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Characteristic And Symbol Flatness

Basic definition A two dimensional tolerance zone defined by two parallel planes within which the entire surface must lie.

Tolerance zone shape

Datum Refer.

Implied Condition

Allowable Modifiers

Key Points Compares to a perfect counterpoint of itself. No particular orientation Compares to a perfect counterpoint of itself. (e.g. straight line) Additive to size when applied to an axis. Compares to a perfect counterpoint of itself.

None Total width



A condition where an element of a surface or an axis is a straight line. Straightness Total width None RFS None

Form Tolerances

Cylindrical A condition on a surface of revolution (cylinder, cone, sphere) where all points of the surface intersected by any plane perpendicular to a common axis (cylinder, cone) or passing through a common center (sphere) are equidistant from the axis of the center. A condition on a surface of revolution in which all points of the surface are equidistant from a common axis.


Total width tolerance zone between two concentric circles.



None Not additive to size or location limits. Applies over entire surface. Like wrapping flatness around cylinder Very expensive, consider using Runout


Total width tolerance zone between two concentric cylinders.




Profile Tolerances

Profile of a line

A uniform two dimensional zone limited by two parallel zone lines extending along the length of a feature.

Total width: can be applied bi-directionally or uni-directionally to either side of profile.



LMC or MMC on datum ref if feature of size

The profile being controlled is defined by Basic dimensions or by equation. The profile being controlled is defined by Basic dimensions or by equation. Relation to more than one datum should be considered to stabilize the tolerance zone in more than one direction. Relation to more than one datum should be considered to stabilize the tolerance zone in more than one direction Relation to more than one datum should be considered to stabilize the tolerance zone in more than one direction

Profile of a surface

A uniform three dimensional zone contained between two envelope surfaces separated by the tolerance zone across the entire length of a surface. The distance between two parallel planes, inclined at a specified basic angle, in which the surface, axis, or center plane of the feature must lie.

Total width: can be applied bi-directionally or uni-directionally to either side of profile.



LMC or MMC on datum ref if feature of size (FOS) LMC or MMC on feature if FOS.


Total width


RFS LMC or MMC on datum ref if FOS LMC or MMC on feature if FOS.

Orientation Tolerances

Cylindrical The condition of a surface, axis, median plane, or line which is exactly at 90 degrees with respect to a datum plane or axis.


Total width


RFS LMC or MMC on datum ref if FOS LMC or MMC on feature if FOS.

Cylindrical The condition of a surface or axis which is equidistant at all points from a datum of reference. Total width Yes RFS



LMC or MMC on datum ref if FOS

Runout: Circular

A composite tolerance used to control the relationship of one or more features of a part to a datum axis during a full 360 degree rotation about the datum axis.


Defined by the full indicator movement (FIM) along an independant circular element when a feature is rotated 360 degrees.




Can be defined as the relationship between two features. Relatively inexpensive to implement. Can be defined as the relationship between two features. Relatively inexpensive to implement. Must compare axes. Very epensive to implement. Use position, profile, or runout instead if possible

Runout: Total

Each circular element of the feature/part must be within the runout tolerance.

Defined by the full indicator movement (FIM) along all circular elements across the entire feature when that feature is rotated 360 degrees.





A cylindrical tolerance zone whose axis coincides with the datum axis and within which all crosssectional axes of the feature being controlled must lie. (Note: Concentricity is very expensive and time-consuming to measure. Recommended that you try position or runout as an alternative tolerance.)

Defined by a cylindrical tolerance zone whose axis coincides with the datum axis and within which all cross-sectional axes of the feature being controlled must lie.





A zone within which the center, axis, or center plane of a feature of size is permitted ton vary from its true (theoretically exact) position.

Position Total Width Cylindrical Yes RFS

MMC or LMC on the tolerance if the tolerance is applied to a feature of size or on a datum reference if the datum is a feature of size.

With the MMC modifier: Permits functional gage inspection. Allows additional tolerance based upon size. Relatively inexpensive to implement.


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