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Emergencies and Simulation

Each year more than 3,900 people die from fires and property loss due to fire, totaling more than $9.6 billion according to the National Fire Protection Association. Knowing what to do and reacting appropriately to make a difference. Therefore, training and simulation play an important part.

Being prepared means being ready for any kind of emergency, be it hurricane, utility disruption or manmade disaster.
Cathy Anderson Giles. President and CEO Equity Technologies Corporation

Virtual Simulation

Are You Ready? An In-depth Guide to Citizen Preparedness

The emergencies are incredibly complex. Every fire and every situation is different, a virtual environment, which can be changed fairly easy, is a good fit for this type of training, says Dr. Chris D. Shaw, senior research scientist in Georgia Techs College of Computing and faculty member of the Graphics, Visualization and Usability (GVU)
The actual computerized simulation helps fool the brain. One believes that you are acting in the real world and this helps build a relationship between the neural correlates of neurocognitive func-

One of the primary advantages of simulators is that they are able to provide users with practical feedback when designing real world systems.

tioning in virtual environments for generalization to real world functioning. This means that a person trained with simulators including images, animation, audio that requires feedback creates an experience for the student. When the student faces an identical or similar situation to the simulation, he or she will react with much more confidence given that the brain and the nervous system considers that it is not anything new or unknown but part of the experience for each person.

Integrates animation and graphics, artificial intelligence technologies, sound reproduction, Hollywood storytelling, and tries to bring these together to create virtual environments for training purposes.
Dr. John Parmentola, Director for Research and Laboratory Management, US Army.

Call Jose Musse Phone: (347)306-0053

Safety Talk and Emergency Survival Guide

Safety Talk and Emergency Survival Guide

How it works?

Original picture.

Simulacion. The fire started.

Video animation. The fire growth.

The employers inform their employees about the emergency procedures and they tell them what to do. For instance, if fire is detected, pull alarm handle and call 911. The Fire Warden is responsible for evacuating his floor. There is nothing wrong with this instruction. Its just that emergencies are dynamic and things dont always turn out the way we expect them too. A fire could change in a matter of seconds and problems can accur. Knowing what decision to make in order to survive as well as starting your Business Continuity Plan (BCP). We evaluate each property, we teach the general and the particular rules. Customize virtual reality working with potiential cases employees could face.

Portable fire extinguishers were made to fight incipient fires. The oxygen level in the area is 19%, evasive maneuvers are not required and the combustion is maintained in the material where the fire originated. In this case in particular with this trash can, it would be more convenient after pulling the alarm and starting the evacuation, place the trash can into the room with caution and close the door. This delays the spreading of fire.

Your life is in immediate danger, the occupants of the floor must evacuate right away. The fire is in its second stage. It has extended to other areas: ceiling, furniture and possibly another floor without you noticing it. The oxygen level has dangerously diminished and the people who are near by could sufer carboxyhemoglobin, a quick poisoning that causes dizziness without the person even knowing it and their reflexes and decisions are all in slow motion. Do not use the portable fire extinguisher, this is a firefighters job. Pulling the alarm and starting evacuation are the steps to follow. The following evolution of fire could be a Flashover, which could convert the place into a body of fire.

You can learn this program in English or Spanish.


FEMA courses: A Citizens Guide to Disaster Assistance, Are You Ready? An In-depth Guide to Citizen Preparedness and NFPA Summary of Fire Incidents 1934-2006 in Hotel Fires in the U.S.A.

Based upon a previous discussion with your staff, we review and work together with national records, statistics and reports. According to your activities we create your specific training.

Safety Talk and Emergency Survival Guide

Safety Talk and Emergency Survival Guide

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