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DPR Finishes Concept of Agrarian Law Draft as Replacement of Act No.5/1960



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Mon, 04-29-2013 15:07 WIB

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DPR Finishes Concept of Agrarian Law Draft as Replacement of Act No.5/1960

By : the Inform ation Desk - Read: 180 times

Kamis, 15 August 2013 Indonesia untuk Sem ua*)



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According to the statutes of Republic of Indonesia People's Consultative Assembly (MPR-RI) No. 9 of 2001 about Agrarian Reform and Natural Resources Management (SDA), the Republic of Indonesia House of Representatives (DPR-RI) had completed discussion of Agrarian Law Draft which is expected to be replacement of the Basic Agrarian Law (UUPA) No. 5 of 1960. "The Chairman of Commission II DPR-RI Agun Gunanjar in coffee morning/discussion with theme Potential Conflicts of Land Tenure said, concept of the Agrarian Law Draft had been settled by DPR-RI about three weeks ago, and now already delivered to the president to get Presidents Mandate (Ampres) to be discussed by government and DPR-RI. We expected within this 2-3 weeks the Ampress disposition can be receive, so we can discuss the acts draft soon, Agun Gunanjar said in a discussion that held in Building 3 Hall, 1st Floor of State Secretariat, Monday (29/4) morning. According to Agun, in accordance with MPRs Statute Number 1 of 2003, MPRs Statute Number 9 of 2001 is excluded from reviewing. Beacuse of that, MPRs Statute that mandated revision towards UUPA must be done. However, according to Agun University, it has been a while that the Government did not submit the Agrarian Law Draft as replacement of UUPA No.5/1960 to be discussed with DPR-RI. Therefore, DPR-RI took the initiative as the initiator of change by completing the concept of that Agrarian Law Draft, and already decided by DPR-RI. Should Re-Register In that discussion, Chairman of Commission II DPR-RI said a small detail related with the concept of Agrarian Law Draft that created by DPR-RI, among them asking the government to reregistered land ownerships that were own up until now in the next 5 years. The Agrarian Law Draft mandated Ministry/Government Institution or Non Government Institution, Local Government, as well as Regency/City Government to re-registered land and building ownership that were during these times claimed belong to them, Agun stated. . Even, Agun added, in Article 101 of that Laws Draft concept stated that all sectoral law in the field of forestry, plantation, mining, oil, and earth gas were no longer prevailed after that Laws Draft is legalized as an Act. According to the Chairman of Commission II of DPR issue of possesion overlapping and land ownership in the country have been very acute. He is pessimistic that the issue can be resolved, either through the establishment of norms, standards, procedures, and criteria from each lands sectoral owner, as well as through the creation of One Map as proposed by the Board of Geospatial Information (Badan Informasi Geospasial or BIG). All of that will not solve the problem because the data does not exist. As well as proposal of Ministry of Home Affairs regarding improvement of NSPK, will not solve problems, Agun said. He asked all parties to be back to MPR Statute Number 9 of 2001 about Agrarian Reform and


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DPR Finishes Concept of Agrarian Law Draft as Replacement of Act No.5/1960

Management of Natural Resources, by revising UUPA No.5/ 1960 as new database of ownership and possession of land. (Humas Setkab/ES) (TCU)

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