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Team 3 - Family Questions - 7/24/03

Team 3 International Counterterrorism Policy, including policy toward states like Afghanistan that were harboring
terrorists before 9-11

1. Why did Mahmood Ahmed, Director of Pakistan's secret service, the (ISI) order Saeed Sheikh to
wire $100,000 to hijacker Mohamed Atta?

2. What was Mahmood Ahmed's relationship with Al Qaeda?

3. Where did the money come from?

4. Did officials in Pakistan know in advance about the terrorist attack?

5. On September 11th, Mahmood Ahmed had a breakfast meeting in Washington, D.C., with House and
Senate Intelligence Committee chairmen, Rep. Porter Goss and Senator Bob Graham. What were they

6. What connections did our government have with the terrorists prior to 9/11?
a. State department negotiations with Taliban re: pipeline through Afghanistan
b. Interaction with the Taliban and/or bin Laden
c. CIA training and arming of terrorists
d. Did Atif Ahmad have a connection to Atta as well as to Moussaoui?

7. What sanctions can the U.S. place on individuals of non-terrorist states who aided and abetted
terrorists through funding or other means?

8. If there is no recourse, will the CIA continue to monitor their activities in the future?

9. Will those individuals be banned from doing business with the U.S.?

10. Since September 11th, has our government developed specific policies regarding individual sponsors
of terrorism?

11. On September 9th the president had a war plan on his desk to go into Afghanistan.
a. What was the origin of this plan?
b. Why was this plan drawn up even before the September 11th attacks?

12. What is the state of the Afghan pipeline now?

a. When was the deal to construct it finalized?
b. Who was involved?
c. How is the pipeline being protected?
d. Who profits from the connections as the pipeline passes through each country?
e. Who has rights to the pipeline?

13. Why isn't Saudi Arabia on the list of countries sponsoring terrorism?

14. Why are the FBI and CIA seeking to exclude evidence about Saudi involvement with terrorists? (See
Exclusive: CIA and FBI press Congress to exclude intelligence on the Saudi role with 9/11 terrorists
by Linda Robinson and Edward T. Pound:

15. In what ways might our government's policies toward Saudi Arabia have contributed to September
Team 3 - Family Questions - 7/24/03

16. Please explain the United States' position with regard to the UNOCAL pipeline in Afghanistan and
the position of our troops in Afghanistan prior to 9/11.

17. What interaction did our government have with the Taliban prior to September 11, 2001?

18. What role did American think tanks, which make policy recommendations to the
administration, play in American foreign policy decisions and the proliferation of Al Qaeda?

19. A second matter we'd like investigated is, Who was at the meeting held by Richard Clarke, Director
of National Security, in June 2001 where attendees were briefed on the growing terrorist threats in the
US? Per Richard Clarke,attendees included the FBI, CIA, INS and FAA. We would like Clarke and
all attendees to be interviewed, especially since Minetta testified he was unaware of terrorist threats
of domestic hijackings. Clarke and each attendee should be asked what they did with that critical

20. Why did President Bush specifically request a briefing on Al Qaeda in August 2001?

21. "A briefing prepared for senior government officials at the beginning of July 2001 contained the
following language: Based on a review of all source reporting over the last five months, we believe
that UBL (Usama bin Laden) will launch a significant attack against U.S. and/or Israeli interests in
the coming weeks. The attack will be spectacular and designed to inflict mass casualties against U.S.
facilities or interests. Attack preparations have been made. Attack will occur with little or no
warning." How did Bush and his team respond to this dramatic and accurate warning? What
intelligence was this heads-up based upon?

Regarding the National Security Council:

22. What was the effect of the decision made by President Bush to reorganize the National Security

23. Did the creation of 11 separate committees inhibit the coordination of information needed to combat

24. Did the abolition of the system of Interagency Working Groups and other existing NSC interagency
groups, ad hoc bodies, and executive committees inhibit the flow of information and coordination
among intelligence agencies?

25. Did Condoleeza Rice have the experience and qualifications needed to be effective given the
expanded responsibilities she assumed under the NSC reorganization?

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