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Ecosystems (2011) 14: 710–719

DOI: 10.1007/s10021-011-9440-z
 2011 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC

Identification of General Patterns

of Nutrient and Labile Carbon
Control on Soil Carbon Dynamics
Across a Successional Gradient
Alexandru Milcu,1* Angela Heim,2 Richard J. Ellis,3 Stefan Scheu,4
and Pete Manning1,5

Division of Biology, NERC Centre for Population Biology, Imperial College London, Silwood Park, Ascot SL5 7PY, UK; 2Department of
Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Potsdam, Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 24-25, 14476 Potsdam, Germany; 3Veterinary
Laboratories Agency, VLA Weybridge, New Haw KT15 3NB, UK; 4J.F. Blumenbach Institute of Zoology and Anthropology,
Georg-August-University Göttingen, Berliner Str. 28, 37073 Göttingen, Germany; 5School of Agriculture, Food and Rural Development,
Newcastle University, Newcastle, Tyne and Wear NE1 7RU, UK

Carbon (C) inputs and nutrient availability are of recalcitrant C forms for nutrients under fertile
known to affect soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks. conditions) hypotheses have been proposed. Using
However, general rules regarding the operation of the natural gradient of soil nutrient availability and
these factors across a range of soil nutrient avail- substrate quality of a chronosequence, combined
abilities and substrate qualities are unidentified. with labile C and nutrient amendments, we explored
‘‘Priming’’ (stimulated decomposition by labile C the support for these contrasting hypotheses. Addi-
inputs) and ‘preferential substrate utilization’ (re- tions of labile C, nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and
tarded decomposition due to shifts in community combinations of C and N and C and P were applied to
composition towards microbes that do not mineral- three sites: 2-year fallow grassland, mature grassland
ize SOC) are two hypotheses to explain effects of and forest, and the effects of site and nutrient addi-
labile C additions on SOC dynamics. For effects of tions on litter decomposition and soil C dynamics
nutrient additions (nitrogen and phosphorus) on were assessed. The response to C addition supported
SOC dynamics, the stoichiometric (faster decompo- the preferential substrate hypothesis for easily
sition of materials of low carbon-to-nutrient ratios) degradable litter C and the priming hypothesis for
and ‘microbial mining’ (that is, reduced breakdown SOC, but only in nitrogen-enriched soils of the forest
site. Responses to N addition supported the microbial
mining hypothesis irrespective of C substrate (litter or
SOC), but only in the forest site. Further, P addition
effects on SOC support the stoichiometric hypothesis;
P availability appeared key to soil C release (priming)
Received 28 September 2010; accepted 1 April 2011;
in the forest site if labile C and N is available. These
published online 12 May 2011 results clearly link previously contrasting hypotheses
Author contributions: Alexandru Milcu and Pete Manning: conceived of the factors controlling SOC with the natural gra-
and designed the study, Alexandru Milcu and Angela Heim: performed dient in litter quality and nutrient availability that
research, Alexandru Milcu and Richard Ellis: analyzed data, Richard Ellis
and Stefan Scheu: contributed methods, Alexandru Milcu and Pete exists in ecosystems at different successional stages. A
Manning: wrote the paper. All authors discussed the results and the holistic theory that incorporates this variability of
structure of the paper, commented and revised the manuscript text. responses, due to different mechanisms, depending
*Corresponding author; e-mail:

Soil Carbon Dynamics in a Chronosequence 711

on nutrient availability and substrate quality is Key words: carbon sequestration; priming effect;
essential for devising management strategies to safe- microbial mining; succession; microorganisms; lit-
guard soil C stocks. ter decomposition.

INTRODUCTION and Kuzyakov (2008) suggest that priming may

occur at low C addition rates whilst preferential
Soils currently act as a major carbon (C) sink and substrate utilization at higher rates. However,
play a vital role in climatic stability (Trumper and overall, there is little empirical evidence to support
others 2009), but there is increasing concern that the preferential substrate hypothesis and it is un-
anthropogenically driven climate changes will con- known whether C entering the soil system as litter
vert soils from functioning as a C sink to a C source, (particulate C) and the old and more mineral-
exacerbating climate change (Cox and others 2000; bound/humified carbon (recalcitrant C) respond
Solomon and others 2008). Effective management of similarly to increased additions of labile C.
soil C is therefore vital, but our understanding of the Two contrasting hypotheses have also been put
factors affecting soil C dynamics remains frag- forward to explain the impact of changes in nutrient
mented. Although nutrient availability and sub- availability on SOC decomposition. The first
strate quality are recognized as important drivers of hypothesis, also known as the stoichiometry hypoth-
soil C dynamics (van Groenigen and others 2006; esis, assumes that microbial decomposition is driven
Bradford and others 2008), soils vary greatly in these by the relative availability of nutrients. Although
properties (for example, during ecosystem succes- relatively little is known about the role of P in stoi-
sion) and the focus of most studies on a single soil chiometric control of terrestrial ecosystem func-
type or site, limits generalization. Currently, there is tions (Craine and others 2007), it is common for the
no universally accepted framework to explain how C-to-N ratio to be used in predicting litter decay
these factors interact to affect soil organic carbon dynamics. In N-limited decomposer systems
(SOC) dynamics and multiple hypotheses have been zincreased C input, resulting in a higher C-to-N ratio
postulated to justify the often contrasting observa- should slow down decomposition, whereas N input
tions (Craine and others 2007). resulting in a lower C-to-N ratio should increase
A prominent question lacking consensus is the decomposition and decrease soil C sequestration.
effect of labile C on SOC stocks. This is a key issue The second hypothesis, which is known as the
in the context of climate change because elevated ‘microbial mining hypothesis’, states that increased
levels of atmospheric CO2 are known to enhance nutrient availability slows down decomposition of
rhizodeposition of plant-derived labile C (Phillips recalcitrant C by suppressing microbial activities
and others 2006; Pollierer and others 2007). which break down recalcitrant litter compounds
Priming effects, that is, stimulated decomposition of such as lignin to acquire N. This response may be due
existing soil organic matter by the addition of labile to changed enzyme production (Carreiro and others
C substrates (Dalenberg and Jager 1989; Kuzyakov 2000; Waldrop and others 2004), altered microbial
2010), have been shown to increase soil respiration community composition (Moorhead and Sinsab-
(Heath and others 2005) and decrease SOC stocks augh 2006), reduced microbial biomass (Treseder
(Hoosbeek and others 2004). Conversely, several 2008) or a combination of these factors. Indeed,
studies report that labile C inputs to soils do not there is evidence that mining for N depends on N
accelerate SOC decomposition (Wu and others availability and litter quality (Knorr and others
1993; Fontaine and Barot 2005). To explain this 2005; Craine and others 2007). According to this
discrepancy the ‘preferential substrate utilization’ hypothesis, excess N should increase ecosystem C
hypothesis has been proposed, which states that at stocks in systems where litter inputs contain
high labile C concentrations microbial community recalcitrant compounds, but decrease it where litter
composition shifts towards dominance by microbes inputs are dominated by more decomposable com-
unable to mineralize complex SOC compounds, pounds (for example, Manning and others 2008). In
and represses those that do (Fontaine and others contrast to N there is no evidence for P mining be-
2004; Fontaine and Barot 2005). Indeed, C avail- cause P is not associated with recalcitrant carbon
ability has been found to shape microbial commu- (McGill and Cole 1981). The implication of these
nities (Fierer and others 2007). In an attempt to hypotheses, if supported, is that the factors control-
reconcile our understanding of the effects of C ling soil C turnover vary spatially depending
availability and the priming effect, Blagodatskaya
712 A. Milcu and others

on natural patterns of resource availability, and 25¢N) at an elevation of 68 m. The three succes-
temporally according to environmental changes (for sional sites are found within 200 m of each other
example, N and CO2 enrichment) and successional and all lie on sandy deposits, the Bagshot sands.
time, in which changes in nutrient limitation and They consist of a regularly tilled site left fallow for
litter quality take place (Walker and del Moral 2003). 1 year (the early successional site), mature grass-
To uncover general patterns in the regulation of C land (mid successional site) and a deciduous forest
dynamics by the availability of nutrients and labile C, (late successional site) (Table 1). The early suc-
we conducted a multifactorial experiment exploring cession site was continuously cultivated since
how two forms of C substrate (fresh litter vs. soil 1947 and left fallow in autumn 2006. The vege-
organic matter) are affected by the addition of labile tation consists of a mixture of ruderal herbs
C and nutrients (N and P). These additions were re- (Raphanus raphanistrum, Plantago lanceolata) and
peated across the natural gradient of soil nutrient early successional grassland species (Poa spp., Vicia
availability and substrate quality of a secondary hirsuta). The mid-successional site has been
succession chronosequence. Within a recently cul- grassland since 1947 and is covered by typical
tivated field (early), a mid-successional grassland grassland vegetation dominated by the perennial
(mid) and a 60-year-old deciduous woodland (late grass Dactylis glomerata. The late successional site
successional stage), we established six subplots was also cultivated until 1947 then left fallow. A
receiving resource amendments (C, N, P, CN, CP and myxoma virus outbreak in the 1960s resulted in
control) where we assessed SOC dynamics and litter low grazing pressure by rabbits and tree recruit-
decomposition. Using litterbags containing litters of ment. Quercus petraea and Betula pendula are the
different qualities from the dominant plant species of dominant species. Details of the soil chemical
each successional stage (Raphanus raphanistrum, characteristics for the three sites are given in Ta-
Dactylis glomerata and Quercus petrea representing the ble 1. Due to the closeness of the sites (200 m)
early, mid and late successional stage, respectively) and their shared geology, differences in environ-
we were able to detect interaction effects between mental conditions between the sites are consid-
litter quality, successional stage and nutrient avail- ered negligible and any variations in temperature,
ability on SOC dynamics. We then used these data to soil moisture, shading and so on are assumed to
explore whether the support for contrasting be caused by differences in successional develop-
hypotheses (priming hypothesis and preferential ment.
substrate hypothesis for labile C additions, and the
stoichiometric and microbial mining for N and P Experimental Design
additions) depends on site nutrient availability and C
The experiment had a nested factorial design with
substrate type and quality.
three treatments: (1) successional stage (S), with
three levels (early, mid and late), (2) resource
METHODS amendment (RA) with six levels (C, N, P, CN, CP
and control) and (3) litter type (L) with three levels
Study Sites (Raphanus raphanistrum as high, Dactylis glomerata as
The study area was located at Silwood Park, South medium and Quercus petrea as low quality). L was
East England (longitude 035¢W, latitude 51 nested within RA and RA nested within S. In each

Table 1. Chemical Soil Characteristics in the Early (Recently Cultivated Field), Mid (Grassland) and Late
(60-Year-Old Deciduous Woodland) Successional Sites
Characteristics/site Early Mid Late

Soil pH 5.5 5.3 4.3

C% (C-to-N ratio) 1.91% (12.1) 3.2% (12.0) 7.4% (13.3)
DIN (mg/kg) 3.6 3.6 1.6
DON (mg/kg) 30.4 22.2 7.4
P% (N-to-P ratio) 0.03% (13.4) 0.09% (3.0) 0.03% (5.2)
Available P (mg/l) 13.3 83.3 10.0

The pH was measured using a standard soil water extraction. C% and N% were measured using a CNS elemental analyzer (Thermo Scientific Flash EA 1112 series). Nitrate
and ammonium N were extracted from the soil with potassium chloride solution. The nitrate nitrogen is measured by cadmium reduction to nitrite nitrogen, which is
determined spectrophotometrically after formation of a diazo compound between nitrite and sulphanilamide. The ammonium N is determined by formation of indophenol blue
by reaction with hypochlorite and phenol. Organic N was converted to inorganic N by persulphate oxidation and the resulting nitrate N was measured as above. Available P
was estimated using the Olsen method.
Soil Carbon Dynamics in a Chronosequence 713

successional stage two plots (Plot) of approximately Sampling and Analytical Procedures
5.5 9 3.5 m2 were fenced to prevent access by
The litter bags were collected after 12 months of
rabbits and deer. Within each plot of the succes-
field exposure, soaked in water and washed for
sional stage treatment six RA subplots of
1.1 9 1.1 m were established in October 2006. RA 30 min to minimize any mineral/soil contamina-
aimed to eliminate C, N and P nutrient limitation of tion, dried 3 days at 60C and weighed. Three 5-cm
deep soil cores (5-cm diameter) were used to sample
soil microbial community. The basis for calculating
each fertilizer treatment in October 2007, sieved
the RA amendments was the successional stage
through a 2-mm diameter mesh to remove any root
with the highest C input per year (the forest) using
fragments, homogenized and then used for micro-
the Jenkinson and others (1991) estimate of
bial biomass and soil chemistry analyses. Dry sam-
approximately 912 g m-2 y-1 in a cool temperate
ples of soil and litter for measuring total C and N
forest. The N and P additions were based on the
macronutrient ratio of microbial biomass: approx- were milled using a Retsch 400 MM ball mill and
imately 10:2:1 for C, N and P, respectively analyzed using a CNS elemental analyzer (Thermo
Fisher Scientific Inc). Microbial biomass (Cmic;
(Anderson and Domsch 1980). This resulted
lg C g-1 soil) was determined by substrate-induced
in annual rates of 182.4 g m-2 y-1 of N and
respiration (SIR; Anderson and Domsch 1978) after
90.12 g m-2 y-1 of P. Although these rates are
the addition of glucose to saturate the glycolytic
higher than those used in typical agricultural fer-
enzymes of microbes (8 mg glucose g-1 dry wt soil)
tilization they aim to compensate for the high
using an automated oxygen (O2) microcompensa-
nutrient losses that are to expected at this site. The
soils are freely draining and are derived from the tion apparatus (Scheu 1992). O2 production at the
Bagshot sands, which are known to have high rates maximum initial respiratory response (MIRR) was
used to calculate microbial biomass as Cmic =
of nutrient leaching and an extremely low nutrient
40 9 MIRR according to Anderson and Domsch
sorption capacity (Manning and others 2006).
(1978) and Beck and others (1997). Microbial
There were no signs that nutrient availability was
growth slopes (slopes of CO2 increase calculated
at toxic levels. The nutrients were applied in a 3-l
from O2 production after MIRR) were used to con-
solution fortnightly, starting in October 2006 until
firm that the fertilizer applications reduced the
October 2007. To eliminate any moisture effects the
control treatment was also sprinkled with 3 l of respective microbial nutrient limitations after addi-
water in every nutrient application. C was applied tional nutrients (C, CN, CP and CNP), as done pre-
viously by Scheu and Parkinson (1995).
as glucose monohydrate (C6H12O6ÆH2O) (105 g m-2
DNA was extracted from 250 mg frozen soil
per application), N as ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3)
using Powersoil DNA isolation kits (MO BIO Lab-
(22 g m-2 per application), and P as sodium phos-
oratories, Inc., USA) according to the manufac-
phate (NaH2PO4ÆH2O) (17 g m-2 per application).
turer’s instructions. The purified DNA was used as a
Nested within the nutrient addition treatment
template for PCR amplification of general bacterial
were the litter type treatments. Senescent litter
materials of the three plant species were collected ribosomal RNA genes (16S rRNA) using the fol-
in autumn 2006 and dried for 3 days at 50C. lowing primers, 341F (5¢-CCTACGGGAGGCAG
Leaves and shoots were used for Raphanus (43.9%
(Muyzer and others 1993). The PCR mix (50 ll/
C, 7.7% lignin, C:N = 30.8, N:P = 5.9) and Dactylis
reaction) consisted of 1 ll of each primer (10 mM),
(45.6% C, 9.2% lignin, C:N = 34.9, N:P = 14.5)
5 ll 109 Immobuffer (Bioline, London, UK), 2 mM
and only leaves for Quercus (48.4% C, 23.7% lignin,
MgCl2, 0.4 mM deoxynucleoside triphosphates
C:N = 42.0, N:P = 12.8), thus simulating the usual
(dNTP) mix and 1 U of Immolase DNA polymerase
form of annual inputs. The treatments gave a total
of 216 litter bags [3 successional stages 9 2 sites per (Bioline, London, UK) and 1 ll of extracted DNA.
successional stage (S) 9 6 resource amendments The cycle conditions were 95C for 8 min, 30 cycles
of 95C 30 s, 50C 45 s, 72C 45 s and a final
(RA) 9 3 litter species (L) 9 2 litter bags litter per
extension of 72C for 5 min. Amplified fragments
litter species] with different levels of replication for
with different sequences (assumed to be repre-
the main effects of each treatment; 2 per treatment
senting different bacterial taxa) were separated
level for S, 6 for RA and 72 for L. The bags had a
using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis
mesh size of 2 9 2 mm and contained 3-g dry
(DGGE) as described previously (Ellis and others
weight of plant material and were placed in the
field by securing them with a peg on the soil sur- 2003). The INGENY phorU2 system (Netherlands)
face in November 2006. was used. Samples were loaded onto 10% acryl-
714 A. Milcu and others

amide-bisacrylamide (37.5:1) gels with denaturing terms, followed by Tukey’s HSD posthoc test. This
gradients from 30 to 60% (where 100% is 7 M urea allowed us to compare levels of treatments with
and 40% [v/v.] deionized formamide) in 19 TAE more than two levels. For graphical representation
electrophoresis buffer. Electrophoresis was per- of data, we used Statistica 8 package (StatSoft Inc).
formed at 100 V at a temperature of 60C for 18 h.
Gels were then stained with SBYR Gold (Cam-
bridge BioScience) in 19 TAE for 30 min at room
temperature and visualized under UV illumination. The slope of the microbial respiration rates (see
Digital images of DGGE gels were analyzed using ‘‘Methods’’) was significantly lower when the
GelCompar II V5.10 software (Applied Maths, additional substrate amendments (SA) matched the
Belgium). The software accounts for slight run respective resource amendment (RA), thus con-
anomalies and will allow multiple gels to be nor- firming that the RA applications reduced the
malized using standard lanes run on each gel. The respective microbial nutrient limitation (significant
position and intensities of the bands for each RA 9 SA interaction, F15,90 = 5.34, P < 0.001;
sample were used for comparisons between them. Figure 1A).
Pairwise similarities between samples were calcu-
lated using the dice coefficient, allowing for 0.5%
variation in band position. Graphical representa-
tions of similarity matrices were produced using the
unweighted pair group method using arithmetic
averages (UPGMA). We tried to perform a similar
analysis for fungal community composition, how-
ever, despite several attempts the resulting gels
were of poor quality and the results unpublishable.

Statistical Analysis
Mixed effects models, as implemented in the R
Statistical package (lme function, R version 2.10.1;
Pinheiro and Bates 2009), were used to analyze the
fixed effects of successional stage (S), resource
amendment (RA), litter type (L) and their interac-
tion on the amount of litter mass remaining, soil C
and microbial biomass. The random-effects of the
initial (maximal) model, which was fit by maxi-
mum likelihood, had a RA within S within plot
structure to account for pseudoreplication result-
ing from the nested design [R model: lme
(y  S *RA *L, random = 1/Plot/S/RA)]. The
slopes of respiration rate during microbial growth
were compared in a similar way, but replacing the
RA treatment with the additional substrate
amendment treatment (SA) as an explanatory
categorical variable with four levels (C, CN, CP and
CNP). These maximal models were reduced to
minimum adequate models, containing only sig- Figure 1. Slope of substrate induced microbial respira-
nificant terms by sequentially removing non-sig- tion (SIR), as affected by resource amendments with
nificant terms (starting with highest-order labile carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P)
interactions) from the maximal model and com- nutrients in the field and substrate additions (C, CN, CP
and CNP) in the laboratory (A). Percentage litter
paring each model with its predecessor using like-
remaining after 12 months of field exposure in litterbags
lihood ratio tests (Crawley 2007), until only as affected by B resource amendments to sites repre-
significant terms remained. To explore interactions senting different successional stages and C litter types.
that had been found to be significant in the mini- Means presented are averaged across other treatments
mum adequate models we performed factorial not shown, therefore, for each bar n = 6 in (A) and
ANOVAs on subsets of significantly interacting n = 12 in (B, C). Error bars represent ±SE.
Soil Carbon Dynamics in a Chronosequence 715

Litter Decomposition
Successional stage (S) significantly affected litter
decomposition after 12 months, with the amount
of litter remaining in the mid-successional site
(40.6%) being significantly lower than in the early
(49.1%) and late successional sites (50.1%) (Tukey
HSD < 0.05; Table 2). Although litter mass loss
depended on the interaction between S and re-
source amendment (S 9 RA, Table 2; Figure 1B),
the C and CP treatments generally retarded
decomposition (48.5 and 61.7% litter remaining)
compared to the control (34.5%, Tukey’s
HSD < 0.05, Figure 1B), in line with the prefer-
ential substrate hypothesis. Alleviating N limitation
with the addition of N and CN generally retarded
decomposition in the late successional site (52.4
and 54.9% litter remaining compared to 34.8% in
control, Tukey’s HSD < 0.05) (Figure 1B), which
is in line with the microbial mining hypothesis.
Different litter types decomposed at different rates,
with Raphanus decomposing fastest: 37.9% litter
remaining versus 53.4% and 48.7% for Dactylis and
Quercus, respectively, but no significant interaction Figure 2. Soil carbon (C) percentage (A) and C-induced
between litter and resource amendment was found soil microbial biomass (Cmic) (B) as affected by site
(L 9 RA, Figure 1C; Table 2). (successional stage) and resource amendment treatments
after 12 months of field exposure. For each bar n = 6.
Error bars represent ±SE.
Soil Carbon
Resource amendment only affected SOC content in HSD < 0.05), thus supporting the microbial min-
the late successional stage (S 9 RA, F10,15 = 4.22, ing hypothesis, but only for soils where more
P < .01; Figure 2A), with the low SOC soils of the recalcitrant, lignin-rich inputs were the norm. N
early and mid successional sites being unaffected addition also led to more similar (convergent)
(P > 0.05). At the late site, additional N signifi- microbial community compositions (Figure 3),
cantly increased SOC content from 6.2% in the suggesting that changes in bacterial community
control (Ctr) to 7.6% in the N treatment (Tukey’s composition were contributing to the reduced
degradation of recalcitrant C under N addition.
These N effects were absent when N addition was
Table 2. Significance of the Treatment Effects on
Litter Decomposition combined with labile C addition, which singly did
not affect SOC content but when combined with N
Source/treatment Litter remaining or P reduced it. Adding both C and N (CN treat-
after 12 months ment) decreased the soil C content from 6.2% in
Ctr to 5.0% (Tukey’s HSD < 0.05) suggesting a
Intercept F1,144 = 2832.97***
S F2,3 = 11.04*
priming effect of C when N is available. Adding P
RA F5,15 = 17.23*** also reduced SOC content to 4.0% in the late suc-
L F2, 144 = 27.25*** cessional soil that had the highest N-to-P ratio of
S:RA F10,15 = 3.07* the three sites, indicating a stoichiometric response.
S:L F4,144 = 15.15*** The addition of CP similarly decreased soil C con-
RA:L F10,144 = 1.82+ tent to 4.4%, and there was no significant differ-
S:RA:L F20,144 = 1.52+ ence between the P and CP treatments (Tukey’s
HSD > 0.1, Figure 2A).
***P < 0.001, **P < 0.01; *P < 0.05; +P < 0.10.
F values shown are from an analysis of variance on the mixed effects model,
showing the estimated significance of succession (S), resource amendments (RA), Microbial Biomass
litter type (L) and their interactions on the remaining mass of litter after
12 months of field exposure and percentage carbon (C) (expressed as percentage of Analysis of SIR microbial biomass C (Cmic)
showed successional (F2,3 = 36.40, P < 0.01) and
716 A. Milcu and others

Dice(fuzzy)(area) (Opt:0.75%) (Tol 1.3%-1.3%) (H>1.0% S>1.0%) [0.0%-100.0%] Figure 3. Similarity of

Bacterial 16S Bacterial 16S
bacterial community
composition based on







DDGE profiles of bacterial
Mid Control 16 s DNA as affected by
Mid P site (successional stage)
Mid C P and resource amendment
Mid C treatments.
Early C P
Early P
Early C
Early Control
Late C P
Late P
Late C
Late Control
Late C N
Late N
Mid C N
Mid N
Early C N
Early N

RA effects (F5,15 = 47.74, P < 0.001), though the DISCUSSION

pattern of response was generally consistent
across successional stages, with the CN treatment Our results support our central proposal that con-
causing the biggest gains to microbial biomass trasting observations and support for various
and the N treatment reducing it the most (Fig- hypotheses in studies investigating the impact of
ure 2B). The interaction between S and RA was additional labile C and nutrients on soil organic
also significant (F10,15 = 4.12, P < 0.01), with the carbon (SOC) stocks, results mainly from natural
highest Cmic in the mid-successional stage when variations in soil nutrient limitation and the type of
CN was added and the lowest in the early and C substrate (litter vs. soil C). We show that despite
mid successional stage when N was added (Fig- the complexity of the interactions between the
ure 2B). However, the pattern of response in Cmic addition of labile C, nutrients, successional stage
did not relate to any RA effects on SOC or litter and C substrate, general patterns emerge (Table 3).
decomposition, suggesting that there was a weak However, the results should be interpreted with
relationship between microbial biomass and its caution because like the majority of other studies
activity. trying to indentify changes in soil C pools, the
statistical power of our study is insufficient (<0.80)
Bacterial Community Composition to detect subtle changes (Strickland and others
Comparison of bacterial communities in soil sam-
ples from the experimental plots, as assessed by
Effects of Labile C Additions
DGGE of 16S rRNA gene amplicons, demonstrated
that both successional stages and nutrient addition There is now substantial evidence that the domi-
affected community structure. Figure 3 shows that nant form of belowground C input is labile C
samples from the same successional stage are compounds from rhizodeposition (van Hees and
more similar to each other than to communities others 2005; Högberg and Read 2006; Boddy and
from other successional stages. Furthermore, this others 2007). However, little is known about how
result is not markedly affected by the addition of rhizodeposits affect soil C turnover, or to what
C, P or CP. However, the addition of N (whether extent their effects are modified by nutrient avail-
or not in combination with C) causes a shift in ability. In our experiment, the addition of labile C
bacterial community composition in all succes- alone did not impact soil C levels after 1 year.
sional stages. However, in combination with additional nitrogen
Soil Carbon Dynamics in a Chronosequence 717

Table 3. Simplified Summary Table of the Support for the Different Hypotheses Concerning the Impact of
Resource Amendments (RA) Supplying Excess of Labile Carbon (C), Nitrogen (N) and Phosphorus (P) when
Applied to Simple (Easily Degradable) Litters Originating from Early and Mid-Successional Stages, Complex
(Recalcitrant) Litters from the Late Successional Stage and Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) Derived from These
C substrate/RA Hypothesis supported

Labile C N P

Non-recalcitrant litters Preferential substrate (P) No detectable effect No detectable effect

Recalcitrant litters Preferential substrate (P) Microbial mining Stoichiometric
SOC originating from simple litters No detectable effect No detectable effect No detectable effect
SOC originating from recalcitrant Priming (N) Priming if labile C available Priming (labile C)
litters (labile C)
Microbial mining

In brackets we note the next limiting resource.

(CN treatment) it enhanced soil C loss, but only at reduced from 6.5 to 4.4%). This suggests that the
the late successional site. This suggests that the concurrent availability of both labile C and mineral
priming effect of additional C depends on N avail- N results in a strong priming effect on soil C,
ability, with our results indicating that the priming resulting in marked C losses from soil organic
effect is more important in late successional soils, matter. In contrast, we found that in the more early
where a larger proportion of the SOC is derived successional stages, where inputs and their deriv-
from recalcitrant material such as lignin. In con- atives are more inherently decomposable that the
trast, the addition of readily available C (in the C availability of labile C and N is less important for
and CP treatments) retarded the decomposition of SOM dynamics. Although we detected significant
litter, providing support for the preferential sub- shifts in bacterial composition under the N treat-
strate hypothesis. We acknowledge that the lack of ment of these sites it appeared to have little con-
data on shifts in microbial community structure sequence for SOM dynamics. This may be related to
and enzyme activity at the litter level prevents the fact that recalcitrant compounds, such as lignin
inferences about whether these changes were due and humified materials, make up a far lower pro-
to changes in community composition or func- portion of the SOC in these systems in comparison
tioning. to systems dominated by woody plants, or due to
the fungal dominance of decomposition processes,
though this would be expected of later successional
Effects of N Additions
ecosystems, which tend to be more fungal domi-
The microbial mining hypothesis predicts that the nated (Wardle 2002).
decomposition of recalcitrant litter compounds is Several non-exclusive mechanisms have been
stimulated by increased availability of labile C un- proposed to explain the mechanisms underlying
der low N availability (Craine and others 2007). microbial mining. (1) Increased N availability re-
Our results confirm the findings of Sinsabaugh and duces the production of enzymes, such as phenol
others (2002) and Craine and others (2007) in oxidase and peroxidase, responsible for the
showing that N mining operates in systems with decomposition of recalcitrant C compounds (Craine
slowly decomposing litters rich in lignin and tannin and others 2007). (2) N mining is modified by
and other condensed carbon compounds. Interest- competition between microorganisms for available
ingly, we found support for microbial N mining of N and labile C resulting in a microbial community
both litter and soil C, but only at the late succes- shift from fungal (especially white rot basidiomy-
sional site, where inputs of lignin-rich compounds cetes) to bacterial at elevated N availability (Wal-
and their derivatives are likely to dominate the drop and others 2004). Microbial data indicate
SOC; the percentage of soil C in the late succes- significant shifts in microbial community compo-
sional stage increased from 6.5 to 7.5 in just 1 year sition associated with N addition. However, we
of N addition. However, when C and N were added cannot tell if this was caused by biotic (competition
together they contrastingly affected the soil C (was between microorganisms) or abiotic (for example,
718 A. Milcu and others

the reduction in soil pH caused by ammonium ni- nisms operate in tandem under natural conditions,
trate additions) drivers. In particular, soil acidifi- but that their relative importance depends greatly
cation caused by N fertilizer applications has been upon initial soil conditions. Further studies
shown to strongly impact bacterial community encompassing a wider range of sites with different
composition (O’Donnell and others 2001; Rousk soils, vegetation, nutrient limitations and C sub-
and others 2010). strates are necessary for further investigation of the
There was also evidence that nutrient amend- observed patterns and should allow us to gain a full
ments alleviated nutrient limitations, as indicated mechanistic understanding of the factors affecting
by changes in microbial biomass in response to SOC stocks. Such an understanding may allow
fertilizer addition and shallower slopes of microbial modelling soil C dynamics in a way that synthesizes
growth when lab fertilization matched the respec- these fragmented hypotheses by incorporating the
tive field addition. However, no clear relationships amounts of C, N and P in a variety of forms with
between microbial biomass or the slopes of micro- the dynamics of the decomposer community. The
bial growth and decomposition or N mining were acquisition of such knowledge is becoming
evident. This lack of correlation is most likely a increasingly important as anthropogenic impacts
result of not capturing information on microbial such as soil fertilization with N and P, and the input
functional responses. Measurements of microbial of labile C via root exudates are predicted to in-
enzyme activity may be better indicators of crease in future. Understanding how SOC stocks
microbial functional responses than biomass mea- from different ecosystems will respond to these
sures as they contain information on both physio- changes is essential if we are to reliably predict the
logical and community composition shifts, but we C sink potential of soils and devise management
did not cover this aspect. strategies to more effectively sequester soil C.

Effects of P Additions ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

We did not find any support for microbial P mining. We thank the NERC Centre for Population Biology
These results are in line with those of Craine and for funding and Tom Sloan, Melanie Wessels, Mark
others (2007) who suggested that the impacts of P Saunders, Kim Prior, Gary Needham and Callum
addition on organic matter decomposition follow Brandon for helping with the fertilizer applications
the stoichiometric hypothesis. In our study, P was and sample analyses.
not sufficiently limiting for its addition to affect
microbial processes in the early and mid-succes-
sional stage. However, we found a strong interac-
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