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CTE Introduction Career and Health Occupations

Mrs. Pearson (801) 610-8765 Room: D-119 Timberline Phone #

Class Website: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Welcome to CTE! The Career and Health Occupations section of the Career and Technical Education (CTE) Introduction class at Timberline Middle School is designed to educate students about various possible career paths as well as careers in the health field. In the first part of our class, students will explore different careers with the help of family and friends. Later on in the term students will develop an understanding about health occupations.

In this course students will:

Become more aware of the life skills necessary to be a contributing member to the workforce and society. Develop knowledge and understanding of the importance of education and occupational decision-making in reference to various careers. Explore possible future careers and gain an interest in studying more health related classes in the future. Participate in classroom activities, assignments and discussions that explore possible future careers and gain an understanding of steps to progressing in a career and responsibilities that come with a career.

Materials to bring to class each day:

1/2-1 3-ring binder with paper for note-taking Pen or pencil

Class Rules:

Students should feel both physically and emotionally safe in this classroom. Rules are set up to elicit a safe and effective learning environment. These rules are posted in the classroom and are referred to as expectations . Additionally, all Timberline Middle School policies will be followed in this class. Please refer to the school handbook for further information.
*Any student who does not adhere to the class expectations will first be given a verbal warning. After the first offense, the student will be asked to stay after class and conference with Mrs. Pearson briefly. When a student consistently chooses not to follow the expectations, a parent will be contacted. Other disciplinary measures will take place under Mrs. Pearson's discretion. Please note that if a student chooses to physically or emotionally harm property, another student or the teacher, they will be immediately sent to the principal's office.*

I expect my students to:

*Come prepared to class each day with their 3-ring binder and a pencil *Be in their seat when the bell rings, ready to learn *Be respectful to the teacher, fellow students and property

*Actively and positively participate in the day's work *Listen and follow instructions the first time they are given Cheating in any form is not acceptable. Students who copy or cheat (presenting someone elses work as their own) will be given no credit on the assignment and will not receive participation points for the day, with a possibility of being sent to the office.

Assignments and Late work:

Sufficient time will be given for students to finish most assignments in class. All assignments must be turned in by the assigned due date. Assignments turned in after the due date can only receive up to 90%. It is up to the student to make sure they have all assignments turned in. All late work is due one week before the end of the term. Work turned in after this time will not be accepted and the student will receive no credit on the assignment.


Students will be assigned a 100 point project to complete. This will be assigned at the beginning of the term and students will have about a month to complete it. The due date will be given when it is assigned. Students have the option of turning it in early (meaning before the actual day it is due) for 5 extra credit points. Because of the large allotment of time and the option to turn it in early, any projects turned in after the due date will only be eligible for HALF CREDIT. Please understand the importance of this project for the students grade. Absence on the due date for this project will not be acceptable grounds for turning it in late. It MUST be turned in by the due date.

Citizenship, Absences, and Tardies:

Classroom activities and atmosphere cannot be recreated for an absence or tardy; therefore, it is necessary for a student to attend class regularly. Students who are truant or tardy may not make up missed points. When a student is absent, they are responsible for finding out what they missed in class. Find out what you missed in class by checking the class website. If you have additional questions you may contact Mrs. Pearson. Any work that was turned in the day they are absent will be due at the beginning of class the day they return. A student has one week to turn in assignments missed while they were absent. After one week points will be deducted from the assignment . If a student will be absent for an extended period of time, please talk with Mrs. Pearson beforehand to gather makeup work. The Timberline Middle School school-wide tardy and absence policy will be followed. Please refer to the student manual for further explanation.

Grading Policy and Breakdown:

At the end of the term, all points will be totaled and divided by the number of possible points to arrive at a percentage. Updated grades will be posted in the classroom weekly. The grade scale breakdown is as follows: 94-100% 90-93% 86-89% 83-85% =A =A=B+ =B 80-82% 77-79% 74-76% 70-73% =B=C+ =C =C67-69% 64-66% 60-63% 0-59% =D+ =D =D=F

Nuisance Items:
Absolutely no items of distraction (cell phones, iPods, toys, etc.) are allowed in the classroom. If they are found, they will be reported to the office. If you need to contact your child, please do not call or send text messages to their cell phones. You are welcome to call the school where a message can be delivered to your child. Please note this class is open to all students as Timberline Middle School offers education to all enrolled. Timberline Middle School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, disability, or national origin. Students who have a grievance with another student or any school employee should talk to the school administration or a counselor about their concerns. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, students needing special accommodations may contact the instructor for alternative arrangements. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I have read and understand the requirements for Mrs. Pearson's CTE Introduction class. Please sign, detach and return this page to class next time.
Student Name (please print)_______________________________________Period____________ Student Signature_________________________________________________________Date______________ Parent Signature_________________________________________________________Date______________ Parent Contact email: _______________________________________________________________ Parent contact phone number: ________________________________________________________ How would you prefer to be contacted? ________________________________________________________

Is there anything else I need to know that would enable a successful experience for your child? _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________

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