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Try + v ing = innocent suggestion (Why dont you try swimming?

?) Try + v to infinitive = you might fail Try + and + v = polite command (order)

Do not try and bend the spoon. Try to realise the truth.

to use one's own intelligence. (The word noodle is a slang term for "head.")

Whats really going to bake your noodle later on is

1. To reveal (a secret) to someone: They finally let me in on their plans. 2. To allow someone to participate in (something).

Ill let you in on a little secret.

through and through thoroughly; completely. I was angry through and through, and I had to sit and recover before I could talk to anyone. feel something in your bones to know something is true, although it cannot be proved. I knew something terrible was going to happen - I could feel it in my bones.

You just know it. Through and through. Balls to bones.

Youll feel (as) right as rain.

To feel well.

Belief / beliefs Believe Disbelief / disbelieve believer Truth x Untruth / truthfulness Break Broken Outbreak / Break / breakage broke Poor / poverty Impoverish impoverishment Right(s) / right rightness / righteousness



Unbelievable believable



True Truly Untrue / (un)truthfully (un)truthful (un)breakable x (un)broken

Poor impoverished Right / rightful/ righteous

Right Rightly / rightfully / righteously

Word Formation

Suffixes (1) Forming Nouns

v + (a)tion, (i)tion, sion Demonstrate Imagine Abolish Persuade Revise v + ance / ence Accept Defend Avoid Occur Disturb Emerge noun Acceptance Defence Avoidance Occurrence Disturbance Emergence noun Demonstration Imagination Abolition Persuasion Revision

v + ment Advertise Embarrass Refresh

noun Advertisement Embarrassment Refreshment

adj + th Strong Long Warm

noun Strength Length Warmth

adj + ness Bright Empty Tender

n/adj + ism Social Hero Alcohol

noun Brightness Emptiness Tenderness

noun Socialism Heroism Alcoholism

n/adj + dom King Wise Duke

noun Kingdom Wisdom Dukedom

Suffixes (2) Forming Adjectives

v/n + ful / less Hope Pain Thought Use n + al Music Profession Culture n + ic Chaos Reality Science adjective Hopeful / hopeless Painful / painless Thoughtful / thoughtless Useful / useless n + ical Comics Cynic Clinic adjective Comical Cynical Clinical

adjective Musical Professional Cultural adjective Chaotic Realistic Scientific

n/v + ive Explosion Detect Adopt Sense

adjective Explosive Detective Adoptive Sensitive

n + ous Courage Danger Space

adjective Courageous Dangerous Spacious

n/adj + ist Social Right National

adjective Socialist Rightist Nationalist

n/v + able / ible Drink Sense Response Suit

n/adj + ish Fool Self Boy adjective Foolish Selfish Boyish n + ate Fortune Affection Delicacy

adjective Drinkable Sensible Responsible Suitable

n+y Guilt Health Hunger adjective Fortunate Affectionate Delicate adjective Guilty Healthy Hungry

n/v + ant / ent Arrogance Hesitate Efficiency Depend

adjective Arrogant Hesitant Efficient Dependent

Suffixes (3) Forming Verbs

n + en Straight Dark Threat verb Straighten Darken Threaten
verb Intensify Magnify Beautify

adj + fy (sometimes y) Intense Magnificent Beautiful

n/adj + ise / ize Sympathy Customs Glamour

n/adj + ate Celebration verb Congratulations Communication Sympathise Customise Glamorize

verb Celebrate Congratulate Communicate

Suffixes (4) Forming Adverbs

adj + ly Dangerous Efficient Lazy adverb Dangerously Efficiently Lazily

In Im Un CoDis Mis Il Un Mis Dis Over PreDependent Polite Do Driver Approve Behave Logical Zip Inform Agree Eat Historic TransMis Im Mis Mis Inter / multi Over Ir Dis Over Mis PreAtlantic Behaving Moral Hear Interpret National Sleep Relevant Believe Crowded Understand Natal

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