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War or Peace

Do you want war or Peace

Have Peace within, and Around You

A.C.Johnson Assisted By Joseph Joseph Satyabama Johnson

Copyright 2006, waiver by the Primary Author, A. C. Johnson. All rights are not reserved by the authors. The contents are of such vital urgent need for us all globally, that this book may be reproduced translated and distributed. Please do not change the contents without the permission of the primary author. The views expressed in this book are not necessarily those of the publisher. All Scriptures are taken from the New International Version, New Living Translation, and King James Version of the Bible, unless otherwise specified. Primary Author A.C. Johnson can be reached via email at He cordially invites you to visit his web sites 1. 2. 3.

War or Peace?

Without Peace, we will break into pieces and be vaporized

Wouldn't You like to have Peace within You, and Around you?

Wars, murders, and massacres

The global war is on, where are you? All it takes is to see the TV for two hours, or read the news paper for a day to realize that there really is a global war affecting every nation on earth. On whose side are you, or, do you think that you are not involved? War is not a breach of peace. The so called 'peace' is only the brief pause between two bad warring sentences called trouble and turmoil, during which efforts are focused on appeasing the stronger predators or war mongers. There are no neutral citizens. America has a civil war between the Republicans and the Democrats. The Middle East has an on going war between the Jews and the Muslims. Around the world there is a war between Muslim Sunnis and Shiites. In Hindu nations there is an ongoing war between the higher caste Hindus and the lower caste Hindus. In Christian nations there is long standing war between the Catholics and the Protestants. There are bitter clashes between various sub segments of Protestants. In the Buddhist nations there are internal wars. In Communistic nations there are internal wars as dictators over throw dictators. There is no peace any where. The stronger and the crueler persecute the weaker and the docile.

Excuses given for starting, or for sustaining wars and violence are many. But the real causes are: Our own Anger, our Greed, our Fear, our Envy [intolerance], our Lusts, our Pride, and our real or our falsely perceived 'Self-defense'

Arsonists "Make love, not war" was an alternative chant tried in a few countries, but has brought more harm and damage than help. Instead of boosting up the morale, it has caused perversion of moral values. Lust for some one else's mate has caused many wars in the past [War over Helen of Troy]. In the modern days the morality issue has replaced epic wars by smaller scale private vendettas. Slave trade of men and women is still a secret ongoing war; for sex, or for cheap slave labor. The war mongers who carry out their attacks, work in secret covered up by some perverted politicians, Lust for

another's land is still a major factor, operating under covert excuses. World war one and two are good examples. The aggressors only want to stretch or enlarge their fences! Thus lust for others possessions such as oil, gold, wealth, or life style, lust for power, control over people, with pride and intolerance are other major factors. Those affected by the disease of intolerance cannot tolerate to see another prosper, or, be at peace. Like the virulent epidemic virus, their rage invades all those around. There are biased media who repeatedly inform the masses saying: 1. That "we are being, or, about to be aggressively invaded. 2. We are forced to strike a blow to avert being struck by a crippling blow by the enemy".

There are no peaceful nations. All the nations are involved in open or covert warfare. The above picture is just one of the many Global war games-fields, with resultant holocaust of dead bodies inside.

3. The battle field will be torn and destroyed, people slaughtered, women will be raped, children will be massacred, and the land will be looted, ravaged and laid to waste. 4. Unless we have the strongest army and most destructive weapons, we will be annihilated. 5. It is better that, the war should be taken to the enemy's land so as not to spoil our soil. [We will learn how this propaganda is a lie, for all wars act like boomerangs, returning to the place of launching; in simple words, all the wars are two wayreturn ticket. An External war waged will be followed by an Internal war. History has proved this over and over again.]

What do the nations do during any war? Youth and young adults of the nations are forced or coaxed into the armies, trained how to kill, or demolish, and then given the 'war zone' to "enact, and put their training to action" Each soldier has to act as a robot who is not to ask why, but just do and be willing to die. The sad fact is, all the massive number of soldiers, sailors and aviation armies on both sides are only the pawns in the global war chess game by a few grandmasters. Whether the wars are won or lost, the soldiers who come back, had already suffered injuries to their bodies and minds. Many suffer guilt, grief and anger for prolonged durations, some extend life long. To numb their physical or emotional pain, many seek pain medications for the bodies and minds. In the process, they succumb to drugs, alcohols, nicotine and other harmful and expensive addictions. These 'medications' are not only expensive; they are addictive; acting for shorter and shorter time, while demanding increasingly higher strength or additional medications. When the population in need of this medication is added up, it goes into many billions of dollars in money as well us loss of productivity, due to handicaps caused. The complications of these medication are crippling, both to the bodies and the minds, and often fatal to the victims as well as their targets. In order to procure cash for the expensive medications, the addicts turn to violent robberies and senseless murders. Warrior's return

Many returning from war are unable to adapt to a peaceful life. Their home life turns to shambles. Dysfunctions arise between husbands and wives; between parents and children, and between siblings and siblings. Thus the basic global unit for "peacetraining" called as 'the home' is disrupted. The divorce rates between husbands and wives have exceeded 60%, nationally in many countries, shattering the peace of our children, who are our future. The chain of reaction has set homes against homes, societies against societies, and nations against nations, thus encasing the globe into more wars. There does not appear to be a hope for peace through any religion, or race, or color, or ideology. The most dangerous terrorists use religion as a shield to hide behind to commit their crimes, what ever be their religion. All you need is to go through the history books, to find confirmation of this statement. The most heinous crimes in history have been committed under the guise of religion, all over the world, for it offers a false justification.

Wars in the name of religion It is a terrible fact that even people of the same religion torture and murder those they dislike, using religion as the weapon of massacre. Many religious leaders enjoy considerable power over people and people's wallet; as they have assumed the position of mediators between God and humans. So, if any one puts up even a mild competition, it is dealt with severely.. The priests effectively use their tools called"passion and zeal" upon their followers. They use people as their own personal deadly missiles against people they do not approve of, whether they belong to other religions, or even belong to the same religion. These unscrupulous religious leaders, will brain wash their "flock" and send them in a mass stampede against those who try to impede their progress, or stand in their path.

These religious leaders and their followers proclaim that they are defending their god! If they really believe in God, they would know that God created people of all colors and put them into various geographical locations in the world. The God, who could create us all, needs no defender to protect Him from His own Creation. Being our Creator, God is like the Father of us all. Is it not ridiculous that each group fighting against another is asking for God to take up their side, to defend them,

but to defeat and destroy the other group of children called by "us", as 'the' enemy! Each side has the audacity to try to persuade and convince God who knows the underlying truth that; 'we' are in the right, trying to honor God, while 'they' the enemies [who are also children of God] are dishonoring God and should be destroyed!

A moral story is told about six blind men touching different parts of the body of a tamed temple elephant about which they have heard so much, and, coming to conclusions which are correct, but totally wrong about in conclusion. The blind men were limited by what they have handled, learnt in their life experiences, and understood in their opinions as they came to their conclusions. The one who felt the 'leg' said that the elephant was a pillar. The one who felt the 'trunk' jumped back convinced that the elephant was a thick live snake. The one who felt the 'tip of the tail' decided that elephant was a broom at the end of rope.

The person who felt the 'side' decided that the elephant was like a curved brick wall. The one who felt the 'ear' decided that the elephant was a large fan The one who felt the 'tusk' decided that the elephant was a curved temple javelin.

Their concept of the large elephant which they had never seen were perceived and interpreted by their personal experiences and vague imaginations. God is not made up of matter like us, and therefore cannot be defined by our limited physical senses.

Different points of views with different interpretations

Wars cloaked by Patriotism [Turf Battle]

The national leaders' lust for power over people gives them the opportunity to amass their wealth from peoples' tax money. So, to get elected, they undertake elaborate fund raising and vote gathering through fair and foul means [mostly foul], 'allying' themselves with rich crooks with clout, having similar greedy goals in mind, who want a "hold on different government positions for protection". The expert thieves, con artists and sleight of hand artists have been using a diversion technique to perform or, extract money. The politicians know that there is no better diversion than divisions, dissentions, wars, unrest or riots in order to loot other peoples' property. So, they apply this technique, doing their type of 'brain-washing' by using the tools called "patriotism", loyalty, racism, linguistic differences, cultures, so called human rights, social strata, sex liberties, and concessions on varying types of life styles to use upon the masses. Then the public become, very much like the prey animals which are made to stampede, to panic, to get divided or separated, becoming easier prey for the political predators to satisfy their appetite.

Another type of predators use the media, music, recreational and educational systems to mind-control the masses of people who to them are become like the prey animals. They brain wash and brain warp people by pornography [perverted sex], violent shows and games, containing subliminal and overt messages to introduce perversion into people, get rid of morals and morality demanding God.

As science and knowledge increases, do our understanding and wisdom increase? As our scientific and technical knowledge has been increasing, all we seem to do is to produce increasingly more dangerous war weapons of greater mass destruction. We have been moving from fist fights, sticks and stones fight to knives, sword fights to javelins, bows and arrows in our wars. Then has come the age of guns, grenades, dynamites, cannons, missiles, and atomic war-heads, fission bombs, fusion bombs, chemical and other biological mass killers. There is no honor or dignity or strength in the wars where massive massacre of innocent men women and children are taken as inevitable and acceptable.

The result:

We are on the verge of destroying the whole world, and ourselves with it; including our families and friends even as we read this little 'alarm', or the "wake up call" note! 2 Peter 3:10 (KJV) 10 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up. We need to get peace, and get that urgently, if we want our children to grow up and live to see their children and not be burnt to ashes by nuclear holocaust, or be killed painfully and miserably by chemical toxins, wounds, hunger, or by deadly viruses. Wars have brought us to this. Will you please help us to eat, live and not suffer?

This will be the future of our children Why is this happening to us? Is it just a part of the global warming producing angry out of control conflagration [uncontrollable fires] of wars due to fear, greed, and hatred afflicting all of us? Don't we have any common sense or decent good qualities in us?

We know that every child asks 'why' incessantly. When we stop asking why, it means that our brains are dead or dying. Why dont you the reader ask "why" and do your bit to put out the fire? It is only a collection of small raindrops which can drench and quench mighty fires defying the best efforts of well trained and well equipped firemen.

Our failed peace Talks Most religions agree that there is a 'good and concerned' almighty God with all power; and, that there are evil powers we call as demonic, with power greater than ours [humans] but far less than that of the Creator God. Human beings around the world understand or, must understand that our lives are very short on earth, whether we are strong or weak, rich or poor, commoners or kings, warriors or weaklings we will die. That means we need to invest for the future after death, and not put our entire investment into this brief life on earth. Some people may call this as obtaining a reliable and good insurance. The insurances on 'Earth', as we know, have a high cost, and last for less than our brief lives. Wise people of all regions and religions have been seeking to contact the immortal God, in order to get their "insurance" for their eternal security. They called this as 'the way of life, or, the way for life', or, 'the marg'. Many people mistakenly thought that it was also called as the religion. Unfortunately, religions hold on to traditions, and not the way Depending on the culture and preferences, some depicted God as very holy and severe judge who can never get involved with human affairs. Some people projected human nature to gods, with all human weaknesses, but having godly powers. They made many gods', who were supposed to use humanity as pawns in their games. To differentiate them and make them realistic, made their many gods out of wood, mud, rocks and metal by their own hands, using their own ideas. Later they fell down before the image to tell the idols what the image-makers needed, and even to worship them. Some attributed human emotions and qualities to their deities they produced and depicted that the deities lived an amoral, permissive and liberal life, of course possessing immortality and super human powers, and so it is okay for the humans to do the same. Idol worship is universal. The 'idols' may be departed ancestors, or cinema male or female 'actors', sports or athletic 'idol', cult leaders, or

even a family member. Any thing that is put on a pedestal in life such as career, wealth, sex, power is an idol. One's own self is the most common, dangerous, destructive and dominant idol.

Some people who live in a turbulent warlike society made their god into a very blood thirsty deity, wanting to see people killed, martyred, offered as sacrifice, in wars, or by killing those who do not have the same belief system, even during the peace times. These people do not want peace, but want wars continuing. They enjoy robbing and raping people and nations.

Devil worshippers There is another increasing group of people who want to live an evil wicked life. Such people hate peace, they hate goodness and they hate a good or "moral demanding" God. They are perverted in their thoughts, and try to pervert every thing. They call good as bad, and bad as good. These people are worshippers of Satan, or Shaitan and evil demons. Some of these demons are considered as very blood thirsty. They are supposed to wear human skulls as 'beads' for a necklace. So, the worshippers do their best to provide more 'beads' for the long necklace!! Some foolish Western nations have accepted Satan worshippers as a legitimate religious group, and give them extra liberty to do what they want to! This group and similar groups have existed for centuries globally, but did not flaunt themselves openly, till given official recognition and special privileges under a foolish notion of freedom, without responsibility or accountability!!

What is God the Creator of us all doing about this problem? The Creator, who is the designer of the universe and all of us in it, is not only good, but is also very holy. He loves us and is merciful to His Creations giving us free of charge, air to breathe, water to drink, land to live on, and rain to make the food grow; but He is also a just God. Even our best good-works on earth are not good enough to help offset or cancel the judgment and penalty for our sins,[ by the demands of justice of the holy God]. Our social service and good works are like the mythical rope trick, where one is supposed to make the rope rise up rigid like a pole and enable that person to climb out [and up to heaven].

Yet, God's love for us human beings of all color or country is so great, that He had to throw a rope down from heaven, and pull us up, as we do not even have the strength to climb up. This Rope of hope is called Jesus. Those who want to get their eternal investment and insurance need to get hold of this rope by using Faith. To those who seek God, He will drop down this rope and give the Faith needed to hold it. We 'war' because we 'fear' others who hurt us, or may hurt us. We develop, and host hostilities, which grow into irritations, annoyances, bitterness, and anger. Anger explodes into rage, revenge, wars, murders and mayhems.

God' offer is to send us a Peace-Maker-and a Peace-Offering Sacrifice The atmosphere on earth is air, without which we cannot talk, breathe or live even for five minutes. The atmosphere of heaven is love, peace, and joy. Jesus had to come down to show us how to forgive those who hate and hurt us, and to love and do good to them. He even prayed for those who had humiliated, hurt and were killing Him cruelly, by nailing Him upon a Cross when He came as a human. It is only Jesus who cared, and still cares for the poor, sick, sinful people, healed them and offers to help us to live in peace. Ppeace is a requirement of heaven. Jesus had to live a good and holy life on earth and be willing to take the punishment of sinful people on earth, to qualify to represent us, and present us to God for adoption as God's children. The religious leaders could not and would not accept this concept for it removed them from middle-man position, giving individual humanity a direct line to connect with God, putting them out of business. Religion gave the priests power and control over people who sought eternal security through the religious rituals. The high priest and team used power and control hungry Roman government to do their dirty work for them. The Roman emperors presumed that they were gods and did not want any competition. Together, they tortured and killed Jesus.

Sending Jesus to the world to help humanity was God's plan, so God raised Jesus from the grave after three days. Jesus was seen by hundreds of people after coming back from death. He was with His followers they documented this first hand information in the book, now called as the Bible. This has been historically documented by eye witnesses by impartial historians also. Forty days after coming out of the grave, Jesus ascended to heaven while His followers were looking on at this wonder. Jesus had to confirm to His followers, that He was indeed the Rope of Hope let down from Heaven by God, for us to be connected with God, and be given the assurance of eternal life, eternal security, eternal peace and eternal joy.

Even today, if Jesus comes as He did in the human form, the religious people and many of their leaders, including the many Christians of this day will gang up to excommunicate Him, try to torture Him and even kill Him .

Religious conversions and proselyte are the frequently used 'fuel' to set up wars and persecutions with mass murders in every nation. The real reason for persecutions and wars are the inherent wickedness envy, anger and arrogance of the 'predator natured' human beings.

Change your bad diet habits, and start eating healthy food We eat food and drink fluid and breathe air to keep our bodies alive, which can be kept alive only for a maximum of 120 years. Depending on where we live, the staple food we cook to eat differs vastly, from wheat products, to rice products, maize, lentils, fruits, leaves, and roots. There are vegetarian and non vegetarian food with preferences for milk products, eggs, birds, beef, mutton, fish, horses, deer's, elks, moose, bears, alligators, dogs, rats, snails and even snakes as preferred food. There are people who quarrel or war over even such matters of food preference, which are in vogue due to availability, customs, culture, taste, or even health reasons. The East India Company that preceded British rule in India had a major mutiny of the soldiers in the army of the Company, which nearly wiped it out. Some clever war monger told the Hindu sepoys [soldiers] that they were being fed beef fat as cooking oil, and the Muslim soldiers were told that their gun cleaning grease is from pig fat. The result was loss of many hundreds of lives before the mutiny was put down.

Hotdog diet Dogs are part of preferred protein diet in some countries. However, any abuse of dogs is treated as a major crime, punishable by the law in countries like UK and USA, with hefty fines and jail sentences. For many years, we had been eating all kinds of food, which are now being labeled as "junk food" which we are told are the cause of all kinds of crippling and fatal diseases. There is an awakening of health food consciousness in people all over the world. We are re-evaluating what we should eat, and what we should avoid, or eat minimally. We know for certain that our bodies which are made up of matter, however carefully maintained, will decay, die and perish in less than 120 years. Except for a few people who do not believe in God or, life after death, we all believe that our non-material souls and spirit have a far longer span of life. We try to feed, and nourish our non matter "souls and spirits" through hope and faith on God.

Reevaluate your eating habits. A spread of healthy food recommended

In order to be in good spiritual health, we have been using religions, incorporate songs, reading scripture, and meditate, with presentation of applications of our supplications to God. Those who believe in heaven also believe that the location, welfare and security of our post- mortal life [life after our death] depend upon our good relationship with God. Many do not know or realize that we can easily connect with God by following the instructions given by Jesus. So they go to intermediaries. Just like lawyers represent their 'victim-clients' to the judges, priests have taken up the intermediary position of power between humanity and God. They are like the "Chefs" providing different menu for our spiritual consumption, each offering their specialties.

Just as we consume solids, liquids, vegetarian and non vegetarian varieties of food preparations for sustaining our bodies-the matter-part of us, different priests have prepared different types and varieties of "Soul Food" hoping to sustain the non-matter spiritual part of us...But their food is loaded with 'transfats' 'cholesterols', and sugars, tasty to the tongue, but bad for our hearts and our brains! [By the way 'soul food' is a popular, special menu in the diet of Afro-American population.]

Re-evaluation is regrouping for success We have been trying for centuries to find our ways to placate or make "peace" with God, using the technique called "religion". The techniques vary with preferences of people of different color, language and nationality. To reiterate: Just as we have become 'nutrition conscious' and are re-evaluating what we should eat and what we should not, [to live on earth;] we need to re-evaluate the "soul-food" we had been consuming. As we have a longer span to live in the after life, we need to eat what will nourish our souls, to make them and keep them healthy. What we knew as tasty food, is now being found to be harmful to us and condemned as junk food. Wars and diseases have not been tasty food for the majority of people on earth, as most of us do desire health and peace.

War, persecutions and aggression over religious conversion are the harmful junk soul-food. God cares nothing for the religious doctrine of humans. It does not matter one bit to God whether you are a Hindu becoming a Christian or a Christian becoming a Hindu, or whether a Muslim becomes a Buddhist or a Buddhist becomes a Muslim. God is concerned whether we are willing to make peace with Him on an individual personal basis, and whether we are willing to have peace with one another.

Why should we quarrel over our preference for the food we eat, or for the religion we prefer?

To our bitter disappointment lasting over many centuries we have found that religions have not been able to give us peace with God nor peace with others. For we by ourselves are unable to reach the peace of heaven with our best ideas, hopes and efforts. So God, out of His love, sent His representative to become a human like us to do three things religions could not do. And this was done by Jesus, who was born as a simple human, not as a religious leader, or a king or a powerful warrior. Jesus was not a religious man. He broke many of the religion's codes and rules. He, Jesus, said that He has the 'will', as well as the 'way' to connect us to God, the very Creator, who is willing to become a Father to us, God does not patronize any one religion, whether 'that person' is a Hindu, or Muslim or Buddhist or atheist, or Christian or an animist. His offer of peace with Him is to all humanity, regardless of religion, color, or race or nationality. It is true that most of the poorer countries owe a lot to the true followers of Jesus called loosely as missionaries, who went to many countries, undergoing severe hardship and personal sacrifices. They worked tirelessly, bringing medical help and educational opportunities for all who needed them, showing no bias or partiality, expecting nothing in return. They literally gave their service and lives to help others. Unfortunately and soon, ruthless exploiters followed their tracks to capitalize on the good-will established, often robbing or ruling their victims. They were not followers of Jesus, but called themselves as Christians to cloak and cover-up their intents and actions.

Different Religious leaders Jesus did not, and does not offer a religion. He came to show "THE WAY"

John 14:6 (TLB) 6 Jesus told him, "I am the Way--yes, and the Truth and the Life. No one can get to the Father except by means of me. Jesus offers a relation ship with God, so that you and I can call God as Father and to communicate with Him. Jesus did not come to proselyte any one. He came to offer forgiveness, and salvation as a heavenly insurance, which any one can receive or reject. If one takes up His offer, He gives that person the desire and power to live good, loving, peaceful life on earth. He gives the desire, and ability, to repent of sins committed however bad they may be, and the willingness to forgive those who offended. The worst crime we can commit is to disregard or discard this invitation Followers of Jesus do not harm or forbid or persecute people of other religion who may hold religious meetings, or, building schools, hospitals, or their own temples, or try to share their own faith with others. In this respect, even the nations who once

called themselves Christians do not take aggressive action other religious people who build temples or proselytize the local people.

Holiness is like Purifying Fire God is not a "matter" like the earth which can be felt, seen, measured and estimated, but is a spirit being. When we realize that Religion [matter] tries to reach the Spirit [the non matter] through the material, we can understand the impossibility of religions to succeed in connecting us with God. This situation had to be addressed by God in sending His Son [a Spirit Being] to become Jesus the "human matter" being so that the 'matter',[we human beings] can be connected to the Spirit. Jesus had to show the way to connect us to the holy God. When any matter gets very close to the sun, it melts down, the dirt and impurities vaporize away. The holiness of God which burns away sin and evil is comparable to the heat of the sun. Justice is the process of cleansing by heat. Jesus not only offered to, but also did take our sins and dirt upon Him, along with the penalty associated with it. Jesus had to be holy in His life. He told that He came to help sinful, bad and ostracized people, the sick in body, mind and spirit. He crossed the ethnic, racial, social and religious borders so that He is acceptable equally to a Jew or gentile [non Jew of any religion].

To be Lenient or kind is not the same as being Just and Honest I used to be an examiner for Radiology in many universities during my academic career. I loved my students and considered them as my children. But when I was appointed as the chief examiner, I realized that there are two kinds of examiners. One kind wants to be honest, just fair, yet strict, and not let young examinees loose in the society when they do not have the knowledge, or ready enough for it. For, they may be a greater danger to the patients by their misdiagnosis of serious diseases. But honest examiners are often blamed by the students and by other examiners for probing hard. The other set of examiners are basically encouragers, and pass as many as they can, even if their knowledge and understanding does not measure up. Such examiners are popular with the students. These examiners are given parties before and after the examinations and the students vie to 'wine and dine' the "students- passingexaminers" who are not too concerned about letting the student's spend less time in studies. These good examiners will have to probe very hard to find out if the students know even a small portion of the prescribed syllabus. Still they do pass the students

freely; leaving it to the student's to take the responsibilities for the lives of the patients who come trusting them. What is the examiner to do? Should he be honest, and fail a poor student, or be nice, and pass every one and release them to play with patients' lives? This is only an analogy of justice or kindness we expect from God. God is kind, loving and merciful. And He is also just and holy. Sin and holiness cannot mix.

The choice is ours God will not force us to spend eternity with Him, when we are not willing to be connected with Him even during our brief lives on earth. God truly loves us. God is kind and merciful. But God is also holy, and just. God is light. Darkness is absence of light. When light shines, darkness will be dispelled. Evil and sin are darkness. 1 John 1:5 (TLB) 5 This is the message God has given us to pass on to you: that God is Light and in him is no darkness at all. In many serious diseases, the patients develop a condition called photophobia[intolerance to light]. Any light hurts the patient's eyes even if the trouble is not confined to the eyes. Patients may suffer death threatening convulsions due to intolerance to light in certain meningitis [disease of the brain coverings] and rabies [Fatal brain infection due to mad dog bites] are examples.

All Choices have consequences If we develop diseases that make us intolerant to light in our bodies [matter] which are short lived; imagine how bad it would be to develop spirit and soul intolerance to [darkness, evil, sin, immorality] to face God who is eternal Light. We have to be prepared for very holy [hot], very bright light of God in the eternal spiritual home called Heaven! 1 John 2:9-11 (TLB) 9 Anyone who says he is walking in the light of Christ but dislikes his fellow man is still in darkness.


But whoever loves his fellow man is "walking in the light" and can see his way without stumbling around in darkness and sin. 11 For he who dislikes his brother is wandering in spiritual darkness and doesn't know where he is going, for the darkness has made him blind so that he cannot see the way. The heat associated with the light is called 'justice or wrath'. If we cannot tolerate peace and purity during our brief lives on earth, how painful it would it be for us to be in a peaceful holy place on an eternal basis? God does not want to torture us by taking us all regardless of our preference into heaven [bright light] just because He loves us and wants us staying close to Him [as any father would desire to have the children living nearby]. That is why He sent Jesus to us, to offer His personal invitation for us to come and live with Him. But unless we learn to love, to forgive and live in peace, even here on earth, it will be torture for us to be with the holy God in the land of peace and that too, for eternity.

Deep cleansing Our dirty desires and sins are like skin- tight- non- removable costume [removable through Jesus on earth, but non removable in after-life] on us, will be like gasoline soaked inflammable wrap and will set us on fire to consume us. It is not only wise, but urgent to ask Jesus to strip off this "tights" from us and connect us with God. The freedom of will, which God has given to us, is to choose between light and darkness. Our choice on earth will decide where we want to be for eternity, in light or in darkness. The light of the sun is comparable to the 'light', which is needed to illuminate what is to be seen. The light itself cannot be seen, for it is not particular matter, but photon energy. However, the light illuminates what it falls upon. Both Light and Sight are important Jesus is compared to 'Light', When He is within a person's heart, the person will be illuminated [glow like the moon], not because the person has the light, but because the light shines through or falls upon the person. In deep caves where no light penetrates, even if one has perfect sight, no object however big like a huge rock or any treacherous deep hole or chasm can be seen, to avoid falling into. Even objects like

trees, or mountains, seen in the light, are not seen in the dark of the night, though still present. We need to have Jesus, God's light within us to enlighten us and those around us. We need to have this Light, not only for us to see God's way [path] but also to help our family friends and neighbors, because Jesus puts His love light not only to 'love', but also to help others .

God has given us material eyes without which we cannot see any object, even when it is illuminated. God has also given to each person eye-lids which can "close" at the will of the person who can choose not to see where the light falls. Jesus said that He is not only the Light, that He is the Way [to God] and the Life [for our eternal life] He is willing to take the heat [penalty and justice] upon Himself instead of it falling upon the sinful person who comes to Him for help and peace. Jesus is called the Prince of Peace, for He can offer to us the three supreme levels of peace. 1. Peace between us as on an individual basis, with God. 2. Peace within our "own selves" individually, regardless of circumstances and situations or surrounding storms. 3. Peace with others, which means peace with one another, whether it is with family or friends or strangers. [That means there will be no human enemies as far as we are concerned]

Yes, we follow peace through a bed of roses That is why those who 'Fellow' Jesus and His ways, call Him the Prince of Peace. Gandiji of India, Martin Luther King of USA, Nelson Mandela of South Africa and Mother Teresa of India applied the way prescribed by Jesus and found that they work. If you want peace you know where to go for it. There is however one problem for those who seek peace with God and peace of God within themselves. The Lord Jesus Christ had warned us about this. His followers may be at peace with others. But they will not be popular.

John 16:1-3 (TLB) 1 "I have told you these things so that you won't be staggered by all that lies ahead. 2 For you will be excommunicated from the synagogues, and indeed the time is coming when those who kill you will think they are doing God a service. 3 This is because they have never known the Father or me. 2 Timothy 3:12 (TLB) 12 Yes, and those who decide to please Christ Jesus by living godly lives will suffer at the hands of those who hate him. Those who do not have peace with God or within themselves cannot tolerate the real followers of Jesus. They will hate and persecute those who follow the way and teachings of Jesus. But still the followers of Jesus will be able to have the love and forgiving spirit of God toward others in all situations. The followers of Jesus will be taught how to live on earth as though they are already in heaven. They are not in war with any human being, for, they are taught by Jesus to forgive their enemies, to love and help all people including those who are 'enemies', and encourage them also to find their peace with God.

Let our fight be against evil, and not against each other The 'followers' of Jesus are not involved in a physical, but a spiritual war against the evil spirits and the demonic destructive plans, where all human beings are unwitting victims. Therefore the followers of Jesus need to wage a bloodless battle against evil, yet not against even evil doers. The war is not against people but bad principles. This document is from a few of the many millions who made peace with God through Lord Jesus. We write it, so that the followers of Jesus understand that, they really are soldiers in an army of God, fighting against sin, sickness and demonic spirits. We the soldiers need to be disciplined, and behave as loyal soldiers. We should be able to differentiate friends from foes. All mankind is our friend. We do not fight with friends. There has been a report of much causality due to so called "friendly firings" among so called Christians claiming to be followers of Jesus. The army may have many thousand soldiers, but they are to work and move as one unit. Jesus said that He is the head and we are different members of one body.

We fight evil in the way Jesus taught us to, and by continuing to be in contact with the Holy Spirit of God, who has a real bird's eye aerial view of the combatants, and, who can keep us in positions of safety, and keep us from attacking friends.

There is a lot of 'hot air' about martyrs and "marred tires" on the road. Who is a martyr? No one committing suicide or killing another is a martyr. A Martyr is not a murderer, what ever the cause. A martyr is one who offers his or her own life in the service of others. A gladiator willing to, or, forced to die is not a martyr, for he is only an entertainer. It is easier for a person to die at a moment of adrenaline rush, or because of an emotional surge. A martyr can be a living person, for it is harder to live a blameless life day after day. For, that person will not be popular with people do not care for peace, or want peace, and who will make life difficult for that person. It is harder to live and yet be a martyr to one's 'self interest' day after day, every living day.

To be 'invisible' is to become 'invincible' The followers of Jesus are asked to consider that they are dead to self; that they have been crucified with Jesus, killed and buried with Jesus. My prayer is that I be nailed to the back of the Cross bearing the Lord Jesus. I also wish and pray that I and all "my self" will be hidden behind the risen Lord Jesus. Then I will be hidden behind the glory [the brilliant light] of the Lord, and will therefore be totally unseen. This transfer of our "self" 'ID', to Jesus will enable the Spirit of God to live in us, and through us. We the soldiers need to be behind the Cross and lift up Christ, "our Banner in the battle". What an honor it is to be the Banner bearers! In the wars of the past, the Banner-bearers became the target of the enemies, as the army got demoralized when their Banner falls. But as Christian banner bearers, we will become "invisible", as Christ will shelter us behind Him. Thus, we become invincible through Him as we will not present ourselves as target to the world, or Satan. What a glory to

march in the victory parade in heaven following the victorious Lord who will present us individually, to God the Father.

Jesus is the one who taught us how to forgive others, even if they hurt us, and ours. This peace is only possible through Love which Jesus brings to us from God. So, if you want this peace and to walk in the WAY of peace, go ahead, mean it, and say it from your heart, just like we also did: "Forgive me God, for my heart is desperately wicked, and deceitful above all things. I am able to see the faults and evil in others easily, but I find it hard to see my own evil. But, When I open my eyes under Your light I begin to see that I am not in the right. For the real enemy Is deep within me I get angry with people, hate people, and consider many as my enemies. I also realize that though I was not born when You were here on earth, yet it was my sins for which you suffered and died on the Cross, for you are not bound by the Time dimension as I am. I repent and pray that you will forgive my numerous sins and deep-cleanse me.Forgive those who I have been considering as my enemies and show them also Your Way for peace. Help me also to forgive them. Please God, save us both and heal us from our Selfishness'. Please protect us from hurting each other. Bless us, our families our societies and both our nations. Please bring peace between me the sinner and You, the holy, Father God Please give me the peace You have offered to stay within me, in spite of trials, hurts and emotional upheavals. Please bring real peace between me, my family members, my neighbors and others, whether they are good or bad, rich or poor, persecutors or predators.

Please help me to walk steadily in Your Way, with the help of Your Truth and Light. I thank You for this undeserving gracious gift of Peace given to me through Jesus, the Prince of Peace. Amen.

We found the above to be true and helpful, after we tried many alternatives. Johnson. MD. PhD. Joseph Joseph. PhD Satyabama Johnson. MD


1. Grateful acknowledgement to Wikipedia illustrations from the public domain. 2. Mr. Vinay Manda for cover page, formatting and type setting 3. Philip Savarirayan Designing / web management. 4. All our prayer partners seeking Peace.

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