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Claude and Evaiyn Likins 207 Fujie Akashi City 673, Japan
June 1972

Mrs. Evelyn Kitchen

R. # 3

Frazeysburg, Ohio 43822

Returning to Japan^for our Fourth Term

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In June, 1955 we went to Japan as a four member family.

David was 2.

Patty was 8 years old,

In 1961 we went to Japan as a 5 member family since Joel was born

in Tokyo in 1956. In 1966 we went to Japan as a 4 member family again having left Patty at Cincinnati Bible Seminary. This time we also go back as a four member family, leaving David home to continue his training for Christian service, Michelle
was born in Kobe in 1967, Joel is now 16, Patty is happily married to Bob PeUrey,

and they have a fine boy, Darryl Shannon, born May 25, 1971, and are enjoying a fruitful ministry with the Bedford Acres Christian Church in Paris, Kentucky.


Last summer, the Reggie Thomas Team

held very successful crusades in India where

about 2500 people made decisions to accept Jesus Christ as personal Savior. The Team came directly from India to Akashi where they
then held another crusade.

Bill and Betty Turner worked hard for months previous to the crusade, conducting a weekly program of film evangelism in various

places in Akashi, putting insert sheets in the newspapers advertizing the films and the cru
sade, and in other ways preparing for the com
ing of the Team.

We want to express our sincere gratitude

to the Turners and to the Reggie Thomas Team
for their labor of love in Akashi while we have been on furlough.

The Reggie Thomas Team

Patty Broggs, The Rostvit Twins, Tony Thomas, Reggie Thomas

There were 7 converts during the
Akashi Crusade. Two were from Ono

City where the Harold Cole's and the

Kikkawa's labor, and these four from

Akashi; Miss Yamashita, Miss Shimizu, Miss Seriu and Sheryl Turner, plus

Timmy Turner who was back in the States

when this picture was taken.
These are the Christians now associated

with the Fujie Church of Christ in Akashi City, Japan. We look forward to working with them

again, and helping them to win many more people

to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
Please remember these young Christians in

regular prayer. They face problems that we might

not be able to appreciate. For instance, one faces the discouragement of having failed two years to

pass entrance examinations into university, another has a job that demands he work on the Lord's Day
so that he cannot attend services.
continued next page

In every case, each is the only Christian in his

respective family, and has no encouragement

whatsoever from home to serve the Lord. In

fact, open opposition by family is often the rule.



when we go back to Japan this term.

Hirotaka family working with us

Ben's parents came from Japan to

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American citizenship. The family

returned to Japan when his mother became ill in early 1941, and so
Ben lived there and received his

America where he was born on Au-


education through high school,


coming to the States again in 1956

enter a university.

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But the course of Ben's life was

changed when he began studying
Portland, Oregon, He

accepted Jesus as his Savior, and


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was baptized into Christ at Kern

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letters from his faimly in Japan in which strong opposition was voiced,
Ben felt led of the Lord to prepare
Christian service, so he entered

F'ark Christian Church in Portland,

Ben and wife Nobuko

: l " B A degree and was ordained into

of the Kern Park Church.

completing'the course, receiving his

the Christian ministry by the elders

Daughter, Judy

Graduate work was taken at Tokyo Union Theological Seminary and at Christian Theological Seminary in Indianapolis. But in the meantime, Ben married Nobuko, a Japanese girl who was visiting a sister in Portland, and who was also led to the Lord by Miss Mary Harding. Ben is now completing work on his Master's degree at Cincinnati Bible Seminary. He has supported his family and taken care of expenses of his schooling by working as a
computer operator for Blue Cross. This has been no small accomplishment, and his determination to prepare himself to serve the Lord is quite evident.

The Likins Mission is accepting the responsibility for supporting the Hirotaka family
and establishing them in Akashi City where they will work with the Likins family. Ben will raise what support he can, and it will be directed through the Likins Mission, and the Mission will provide the additional funds necessary. The Hirotaka family will leave the Cincinnati area where they now live, around May 20,
and spend the summer in the Northwest, speaking for summer camps and for churches in that area, leaving for Japan on August 29, the Lord willing.
Will you please cut the pictures of the Likins and Hirotaka families and post them where they will remind you to pray for them daily? Your prayers on behalf of this labor of love for the Lord is most sincerely sought. This is more urgent than financial support, and we ask you to write us, assuring us that you are praying for-iis. And we will thank J:he_ Lord for your assura^c*? in this matte-r-..=xrz;;=^- . i ^ ^

As most of you already know, Mrs. Evelyn Kitchen became our new Forwarding Agent

as of January, 1971. She is a member of the J^ock^ Fork Church and is doing a fine
job in this capacity. We are most grateful to Ed Beveridge for his wonderful work as Forwarding Agent for 16 years, and were very sorry that his press of work made him feel that he had to give up the work. If you want additional copies of this newslatter, or a slide presentation of the work, or a display, Mrs. Kitchen will send it to you upon receipt of your request.
Our Board of Advisors consists of Kenneth Priest and Robert Bodle, elders of the

Rocky Fork Church (Claude's living Link Church) and Arthur Gregg and Chuck Long, elders of the Palmyra Church (Evalyn's Living Link Church). Mrs. Kitchen and Mr, Beveridge are also members. The Board meets every three months or whenever business matters make meetings necessary. We thank God for the love and zeal of these brethren, and that they are willing to devote the time necessary to advise us
and to conduct the business of the Mission.

Complete financial reports are sent to the Board every month, and are sent to any contributor requesting them. We want to thank Bill and Betty Turner for the wonderful work they have done at Akashi during our furlough. The number of Christians has more than doubled, and they have <3one a f i n e o f shepherding the flock there. They are coming on furlough just after we get back to Japan in June.

Palmyra Church of Christ


Non-Profit Organization
R. # 3 Fredericktown, OH 43019

Permit No.

Fredericktown, OH 43019

Ozara bible

IIlJ. N. JoDlln, p'iOo


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