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Elaborada por:

Dra. Carmen Bentez C.

En la calificacin automtica se utiliza la frmula aciertos menos errores, por lo tanto, le recomendamos piense bien la respuesta antes de marcarla, si no est seguro, es preferible dejarla en blanco. No est permitido comunicarse entre compaeros ni consultar libros o apuntes. Verifique que la hoja de respuestas corresponda a la evaluacin que est desarrollando.


Lea detenidamente cada uno de las siguientes preguntas y rellene completamente el crculo que corresponda al literal de la alternativa correcta en la hoja de respuestas. La alternativa (A) se usar para verdadero y la alternativa (B) para falso.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.

Some of the characteristics of the vowels found in weak syllables are that they are short, of low intensity and different in quality than those found in strong syllables. In a weak syllable you can find one of the vowels i, u, , or a syllabic consonant. The peak of a strong syllable can be a short vowel. without coda can be the peak of a weak syllable in word-final position. is mid, central and lax. The quality of is always the same. In the word television the n is a syllabic consonant. is a vowel that is found in every weak syllable. Spellings such as er and or are pronounced as Syllabic m, and can occur in any context In the word money, the y at the end is pronounced i. Consonants such as l, m, n and r are called syllabic if they act as peaks in a syllable. We can mark a syllabic consonant with a coma under the consonant considered as such. Stress is studied from the points of view of production and of perception. Prominence, a characteristic of stressed syllables, is made by some factors that work together. If one syllable in a word is made longer, this syllable tends to be shorter. Secondary stress is marked with a () mark placed up after the syllable considered as stressed. To place stress we need to know if the word is simple or complex. A two syllable verb if the final syllable is weak, you stress the first one. Strong syllables are stressed in three-syllable verbs. A strong syllable will have a rhyme with a short vowel followed by two or three consonants. In a two-syllable adjective, we stress the first syllable if it contains . Compound words are the ones made from a basic word plus an affix. Affixes may have three possible effects on word stress. Suffixes such as like, less, full do affect stress placement.

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Prefixes do not affect too much on the placement of stress. Compound words in which the first element is a number have the stress on the number. Some nouns or adjectives can become verbs if their stress is shifted to the next syllable. Complex words are the ones that have more than one syllable. The word perfect has a different grammatical function depending on where stress is placed. Function words are words that can be pronounced with a strong and weak forms. Weak-form words when contrasted are pronounced in their weak form. The word that is used in its weak form hen used in a relative clause. Prepositions are pronounced with their weak forms when they occur in final position. English is considered to be a stress-timed rhythm language. The unit of rhythm is the foot. The process by which a sound disappears because of the influence of a neighboring sound is called assimilation. Regressive assimilation occurs when the final sound of one word becomes like the initial of the next one. Progressive assimilation occurs when the initial sound of a word becomes like the final of the previous one. The only type of assimilation we can recognize is assimilation of voicing. Assimilation and elision are proper of typical, casual speech. Elision means that a phoneme may be realized as zero or may be deleted. There is no a case of elision when in a word, the vowel after p, t, or k is lost. In pronouncing the preposition of the v is lost, so a case of elision occurs. Yes or no said with falling tone, means that something was answered and that something else is to be said. The symbol to represent fall-rise level of pitch is The symbol to represent level of pitch is The tail is composed of all the unstressed syllables in a tone unit preceding the first stressed syllable. Phonetic differences between accents imply that the same set of phonemes is realized differently. The speech of old people tends to show more elisions that the one of young ones.

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