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A Thought on Einstein's E=mc2

Inventing a "New Force" and "New Space-Time Field" that Einstein strived to invent to explain Universe Sensibly
Universe is energy and matter. Einstein's Equation E=mc2 tells us this. It means 1]Energy in an atom is the product of two light particles moving in opposite direction in maximum speed. This invariably means there are two parallel worlds from which these light particles emerge 2] Einstein's gravitational theory suggest that two atoms or two system in Nature are attracted in space-time. This means space-time forms the back bone on which material world exist. The fact that light particles from two worlds moves toward each other invariably means it is governed by a "Principle". This principle out to be a quest to seek equilibrium. Equilibrium is death. The perpetual existence of the system then should be based certain "Non Equilibrium Design" that denies this. Note - Theory of gravity is built on the assumption of non equilibrium. The problem with science is that it has failed to perceive and differentiate energy or light particle and atoms. It has strived to break the system down to atoms and beyond it, into many sub atomic particles at huge cost. However, it has failed to put them together to sensibly explain the world we live in. It is yet to comprehend what gives gravity or mass

to matter, why it is weak force. This calls us to review the very foundation of our thinking about nature. There are two unflinching laws that all scientific thoughts should eventually account. These are the two laws of conservation of energy and matter. The first law states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be transformed. The second law states that every time some transformational change occurs there is some loss of energy in the form of heat. This means that in time all revolving objects should lose energy and collapse to the center. Thus came the concept of Big Bang Origin, Black Hole, Singularity and so on. All the laws of physics fail when it comes to this point. The fact that we do not observe electron fall into nucleus and planet fall into sun invariably means there is some other force and field driving and stabilizing the system in orbits. Note - When we take conservation principle of energy and matter, a stable picture can only be visualized with a parallel world design. Here, when in one world ratio of energy to matter favor towards energy, in the parallel world it favors the opposite. Science has already discovered this parallel world concept. Einstein also spoke of the "concept of ratio" in his auto biography. He said that constant of physical equations should be replaced by some ratio's - we will come to this ratio later. Thus, Einstein for much part of his life struggled to invent a "New Force" and "New Space-Time Field" that works against gravity to give stability to universe. He introduced the concept but retracted it. He probably failed to perceive it from Nature. Einstein said "Look deep into Nature, and then you will understand everything better". He also said "Science is a wonderful thing if one does not have to earn one's living at it." and "Imagination is more important than knowledge" Einstein seemed to have lost his observation and imagination power, once he was in mainstream science bound to "Plato's Chair". What Einstein failed to observe and which is crucial to understanding Nature

and the universe sensibly, is open to all of us, provided we care to open the window and look out to observe a plant grow, seed sprout and Lilies flower. In Plant kingdom we can perceive a parallel world. Life has a "inner space" where gravity force is converted into anti-gravity. Plants absorb light/heat and uses matter to form biological mass that grows against gravity. This means we see an opposition to the material world that tends to lose energy, wind and collapse to a point in a "black hole". More than two decades back this visualization of plants as Anti-gravitational force led me to a conclusion that even one living cell can stop the "gravitational collapse" of the whole universe. This meant we have to do away with gravity and "Big Bang Theory" or Reinvent gravity and "Big Bang Theory" including life. It is not only plants, in fact all life are instinctively anti-gravitational. They have a "inner space" in which it converts gravity into anti-gravity and thus opposes the time direction in the material world directed to collapse to a point. We must now note that we are inventing a "Parallel Space-Time Field" that opposes the gravity field of the material world. In short the space-time that Einstein introduced forming the back bone of the universes is in fact is paired. In one net, the force is centripetal and in the other the force is centrifugal. The system is now balanced and is a "Self sustaining Gaia" as Noble Laureate James Lovelock proved to the world and the ancient spiritualist understood. When "material space-time net" tends to wind to gravitational collapse to a point, the "Living Space-Time" tends to unwind and opposes the material world. The creativity of life and its potentials to reproduce invariably means plant life can push the system to "Anti-gravitational collapse". Thus Nature is bestowed with herbivore that feeds on plants and carnivore that feeds on herbivore. The system is self sustaining Gaia or Living World .

Note - The "inner space of life' holds the real information in spiritual form. It is the "Conscious Field" that supports and the material body. The genes, DNA that modern biologist think as information in life are only and instruments that used to translate the information. This is new level of thinking. The foundation of modern day bio-technology and all that they do is based on pure ignorance of Life. I was a well placed biotechnologist myself, before I quit to stay with my consciousness. I speak this from vast knowledge acquired from Nature. Dr. David Suzuki who led one of the top Genetic Engineering Lab in Canada and many more have come out against Bio-technology. All plants and animals are instinctive in their response to change in the material world and supports the "Conscious field of the Universe" that resist the gravitational collapse. Even many acknowledge quantum physicist are speaking of conscious field as the basal field of the Universe. The important question is - If all Life instinctively Creates order then from the above point of thinking of Gaia, we should have seen a world that is ordered. But what we see is a world that is highly disordered and leading to destruction and death. Why It is so?

Let us now see Why "Living Universe" gets disordered and inches towards death.
To understand this let us look at another fact we have failed to observe the "Earth and its Energy Cycle" in which we all live. Earth is separated into two cycles that are opposing but exist as one. When west awakes to sunlight/heat and unwinds, east simultaneously goes into darkness and winds thus balancing the system. When sunlight peaks in one world, then from within the opposite cycle emerges. Simultaneously the opposite happens in the other part. The12 hour daily peaking of energy, is enclosed in 12 month peak manifesting into climate cycle. There are bigger cycle that manifest in 12 years and so on to form universal cycle. The design helps Earth maintain certain "Ratio of

Energy to Matter" and thus the heat of the environment within some limit such that life can thrive on Earth. This earth's functioning is not beyond time or second law of thermodynamics and tends to collapse in time. Plant we noted works against this time direction giving stability. We saw earlier how earth is "Self-Sustaining Gaia" But this living or "Gaia Design" breaks down when we include adult human beings. Adult humans live a "self centered" and "mind centered" life. He exist as slave to material world. By birth and by his instinct, as all other living system, he is anti-gravitational, but when he matures his mind manifest a "self". It differentiates itself from the "Universal Conscious Field" and becomes the cause for the deterioration of Gaia.

An important point the whole world should take note is that Humans and their self centered mind is the cause of disorder and destruction and all misery that we see in the world. Today the world is endangered by huge Climatic Catastrophes. More than this humanity has turned against humanity with all the weapons of mass destruction in hand in the name of God. The cause for "Accelerated Climate Change" is our own "self" and reckless exploitation of material Nature disturbing "Self sustaining Gaia" We struggle to build our picture of nature on single force called gravity. Through our scientific endeavor we have learned to exploit material nature than understanding it. Though we have advanced from bullock cart to air plane, we still do not know what gives gravity or mass to matter, Why gravity is weak force? Why ratio of acceleration of two interacting bodies is always 3? Why gene is triplet code? Why double helical? Why dominant and recessive gene? How the four basic forces of

nature invented is united and so on. It calls us review the foundation of science The fallowing Figure explains the "Self -Balancing Gaia"

Earth is sustained by two opposing force and space-time field. The key here is to understand how nature maintains the ratio of energy to matter. Modern day climate change and all the debates are centered around CO2. Hardly anybody understand the importance of O2 to CO2 ratio that is getting imbalanced by human intervention in to nature. The increasing mass death of fish and birds are sign of future coming at us. The problems of the world has to be taken further back to the "disturbance of energy to matter ratio" that is leading to exponential increase of heat or energy in the environment. Noble Laureate James Lovelock has predicted large scale destruction of human population by virtue of increased heat. Yet the whole world sleeps. From the above figure, it is apparent that the self sustaining design of the universe is disturbed by human "self centeredness" and its slavery to material world. It comes when humans turn his mind from his consciousness and disconnects from "Universal Consciousness and Intelligence" that directs to life. See Figure above. The figure is self explanatory. It gives "New space-time field" that Einstein searched for. It gives us the "consciousness field" that many acknowledged quantum scientists and people like -Dr. Amit Goswamy, Dr.John Hagelin, Dr.Deepak Chopra and so on, are speaking off. It gives the potentials to evolve science and unite it with spiritual science of the ancient.

Spiritual Science of the Ancient

Spiritual scriptures of East as well as West tells us that "Truth" or God exist not "out there" but "in here". Unfortunately these spiritual institutions instead of holding Light and Life afloat, in time deteriorate and become slave to material world. They become the starting point of deterioration. Evil minds have used these institutions as means to exploit people than helping people to connect to their consciousness and walk the path of Life, Truth and Justice. Vedas of the east thus very clearly divides the "Universal Time Cycle" into four quantum portions in terms of deterioration of "Truth and Justice". In short just as Earth that strives to maintain certain energy to matter ratio, Life too struggles to

sustain certain balance of the system. Bothe strives to maintain the heat of the system. It strives to balance the spirit to matter ratio.

We must note and Underline that

A mind that knows not Truth, whether it is spiritual centered or material centered disturbs the system. They create their kingdoms. Thus world is disturbed by religious fanatics as well as material fanatics, who seek self advancement of their kingdom at all cost. If there is anything that helps sustain life it is Truth or Knowledge. Thus all scriptures tells us "Seek Truth and Truth will set you free" We all know that modern science came into existence as anti to Christianity when this religion was virtually ruling the west with iron fist, amassing wealth than spreading Good News and illuminating people and bring qualitative change in them. The fore fathers of science cleverly separated material world, leaving the realm of "soul and mind" to the religious institutions. The religious clergies were only too happy at it. But the laborious evolution of science has brought it to a point where it realized that one cannot separate the "observer" and "enquirer", [mind and soul] from what he is enquiring. Today conscious research is a forefront research. Unfortunately modern science thinks that it is related to brain and mind. At the cellular level Dr. Stuart Hemeroff and Roger Penrose locate it in "Centriole" and "Tubules". The Truth is that it exist beyond the brain/mind in heart and beyond it in the "inner space" of life. At the cellular level it exist beyond the "Centromere" in the inner space in "Living Atom" or "Soul". I am not sure how much labor and effort has to go before scientist awaken to this simple reality. Science has already discovered the concept of "Parallel Worlds" . Three scientists Prof. Neil Turok of Perimeter Institute of Theoretical Physics, Prof. Paul Steinhardt of Princeton University, Prof Burt Ovrut of Pennsylvania University have even gone ahead to suggest a solution to

time and singularity. They said that at singularity one world can pierces the other and emerges on the opposite side. I am not sure, what they meant and what line of thought brought them to this conclusion and how they visualize the universe we live in from their conceptual thinking. But it fell in line with the "Living Universe Theory" that Nature was revealing to me by Grace. Life is not beyond time, but it is bestowed with a capacity to conquer time and initialize it through reproduction. Life exist as parallel worlds Male and Female. Here the masculine is determining and giver of life. The egg cell does not take life, unless it is fertilized by masculine Spirit. Here the "Spirit and Information" of masculine world leaves its body, enters the feminine world. Here in the "black hole" it creates new body out of the old and emerges out. Note - All life struggles to sustain certain equilibrium. This is facilitated by the inner space of life. This inner space carries the real information. The genes we see are simply material body created around the spiritual core. It could be visualized as weight that a balancer uses to balance the balance. What perceives change in the material environment and balances the system is the "Spirit" in the inner space. This is a new thinking to which the world is yet to enter.

The Universal Reality or the Truth

The "Universal Reality" is that it is conscious and intelligent being as the ancient east taught the world. This conscious field is the back bone of the universal system. This conscious field is paired and supports the material world that also is paired- recall west and east separation and day and night cycle that we witnessed. The "Space-Time field of Einstein" actually is paired one dominant the other recessive. Once is centrifugal [conscious field] and other centripetal [material field]. Dominant and recessive is turn are paired.

giving the 1:2:1 structure. All life supports this "Universal Conscious Field" that acts as centrifugal field. Supporting the material world that tends to collapse to death. The only exception we noted to this is Adult Human beings who lives by his mind and is self centered and exist as slave to material world. Thus he goes against the Life Force [ Universal Consciousness and Intelligence] that supports his abode and him. By virtue of "Two Basic Ignorance's" he is calls upon himself huge destruction. The two ignorance's are The ignorance of "Principle and Design" on which Nature functions to sustain ratio of energy to matter. This is increasing climate catastrophes The Ignorance of God and His functioning. Because of this ignorance humanity is turning against humanity in the name of God with all the weapons of mass destruction in hand. Our survival now exist in evolving science and awakening to Truth or God beyond religion as a science. Vedas of the east says that Universe is "Conscious and Intelligent Being" and we humans are individuated systems born from it and go back into it to be born again. It says that the whole universe is "thought projection" of "Mind of God" and that we humans similarly create our own universes through our thoughts. One single difference between the "Mind of God" and "human mind" is that God's Mind is not self centered, where as human mind is self centered. Thus among all living creatures God the Creator and sustainer keeps a resistance to humans. Bible says God created Human's in His image and He gave them dominion over His Kingdom, but resisted him from eating from the "Tree at the Center". The tree at the center is the gravitational point to which all the material forces of the world points. It is the "black

hole" or "death point". But humans eat the forbidden fruit and creates a time direction to disorder and death. All this means humans knew Truth and knowledge of life and his relationship with "Universal Being". He had the requisite knowledge to live in peace with oneself and with Nature and one with God. He had the knowledge to govern Earth and Heavens. But this knowledge was lost when he turned his face away from God the Father and broke His Faith relationship. Earth that inhabits life seems to take a pivotal role in the world. I am sure the modern space scientist might disagree. It is inevitable that by theory of gravitation there should be a center to the whole universe. Much of our spiritual science also takes Earth as center stage of all drama of the universe. Assuming that, as heart is off centered center of the Life, Earth is also the off centered center of the universe, the "gravitational collapse" now becomes Earth is centered. Now this means secret of conquering of "Universal Time" and the its restoration into "New Time Cycle" also should manifest right here on Earth. By Grace I understood this secret manifesting through "Calvary Sacrifice of Jesus Christ". Through Christ, God the Father has opened His heart and Mind for humanity to evolve to survive and enter Golden Age, or Dharma Yuga or Kingdom of God. His Soul and His Mind becomes the reference point. This great Creation is also supported by Vedas of the East. Yajurveda VS 30-31 clearly says that universe was created by the "Self Sacrifice of the Creator". Here we are "Reinventing Big Bang" including life. We are visualizing it emerging from "inner space" of single soul and the "Information" contained in it. This single soul could be considered as "Primal Soul" or "God Soul". By virtue of what spiritual scriptures tells us, by virtue of our realization that "Information of Living System" exist in the "inner space" of life

in Spiritual form, we can conclude that the "Living Universe" survives by information unfolding and enfolding from one single "Absolute Primal Soul". All other souls exist in relation to this Primal Soul. In short all the living souls form the body of the Living Universe. The "Primal Soul" resist the souls forming the body from working against the "Primal Life force" It resist the souls from judging, from becoming self centered and slave to material force. The "Primal Soul" creates everything in its image with free will and then unfolds all the information. Thus renewing everything and initializing everything. This spiritual secret that ancient scriptures speak becomes meaningful from the above scientific context. The absolute "self -sacrifice" conducted by the "Primal Soul", has potentials to arrest time. Its inner space has the potentials to transform all force of gravity into anti-gravity and thus lifting the system from "0" back to"1" or the initial state. Note - We are her reinventing "BIG BANG" from on "Primal Soul" and information contained in it. Our universe is non linear. The present peak disorder is prerequisite to create new order. The new order is bound emerge as the Information and Truth breaks the womb of darkness and merges. No wonder Christ compared the end time to pains of pregnant woman. We are due to evolve to enter the Golden Age, or Kingdom of God. We are in the transition phase where "Information Era" helps unfold the "Knowledge Era" or "Light Age" When I write about Christ, it is not in support or against a religion called Christianity. It is in Support of the Spirit of Christ that is moving as an life giving and evolving force trying to lift human souls from the depth of darkness or ignorance in which it is caught. This includes the religious ignorance. It is a science that is beyond religion. This "Thought" is only a seed - the rest are details.

It is beyond this article to write three decades of introspection and review of developments science and spirituality. The core thought presented here has potential to explain many fundamental questions of science such as What property gives gravity and mass to matter? What is difference between light and atomic matter? Why gravity is weak force? Why gene is triplet code? Why ratio of acceleration of two interacting bodies is always 3? Why DNA is double helical? Why mitotic and meiotic division and so on. Most importantly it gives essential knowledge to unite science and spirituality and liberating humanity from the bondage to religion. It also has potential to give us essential knowledge to survive the increased climate catastrophes and make Quantum Evolution in our knowledge. It can open the gateway for evolution of "Information Era" into "Knowledge Era". Note- This search for answers to fundamental questions comes from nearly two and half decades of observation and introspection assisted by His Grace. It was pursued from a interior village, after author revolted and left "Plato's Chair of Science" to stay with his consciousness. Authors struggle to reach out to temples of science to discuss this matter, was a futile one. Because of its vital importance, author had to leave the village to lead an uncertain life in town so that he can use internet as media to write and keep these vital matter open to all. I request all readers who finds some substance in my thinking and idea, to help me spread this message. The time left to awaken and take guard of Earth appears to be very short. The signs around us speak this. Further Exploration 1] From Half Knowledge to Whole-Truth 2] God's Thought - Revealed By Grace 3] Reinventing Gravity and New Space-Time Reality

Web 2012 - Science Meets Mind of God http://www.facebook/johnpaily

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