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Michal Jordan stated talent wins games but teamwork and intelligence wins championships (de Janasz, Dowd

& Schneider, 2009). This quote proves the importance of a functional team in order to be successful. Every individual has a unique skill set, and combining these skills with other individuals creates a wealth of ideas, perspectives, and knowledge. Groups usually go through a series of stages called the Tuckman five stage theory of team development where they evolve into a team. At each stage, the development of a team can be helped and it can be hindered by individual member behaviours. The first stage is forming and if a group member encourages the group to establish its mission and purpose, sets up a work schedule, gets to know one another, and establishes norms for working together then the development of the team can be helped (de Janasz, Dowd & Schneider, 2009). As long as each member participates in the discussion and assists in the formation of the team, there will be no difficulties in starting up a successful team. The next stage which is the storming stage is when conflicts begin to arise, as a team might experience differences over factors such as direction, leadership, work style, and approach (de Janasz, Dowd & Schneider, 2009). At this stage, an individuals behaviour can hinder team development. A team member might argue over leadership (my way is best), or power (if you do not agree, we will leave you behind). At this stage, the group has not established a way to communicate about these differences and a way to resolve conflict (de Janasz, Dowd & Schneider, 2009). Also, the group might feel less enthusiastic about the task and less motivated because of an individual hindering team development. An individuals behaviour can also help the team at this stage by ensuring the group members focus on the task and not on personal differences, encourage the team to develop communication channels, and by motivating the team that the task can be completed (de Janasz, Dowd & Schneider, 2009). At the norming stage, the team continues to face issues, conflicts and leadership struggles, but the team learns new methods and procedures to work together and solve the issue. At this stage, the

development of teams will always be helped by an individuals behaviour because there will be more trust amongst each other, and a sense of team unity will be developed as the team will understand that they can solve anything together. A team member can assist in development of the team by encouraging team members to take responsibility, creating a team contract, sharing roles and responsibilities, and working together to solve problems (de Janasz, Dowd & Schneider, 2009). At the performing stage, the task is clear and the eye is on the prize. Usually each member is highly motivated and focuses on team objectives rather than individual interests (de Janasz, Dowd & Schneider, 2009). At the stage, an individuals behaviour can really hinder a teams success. If a team member is not communicating with the team, not getting his/her work completed at the requested date, and not attending team meetings, there would be serious conflict. Also, a member can also help the teams success by encouraging members to provide support and serve as resources for each other, and monitoring progresses to ensure the team continues to work towards success. Lastly, the adjourning stage is where the task is complete. An individual can help team development by acknowledging each members hard work to achieve the teams goal, and by discussing the conflicts and how they were solved as a team.

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