mix of partners that represent community interests, grassroots Need a feedback system Create incentives for good, active partners


Have fair elections Deliver a report card Build-in Evaluation Change behavior based on evaluations Promote positive steps 3 6 4






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