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arp4midi vst by xoxos - music, vsti - music engines plattermatic@earthlink.


what's new ---------the primary updates from arp"2"midi > arp"4"midi: host sync is absolute - start (and stop..) transport anywhere in song with corre ct synchronisation the new engine also allows for more microtiming features, eg. early/late notes a nd randomisation step sequencer can now be optioned to skip steps in the arp sequence or the gate sequence two lfos

controls and operation ---------------------hopefully arp4midi is fairly straightforward from the gui!

SIDE BIT ---------the resolution of the arpeggiator is determined by ppqn (parts per quarter note) ranging from 1 to 16, displayed as 4 to 64 parts 'per measure' for familiarity.

TOP BIT --------the gate length can be determined either as a function of the overall interval t ime, or scaled from 0 to 5 seconds (exponentially, for ease in selection!) 'hold' continues the arpeggiator when keys are released. 'v hold' gives all the notes in the current arpeggio the velocity value of the f irst note played. when off, each note retains the original velocity for that pit ch. 'transpose' - the arpeggiator sequence may be transposed by triggering midi note s on the designated 'transpose' midi channel around C3 - eg. midi note D3 will t ranspose the sequence up by two semitones. transposition events may optionally reset the arpeggiator sequence using the 're set' option. (note that C3 on this channel can be used to reset your sequence at the original pitch at any time)

MIDDLE BIT -----------(controls under the step sequencer) there are two traditional arpeggiator modes - 'arp' and 'phrase' - phrase repeat s notes in the input order instead of scale priority of 'arp' mode. 'reset' will restart the arpeggiator sequence at the first step of the step sequ ence 'sync' resets the sequence at the specified number of measures 'sequence' indicates whether the missed steps will be applied to just the gate ( meaning the next gate applies the next step in the sequence) or also to the arp step (meaning the missed gate also skips the arpeggiator step) - you'll hear it ;) 'steps' indicates the total sequence length

LOWER BIT --------arpeggiator mode indicator.. up down, up+down.. 'lobster' function may be very similar if not identical to equivalent implementa tions of 'humanisation.' many lobsters do not play keys as well as humans, so it makes sense if you think about it. as such, the effect of 'lobster' is to increase 'sloppy timing' - extreme lobste risation (anything beyond 1/2 is extreme when lobsterising, if you think about i t) may result in sequence muddling. 'offset' biases the note to play on, early, or after the beat. the vertical posi tion indicates null bias. lfos the phase is hard-synced at transport (eg. start the host in the same place to g uarantee the 'lfo to be in the same place') 'sync' snaps the rate to the following measure lengths: 32, 16, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.5, 1, 0.5, 0.33, 0.25 (this functionality/scaling is identical to lfos in steam, talent, revos, other contemporary releases for convenience)

MIDI CC# ASSIGNMENTS -------------------32 33 34 35 36 37 38 meas/ oct arp mode (up, down et c.) note length shuffle lobster offset

39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53

hold velocity hold reset phrase / arp # measures sync sequence (gate/step) # steps lfo 1 phase lfo 1 rate lfo 1 amt lfo 1 destination lfo 2 phase lfo 2 rate lfo 2 amt lfo 2 destination

made with synthedit! utilising chris kerry's arpeggiator modules midi processing facilitated with david haupt's midi modules

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