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I completely agree with the two extremes theories for several reasons.

There are many ways in which people develop a competence in a second language. It is said that when adults acquire the language. this process is going to be perform in a natural way because is a subconscious process, also in children it is going to happen the same. They do not realize when they are acquiring they just communicate and that is the result needed. They seem to be able to learn the languages with incredible facility. Nonetheless, they are capable of forgetting the languge very easy. The results of language acquisition, acquired linguistic competence, are also subconcious. We are not generally aware of rules of language we have acquired. Acquistion always describes a way in which people are going to acquire the language with no real conscious or effort. Aquiring means not worrying or thinkign about vocabulry or grammar. When acquistion takes place. There are certain conditions to keep in mind. Adults, teenagers, or children need to be exposed to a suitable environment in other words under certain conditions. For instance: They need to hear a lot of language. Below is an example of acquiring language, taken from the book entitled How to teach English by Jeremy Harmer. During childhood we get an enormous amount of such language exposure. Furthermore, most of the language we hear- especially from our parents is given to us in a typical social and emotional interactions so that as we hear the language, we also hear the ways in which that language is used. Finally children have a strong motivational urge to communicate in order to be fed and understood. But in the end it is their desire to communicate needs, wants and feelings that seems to matter most. To continue developing competence in a second language it is going to be by language learning. This theory is known as Language Learning which means knowing about the language.

While acquisition is subconscious learning it is not. For the reason that learning refers to the explicit knowledge of rules, being aware of them and being able to talk about them of course it is different of language acquisition There are some components we must know about learning: Learning is acquistion or getting Learning is retention of information or skill Retention implies storage system, memory, cognitive organization Learning involves active, conscius focus on and acting upon events outside or inside the organism Learning is relatively permanent but subject to forgetting Learning involves some form of practice, perhaps reinforced pratice Learning is a change of behaviour. That is why it is important or remember some information about Krashens theory. He said that the first and the most useful hypothesis, the acquistion learning hypothesis tells us that we should baance class time between acquisiton activies and learning exercises. It is important to realice that students or any human being cannot both learn and acquire ate the same time because can focus on only one thing at a time., either or form or on meaning. Therefore there must be a separation between acquistion and learning activities in EFL classes should not be over that of learning classes. The NA instructor does not expect students at the end of a particular course to have acquired a specific grammar point. Instead he he or she does expect them to display their comprehension. It is necessary and inevitable to emply to separated classes , for instance input and grammar lessons. In input classes, students ar given as much more comprehensible input as possible. The role of grammar classes is to produce optimal monitor users and to aid

comprehension indirectl. Therefore the core of N C is acquistion activities which have a purpose other than grammar exersices such as AudioLingual drills and cognitive learning exercises in it.

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