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A Study of Two Regency Period Style Womens Shifts. ByThomasA.

Apple July2013

A Study of a Regency Period Style Womans Shift Gathered-Sleeve Type

by Thomas A. Apple
This shift is from the James Goucher collection. It was purchased on the Eastern Shore of Virginia from an antique store. It was found in a trunk of old clothes where an original 1800-1815 mans vest was also found. The exact date of construction of this shift is hard to determine. It possesses all the characteristics of a Regency period shift, however shifts in that same pattern and style were hand-made well into the 20th century for use in convents. Given the proximity to other garments definitively datable to the early 19th century, it is possible that this is actually from that period. Nonetheless the construction of it is compatible with that period and it is an interesting variant with the gathered sleeves.

Shift Dimensions
22 5-1/2 11 5-1/2

2 4 4-1/2 3



3 31

Shift Construction Details

Gathered Shoulder Seam - Backstitched & Felled

Neckline rolled inward & Hem-stitched,

3/8 Hem Hem-stitched

Backstitched & Felled

Backstitched & Felled

Gusset on Right-Side, front only. Gusset on Left-Side, back only.

Selvedge, unhemmed

Shift Construction Details

Shift Construction Details

Gusset Exterior

Gusset Interior

A Study of a Regency Period Style Womans Shift HJ Monogram Example

by Thomas A. Apple
This shift is from the James Goucher collection. It was purchased in Hillsborough, NC from an antique store. The tag which accompanied the shift indicates it was from France. The exact date of construction of this shift is hard to determine. It possesses all the characteristics of a Regency period shift, however shifts in that same pattern and style were hand-made well into the 20th century for use in convents. The construction of it is compatible with the Regency period and it is an interesting variant with gusset attached on butt-seamed selvedges.

Shift Dimensions
21 4-1/2 12-1/2

1-1/2 4 3 7


6-1/2 34

Shift Construction Details

Folded on Shoulder

1-inch Hem, hemstitched


Neckline rolled outward, Sewn with tight top-stitch, 1/2-in Linen/cotton draw-tape. Two 1/8 sewn grommets.

Seams closed with tight running stitch and felled with overcast stitch.

Gusset seams are selvedges of shift body and gusset joined with edges butted together and overcast stitched front and back. Hemstitched

Shift Construction Details

Neckline hem 3/8 wide, Letters 5/16 high.

Shift Construction Details

Gusset Selvedge

Shift-Body Selvedge

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