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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. What is measurement? Define i).entity ii).attribute Explain software engineering State the objectives for software measurement. List the scope of the software metrics How can you classify software measures? Explain. Difference between external product attributes and internal product attributes. State the difference between deterministic prediction systems and stochastic prediction systems. Describe the process of validating the software measure. State the importance of internal attributes Give the formula to find productivity. What is cost and effort estimation?

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. What are the four principles of investigation? State the procedure for performing experiments. What is experimental error? Define randomization. State the types of experimental designs. What is good data? How to define the data? Define error, fault and failure. What is decision tree? Explain one group test and their alternatives. Differentiate one group test from two group test.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. State the attributes to measure software size and explain each. What are the different types of complexity? List the items used for representation of the software. Mention some approaches used for implementing functionality. What is big O notation?

6. What are the types of structural measures? 7. Difference between sequencing and nesting. Give the flow chart. 8. How to calculate the cyclomatic number? 9. Define essential complexity 10. Differentiate black box testing and white box testing. 11. Define test effectiveness ratio. 12. Explain module call graph 13. List the types of coupling relations. 14. What is cohesion? Give the formula to find cohesion ratio 15. Define maintenance and give its types. 16. Define MTTR.

1. Define product quality? 2. Define process quality metrics? 3. Explain defect density during machine testing? 4. What are the various phases in defect removal patterns? 5.Define the terms:DRE,BMI 6.What do you mean by Line of Code? 7.How to calculate the SPtotal? 8.List out the goals the occur in Motorola?

1.What are the basic assumptions involved in Rayleigh Model? 2.List out the types of orthogonal defect classification? 3. What are the attributes classified by ODC when a defect fix is known to the system? 4.Define PTR? 5.What do u mean by model of evaluation? 6.List out the function of three variables in PTR sub model? 7.How CDF is calculated in Rayleigh model.

1. 2. 3. 4. Explain measurement in software engineering. Explain theory of measurement with suitable examples. Explain in detail the classification of software measures. What are the methods and models used for applying framework? Explain software measurement validation.

1. 2. 3. 4. Explain in detail about the four principles of investigation. Describe planning formal experiments. Explain data collection in detail. Explain analysis and statistical methods in detail with examples.

1. Explain the measurement of internal product attributes with respect to size. Give suitable examples. 2. Explain the measurement of internal product attributes with respect to structure. Give suitable examples. 3. Explain the measurement of external product attributes with suitable example. 4. Describe in detail about the measurement of quality.

1. Explain in detail about the product Quality metrics? 2. Explain the various metrics programs with suitable examples? 3. Describe in detail for the following : a. Percent Delinquent Fixes b.Phase-Based Defect Removal patterns c.Defect Removal Effectiveness 4. Discuss the different types of product quality metrics in detail.

1.Explain the Rayleigh model framework and its related model? 2.Describe the Problem tracking Report model? 3.Define reliability growth models and Discuss the various types with examples? 4.Explain the criteria for model evaluation? 5.Discuss the propose types of defects in orthogonal classification?

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