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Dementia symptoms

Excess alcohol and long-term exposure to everyday organic solvents can express as symptoms of a
dementing illness. Both are difficult to characterize and diagnose. Both are capable of presenting in
the long-term care setting where the symptoms can be mis-diagnosed and the behaviours misinter-
preted. Acute use of alcohol impairs attention, memory, executive functions and visuo-spatial skills,
while chronic abuse causes neurocognitive deficits in memory, learning, visuospatial functions,
psychomotor speed processing, executive functions and decision-making, and may
lead to persistent amnesic disorder and alcoholic dementia.

Deliberate inhalation of solvents for recreational use is associated, in some users, with a
behavioural syndrome showing profound impairment in motor control and associated impairment
of some intellectual and memory capacity. Continuing use can result in physical impairment in
different organs, peripheral nerve damage, and neurobehaviourai effects.
By Shailesh Nadkarni and Luis Fornazzari

Neuro-pathological effects
of alcohol and solvents
Histories of alcohol or excessive exposure to solvents are capable of presenting
in the long-term care setting where the symptoms can he mis-diagnosed

first condition has been dubbed chronic The records of eleven patients with a
T lhere are certain conditions and ill-
nesses that can express symptoms of
dementia. Alcoholism is responsible for
paint syndrome, and the second, alcohol-
related dementia.
diagnosis of alcoholic dementia that were
admitted to the inpatient program were re-
cognitive deficits of various severity, which viewed. The diagnosis and type of demen-
could be reversible, or not, with alcohol tia were determined within two months of
abstinence, but can also contribute to the cog- Characterizing admission by a behavioural neurologist
nitive impairment related to other patholo- alcoholic dementia using patient interviews, chart reviews, and
gies, such as Alzheimer's disease (Pierucci- The diagnostic criteria for alcoholic information from structured interviews.
Lagha 2003). dementia are neither well defined nor
Recently, two such medical conditions consistent (Saunders, et al., 1991; Lishman,
were profiled and bring to the fore the 1990). The objective of a recently concluded Results
necessity of recognizing those conditions study was to describe the clinical profile of The sample was 82% male, with an
or illnesses that have the ability to cause alcoholic dementia, and involved a review average age of 67 years ranging from 62
memory deficits and cognitive impair- of clinical cases and a literature search. to 75 years. The highest level of education
ment - symptoms usually associated with The study sample consisted of patients completed was grade seven. 9t% of the
the more traditional neurological disor- consecutively admitted to the Geriatric patients were separated or divorced, and
ders, such as Alzheimer's disease, frontal- Mental Health Program at the Centre for all were previously employed as unskilled
lobe dementia, dementia with Lewy bodies, Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) in labourers. 75% were smokers and 27%
and vascular dementia, among others. The Toronto, Ontario. had a history of substance abuse. 82%

Volume 17, Number 3, October, 2006 19

had experienced seizures in the past, and stracting abilities and short-term memory Although readily engaging, he does not
more than half had a history of head in- and disturbed verbal fluency. These cog- initiate conversation.
jury. The most common co-morbid disor- nitive patterns are in contrast to those
ders were personality disorders and psy- seen in AD, where the memory impair-
chosis. ment is profound and involves both rec- Neurotoxicity
Average length of stay was a little over ognition and recall, and individuals fre- It is argued that long-term exposure to
four years, ranging from 29 days to over 12 quently present with word-finding defi- turpentine substitutes and paints, often
years; average number of admissions was cits (Oslin 2003). through a period with acute intoxication
three, ranging from one to nine per pa- Alcohol dementia continues to distin- symptoms, gradually may lead to the dev-
tient. The average score on the Mini guish itself as one of the more difficult elopment of a chronic brain syndrome,
Mental State Examination was 15, with types to characterize (Munro, 2001). Fur- called chronic paint syndrome (Ariien-
scores ranging from 1 to 27. ther studies with larger sample sizes are Soborg et ai., 1979).
A significant portion of the patients dis- required to further validate the diagnos- Epidemiological studies and case reports
played poor insight and judgement, im- tic criteria of the elusive concept of al- have indicated that professional painters
paired memory (immediate and delayed), cohol-related dementia (Nadkarni 2004). under long-term exposure to organic sol-
poor visual-spatial construction, impaired vents may develop a chronic organic
verbal reasoning, and poor impulse con- brain syndrome dominated by memory im-
trol, all of which were consistent with Chronic paint syndrome pairment, fatigue, personality changes,
studies (Parson and Leber, 1981; Eckardt and A review of the literature has shown that headache, and dizziness.
Martin, 1986; Tabakoff and Petersen, 1988). chronic paint syndrome has not been re- The major constituent of paints or thin-
Deficits were evident for all patients ported in Canada, although cases with this ners is toluene, which is a neurotoxic sol-
in tasks requiring cognitive flexibility. unique syndrome have been reported in the vent derived from the hydrocarbons in coal
Computer tomography scans revealed that U.S. and Nordic countries. tar. Painters, such as the one profiled in
more than half the patients in the study The following profile is a case of this report, in their daily work, use large
had diffused cerebral and atrophy. chronic paint syndrome that was identified amounts of turpentine substitutes, with
Other findings included: frontal white in a Canadian citizen who lived and its use rapidly increasing in recent years.
matter disease and temporal lobe encepha- worked in the U.S. for most of his work- This is primarily due to increasing use of
lomalacia, peri-ventricular ischemic ing life. oil-based paint and an application technique,
changes, enlargement of the ventricular Clinicians and physicians have to con- which enables the painter to cover larger
system and subarachnoid spaces, and per- sider chronic paint syndrome in differen- surfaces faster. Thus, evaporation is in-
fusion to the temporo-parietal region (Ron, tial diagnosis of patients who report a creased, as well as absorption.
1979; Wilkinson, 1987). Malnutrition was history of working with paint and other Magnetic imaging (MRI) of the brains
common in the study patients. All had in- solvents and who show excess of specific in those chronically misusing paint thin-
takes below the recommended standards in symptoms that could otherwise be as- ner or toluene may show cerebral and
one or more micro- or macronutrients. signed to mood and behaviour, along with cerebellar atrophy, atrophy of the corpus
memory impairment. callosum, and loss of grey-white matter.
Prompt recognition and treatment are Other imaging techniques show scat-
Recap important for many painters and solvent tered lesions in the white matter and brain
Studies have demonstrated that alcohol users who may be mistakenly regarded stem due to demyelination or gliosis, and
subjects perform more poorly on cognitive and treated as neurotic or depressive. low intensity lesions in the basal ganglia,
testing than non-alcoholic subjects. This thalami, and sub-cortical white matter
poor performance in cognition persists (Komiyama, 1999).
even after prolonged periods of sobriety Case report
(Bowden, 1990; Hendrie et ai., 1996). A 55-year-old white, Canadian male, was
A diagnosis of alcoholic dementia is transferred from Florida in response to Neuro-behaviour effects
based on evidence of general decline in closure of the mental health facility he The neuro-psychological symptoms are
cognitive functions, including, but not re- was residing at. associated with heavy exposure to work-
stricted to, memory, following prolonged The client posture is normal, but he has ing with paints, a phenomena that is
heavy ingestion of alcohol and no other an unsteady gait. He is co-operative, calm, likely to be found worldwide wherever
identified cause for dementia (Carien et ai., and friendly, but did establish eye contact there is such exposure to solvent-based
1994; DSM-III-R, 1987). well. He exhibits no psychomotor agita- paints (Chen et al., 1999).
Typical impairments seen in alcohol re- tion or retardation, nor gesturing or man- There also appears to be a dose-re-
lated dementia include deficits in ab- neristic behaviours. His mood is euthymic. sponse relationship of solvent mixtures to

20 Canadian Nursing Home

neuro-behavioural effects in painters and • Eckardt, M.J. and Martin, P.R., Clinical Dec, 2003.
those involved in paint manufacturing assessment of cognition in alcoholism. • Ruijten, M.W., et al., Neurobehaviourai
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solvents are characterised by mild to nal of Psychiatry; 159;p.213-216; 1991.
ban sample of older black Americans, Jour-
moderate degrees of cognitive impairment,
nal of the American Geriatrics Society; • Seeber, A., Sietmann, B. and Zupanic,
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neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzhe-
• Komiyama, M., Chronic misuse of paint ships of solvent mixtures to neuro-behav-
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nature of cognitive impairment and pos-
sible selective improvements in neuropsy- gery and Psychiatry; 67; p.267; 1999. painters. Food Chemical Toxicology; 34( 11 -
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• Mikkelson S., Jorgensen M., Browne E., damage and alcoholism. The Counselor;
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References similar studies (ch. 9); cited in: Mixed sol- • Triebig, G., et al., Neuropsychiatric symp-
• Arlien-Soborg, P., Bruhn, P., Gyldensted, vent exposure and organic brain damage; toms in active construction painters with
C, Melgaard, B., Chronic painters syn- a study of painters. Acta Neurol Scand; 118 chronic solvent exposure, Neurotoxicology;
drome: chronic toxic encephalopathy in (suppl 118);79-93; 1988. 21(5); p.791-794; October, 2000.
house painters, Acta Neurology Scandina- • Munro, C.A., Saxton, J. and Butters, M.A., • William, D. E., et al., Neuropsychologi-
via; 60{3);p.\49-l56; 1979. Alcohol dementia: cortical or subcortical cal function in retired workers with previ-
• Bowden, S.C., Separating cognitive im- dementia? Archives of Clinical Neuropsy- ous long-term occupational exposure to
pairment in neurologically asymptomatic chology; 16; p.523-533; 2001. solvents. Occupational Environmental
alcoholism from Wemicke-Korsakoff Syn- • Nadkarni, S., Eomazzari, L., Ibram, G., Medicine; 56; p.93-105; 1999.
drome: is the neuropsychological distinc- Understanding the evasive clinical profile • Wilkinson, D., CT scan and neuropsy-
tion justified. Psychological Bulletin; 107; of alcoholic dementia, Neurobiology of chological assessments of alcoholism. In: O.
p.355-366; 1990. Aging; 25(2); S96; 2004. Parsons, N. Butters, and P. Nathan (Ed.);
• Carlen, P., et al.. Alcohol-related demen- • Oslin, D.W., Cary, M.S., Alcohol-related Neuropsychology of Alcoholism: Imp-
tia in the institutionalized elderly. Alco- dementia: validation of diagnostic criteria, licatons for Diagnosis and Treatment: p.78;
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search; 18(6); p.1330-34; Nov./Dec, 1994. 11(4); P.441-447; July-August, 2003.
• Chen, R., Wei, L. and Seaton, A., Neu- • Parsons, O.A. and Leber, W.R., The rela-
ropsychological symptoms in Chinese male tionship between cognitive dysfunction
About the authors
and female painters; an epidemiological and brain damage in alcoholics: casual,
Shailesh K. Nadkarni, M.B.B.S.,
study in dockyard workers. Occupational interactive or epiphenomenal? Alcoholism:
M.H.S.A., is Clinical Manager, Memory
Environmental Medicine; 56(6); 1999. Clinical and Experimental Research; 5;
Clinic, Research and Affiliated Services,
• Cunha P., Novaes M., Neurocognitive p.326-343; 1981.
Geriatric Mental Health Program, Centre
assessment in alcohol abuse and depend- • Ron, M.A., Organic psychosyndromes for Addiction and Mental Health
ence: implications for treatment. Rev Bras in chronic alcoholics, British Journal ofAd- (CAMH), Toronto.
Psiquiatr, 26 (Suppl. 1); S23-7; 2005. diction;! A; p.^57,-35^; 1979. Luis Fornazzari, M.D., E.R.C.P. (C).), is
• DSM-III-R: Diagnostic and Statistical • Piemcci-Lagha, A, Derouesne, C , Alco- the Clinical Director, Memory Clinic, Geri-
Manual of Mental Disorders (3rd. Ed., re- holism and aging: Alcoholic dementia or atric Mental Health Program, CAMH, and
vised); American Psychiatric Association, alcoholic cognitive impairment, Psychol Department of Psychiatry, Division of
Washington, D.C.; t987. Neuropsychiatr Vieil.: 1(4); p.237-249; Neurology, University of Toronto.

Volume 17, Number 3, October, 2006 21

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