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Egguns Egun are the spirits of the dead.

Mainly of our egungun (ancestors) that have pa ssed on into the world of the dead. We all have eguns that walk with us. Eguns r ange from family members that have passed on, to the spirits that God has appoin ted to us. Even eguns that are in our orisha lineage or family that have passed on walk with us. It is said the God appoints us a number of eguns when we are ab out to be born into this world. He sends them down when your mother is giving bi rth and it is there that they are appointed to walk with us and watch over us so that the mission is completed.

The spirits/eguns are very important to us in our everyday life. They just as th e orishas, teach us and guide us on the correct path to fulfill our destinies. T hey are very sacred in our religion as we praise them before any ceremony we do. Iku Lobi Ocha (The dead gives birth to the Orishas) is the correct format in our religion. Without the praises of the dead, we can not be closer to God or to the orishas. It is very important that we maintain that bond and understanding with the eguns. It is said that we all have a guardian angel that God appoints to us and we all have a ruling orisha that walks with us as well but we are introduce d to the orishas by our eguns. It s the eguns that take us to the house where we w ill perform our ceremonial orisha crowning. As I say, we are born with our eguns , not with an orisha crowned. That comes after.

Now in our spiritual cord we have different ranges of eguns. We have the eguns t hat everyone knows about which are the Congo eguns. These are the eguns that cam e from Africa that lived an everyday life and were taken as slaves to the New Wo rld. They are familiar with the Palo Mayombe rites. This including the men and t he woman who the majority are called Francisco s and the Francisca s. These are the guides who teach us how to be strong through their practices to God.

We also have our Jitana s and Jitano s. These spirits are Spaniard spirits who were once gypsies. These spirits often teach us how to love one another. The Jitana s a re also worked with to help us in love situations and or money situation. They a re used to worship and divine through tarot cards and coins.

The nuns, priest or monks are another type of eguns that walk with us. Strangely you would wonder why would a nun or priest walk with you in your spiritual cord ? They are all servants of God and they teach us serenity and to be close with G od. These spirits love to hear lots of spiritual and church hymns. Bible scriptu res are spoken to these spirits.

Now there s much more. We have our Indians, Arabs, Egyptians, Mayans, Romans. All walks of life are eguns because they once walked this earth. And with the help o f God for us, they now walk with us being God s voice on how to live humble and wi th one another.

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